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atticus wilson Jan 2020
Science says
“You need 9 or more hours of sleep a night
To stay healthy,
And acute”

School says
“**** it! Start at 8:00 AM!
Run for 7 hours!
Give ‘em another 3 hours of homework a class!
They can take it!
Who needs sleep?
Who needs friends?”

We say
“**** it! Who needs sleep? Who needs homework?
We need to be experiencing life!
We need to figure out who we are!
Figure out what we want to do with our lives!
We need to explore our minds!
We need to find out how to deal with emotions!
We need to know how to be mentally stable
And how to prepare for life!”

School says
You’ll learn how to be depressed,
Sleep deprived,
You’ll learn how Shakespeare wrote great plays!
You won’t read any though,
You’ll be too busy solving math you’ll never use!
No time for that though!
You’ll need to know in life that atoms have rings
These rings have electr—
What’s that?
Oh! Time to learn how to buy a home!
Just kidding! Taxes? Ha! Won’t need ‘em!
Here, take a test on things you didn’t learn!
You failed?
That means you ****!”

We moan, groan, complaining about how we have no time
“We want sleep!
We want lives!
We want to see the world!”

“Well *******!”
atticus wilson Jan 2020
I hear you’re moving back
I just wanna say one thing
Let’s keep it civil
If we run into each other
No “I hate you”
No “You *******”
No anything
We just pass
Because otherwise
**** gets ugly
So see ya around, maybe

Oh, and by the way,
Don’t **** with me or my friends
We’ve had enough ******* for a while
atticus wilson Jan 2020
A soul is a gateway to our true intentions
Usually clear, bright, reflecting what we feel
But pain warps it
Blurring the window
Dimming the light
Absorbing the suffering of those around
To cleanse it
We write
We draw the darkness from inside
Using the pain as the ink
The suffering as the pen
The honesty as the paper
Until we can see light again
atticus wilson Jan 2020
Who am I?
What am I doing?
I’m drifting this way and that on the river of life
Being pushed along by peers, teachers, family
But where am I going?
I find myself moving swiftly
To a waterfall
At the bottom many jagged rocks
Each of them labeled
But I can’t steer away
Fore my enemies have taken my paddles
Broken the rudder
And left me helpless
My only choices
Abandon ship
Or wait and hope for someone to save me
So I sit and wait
But nobody comes
Nobody’s here to help me
And it’s too late
The boat of my conscience starts twirling
I near the edge of the water
And hope the bottom isn’t as close—
As dangerous— as it seems
Just a 3 AM depression fueled poem. Gotta love my ****** life
atticus wilson Jan 2020
It’s only been two hours
atticus wilson Jan 2020
“Supposed to be a happy new year!”
But then why does it feel even more depressing than the last one
Happy New Years
I was planning to write something better, brighter, but oh well
atticus wilson Dec 2019
Only a few of you remember this
Me being Chicken Little
but those of you who need a reminder, here’s the tale

Scrolling through Netflix
we crammed onto that tiny couch
Into those tiny chairs
We put on a movie we thought was just memories

We did what we all do when we watch movies with friends
We decided who was who
Talib was that fish
Dre was Chicken Little’s dad
Kiera was the goose
That left me, Chicken Little

From then on
I was Chicken Little

Here I sit
One day from the new year
Remembering all the fun we had
The tears shed
The laughter shared
The hugs given and received
The pain healed
And I wish I could do it all again
Class of 2019– I miss you, we had fun last year. I wish we didn’t have to move on
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