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atticus wilson Dec 2019
I don’t have many regrets
But my biggest one
Is saying no to you
They asked me out, I said no. Now I know what I walked away from
atticus wilson Dec 2019
Why can’t I keep it together
Long enough
To get together
atticus wilson Dec 2019
I was told once
“Wash your face after you cry
If nothing else
It hides the tears”
atticus wilson Dec 2019
You can’t fight fire with fire
It’ll only burn quicker
Just like you can’t fight depression with sad shows
Sad songs
Or people that remind you why your sad
Because in the end
All your left with
Are bitter memories
And tears cried for those who don’t deserve them
Why can’t life just be easier
Why can’t people just say what they mean
Why can’t I be happy
atticus wilson Dec 2019
It’s proven that you need 8 hugs a day
That’s all
But some people get a lot less
Leaving them starving for contact
Wishing they had a hand to hold
A person to hug
A set of arms to hold them
Just 8 a day to stay happy
That explains everything
atticus wilson Dec 2019
What a ******* year
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