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John Dewberry Feb 2020
Cop it
Conversations aren’t bits
Tantalizing me with empty promises
Of what could be
Only for me to find myself in a situation
Where I’m forcing you to engage
Despite knowing that that’s not healthy
Is this disparate... perhaps
Am I? No

I’m overthinking
Trying to understand women
You will never ein
John Dewberry Feb 2020
The exchange
Of words, thoughts and feelings
Should not be censored.
I’m so tired of not talking to you
That it’s driving me insane

It’s a dangerous game I’m playing
Going against everything I know
If I could think about you a little less
Than I could entertain the thought

Friendship is a two-way deal
You’ve got to engage
Even though I do more often than not
And it’s not that I can’t take a hint
But nothing we’ve been through
Draws a conclusion that a hint needs to
Be taken
John Dewberry Feb 2020
When swatting flies
With the power of  hubris
Mind your lane
consider the intention
Of your peers and associate

Life ain’t cheap
And it seems nowadays
that people draw curtains to early
Wanting that sunset to book-end
Life continues with an everlasting

The trajectory of tragedy
Is triumph
When people die
The legacy is what you leave
Memory isn’t permanent
It’s fleeting, selective, and unforgiving

How do you want to feel in your final moments?
Are you safe in the notion that you’re leaving alone

My friend
That girl deserves life
For what she did to you
Only time will tell
What justice is truly carried out
John Dewberry Feb 2020
Life is tragically mundane

Systems and routines
We take for granted
When we do it again
And again
Until we break and bend
The giving tree
Giveth closure
As the seed ***** the water
Nutrients we use to grow
Must be consistently nourished
And kept in valence

Life is tragically mundane
Yet beautiful in its simplicity
John Dewberry Feb 2020
Mustered from the brow
To please the gods
Expression at its finest
The flame illuminates
The passion of the soul
While simultaneously
Stabilizing the feisty  and **** nature
Of the mind.

Smoke evaporates
Into the sky
Now we wait for communication
If clouds part the smoke, peace will return
If smog thickens
We pray for forgiveness
All year until the solar eclipse
John Dewberry Feb 2020
For your fuse
To live fast
Burning petrol
Yeah, midnight oil
Till the gas lights fuming

The end of of days
Don’t seem so bad
When the nights are so long


Call it a holiday
Ain’t no hallow day

This is intended to be raunchy for Valentine’s Day. Obviously not written from my usual perspective— as a romantic, this was so far away from what I believe in... but I digress
John Dewberry Feb 2020
The heat is rising
Faster than you may think
You miscalculated
Everyone knew it
The world won’t stop without you

What’s a rat race without cheese
A sonnet without rhyme
A reason without justification
Tenderness without understanding

The world won’t stop without you
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