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John Dewberry Nov 2019
You wonder why she’s leaving
She said the *** was good
She looks unhappy
You didn’t listen before

I’m certain she’s sick
Of this
But not you

Done being coy
If she were a boy
She’d ******* over
It’s all the same
Nothings changed

History lives in vain
You weren’t chivalrous
****** healing, you must be delerous
She ain’t self righteous

If she ain’t *******
She should leave
This is a more emotional commitment  for her
you didn’t deliver her good
And you think you did well.
John Dewberry Oct 2019
A trite topic
By another name
I think I called her Rose
Maybe it was Brittany
Anything to distract myself
From the problem
This ain’t a game
No ones to blame

This won’t be another song about you
No, this won’t be another song about you

Breaking up
To keep together
Reuniting and breaking again
Same old story
No new allegory
All fate is
Without glory

This won’t be another song about you
No, this won’t be another song about you
John Dewberry Oct 2019
An elegant hangs
From a noose suspended
By the Flag
Donkeys cry.... not one makes a sound
They just turn and walk all way
In shame

The death of a country
The rise of politicians
The cleansing
Needs a voice

Newspapers, News anchors
They say “ Democracy Dies in Darkness”
That the constitution is “ sacred”
The impressionable public needs a leader
But no one truly steps up
It’s a game of cockteasing and menstral cycling
Every four years
When Squelers come out of
John Dewberry Oct 2019
To you I say “ I love you”
That’s what I want to claim
Self made promises soon fade
Behind the dark of night
Behind the mist of rain
Just another midnight promise that the sun won't keep
Forget the world
Blue eyes say
When a broken heart won’t go away
I needed you though your happiness  
Is all that ever mattered to me
Dissonant  images come alive
From behind the stormy clouds
And the foggy rain
I want the same
But you clearly don’t
Can’t I be so selfish
When crimes of the heart die hard
John Dewberry Oct 2019
What is your wish?
To serve retribution in a dish
What is you goal
Are you vying to dig this country
Into a proverbial hole

Is it partisan politics
That divides us?
Is it not the people who
To decide
Whatever happened to soul
We cannot blame
Nor scapegoat a single man
Nor a single party
Just because we don’t agree with them

But rationality looses
And both sides grow a third hand
****** are the people
Who can’t talk
Who can’t speak
Who can’t hear the truth

We’ve ****** ourselves
And know we the people
Have to gain a collective consciousness
And gather

But that won’t ever happen
So instead
We try to make sense of it
We scapegoat
And lie to ourselves
By giving politicians the power

But it seems
We can’t forgive
Or in the very least accept
That we’ve trusted for too long
And that we’ve abandoned
Core values
For what we consider newer values
That, without reason or rhyme
Are the status quo

How do we know the answer...
When the question of origin is unknown
John Dewberry Oct 2019
We won’t be sullen
We won’t be lame
We’ll be together
Waltzing with a bottle

I don’t hate the world
I just hate its state

I don’t hate the world
I like watching it turn

You can learn so much from observing
The more you drink the more wise you’ll be
Just remember: keep your mouth shut.
John Dewberry Oct 2019
If you say it  has to end
I’m  not sorry, my friend
I’ve always been a party of one
And I don’t burn
When I’m facing sun
If you asked do you care
I would say if I course I do
Somes bridge must be burnt
or we’d never ******* grow

Why am I always so headstrong
Why am I so **** lonesome
I don’t mind loneliness
I just mind my mind
Thinking  it’s right all the time
Even when it’s not in my best interest

I’m a stubborn *******
With a tendency to be blunt
Call me an ******* I’d you want
I’ll tell you the truth always
Friend, lover, significant other
No one will be spared
Honesty is nice
But people seem to want to beat around the bush
Thursday to save face

But that ain’t a friend
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