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John Dewberry Feb 2021
Henceforth a decree
Of solidarity between those who
Aren’t on the fringes of politics
To unite against extremes on both sides

Calling to arms
For a common goal of unity
It’ll take you and me
Marxists won’t make three
Let’s agree conservatively
To pursue the defense of our union
Without succumbing to the extremes
We’ve learned nothing from the Soviet collapse?
We’ve learned nothing from the Nazis or the KKK?
History starts by learning objectively
And destiny isn’t pre-determined

So sorry scholar
Go on and holler
Take to trial
The victim of a horse collar
Tackle and dare that individual
To think and you’ve created your own monster
Why is your worst hell someone who can think for themselves?

I’ll never understand.
John Dewberry Feb 2021
If Variety is the
Spice of life
Than self depreciation
Is the perfect mixer
To add to your cup

Drink up
It’s a happy hour special
Sit down
Stay a while
There’s no use
For denial
If you can’t fake a smile
For another day
Or another mile
Kissing ***
For years on end
Till you’re senile

What’s a check worth
If you aren’t growing
Misery shows its head
Every night at the bar

And you aren’t even growing.

Look inward
And laugh
It’s the ROI
When you’ve become
jaded and cynical and you don’t know why
John Dewberry Jan 2021
The heat is rising
Faster than you may think
You miscalculated
Everyone knew it
The world won’t stop without you

What’s a rat race without the cheese
A sonnet without rhyme
A reason without justification
Tenderness without understanding

The world hasn't
and will never stop with you

Get over yourself

A strand of chaos
Related genetically
to descendants and ancestors
Pastoral retreats you run to
are all too familiar
a myopic myoma
the sickness of nostalgia
The world hasn't
and won't ever stop without you

So get over yourself.
John Dewberry Sep 2020
Destroy recreate
Substantial hate
The times have changed
To the very same
Thing it was fighting before

The imploding family
Distrust is all I see
But does hate see you
When you look at a reflection?
A country destroyed
So that men can debate
History— the symbiosis leaves
Me numb and irate

I won’t burn the flag
I won’t kneel
But I to
Some extant know how you feel
This isn’t the way
But we won’t change
Cause tomorrow’s the same as today

History’s ironic
When we stop and think
That nobody ever learns it
We only discern it
To fit an agenda
  That weaponizes
The politicians own ends
Everyone wants power
And they’ll discard friends
To get it and keep it

....The ****

Someones gotta see that this isn’t partisan
Someone’s gotta see that we need change
Not a revolution per se
But we need to be more self reliant and sustainable
To show certain people that they aren’t needed
The fact that we’ve become so descentized to our own issues that we create problems
Is just the byproduct
Of the **** we created ourselves
John Dewberry Jul 2020
Would you
Tell me that I’m wrong
If I insinuated that
We’re living in a cage
Does this notion
Leave you enraged

What’s the world doing right now?
Closing its eyes
Covering its ears
the rings of tomorrow still reverberate
The yesteryear of today
John Dewberry Jun 2020
The jurors eyes
Are blind to the facts
The executioner
Sits and laughs
Judging minds
Sewed an inevitable  relapse
John Dewberry Jun 2020
Life begins
Where it ends
And I tell you my friends
There’s no way to abort the mission
Transgressions of the heart
Passions of the minds
Never seem to balance

What is a human being
Defined scientifically
when proportions don’t seem to add up
What’s righteous and right
Depends on disposition
As if that **** ever mattered

What is a human being
Defined emotionally
When the stability of emotions
Isn’t always stable

A heartbeat can be measured
A pulse can be noted
But when are we truly living
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