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 Aug 2017 Julia
The night sky beckons
I raise my hands to the sky
I am ready, i am ready
I am ready to fly

Fly on wings of joy
Soar on the winds of hope
Into the clear dark night
I can feel my wings grow

The winds grow strong
The sky calls
I soar over the hills and dales
Fly over rapids and falls

The wind whistles in my ear
The clouds play hide and seek
My mind knows no fear
My soul is at peace

I know i am trapped in this life
But nothing can stop my mind from flying
My soul will always remain free
Though today i am dying!
 Aug 2017 Julia
when my body bends
and breaks--
a flower stem
plucked from her
pretty face
i feel your fingers
pulling petals,
stealing smiles,
scattering pieces
of me on the asphalt.
is it my fault?

everyone's got a suggestion
everyone has a solution
but nothing helps me sleep at night
and nothing takes my pain away
I hate the suburbs
Because of the yuppies.
I hate the ghetto
Because of the anxiety.
I hate the country
Because of the lonely.

I hate trucks
Because of the waste.
I hate mirrors
Because of my face.
I hate food
Because of the taste.

I hate love
Because of the exposure.
I hate ***
Because then it's over.
I hate goodbyes
Because of the closure.

I hate talking
Because of my voice.
I hate my body
Because of its poise.
I hate living
Because I have no choice.
Your polycystic heart bleeds through the dim lit window
of a low-income apartment building
just a few blocks away.

I sit alone on the bathroom floor and
it takes me **** near twenty minutes to take apart the razor blade.
You have to take care not to pry too hard,
otherwise the blades will cut up your fingers.

And no, that irony is not lost on me.
Glorify me
I know the names and stars
Of seven constellations
In the winter sky

Worship me
I'm too stubborn to be a sub
And too lazy to be a dom
But I'll lay on the bed
And let you play with my ****

Idolize me
I'm dark and quiet
But sometimes I forget
To let other people talk

Conceptualize me
I'm plastic and shrapnel
And my tears fit well into vials
That could sell for maybe three dollars
From a gas station counter top
Between the lighters
Fidget spinners
And smartphone chargers
 Aug 2017 Julia
The beers come out as usual
I pour it down
Like I am trying to put off
The fire that's been burning me
A drag of cigarette
Inhale... exhale
Take a gulp
Pretend like i care
Constantly wonder what you might be up to
Close my eyes
See your face
Open my eyes
Shake my head
"I think I'll have one more!!"
Friends talk, I listen
Inhale.... Exhale
Take a huge gulp
"HAHAHA, no way!! you serious??"
Few more glasses down
Light a cigarette
Drunk enough to not notice that I miss you
Now I think I'm ready for bed
 Aug 2017 Julia
It’s ok Ma,
I’m just bleeding
But I’ve got my soul intact
I’ve got your hands to hold on to
I’ll just sleep on your lap

Ma can you see them?
It seems they’re hurt real bad
The sky fell on them
Life gave up on them
Their hopes for heaven have now all crashed

It’s ok Ma,
I don’t mind bleeding
Maybe if I bleed some more
Some of them will start breathing,
Create happiness and make memories
Instead of being on board a boat that’s sinking

But I see hope Ma
Dreams will stand
Taller than the buildings that have collapsed
Children will sleep to the sound of sweet lullabies
The cries we hear will be of joy
We’ll celebrate life again
Even in the midst of sad goodbyes

It’s not too far Ma
I can already see the sunrise
Flowers will bloom, birds will chirp
The moon will bring hope and not fear
Just sit back and be patient Ma
I promise you I’ll take us there!

(Kathmandu, Nepal 5/30/2015)
 Aug 2017 Julia
Life 101
 Aug 2017 Julia
It's never too late
It's never too early
That's the thing about life
It's never that easy
You've got to push yourself
The next milestone's not too far
You're gonna fall along the way
Just get up and cherish those scars
Things will fall into pieces
It will tear your soul apart
But as long as you've got a soul to lose
All you've got to do is hit restart
It will not be easy love
The devil will always be on your back
But as long as you've got your friends and family
Let's face it...
Life is not that sad!!!
(Kathmandu, Nepal 07/10/2015)
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