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7.7k · Nov 2013
Astounding Nov 2013
You put your fingers in the back of your throat
In hopes you can gain what you have already lost
But you are lying to yourself
Because you never really had it
3.7k · Dec 2013
The Kite and The Anchor
Astounding Dec 2013
I drift alone on this sea of life
Searching the skies for an answer
I search the stars and endless blue
Though I rarely find the answer I'm after
I know what you're thinking
If you're tired of drifting just put down your anchor
But my boat starts sinking
It doesn't work in my favor

What is an anchor?
It's something that lies on the sea's ground
Something that will hold you down
The reason why I almost drown
But I need it.
I need to have the depression
I crave the tears
I've been living with the tragedy of me for all these years
I crave the kite
The manic episodes of my existence
My ideas are vast
I show persistence
I fly high above people and I feel my spirit soar
I grab on to the strings when I cant take anymore
But the landing is always rough
It's unpredictable and fast
Aha! I found my answer alas!
I hold on to my kite while I drag my anchor
So my boat can float comfortably on the sea
I love my kite and my anchor
They are the two most extreme parts of me
Astounding Aug 2013
You say I'm a terrible person
Because I always lie
You say you wish I were dead
But I never cry

You think you can control me
Even against my will
You can't even budge me
For I am always still

I haven't got the time
For you to wave your finger in my ******* face
You won't ever get a reaction
Even if that grimy finger were mace

I never ******* hear you
I always tune you out
So please, just shut the hell up
There's no need to shout

My mind is somewhere else
For I have long left this hell
But still, sometimes I miss you
And I hope you're doing well
2.4k · Feb 2014
Astounding Feb 2014
I look out the window and see you running alongside the train
I close my eyes and images of you flood my brain
All the fairytales told me you'd come when I needed you most
Craving to know the curves of your face..
Feels like I'm searching for a ghost

Darling, please put your arm around my waist

I'm at my lowest, a damsel in distress
Rescue me
Make me feel whole without taking off my dress
2.0k · Aug 2013
Astounding Aug 2013
You take pills to feel better
They never seem to suffice
A temporary escape from your mind
Sure would be nice

But you're in a place where there is nowhere for you to run
Man, disappearing sure sounds like fun

What do you do when your world never seems to stop?
One moment your manic and feel like you're at the top

Somewhere along the way your world starts to diminish
You feel if your tumbling this hard
You might as well land with a big finish

So you do something you know one day you'll regret
Who cares?
You haven't got the energy to fret

You get release and finally feel free
And that's all that seems to matter
Until the day you realize you've given away your dignity
On a sliver platter
1.6k · Nov 2013
Astounding Nov 2013
You kiss me and you pull me close
You pretend you'll never let me go
But I know something you don't know
You can see it in my eyes
But you wouldn't know because you never look into them

When you hold me in your embrace,
I look over your shoulder for a dream to chase
So I can forget that I'm in your arms
And if you could just see my face
When I'm in that dreadful place
You'd understand why I didnt let you in  

We never talk
You never asked me on a date
Yet you bury your face into me shirt
Say you want to make me squirt
You don't even attempt to flirt
You just see my body and assume it owes you something
Thats why, when you try to turn me on, it does nothing
So don't pull me closer
And tell me to "Just come on"
Rarely do I do what I'm told
I don't fall for these tricks anymore
I've gotten too old

So get out of my room
Get out of my head
Did you even understand a word I just said?
Go disappear for another two months
Your illusions don't you preserve
And next time don't come back and try to take what you don't deserve.
1.5k · Dec 2013
Astounding Dec 2013
Oh, Aphrodite, how do you handle such passionate desire?
Goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure, do you ever tire?
You so freely show your body, wearing little attire
Call on your doves and sparrows
Fly me away from life's vicious arrows
A pluck of a rose, a symbol of you
How many lovers have you gone through?
Why do you cast your spells upon me?
Cant you see I yearn to be set free?
1.5k · Dec 2013
A Night Out
Astounding Dec 2013
Deep breathing*
Polish off your *****
Jello shot
Where are my friends?
Its so hot in here
Three more shots
I'm ******
Makeout with a random guy
Ooo, there's wine
Two glasses
Black out
Throwing up in the sink
Friend is on the toilet peeing for the sixth time in the past hour
Makeup check
Compliment me or I'll complain
Grind on what appears to be a hot guy
Party Boy
Wanna ****?
Climb to the roof
There's a couch
He's too drunk to get hard
What are fingers for?
Someone comes up
Your caught in the act
He wants to take you home
You agree
You don't want to go home
Meet his friends
Blurred vision
Slurred speech
Wake up
Get home
Take better shower
Go to class
Wait until next weekend.
1.4k · Dec 2013
I am poem
Astounding Dec 2013
I am a romantic
I wonder when I will see you again
I hear angels singing softly
I see a house on an island
I want to be loved by you
I am a romantic

I pretend I don't really care
I feel like I'm about to explode
I worry I'm in this alone
I cry when I think of my life when you're gone
I am a romantic

I understand your random humor
I say to be sweet
I dream of peaceful isolation
I try to picture what that with you would be
I hope one day my dream comes true
I am a romantic
1.4k · Dec 2013
What has become of us?
Astounding Dec 2013
There's a girl with her head pressed against the window
She's fogging up the glass
There's a boy with a heart so big, but no one would know
He rarely goes to class
Everyday they see each other
Everyday they stare
Secretly wanting one another
But talk to each other, they don't dare
He sees within her the hidden sorrow
She sees within him his checkered past
Both live like there is no tomorrow
Both have found their soul-mate at last
But cliques and reputation have kept them apart
When did this trend of having to please everyone else even start?

It's sad that fear can hinder us
And take away our chance at love's affections
It hurts to know most encounters are full of lust
And we're too busy criticizing our own reflections
When will we see that its not all about looks?
When will personality come into play?
When will romance exist like it does in the books?
Why do I see people looking through each other everyday?
Are we not all fellow human beings?
Don't we all cry?
So many people say hurtful things
And my question is why?
How can you live in an endless universe and not want to explore the worlds in those around you?
Cant you see the boundless diversity that surrounds you?
This world is full of life and beauty
There is wisdom and there is nature
We should celebrate by doing things for our community
We are not promised a future
I have seen darkness
But I have also seen the light
For the feeling and the joy of love, I will fight
If you have a dream then follow it
**** what everyone else has to say
Through the hardships wont you submit?
The beauty and the tragedy is that today could be your last day
Astounding Jan 2014
I've peered inside what my heart hides in It's cage now
I know that I've made many mistakes for my age, how?
I'm addicted to the touch, to the ****** and the sweat
Would you still love me through all of my regret?
If I let you hold me close, if to you my heart I gave
Would you trust that you're the one I love?
Could I be the the one you want laid on top of your grave?

If I let you kiss my scars and let you occupy my heart
Would you accept the hurt and despair?
Love my soul, and mend all of my broken parts
Pleasure me when that vicious urge for a ****** lingers in my air

I've done some things for pleasure
I've done things to please
wet eyes
"Please, don't ignore me when I'm down on my knees!"
If you knew what it meant, If you knew how I feel
I'm here for you, I'm giving myself..
That deep stinging pain inside is real
Look me in the eye, hold my cheek
Kiss me hard because your knees are weak
And when I swallow both our satisfactions,
Do not question where I learned my actions

There is a past behind me,
I'ts pawing at my memories strands
Help me forget them
Help me warm my cold hands..
Tell me it doesn't matter,
That you have me now and that I'm enough
You want me forever, for me you are tough

When someone disrespects me, will you be there to set them straight
Defend my honor, even my curious past
Fight my battles with me, vow to me that we have a love that will last
Love me even though I think you never could
Give me a love you think I deserve, and for once dear God, let it be a love that is kind, encouraging, and understood.
1.3k · Sep 2013
The Lone Rider
Astounding Sep 2013
Have you ever shared the darkest secrets of your soul
And the person you told just shied away?  
Did you assume it would happen
Because those secrets you felt you should not say?

You go out on a limb and hope they'll accept who you are
Inside you knew it was hopeless
But you still had faith in that wishing star
You sit and wait for their response but the silence is icy cold
You wish you could take it back
But your soul you've already sold

Your heart sinks and your eyes grow heavy, but you refuse to cry
Because in your mind your pointlessly waiting
For their compassionate reply  

The hurt and pain is unforgiving and you've lost all aspiration
Your head is hollow and your heart is numb
They trampled all inspiration

How can you love yourself if no one has ever dared?
You just want to be yourself, to share yourself with someone
But you learn they've never truly cared

You know you'll be rejected, because you've rejected yourself many times
So you try to vent your pain  
By converting it into rhymes

But inside your soul is lonely, and in a dim corner it weeps
Within the demons are prying
and no one ever sleeps
1.2k · Mar 2014
To my Everything,
Astounding Mar 2014
When your eyes drop to the floor.. And the pain creeps within your soul
When your heart cant take anymore..
I pray that the love in my tender kiss will be the last thing in this life you will know.

I will cradle you when you are crying
I will love the fact that you know where everything is in your room, even though it's a mess
I  will cherish the way you kiss my neck..
The way your hands feel beneath my dress

I will fight with you,
Through any battle we face
The make-up *** will be incredible
Reading each others movement's and pace

When you're quiet and your mind wont stop racing
When you get sick of the game and the chasing..
I'll be waiting with some beer and your favorite snacks
I'll give you a massage.. Help you relax

I'll keep your secrets
I'll laugh at your jokes
I'll be your partner in crime
Full of love, playfulness, and hope

You can **** with the door open
Hell, you can even blast me with a paintball attack..
Just be yourself, don't put up an act
and.. most of all
*Oh, please.. Love me back.
1.1k · Dec 2013
A Woman's Wrath
Astounding Dec 2013
I know what you are thinking
I know that you don't care
You roll your eyes when I am speaking
Forgetting that I am even there
I saw the two of you leaving
A kiss you did share
I cant believe what I am seeing
I cant believe it, I wont, I don't even dare
My poor neglected heart is full of cobwebs
My soul has been set on fire
I'll hunt her down, I promise you
My vengeance wont let me tire
There's a madness you've placed within me
A wrath that burns with my soul
You've hurt my pride and now you must pay the toll
And once I capture your beloved
I'll bring her to your face
Tie her up to a chair
And then spray her down with mace
I'll torture her in front of you
So you can feel the equivalent of pain that I feel in my heart
Oh, you think that's bad?
I haven't even got to the best part
If she makes a single sound
Better yet, if you make one too
I'll cut out her tongue and I'll feed it to you
You should have know better than to deceive me
Hell, you would have been better off just to leave me
Once I'm through with your *****
I'm coming for you
I'll cut off the circulation to your ***** until it turns blue
But I wont remove it
I'm not that cruel
Your body can let it whither on its own
Let you live with your ghouls
We were once full of passion
Heated from the start
The thought that you would betray me
Rips my mind apart
For there is a side of me that very few know
Once you **** with my feeling, I'll never let it go
So go ahead and leave the house
I've already told you what I will do
If you ever cheat on me again, it will be the end of you.
I was feeling angry and annoyed. I would never do these things to someone, I just wanted to paint a picture of the extent some women would go to if a man were to ever betray her heart. Love can make people do crazy things.
Astounding Oct 2013
You seemed beautiful
You made me feel free
But your words are cruel lies
Biting chunks out of me
I've been spinning in your grin
My heart, somehow, still beating as I bleed
I don't want your affection
Its your attention that I need

Look me in my eyes
Show me that your false love is still there
Trusting in you is like pulling out the grenade pin
Then tossing the grenade in the air
Hopeless and pathetic
Yet still,
In some way,

It feels like shattered glass
Everything we had is broken
It fell to the ground
And is now left in the open
I wish could say sorry and mean it
But then it would be I devouring you
We don't need anymore lies
Our feelings for each other were already untrue

So I'll walk away
Head held high
And I'll unleash the pain
In a long withheld sigh
1.1k · Aug 2013
Astounding Aug 2013
You looked in my eyes
And I showed you my soul
Someone to confide in
Befriending you was my goal

I poured out my heart
Watched as the steaming liquid turned to ash
You had made it vanish
My burdens lifted at last

But you gathered the ashes
When my back was turned
You threw them in the blaze of the public
And I felt my shame start to burn

You ****** the venom out of me
And then bit me right back
I can't believe you betrayed me
Now my dignity I lack

Don't worry I've learned my lesson
And I will let this go
But I assure you
I'll never let you know
Astounding Aug 2013
A flower sways upon a rolling hill
Basking in the sun
She has quenched her thirst with the morning dew
And her day has just begun

The flower stands tall and proud of her petals
As they compliment the meadow
When suddenly upon the hill
She sees a dancing shadow

A young child comes frolicing toward her
And upon her petals the child stares
She pulls her face up to the flower's eye
And envelops it within her hairs

The child caresses her nose upon the petals
and takes a giant whiff
The flower fears what could possibly happen
And her stem becomes stiff

The child wraps her hand around the flower's base
And thrusts upward with a pluck
The flower has been free'd from the ground
And is no longer stuck

Her beauty has brought a child happiness
But at what cost?
Taken from her home
The flower is now lost

In the distance the child's mother is calling
And the child beings to sprint towards the voice
The flower slips through the child's fingers
And she leaves it behind by choice

The flower travels with the wind
Gliding through the sky
The sight is so beautiful
Who knew flowers could fly

The gust of wind softens
And she falls back to the grass
She lay there taking it all in
Back home alas

She realizes she has little time
Before her petals wither away
So she lay there basking in the sun
Enjoying her last day

She does not groan or weep
But glances at the leaves on the trees
For a flower without water
Can still feel the breeze
1.0k · Dec 2013
Nothing Special
Astounding Dec 2013
I've been avoiding you on purpose
Because I dread you will know what I do
I have too many secrets
But I'm terrified of disappointing you
As you know I am Bipolar
This is hard for me to say
People misinterpret what it means
I fear rejection every day  
And when I'm manic, oh baby, I'm high
I have no limitations
**** the sky
When I'm depressed I weep and I scream
I don't do anything but think about my dream

What if I told you that I love the topic of ***?
That I crave a fellow soul who loves it just as much as me
What if I told you I ****** your ex?
A side of me you never thought you would never see
How would you feel if I told you I've never been in love?
Would you think its a lie?
Or the fact that every time I wake up I think of 1,000 Ways To Die
I write on the daily
But the words struggle to flow
Trying to figure out where every phrase and metaphor can go
Everything I've been doing lately feels like a fight
Have I told you about my scars?
Gosh, I'm such a delight
Do you know about the abuse?
Would you have helped me if you were there?
Or would you lie to me like that ***** who said I'd get in so much trouble
Do you really care?
Are friends really forever?
Are you even there?
I've been having such bad writer's block. I'm in need of something refreshing to write about. I have this dream, a dream that makes my heart flutter, but there are so many obstacles and they are consuming my mind..
1000 · Nov 2013
Dear Self,
Astounding Nov 2013
Dear self,

I'm sorry your spirit is broken
A firefly trapped in a jar yearning to be set free
I'm sorry for your sorrows
They're starting to get to thee
You were meant to shine for everyone
But they are selfish and want you all to themselves

I'm sorry no one understands the dreams you want to achieve
I'm sorry you can't get anyone to believe
Can't they see you drowning?
Drowning in your own tears
Dying in this hell your living is one of your biggest fears
I'm sorry your poetry is full of sadness and venting
I'm sorry your destroying this body you're renting
Deep on the cell of your heart, your memories you keep
Remincing on the easy years tends to make you weep
Why can't you get out of this hole
Apparently your wellbeing its supposed to save
But you may as well be standing in your own grave
984 · Jan 2014
Where's that Golden Ticket?
Astounding Jan 2014
There's something cooking in my brain, but I'm intrigued by what it may boil
Ripples cover the picture frame, through pouring tears my vision foils
The clock has stopped breathing, where is the beloved Tick and Tock?
The black curtains are freezing, or could it be my cold blooded hands that caused the shock?
I've taken nothing to be in this portrait
Looking at it, all you can see is sin
I am who I am
I've done what I've done
Go ahead, be a *****..
See what you become
Your reflection will taunt you:
"Show me that chest.
Lets see what he might find tomorrow under that dress.
Oh, you look so good!
Love the red lips..
But the best part is when you're naked and they compliment your hips."

The money is on the nightstand
Adventure is all you crave
Just for one day..
Don't be a slave
This addiction is pleasure
But it brings so much pain
I lie and I cheat my family and disappoint my friends
But hey... I'm selfish and occasionally vain
I'm getting ready to go on the town, today will not be a waste
I have something that I want.
And when there is something I want, I go for the chase..
Until next time. :)
Astounding Apr 2014
I sit in my cage and wait for you to open the door
I've hidden away so long, that you don't even know who I am anymore.
But I see your face and it conquers all the rest..
I wish I could have realized that, for me, you were my best

But I've changed so much since the day we met
And when you said you loved me, I didn't think it was true
How could you love someone you barely even knew?

Since you've been gone, I locked my heart away
But now I'm gonna expose every inch of it
So I cant stop hiding and so the pain will go away:

I love to write poetry
I find comfort when I'm in the dark
I used to cut myself
And I believe every person is a work of art

I've tried to commit suicide
I never had a lot of true friends
I'm terrified of gorillas
And I'd really love to see the oceans

I have tripled the amount of people you said you had slept with
At least four of them are people you know
When you met me I was ******,
So you can imagine that I didn't take things slow
I hung out with the "wicked witch" of your group
And she introduced me to something that helped me not feel so low
And as I was up for days, hiking and praying to find love
Pupils dilated, lying to the ones I loved
I kept think of you, and why I wasn't your one

I stopped taking my pills,
Which were for Bipolar Disorder, not my thyroid
I didn't tell you the truth because I thought it made me sound crazy
I made out with your best friend..
But at the time I didn't know his ex was pregnant with two babies

I slept with your dealer
I dropped out of college
I'd rather have love than knowledge

Hard to make possible, when I'm addicted to ***
I crave human touch
Especially from the one person whose love I will never get.
I understand if you hate me
I hate me too
But I also love myself for finally telling you the truth

I'm afraid to grow up
Afraid of being alone
I'm afraid you wont show up
And that I'll forever be in this cage that's called Home.
But I've been sober for more than two weeks
I'm rebuilding myself
I have to take the initiative and take care of my health
I miss you like crazy..
And when I see you on Facebook I think back to that day
when you told me you loved and then I walked away..

I know that we'll probably never be together
And I guess that's okay
I just hope that you'll be able to forgive me someday.
952 · Aug 2013
Astounding Aug 2013
The moonlight on your face
Your sweet aroma in the air
The dirt finally settles
You dust off my hair
Our hearts are pounding
Our bodies covered with sweat
The way you felt inside me
Is something I'll never forget
951 · Jan 2015
The Lonely Mermaid's Song
Astounding Jan 2015
Ahhhh ahha ahahaha*
I sing of love.
Find me and make me whole.
Every man I've called upon, never makes it home.

Beneath the sea, I twirl and hum.
I lure men to the rocks, where I choose my lucky one.

I bathe in the sun, rocks warm my cold blooded fin.
Twirling my long, wavy hair.
I catch their eyes, all they can do is stare.
This is where I win.

They battle to see who will venture on,
Each thinking they are more worthy than the others.
My beauty so entrancing,
It can turn brothers against brothers.

There's only one I see who would be suitable enough for me,
I let out a delicate sigh, no chance his ears wont be free
The men look toward me and then at him,
I just show them my innocent grin.

They send the man over,
Ula, was his name.
He was the jewel to my sea,
And I did not know my life would never be the same.

We laughed and splashed,
Then dove deep underwater.
He caresses me tightly and plays with my hair
Forgetting about his fellow men and his need for air.

Now Ula stays with me, in the ocean deep.
I always talk with him, before I go to sleep
948 · Dec 2013
Maybe it IS me.
Astounding Dec 2013
Whose fault is it?
There must be someone to blame
Should I blame myself?
Or start taking names?
For some reason I'm incapable of lending out my heart
Am I more afraid of rejection or of someone tearing it apart?
But what if those aren't the reasons either
Maybe there's a guard up that I need to shed
All I know is I seem to like men for a maximum of few days after we've been in bed
But once that third day comes, I'm as cold as ice
I stop returning calls and trying to be nice

Part of me feels disappointed
I want my money back
I thought *** was supposed to come with true love intact
Two naked bodies colliding
The smell of pheromones
Ah, the temperature is rising
The collision of our bones
The brain is producing chemicals
Pleasure is induced
There's scratching and there's biting
"Hello inner caveman, I don't think we've been introduced."

Maybe I'm not patient enough
Emotions take too long
You've got to find the right words
Pick the right songs..
Maybe bodies get too familiar
Curiosity has got this cat
Yeah, I can be promiscuous
I'm not afraid to wear that hat
A mere infatuation is the closest I've been to having my heart melt
And even then, I wasn't truly sure what I felt
Maybe I'm cold blooded
I chew them up and spit them out
Either way
I'll still be living with doubt.
924 · Jan 2014
The Endless Possibility
Astounding Jan 2014
There was a little girl whom found love to young. On the playground she’d sing a child’s innocent song in a beautiful hum. Boys would hear her song and watch her, entranced. A rebel of a boy came up and asked her to dance. “I heard you singing from the swings. Your eyes are beautiful. Will you take my hand?” Curious and delighted, the girl couldn’t have known what he had planned. He twirled her and kissed her five year old lips. He put his hands around her young and innocent hips. “I have something to show you.” The twelve year old rebel whispered in her ear. “What is it?” out of curiosity not fear.  He took her hand and led her in to the room in the rear of the building. He took off his pants while she looked at the ceiling. So much more happening in between. Those days have passed and that young girl is now a woman. Her heart is confused and her mind in ruins. The love she knew when she was young, the love where he would kiss her underwater and buy her cheese fries, the love that she saw glimmering in his eyes, she never saw in everyone else’s. It confused her. It hurt her. But no one knew of her love. Her pain she suffered alone. Still a child at heart the woman loves to indulge in encounters that temporarily fill the hole of her one and still, only, love. She also gets drunk or high, anything to make her feel numb. She smokes a cigarette and has and epiphany. “I’m going to get my life together, stop sleeping around, and find a love that’s true.” She got up every day. Went to work and school. She leaves her heart open to opportunity and the almighty, God.  She’ll one day become a mother. She’ll have a love that will accept all her sins and kiss all of her scars. He'll hold her close. Ask her to dance. It will be a love she understands. A love she won’t think she deserves. She’ll feel too tainted, but he’ll soothe her with words. Mend the hole. End the hurt.
How does this work as a tale? Writing my first short tale for school. Not sure how I'm doing..
913 · Oct 2013
Whisper to me
Astounding Oct 2013
They float like butterflies in the breeze.
Their flutters ping chills upon my skin.
Tenderly they caress my soul.
I know something is about to begin.
Oh heart, never let go. Let all the fears fade away.
Your words still lingering my ears, enrapturing me to this day.

Whisper to me. Churn my mind.
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off on a cloud of love.
The closest thing to the heavens above.

We sway and dance, fingers entwined.
Your ripe lips tango with mine.
You brush my hair from my cheek and smirk the way you do.
Our love unique with all that we've been through.
Tell me the sweet nothing's I'm longing to hear.
I can feel the love in the air.

Whisper to me. Churn my mind.
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off on a cloud of love.
The closest thing to the heavens above.

My soul it sings for you, fingertips searching the wind.
Your voice echoes in my heart. Let our journey begin.

Whisper to me (whisper to me).
Churn my mind. (Soft, elegant whispers in the background).
Help me to see that you are mine.
Drift me off (drift me off) on a cloud I'd love (love, love, love).
The closest thing to the heavens above...
904 · Aug 2013
A Broken Soul
Astounding Aug 2013
There was a girl.
She loved to dance with the breeze.
Her heart used to sing, as she swayed with the trees.

But one day the wind stopped, and out rolled the thunder.
Disoriented and confused, she had many blunders.
How could she have known how deep into the pit she would fall.
She hated her life, but was too proud to shout out her call.
Her scandals have her trapped.
For a permanent effect on the mind and heart has occurred.
Her body as well has suffered.
Her will to carry on is blurred.

She should have listened when she had the chance.
But she was to curious and he seemed so advance.
She thought honesty about potential harm would be an innate human trait.
But not everyone is good in this world, and in her heart she has developed hate.  

She tries to forget by hiding tears with laughter.
But a way to escape her life is all that's she's after.
There's always one in the batch that's just like its makers.
She got the worst of both her parents traits, and she knows where they will take her.
She has no illusion, and she hopes for the worst.
Just to hide from her shame and to make the ones who made her this way feel worse.
Make them hate themselves because of what they caused.  
It's not like she doesn't hold herself accountable but she feels that in her life there's been fraud.

How could you do it with so little a care?
You've destroyed a healthy life.
How is that fair?

She was honest about herself, and you have stolen her hope.
For her quality of her life, she has little faith.
I hope one day you read this and you compare it to yourself.
Are you the one who destroyed her?
The one so easily sabotaged her health?
Can you admit it?
Can you walk with your head held high?
I pray that when she takes her last breath, you feel in your heart her last bitter sigh.
880 · Jan 2014
What can I say?
Astounding Jan 2014
I don't understand small talk
I need to know something deep
I crave to know whats in your heart
I crave for you to know what's in me

Who am I exactly?
I think I've lost the string on the ring
Am I a rebel?
Am I a *****?
Where is the man who is waiting at my door?

I am getting on my last nerve
My eyesight needs to be stirred
I can hear their every word
"Who does she think she is?"
"Is she who she says she is?
Am I who I say I am?

I had the experience of everything I wanted
It felt real
It was all I wanted
Just for that moment
Something please be real

My hearts ****** up
I mean, I don't know what the hell is going on
Its singing a foreign song
The world is you
Your world that you so deeply withhold
Its like mining for gold
And the climate is too cold

I feel so free
But so confused
Bight colors everywhere
Flashing beams of lights
The world our stage
I tripped over the curtain
And with my self, the my universe hit the ground
875 · Nov 2013
Guardian Angel
Astounding Nov 2013
I swear I've seen you twice
Once was on a train
You sat next to me and asked me my name
You told a man to take his feet off the seat
You were considerate of others and very sweet
You gave me a pin in the shape of an Angel
You said it would keep me safe and that they would follow me wherever I go
You were an old woman
But you're expression was bright
Your ora gave off a luminous light
You were beautiful
You filled my heart with joy
My day had been long
And I had been coy

I saw you again on a mountain
I was night hiking alone
I had to get away
Like the last time you saw me, I'd had a bad day
I went to the mountain praying for death
I cried to the heavens with all the energy I had left
I said to God, set me free, for I have no more faith in me
I was in an open field and across the way I saw something move
It was an animal in the light of the moon
I'm not sure what animal you were
But it looked at me from a distance, that I'm sure

We glared at eachother
I looked you in your glowing eye
And for some reason I no longer wanted to cry
The hole in my heart had somehow been filled
A helper of the Lord had been revealed
I wanted to walk toward you
But I was afraid
I felt death would be a mistake I could have made
I walked the other way
That I regret
You weren't afraid of me
You didn't fret

I believe in you
I know you believe in me
You are beautiful
You brought out the beauty I now see
The world is cruel
Growing up is intense
When you saw me last I was sitting on the fence
Life or death
Hope or dispare
You rescued me
I know you were there.
861 · Oct 2013
Someone inspire me
Astounding Oct 2013
Who inspires us?
Who says its not okay to be wrong?
Why do I have to know what I want out of life right now?
Why is this day so long?

Maybe I want to  be an astronaut
Maybe I want to be a mermaid
Maybe I want to work a job where I don't get paid

What if I want to  sail a pirate ship?
What if I want to panhandle?
What if I want to make my own signature candle?

How can you tell me no?
Who the hell are you to say what I can or can't do?

I'm going crazy
So stressed out
This is not what life was supposed to be about
I wanna travel the world
Find the lost city of Atlantis
I don't like the life I'm living
I didn't plan this

I didn't think my dreams would change
But they did
I can make my own decisions
I'm not a little kid

I may have a child's heart
I may even cry
Hell, there are some days that I wish I could fly

But you're taking my joy
You're crushing my hope
You're sending me down a slippery *****

You push too hard
I know you think you're right
But I need some inspiration
If only just for one night.
854 · Dec 2013
Astounding Dec 2013
The feel of feathers on my skin is enough to drag me in,
Into the place where only you and I dwell
I dream of laughing with you
It kills me to know that dream can never come true
Without you the world I'm living in looks like hell
The eutony of your name brings tears to my eyes
I want to run my fingers through your hair
I reminisce on how we used to tease the other
Tickling and taunting one another
Now when I see people kissing all I can do is stare
When you left I went numb
Food was without taste
I felt like projecting any effort would be an utter waste

The kitchen sink is leaking
Water is dripping onto the floor
I'd ask you to fix it, but you're here no more
I remember how you used to kiss the tears as they ran down my cheeks
And the way you kissed me after you hadn't seen me in weeks
I hate that you're gone
But I'm happy I got to live some of my life with you
There's a love that remains and its a love that's true
846 · Nov 2013
Typical You
Astounding Nov 2013
Typical you
Thinking the world owes you something
Everything is supposed to be beautiful
But you sit and do nothing

You string along the guys
Everyone thinks they have chance
But once you've fed you need for attention
You don't even give them a second glance

You lie and you curse
You sabotage yourself
Just so you can say your life is worse
And that its hurting your health

Typical you

You say you're heart is broken
Yet you've never been in love
You think you're so innocent
But sweetheart, you're no dove

You go to church
Yet when leave it's all forgotten
You claim you have nothing
But you're spoiled rotten

You have people whom love you
Yet still lonely you stay
How do I help you
Do we have to runaway?

Why cant you face your demons?
What is the skeleton in your closet that so hard to clean out?
Cant you see that actually living is what life is supposed to be about?
Typical you
835 · Nov 2013
Beneath The Trees
Astounding Nov 2013
Will you follow me into the woods?
Leave your mind behind?
Dance with the falling leaves?
Attach you hand to mine?

And once I've lured you through the slew of trees
And pointed out those honey bees
Then forced you down on your knees
Will you regret the decisions you've made?

I'll tell you you're a filthy girl
Say you make me want to hurl
And then force myself into you
No questions asked

Take away your sweet endeavors
Get my fill of hostile pleasures
All this time you've known me I've been masked

With your innocence I'll take your self control
Controlling someone was my goal
No worries you'll be an addict soon enough
Because a thrill like mine is hard to beat
And the taste of victory is often sweet
Though, you'll always feel a slight defeat
812 · Dec 2013
Before Your Eyes
Astounding Dec 2013
I always thought we'd be together
You and I, we said forever..
In the rain I am standing
Why am I here?
This is bad planning
I see light flicker through a crack in the curtains
The curtains I bought for you when you first moved into to your place
I practiced every word I’m going to say to you
I’ve covered every trace
I'm at your door step
Too afraid to knock
My hearts sinks like a stone in my stomach
Feels like I swallowed a rock
I blink rain and tears from my eyes
I’m happy the storms raging so it muffled my delicate cries
I walked all the way here
Yeah, I still go on walks
My hair is soaked, cooling my fresh and steaming thoughts
Everything is pounding, I’m hoping this ends like a book
Cold and shaking
How dramatic do I look?
The thought of this makes me laugh
Someone walks by the door
I think you heard me
I want to run and hide, I don’t have confidence anymore
But this is my chance, it will all be okay
The front door opens and I have nothing to say

It's your three year old daughter
I hear a woman say *Lilah, close the door honey.

Oh, no.
She's beautiful
She has your eyes
Your lips
Your hair
Your giggle..
But not all of her is just like you
She has hints of her mother in her too
Her mother..
The luckiest woman alive.
I'm frozen
Run, ******* it, run!
But I cant
I hear her high heels coming toward the door
Lilah, who are you looking at?
There's no one there
Her mother cant see me
There's no more rain
It's a hot summer night
But my clothes are still dripping
There's blood on my shirt around where the branch impaled me
Glass is embedded into my hands
Lilah is still looking up at me, smiling
She's beautiful
You join your wife at the door
Your eyes full of happiness
Your lips would no longer shape to mine
Your hair is short and you've been weathered by time
I always loved your beard
You grab your daughter's hand and pull her inside
I on my knees crying now, because she should have been mine
You should be mine
**** being mortal and **** time
The day I died was the day you proposed
You got on one knee, the ring tied to a thorn'd rose
Thorn'd roses are my favorite
They show how something so delicate will go to great lengths to protect itself
Just like my heart..
It was a rainy day
The roads were slick
You leaned over and kissed me while you were driving
We hydroplaned
I didn't put on my seat-belt
Too busy looking at my gorgeous ring from my gorgeous man
We hit a tree
I was launched through the windshield
The branch went straight through me
I didn't feel any pain
The last words I spoke were your name
I loved you.
Oh, God how loved you
I still love you, even in death
I'm at your door step
But you cant see me..
I got tired of trying to rhyme and just went with the words that flowed to my fingers.
792 · Oct 2013
Dear Dan,
Astounding Oct 2013
My mind is racing
Spinning out of control
I cant stop it
Pleasing you was always my goal

I got so confused in my ways
Reversing not only by steps, but by days

When I was young I tried so hard to make everything alright
Always making impulsive decisions but never using spite
As I grew older, my heart started to die
I started to force things and forgot how to cry
To let out all the pain that has ever held me back

All the adults I know still have their pain intact

Where is that light that was once so vivid?
It vanished when we grew older and it has made us livid.

Animals snarling and glaring at one another
Traveling in pacts, but leaving behind fellow brothers

But not you, dear Dan
You have been all that you could be
You lifted my spirits
You had faith in me

I only wish I could see you once more and be proud of where I am
Since you saw me last I have not followed our plan

Day by day you were there to help me see
That the demons I saw in others were just a reflection of the demons that lived in me
You sat by the pond and listened to my soul when words my mind couldn't retrieve
When I lost faith in humanity, your trust made me believe

I'm sorry I turned out just like the last and became worse than ever
I wish I could say that my decisions are more clever
But I cant lie to you Dan
I never could
Although it's not what we had planned
I hope you're doing good.
768 · Dec 2013
Astounding Dec 2013
The words come out of him like *****
But they bring such sweet release
Emotional relaxation
Profanity brings him peace

You know this but it hurts you when he uses that abusive tongue
Always putting you down and turning to you into the pun
766 · Nov 2013
Astounding Nov 2013
I'm writing you this letter
So my life is not a lie
I'm writing you this letter
So that I may say goodbye
Please don't shed any tears
This is what I want
Life is too hard
Its not your fault
I'm in need of a friend
Someone who will help me through
I'm in need of someone who was as good to me as you

I look down at the yellow tiles
I trace the orange petals with my eyes
The bucket is on the floor next to the toilet
I'll be right out turns into on of my biggest lies
I feel a breeze from the window
And close the vent that resides in its center
The snow is glistening in the moonlight
Such a lonely winter..

I pull down the shade
It wraps around itself like an old scroll
There's footsteps, loud and strong, coming from down the hall
Deep breaths

The paint on the wall is flaking
Like my sanity, it withers away
There's a voice inside my head that keeps telling me to stay
It wreaks of *****
Hair clogs the drain on the floor
I'm going to do this
Lock the door**

I retrieve the ammonia
And pour it into the bucket of bleach
The room is small and the maximum capacity of one has been reached
Something comes out of the bucket
A cloud of gas
Finally something will carry me home
Freedom alas

The room starts to fill
My lungs start to burn
It's taking so long
Death is all I yearn

What if someone found me
What if I break their heart
Maybe I shouldn't do this
It could tear them apart
So I dump out my concoction
And I walk away
No one ever found out
And I lived another day
745 · Jan 2014
Astounding Jan 2014
I got up this morning and took a shower
Put on my makeup for almost an hour
All in the hopes that someone would give me a second glance
Possibly meet the love of my life by chance
But no one turned
My stomach churned
No one looked up
My heart is saying to just give up
The man I thought would love me only loves himself
I'm having urges to cut myself

Why am I not good enough?

It must be me
Something within me that people don't see
Both my siblings are happily in love
I try to to patient, to wait for the right guy
But It's killing me, always fighting back the urge to cry..
715 · Jan 2015
Shenanigans Gall-ore
Astounding Jan 2015
Feeling like I was never understood
But, when I take a step back it all looks so good
Not talking about you, baby, I promise
Just feeling like someones got me on this train headed in one direction,
No exceptions
Trying to wrap the theory around my head that you would choose me instead.
So crazy, all the things you do for me.
I take a step back so I can finally see.
Daydreaming about your face,
But, then again, my feeling of understanding has been misplaced
And I'm looking over my shoulder trying to figure if, myself, I had disgraced.
Eyes like they've been maced,
Minds' been laced with the toxic fear of the past,
Don't worry
These feeling never last.
They just hide so deep.
So to removal is almost impossible.
I get lost, ya' know?

Just go with my flow.
I'm so **** tired of trying to read into the emotions
Krakens in my oceans have me exposing things I shouldn't be exposing
Getting down to the beats in my head;
They'll keep me dancing until I'm dead.
Or so It's been said

Back to business
I must confess I find nothing more intoxicating than this.
"Grooooooove with me." ;)
706 · Dec 2013
Destroyed In Love
Astounding Dec 2013
Glass shatters
Heart splatters
Silver platters.
Wine stains the once pure floor
Endless maze of hallways
Red lace and empty days
I cant take anymore
Broken pearls
Screaming girls
The room whirls
I've lost my way
I lie on the ground
There's darkness around
I don't make a sound
There's daggers in the words you say

Shh, close your eyes..
Oh, moaning mind please rewind time
Lips locked, fingers entwined
It started with a smile
Then we danced a while and you took me home
We made sweet love
Then gazed above at the stars...

Dear God, run!
But wait, I'm the one holding the gun

Nothing left but ruins when the heartache begins
shallow breaths
I shot him down
Cinderella took off her gown
Blood's splattered on the walls
No expression
He made the wrong impression
Time for another session..
No one can hear his bellowing calls
I bring him thorn'd roses
And watch as he decomposes
People **** in their noses
But it's too late
He's gone.
698 · Nov 2013
My Serenity Prayer
Astounding Nov 2013
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.**

I know I can't change the color of my skin
I know I cant change that I'm human and will always sin
I know I may always have these scars on my body
I know I can't choose my family
I know I can't force love
I know you're watching from the heavens above
I can accept these things
I know I cant change them by any means

I know I can change my attitude about my life
I know this is only temporary strife
Although it sometimes cuts like a knife

I know I can choose my friends
I know I can choose when my journey ends
God grant me the courage to understand
If I reach up, will you take my hand?
Lord give me wisdom
Expand my mind
Show me the hidden treasures that I cannot find
Teach me of your ways
So I may have better days
You are my Lord
I know you'll never tell me no
If I have wisdom about anything
I know you'll always love me so
681 · Oct 2013
What Dreams May Come
Astounding Oct 2013
One for the encounter
One for the false fame
Two for the shame of loosing at her own game.
One more to make it look pretty.

How did you get those scars?
Better think of something witty.

She watches the hurt ooze out in crimson streams
She bites into the pillow that muffled her screams
Ah, the sting, it brings her pleasure
The rusty smell of blood is something she treasures
Look how each **** lay gracefully upon her thigh
When she gazes upon them she gets a euphoric high

The razor glides smoothly upon her supple skin
That one wasn't deep enough
Better go over it again.

She claws and digs until the hurt in her heart has disappeared
Then she stares at her masterpiece
A poetic type of weird

One day he'll come along
And kiss the scars she's engraved in her skin
Tell her she's beautiful and deserves more than this sin
She'll dig her fingers into his flesh
And get a release that they'll share
She will be his every care

Love will be the only thing that oozes out
And she will finally know what all the fuss was about
670 · Nov 2013
To The Addict
Astounding Nov 2013
What happened to those luscious locks?
I don't even know where to begin
Your teeth are decaying from your mouth
Your cheeks are sinking in
Your once smooth skin's now dry and itchy
Lumps and bumps everywhere
Paranoid and hallucinating
Brittle and wispy hair

Why do you do this to yourself?
You're just a snort, a *****, an inhale away
This bitter and odorless powder can take you off this earth today
Was taking it that one time at the party worth all this hell?
Did putting that ice up your nose suit you well?
Can you even remember who I am?
Why are you always trying to fight?
Shhh, calm down.
Everything's alright

You're delusional and moody
But I still love you so
No matter how much you isolate
I'll never let you go

I'll be here when you're loosing weight
And when your behavior seems schizophrenic
I'll be here when your kidneys fail
I'll be here to call the medic
I'll hold your hand through the depression
I'll stay by your side throughout the stroke
I'll be here to watch as you put yourself in the ground
And on my tears I'll choke

And when you have those cravings
For the powder you hold so dear
When you're restless and confused, darling
**I'll be here.
669 · Nov 2013
Her name was Lilah
Astounding Nov 2013
Never had he seen such beauty
Iris green and full of envy
Hair that burned red like a sunset over an autumn mountain
Pale skin and ripe lips

Her name was Lilah
She was delicate
Too delicate
Like the wings of a butterfly

She flew away from me,
My sweet Lilah
I guess she got tired of the darkness,
The cramped space within my belly
I tried to make her comfortable

She'd kick and I'd feel her fluttering around inside me
So much joy in my heart
I didn't mind the pain in my *******
I didn't care that I always had to ***
I didn't mind being nauseous
I loved my Lilah
I'd stop the world for her

With a fever and severe cramping, my Lilah was gone
No longer did she dwell inside my cocoon
My love had been stolen from me
I lived for her
She made me pure
A clean slate for both of us

But she's gone now
She went back to where she came
When he held her, her forgot about his pain
She was beautiful
She was the force field that kept his hands off of me
My savior
My one true love
My sweet Lilah
For awareness about the women who've lost their children to an abusive relationship.theyre out there somewhere and they’re hurting.
Astounding Apr 2014
In the middle of nowhere, I call out your name
Hoping that the breeze will cradle my voice like a delicate whisper to your longing ears
I bow my head in shame
Wishing I could reverse the pain I've caused you over the years

My heart screams for you,
It tugs on the string that once connected us both
But there's so much slack..
And I'm afraid you may have already let go
632 · Aug 2013
Maybe Someday
Astounding Aug 2013
Your breath freshens my air
Your image is perfect, if I may declare
How I love your sweet embrace
And to trace the curves around your face
You make my heart flutter like the wings of a humming bird
Your voice is the sweetest thing I've ever heard
Please don't leave or shy away
In this romance we must stay
In unison we fly through endless skies
No worries or cares
Just joyous sighs
A string tugs on my heart and leads to yours
I could gaze in your eyes for hours
You make me happy my sweet perfect love
Truly, you must be from the heavens above

Oh heart, your imagination is vast
Maybe someday love will come at last
Still lonely you stay
A caged bird yearning to get away
To escape the bars of the present
And travel to a future more pleasant
Where love is eternal and true
Where I won't have to watch love from a distant view.
621 · Sep 2013
Astounding Sep 2013
Runaway, escape
Travel to a distant land
Do whatever makes you happy
Who cares if it's not planned

Jump on a plane
Catch the bus
Hitchhike, if you must

Be spontaneous
Let out a sigh
Let your freak flag fly

You could live without adventure
You could live a lie
You could live in vain
Anyone can
But why?

Why not shout til your heart's content
Why not live without having to pay the rent
Why struggle through the pointless, heavy burdens of existence
**Don't settle for the path of least resistance
599 · Jan 2014
Evil Is What You Make It
Astounding Jan 2014
Some people lie and some people steal
All in the hopes that their imaginations will become real
597 · Aug 2018
Domestic Violence
Astounding Aug 2018
It’s like I’ve been underwater and everything that I’ve touched or saw was altered by the water’s bewitching weightlessness
I only saw the beauty of a long-bodied fish swimming circles around me
I admired its teeth and it’s dark eyes and how it’s dorsal fin cut through the water like a hot knife through butter
It was only when I let it get close enough to bite me that I realized it was a shark

And as my blood floated delicately out of my arm and the salt water poured in and burned my screaming lungs, I was still only entranced by the alluring colors and the significance of the pain

Suddenly I was ripped from the water and the bright sun stunned my eyes
My body weak and pruned from enduring the sea too long
My arm tired and hurt
My lungs barely able to capture air

On a boat, being forcefully taken from the ruby-stained haven I thought I had settled my defenseless revere of a body
The screeches of seagulls pericing my ears

The farther away it took me and the more the dazzling, ruby water in the sunlight faded in the distance, the more afflicted I became

I was hurt that the thing I had admired so deeply would only get close so it could harm me
The aching in my bleeding-out arm warped what was once passion and awe in my mind into an rotten frenzy of rage and disbelief

How could I have stayed down so long and not seen what was coming
Why was I the only one being punished for wanting to see only the beauty in my situation
Why was I alone after staying somewhere I didn’t belong for so long for something else
And why was I the only one that people were angry with

The shark didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to bite me, just like he was never taught that it wasn’t okay to hurt me
I was admiring something because I was told it was supposed to be beautiful and because in nature it was

But when you know somethings nature and what it was influenced by its surrounding to do, the only person you can be mad at is yourself
587 · Sep 2013
one as beautiful as you
Astounding Sep 2013
In the shadows of the land
There's weathered faces lined with pain
Their eyes burn
They can see the darkness in your soul

Banished to a shadow prison
The needle skips and spins
Turn off the dark
Remove this bed of pins

The walls are not thick enough to hold
The weight of what they've heard
There's a blaze of light
In every word

They say you took the name in vain
Do you even care to know the name
Living in your head
Growing insane

Waking up in cold sweats
Heart cast in the sea
Cant they hear your call?
Why wont they set you free?

Stuck inside these walls
The clock is barely breathing
Face against the window
They all look as if they're seething

Suppressed by childhood fears
All that's under the skin
Wondering how you got these scars
The future is looking grim

The stars all seem to weep
Nothing but dim shades of grey and blue
Little do you know
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you
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