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25.7k · Jan 2015
My Soulmate~
Who is My Soulmate?
How does one know when they've
found their

A Soulmate is...
the other half
who makes you whole-
the other side
to your soul-
the other piece
who makes you complete-
the other part
to your life you'll want to repeat-
the other half
who is your best friend-
the other piece
of you, til the end-
the other part
til the ends of time-
the other side
who will always be mine-
the other half
to this special bond-
the other side
where I truly belong-
the other part
created for me to always love-
the other piece
God sent for me from above-
the other half
who fulfills your heart-
the other piece
you'll never part-
the other side
we'll be together by fate-
the other part
I'm gonna wait-

My Soulmate,
In this moment
of time,
day after day-
it's so hard to find
the right one...
I know we'll be together
one day!
Til then;
I'll wait for you...
With all my love;
Your Soulmate~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
12.4k · Jan 2015
My Dream Soulmate~
I've been dreamin' of you
since I was a young woman...
But I couldn't ever place your face
to this man- as of yet...

In my dreams, I'm walkin'
alone on the beach
in the early morning hours...
I see this man strollin' along-
All of a sudden; he starts runnin'-
I soon realize he is comin'
towards me-
Approachin' me, he was
smilin', as if he was in love...
Then takin' me into his arms,
he held me- like he'd never let go!

We ended up spendin' the whole day
together, just him and I;
gettin' to know one another
and explorin' the beach...
As the sun was settin'
he built an open fire-
and we made unbelievable heavenly love;
so full of passion and desire...
He was everythin'
I could dream of or want
in my soulmate...

As dreams come and go-
they all must end...
I'd wake up feelin' loved and confused,
but rememberin' the best time
of my life,
yet never knowin' who this man was...

I always thought this man
had to be my husband-
But it wasn't and
as life happens,
so does heartache!

My dream with my mysterious love
always continued-
time after time,
through out the years...
Always the same man,
the same beach;
and we'd begin by gettin' to know
one another even more-
and always endin'
just the same!

Many mornings after-
I'd lay there feelin' guilty;
longin' for these dreams to be real...
Always wonderin' 'who is this man?'
But still not comin' up
with an answer,
never recognizin' his face...

Over the last couple of years,
I've been havin' this dream
once again, but frequently...
As I'd wake up-
I've been rememberin' more features
to my dream love-
but yet to knowin' who he's been...

And now gettin' to know you-
I've been feelin', as if,
we've already known each other,
like we're soulmates!

Over the last several days
as I've dreamed of this man-
I'm beginnin' to realize somethin'-
I've been seein' you all along...
I have no doubt that
I've dreamed you into my life!
I've been seein' you
numerous times over the years,
and up until recently
only in my dreams-
but as I look at pictures of you
I know it's been you-
I feel your presence with me...
I know I must seem crazy,
but I believe, I've been dreamin'
of you most of my life...
My Love; My Dream


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
7.8k · Jan 2015
My Bestie~
You've always been in my heart
Where you've stayed since the beginning
You're like a little sister to me
Like the twinkling stars are to the beautiful sky
Like the driftwood is to tiptoe across
Like the romantic couples are to sandy beach strolls
Like the glowing campfires are to cooling nights
Like the soft music is from crashing waves
Like the white seashells are to listening ears
Like the gigantic ships are to the rolling sea
Like the wiggling fish are to the squawking seagulls
Like hungry people are to their picnic lunches
Like the playful families are to the never-ending coast
Like all eyes are to the breath-taking view
Like the smiling faces are to the digital cameras
Like the crying children are to their tearful goodbyes
You're like a little sister to me
We've always been, one way or another, the best of friends,
And we'll forever be, until the end

  Copyright 2014; Sabrina Denise Healey,  
5.5k · Jan 2015
I'm Falling~
I don't sleep!
I can't rest!
I can't think!
I only hurt with the thought
of you breaking my heart!
You are the only man for me!
I don't ever wanna be
Without you, without me...
Can't you see?
Or don't you know...
Just how much I love you so?
That I will love you forever?
Babie, don't leave me ever!
Without you...
My heart is breaking!
Without you...
I am aching!
Without you...
there is no "us!"
Without you...
There Is No "US!"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
5.3k · Jan 2015
Deep Fulfillment~
Your innocent look
melts my heart...
Your sensual kiss
awakens my senses...
Your demanding caress
taunts me into temptation...
Your teasing touch
feeds the fire you have lit...
Your hungry embrace
arouses me through and through...
Your passionate love making
satisfies my every desire...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
4.5k · Jan 2015
My Anythin' And Everythin'
Anythin' I want...
Everythin' I've ever wanted...
Anythin' I dream...
Everythin' I've ever dreamed...
Brings my heart; to you!

Anythin' I desire...
Everythin' I've ever desired...
Anythin' I fantasize...
Everythin' I've ever fantasized...
Brings my heart; to you!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Ahh Baby, just like that...
You've had me fallin' from the start!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Every day I'm fallin'
a lil' more-

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Every want...
I've ever wanted!
Every dream...
I've ever dreamed!
Every desire...
I've ever desired!
Every fantasy...
I've ever fantasized!

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

Anythin' and Everythin'...
Brings my heart; to you!
Cause of the day...
I was Yours~

your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

You're My
Anythin' and Everythin',
but yet...
You're My Someone
I shouldn't have!
each hug, each kiss-
each touch, each caress-
then I want and dream
of more!
each hug, each kiss-
each touch, each caress-
then I desire and fantasize
of more...
with You!

Cause of...
your hugs, your kisses-
your touch, your caress-

You're my
Anythin' and Everythin'!
"My" Mr. Someone Special who's
hugs, kisses-
touch, caress-
I want! I dream!
I desire! I fantasize!

Mmm, Baby, yea...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
My promise to you;
when I say, 'yes, I do'
I mean 'I do' to only you!
I not only give you
my heart and my hand-
as yours, for always,
I also give you my promise
to be for you and you alone...
You are the love of my life,
the one I had always been
incomplete without,
you are My Soulmate~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
3.4k · Jan 2015
Step By Step~
Step by step-
I'm falling...
You're falling...
Step by step-
We're too many miles apart...
Still can't stop these feelings...
Step by step-
I'm wanting you...
You're wanting me...
Step by step-
I'm longing to be yours...
You're longing to be mine...
Step by step-
Can't wait until we unite...
One day I know we will...
Just taking it step by step!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.9k · Jan 2015
Slowly Slippin' Away~
I need you, I want you, I love you
Now & forever
Can't live without you
Never wanna be alone again
Havin' you, as mine, to love
Is like a precious gift
You're all I think of
Day & night
I wanna be yours
Today, tomorrow, forever
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
I can do about it
Often I'm in dreamland
and I can see our life together
I wanna grow old with you
Can't bear the thought of
Not bein' with you
Baby, I need you... (Need you)
Baby, I want you... (Want you)
Baby, I love you... (Love you)
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
I can do about it
You've made me feel whole
Once again
We have such a strong connection;
You & I
I believe two people can
'Fall in love, at first sight'
Because that's what I've done with you
my heart was empty
'Til I met you
I had been missin'
The other half of me
And now... I feel complete
But at times, it feels as if
You're slowly slippin' away
You're not helpin' to avoid it
Everytime it breaks my heart
And yet, you say, there's nothin'
(Nothin', nothin')
I can do about it
So Baby, I'm gonna need you
(Need you)
Baby, I'm gonna want you
(Want you)
Baby, I'm gonna love you
(Love you)
Now & forever, now & forever
Now & forever, now & forever
(Now & forever)

Copyright;  Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.9k · Jan 2015
Baby, I'm Yours~
Baby, I'm yours,
from the very start...
That's when
you first captured my heart...
I smile each time
you walk through the door...
I feel your love all around me
and through my very core...
I feel the fire
and see the light...
This with you-
feels oh so right...
I want to savour each kiss,
from the sweet to the ****...
I miss you so-
whenever we're apart...
I even allowed you to take my hand
and lead me onto the dance floor...
Having you hold me close-
and then all I want is more...
Kiss me passionately
and hold me tight...
Baby, I'm yours,
each and every night...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.9k · Jan 2015
My heart longs to be home!
This life here...
isn't the life meant for me-
I came here for unselfish reasons,
but now it's about time...
I go home-
to do what I need, for me, what I want...
Now it's about me!
Now it's my turn!
I wanna go back home,
to where I belong-
The West Coast is it-
for me!
That's my home!
That's it for me...
That is what my heart is missing...
It's insisting I find my way back...
I wanna be where I grew up...
I wanna run and play in the sand,
alongside the ocean...
collecting shells by the sea...
Back to the West Coast
is where I wanna be!
I just wanna go...
Back to the life-
I wanna live!
I'm going home!!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Heart Broken-
does it need fixen?
Dreams Shattered-
can they be mended?
Hand Empty-
can it be taken?
Eyes wide open-
but do I see?
wants; alive-
desires; to be caught-
rainbow halfway across-
eyes, ears, nose, heart, toes, lips-
am I whole?
I think I lost a part of me-
but where?
with an angel?
clouds full of rain
and thunder-
sunshine trying to break through-
stars unseen-
moon always there,
but not always seen.
Am I a rainbow, part of
the clouds, sunshine, stars,
or moon?
Or just none?
am I awake?
or is it all a dream?
don't shake me-
Cause if I'm dreaming
I may not want to be awake-
but then again,
maybe I do!
touch me tenderly, whisper
my name, kiss my temple,
carress my cheek-
fore if I'm meant to wake
I will-
but if not, let me love
you, if only in my dreams-
are you beside me?
asleep, too?
dreaming of me?
or just in my imagination,
full of my every wish-
do I dare to try to
call out your name?
do i even know it yet?
eyes; shine
breathing; calm
heart; beating-
I see your face.
but your image is foggy-
will it clear?
or become lost in space?
hours have past me by,
eyes still open,
thoughts too heavy-
heart full of dreams-
waiting for me?
Join me!?
I'll meet you inside, my love;
if only in my dreams!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Her hair is grey
She's getting old.
She'll love me for always
I am told,
She's here for me
to love and cherish.
And my love for her
will never parish.
At times,
when I am bad,
I look into her eyes-
so sad,
and see the tears
that I have brought.
How could I,
after all that she's taught?
Someday I know
that I will learn
to banish all those tears
that burn.
For will there
be another,
as my own sweet
loving mother?
I love you!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.7k · Jan 2015
Come Back Into My Dreams~
You and I...
or am I just dreamin'-
I'm not sure-
is far too good,
too real,
to ever
Oh no...
don't wake me
if I'm dreamin'-
Come back here with me...
Come back to bed...
Lay right here beside me...
Come Back Into My

You and I...
we're outdoors in the country-
surrounded by trees-
green grass all around us-
star-filled sky-
night sounds
fill the quietness;
frogs croakin',
crickets chirpin',
babblin' brook
cascadin' into a waterfall
splashin' into a pond-
Come back here with me...
Come back to bed...
Lay right here beside me...
Come Back Into My

You and I...
makin' plans
for our tomorrow's
talkin' of our
holdin' hands-
sharin' passionate
Lovin' this night...
this moment-
right here-
right now-
locked forever
in my heart-
Come back here with me...
Come back to bed...
Lay right here beside me...
Come Back Into My

You and I...
cocooned in a blanket
after our love makin'-
a fire blazin' in the pit-
illuminatin' us with it's
each of us
as satisfied
as the other,
feelin' fully spent-
snugglin' together,
as we close
our eyes-
the dawn just peakin'-
greetin' us
with a new day-
Come back here with me...
Come back to bed...
Lay right here beside me...
Come Back Into My

You and I...
or am I just dreamin'?
I'm alone-
you've already
had an earlier start
to the day-
sun is shinin' through
our open window-
illuminatin' me with it's
night sounds?
Oh no...
it's my alarm clock-
I'm runnin' late again!
Come back here with me...
Come back to bed...
Lay right here beside me...
Come Back Into My

You and I...
or am I just dreamin'-
Come Back Into My


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.6k · Jan 2015
My Someone Special~
I've been hopin' to
build a strong foundation;
combined with friendship
and eventually fall in love,
with My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still have one another...

I've been hopin' to
have my breath taken away-
at just the thought,
of My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still be in love...

I've been hopin' to
be swept off my feet
and have my heart captured,
by My Someone Special...
So in time,
when many years
have come and gone;
him and I
would always know
we'd still have that certain romance...

You and I...
I believe, we've been lucky with us!!!
Someone must have
"you and I"
written in the stars...
Right away, we started 'us'
with the beginnin' of a,
strong foundation,
that I've been hopin' to build one day...

And over the next few weeks
of getting to know one another more...
we decided we were ready
to finally meet;
hopin' to see if we could
be that 'something more'
everyone longs to have...

I was taken back-
by your gentleman-like manners
and respect for me.
The rest has been happenin'...
all on its own!

You've already met
and exceeded my hopes...
You've been sweepin' me off my feet
and are still capturin' my heart;
all in so little of time-
over these last few weeks...

Now I'm wonderin'...
if you've even realized this
as of yet...
And if this is what
you've been hopin' for, too!
Are you, Baby, meant to be
My Someone Special?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.6k · Jan 2015
Key To My Heart~
This key to my heart
is meant to be
a cherished gift-
not one thought of
as a simple possession!
Within your hand-
I'll give you my only key
to open a lifetime
full of dreams
and mystery!
Are you ready to take
this key to my heart?
Are you willing to be
the keeper of my key?
If you accept this key-
all I'd ask of you,
is to hold it close to
your heart and
never let it go...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.6k · Jan 2015
I can't change my heart
from loving you...
My love for you began with the start
of the life I created in you...

I'll take the blame
of who you are now...
I feel so much shame
cause I know it's wrong...

I don't want it this way
between you and I...
Hopefully one day
we can both make a change...

This is not how
I want our life to be...
Let's do this now
and make us a better relationship...

I love you just as much
as I do my others...
Why do we say hurtful things and such
I'll never know...

Let's just put an end
to our troubles...
Be my friend
as well as my daughter...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.4k · Jan 2015
Country Girl~
Time enough for y'all
to say goodbye
to the me
of yesterday!
This is who I am
and what I love!
I'm nothing,
but a Country Girl
and loving it!
Yep... that's me!
I spend most of my time
listening to my favorite station-
Yep... Its The B!
People say I'm a loner,
but how can that be?
I'm listening to my friends
all the time, my dj's-
Who cares, if its
through my speakers!
Take it or leave it-
Like it or not!
I'm nothing,
but a Country Girl
and loving it!
Yep... that's me!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.4k · Jan 2015
Loneliness burrows in your heart
and it hurts more than most realize...
It gives you such heartache,
you can't begin to even explain...
Loneliness has it's own power-
when it gets you, it practically consumes you...
You feel like it controls
your heart, mind, and soul...
Loneliness can make you believe
someone is true in what they are telling you,
when it's usually only part of the truth or just a lie...
It makes you feel empty inside,
you can't sleep, and don't want to eat...
Sometimes you walk around as if in a fog;
feeling dazed and quite alone...
Loneliness lies heavy in your whole body;
solitude becomes your best friend...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.3k · Jan 2015
Dreamin' In The Daylight~
I'm snuggled up,
all warm and cozy...
wrapped in your lovin' arms,
full body to body,
your leg over mine,
feelin' your breath
on my bare shoulder,
hearin' you softly breathe,
feelin' your heartbeatin'
along with mine-

My dreams are of
you and I...
we're in our home,
in front of the fireplace,
snaps and crackles
comin' from the fire,
we're makin' love
on a sheepskin plush carpet,
candles a'glow on the mantel,
country music playin'
softly in the room,
the scent of roses
in the air-

I awaken feelin'
satisfied and happy...
then I realize I'm in my own home,
my own bed,
all alone,
no candles in sight,
country music playin'
on my own little stereo,
rose scent
room full of daylight-

I roll back over,
tryin' to recapture
that dream~
I guess, I must have been...
Dreamin' In The Daylight!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.1k · Jan 2015
It's wonderful knowing
someone is there-
someone to talk to-
someone who always
knows just what to do.
It's always been wonderful
knowing there's you!

It's wonderful having
someone who gives
something worth while
to each day she lives.
Someone who's thoughtfulness
always shows through.
It's always been
having you!

I love you Mama!
(Mother's Day poem)


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.1k · Jan 2015
Her First All Over Again~
She feels like a young woman,
once again...
It's not like its
her first kiss,
first date,
or first love-
but it feels like
Her First All Over Again...
Its almost; as if,
she's gone back in time.

Her hands are cool,
palms sweaty-
Her heart is beating rapidly,
her tummy full of lil' butterflies-
She's a woman now-
but, the excitement, is just the same.
Should she have these feelings,
as she is, even though,
she isn't a young one anymore?

Her and her beau
are sitting on her bed-
He leans towards her,
she closes her eyes-
as he brushes his lips upon hers.
His lips...
so warm, soft, and giving!

He puts a hand through her hair,
along her neck, pulling her towards him-
closer, to deepen their kiss!
She puts a hand on his chest,
the other on the back
of his head-
keeping him right where she wants him.

They kiss for several long moments...
She moans softly,
he pulls her upward
and gently sits her upon his lap.
They melt into one another!

Each kiss;
more intense and increasingly
demanding, as the previous one-
he wants to taste her fully-
he flicks his tongue along her upper lip-
coaxing her to open up to him,
hoping she'll allow him access-

She parts her lips
with a hunger like no other
she had felt before!
Oh, the passion they feel...
the enticement that builds-
His tongue teases hers
with a seductive tangle...

as their internal heat is high,
their clothing; too constricting-
they undress one another-
throwing articles of clothing
this way and that-
They have this bite of Heaven-
these stolen cherished moments
to just him and her... alone!

Passion, and pure desire
heightens them to anew.
The friendship
these two have built;
has been turning into this love
they now feel.
This love these two
feel, has been growing
for several months,
is right at their hands;
becoming deeper-
making them come alive!

Feeling so right, he takes her-
entering her in one full deep movement-
claiming her as only his!
Taking their passion
to a high- neither
could remember feeling before-

As they ****** together,
and lay in one another's arms'
totally satisfied- they cuddle
and close their eyes just for a few moments-
Then, he tells her he's never felt
so loved before!
And the twinkle in her eye
tells him she feels just the same!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm starin' into
the brightness of a new day...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm gazin' into
the darkness of a new night...
I've been askin' myself why-
still I'm not sure if
I'm gettin' any answers!
We've only met once-
face to face, several months ago.
But, since then, we've spent
many hours a night;
talkin' into the early mornin';
buildin' our friendship!
As I'm listenin' to your voice
while we are talkin'
or you are singin' to me-
I'm realizin' its effectin' me
in different ways-
it soothes and calms me;
yet, energizes and awakens me!
When we can't talk-
I feel this loneliness
that I can't explain-
and there's so much I'm wantin' to say!
Then knowin' when we can again-
I feel this anxiousness,
almost over-takin' me!
And an odd-sense of happiness
practically consumes me!
Which is confusin' me...
Cause I'm not sure of what I'm feelin'
or if I'm feelin' more than what
I'm admittin' to myself...
But I'm seekin' answers-
I'm wonderin' over and over again,
if I'm tryin' to deny somethin'
that I shouldn't be...
And if you are maybe doin' the same...
I think I'm feelin' more here happenin'
than just friendship;
as if we've got this connection,
somewhere along the way!
Is there somethin' more
than what we yet to admit or know...
All I know, as of yet-
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.0k · Jan 2015
Hopeless, Helpless~
I feel hopeless
and mostly helpless...
I do admit-
I don't know how to do
all this on my own...
And I don't know how to ask
for some help...
Why does it have to be
so hard to be a single mommy?
I love my children
with all my heart!
I don't know who or where
I'd be in this life of mine,
without them...
I'm a Mommy
and now a Grandma, too!
But beyond those 'titles'
who am I...?
What is my life about...?
What is suppose to happen...?
What is suppose to be
of me...?
I find myself asking out loud
"Now what?"
And I'm asking it again now...?
Maybe I'm asking it
in the form of a Prayer...
But I still don't
seem to be getting any answers!
I feel lonely most of the time
and oh so lost...
I feel like almost
just giving up-
but my children keep me
strong enough!
I've got a lot of
wants for my life...
but I don't know
how to achieve what I want!
I dream of how I'd like
my life to be...
but I don't know
how to reach my dreams!
I don't think
my purpose in this life
is to feel so ****
hopeless and helpless...
I need someone's guidance,
but I don't know
how to ask for it
or who I can really go to,
who I can really call
'that one friend'...
I know I have friends,
but one to bear my soul to,
all my failures to,
open up all of my fears to...
I don't know if I have
'that one friend',
that is within my reach!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
2.0k · Jan 2015
You're Friendship~
Your Friendship
means a lot to me...
hearing your voice,
hearing your smile,
whitens my gloominess-
seeing your face,
seeing your smile,
brightens my emptiness-
feeling your hugs,
feeling your smile,
lightens my loneliness-
Your Friendship
means a lot to me!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.9k · Jan 2015
Lil Moments~
I'd take every
in every day,
that I had
with you,
and make each
last a lifetime
in our hearts~


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.8k · Jan 2015
I hear my heart
singing out loud-
I feel my heart
swaying to the beat-
My heart knows
the tune it hears-
My heart knows
the movement to this dance-
This lonely song
has gone on too long-
Not taking a chance
to break and crumble-
I wanna sing
to my love song-
I wanna sway
to my love dance-


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.8k · Jan 2015
Until I'd Met You~
In the past-
I thought my dreams were coming true,
but every time-
I was let down once again...
I had just about gave up
on meeting my one true someone special-
until I'd met you...
As we were becoming friends,
I decided I'd give it
just one more chance-
You've been giving me all my once upon a time
and happily ever after dreams, wants, and hopes back...
One's I had thought
weren't meant for me...
Nights alone-
I use to lay in bed,
daydreaming away-
of how I'd want my life to be;
but I'd always see myself lost and lonely-
until I'd met you...
Now I see you by my side...
As I look back- I know each lonely tear, each lost hope,
each empty heartache, and each shattered dream-
had to happen-
until I'd met you...
I'd never thought I'd meet
someone who could capture my heart,
I'd never thought I'd be
swept off my feet,
I'd never thought I'd fall
so in love like this,
I'd never thought I'd find
something this special-
Until I'd met you...
Even with all the hurts I've been through
and caused over the years-
I never could quite
let go of my childhood dreams-
I always knew there had to be
my one true someone special
waiting and searching for me...
But I didn't know it,
until I'd met you...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.7k · Jan 2015
Loneliest Tear Drops~
One slips away
followed by another,
no longer alone
but obviously lonely.

Tears slipping down...
her cheeks are wet
her eyes are red
her heart so full.

Lightening and thunder
in the predawn,
she sits in the darkness
as the rain falls outside.

She cannot count how many
have slipped away
as she wipes her cheeks dry
by the sleeve of her lovers shirt.

Her tears no longer lonely
as she smiles;
remembering the love and friendship
they'd always share.


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.7k · Jan 2015
I'm Just Waiting~
Why did it always seem,
I'd been lost in someone else's dream...
I'd dream from night til day,
chasing the bad one's away...
Frequently dreaming the same one,
but I knew my love story hadn't yet begun...
I made my share of mistakes,
and have had a handful of heartaches...
Over the years my wants became quite hazy,
I thought being alone, I might go crazy...
I'd fall in and out of love,
not sure what it was made of...
Many times I had been burned,
but now I'm happier for all I've learned...
I searched for the ultimate emotion,
that only comes with heavenly devotion...
Not only have I met my best friend,
I have one who'll be there til the end...
He's the love of my life,
I'm just waiting til he'll ask me to be his wife...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.7k · Jan 2015
Beth; I Just Wanna Hold You~
I'm so sad, so hurt. I really want you back.
I want to hold you, at least,
just one more time.
You are such a beautiful precious little girl.
I'm so happy your first taste of life
was from my breast milk.
I wish I could have nursed you more often.
I'm glad you knew who I was.
You relaxed more to my voice,
better than anyone else's.
I enjoyed carrying you inside of me.
We were "one" for so long...
I was hoping to be holding you
when you passed away, and I was.
I know you went peacefully in your sleep,
cause I didn't even realize it had happened.
You held onto my finger with such a tight grip;
almost as if you were afraid to let go.
Now I know why...
I'm afraid to let go!
I'll never really get to 'see' you again.
I miss you so much.
I wish you were still alive.
I wish you'd been born healthy, I can't say 'perfect'
cause to me you were, and you still are.
You are gone, but still
my precious little daughter, My Angel Beth~
Love you, Baby Beth
Miss you everyday...
Love, Your Mommy~

Wrote the day I went down to Goldens'
to sign the authorization for cremation
and I held you just one last time...

COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.7k · Jan 2015
Beth; My Angel Beth~
To be a baby-
A baby, so dear.
Mommys here
Do not fear.
Baby in Heaven
Take Care-
For now...
Cause soon I'll be there.
My Precious Angel
My Guardian One.
You'll always be
My Special One.
So far away
but, always in my heart.
Don't you worry
We aren't far apart.
I love you,
My Little Girl.
Mommy misses you
I'll never forget you girl.
Love, Your Mommy

Happy Birthday
but, you'll never be one


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.7k · Jan 2015
Dear Daddy 1
dear daddy,
hello, its your baby!
i have kept your star
out since that one night
in august. mommy can even
see you. she sure does miss
you. all i mainly hear from
her is "i love your daddy!"
she's very proud of you.
bye daddy, i'm busy trying to take an early
morning nap. mommy has the sniffles. she's up & down
constantly for another tissue. she keeps disturbing me.
mommy has sat for a few- think i'll take advantage
of it.

love, your little baby,
take care- i'm watching you!!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.6k · Jan 2015
I Wanna Be There~
Baby, oh Baby,
I wanna be there!
I wish I was
The One
laying beside you-
The One
you'd be holdin'
and cuddlin'
in your arms...
I wanna be there!

Oh Baby, oh,
I wanna be there!
I know I'd love to be
the woman
beside you
sharin' our bed.
I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

Baby, I wanna be there!
to have you
holdin' me close!
You and I
makin' love
And then,
us cuddlin' one another
in the after-glow
of our love makin'!
I wanna be there, Baby!

I wanna be there!
I wanna be...
Baby, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

Baby, baby,
I wanna be there!
But now...
I'm always at wonder;
'Is she in your
arms tonight?'
"Did you give her
the lovin'
I want to have
as mine?'
'Are you cuddlin' her
as I long to be
holdin' you?'
Baby, I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
but I'm here-
I wanna be there
with you!
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead, Baby,
I am here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

My Baby, oh
I wanna be there!
I've never had anyone
to really count on-
I'm tired of feelin'
so alone!
Of always bein' last...
I wanna be first!
I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
I wanna be...
Oh, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I wanna be...

I wanna be there!
Instead; Baby,
I'm here-
rockin' myself
to sleep,
with a lonesome
for the lonely
Baby, I wanna be there!

I wanna be there!
Holdin' you
as you'll be
a'holdin' me-
I wanna be there!
I wanna be there!
Baby, I wanna be...
Oh Baby, I just wanna be...
There! (whispered)


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.6k · Jan 2015
Your Love~
Oh , to have you tell me you love me,
I just feel so complete...
The ways you have always expressed
your love for me, just amazes me...
Even when I wasn't quite sure
of how I was yet, feeling for you,
you hung onto your growing love for me...
And now look where that has taken us...
We're wanting to be together, for always...
Oh, the love and friendship, we will always share...
I'm falling, so deeply, in love with you!!!
I desperately want to meet you, fall into your arms,
feel your lips upon mine, be wrapped in your arms,
for always, and never let me go....
I want to be by your side...
I have dreams, wants, desires, needs, and hopes
of our life together, too…
I want to look into your eyes, and know I'm with My Soulmate~
I want us to feel as if we can express
our new-growing love, for one another, openly...
I want to breeze over the land with you
in a hot-air balloon one day, just for two...
draw our names in sand....
climb a tree...
take a walk with you in the rain...
kiss you in the full sunshine...
make love to you outside- during a thunderstorm...
walk through a forest with you...
run through a field of daisy's...
stroll through a rose garden,
stopping to smell each and every rose...
hold your hand as we grow old together...
and all this with you by my side!!!
My arms ache to hold you;
your chest against my , full body to body, toe to toe....
I already feel so close to you,
but I want you to physically hold me in your arms,
feel your ****** hair tickle my cheek,
run my hand through the back of your hair
and pull you even yet closer to me,
as we devour each and every kiss we experience…
I believe, too, that I've never
truly had one in my heart... As I do now with you!!!
I can't remember ever feeling this
complete of a bond with someone...
I'm glad I have been able to make you smile,
bring you happiness, warm your heart with my love,
create a stir within your tummy of desire...
I want to see how much our love blooms,
and blossoms, throughout the rest of our lives together...
And grows into such a deep bonding love,
that we'll never part...
I'm so filled with happiness knowing how much you love me,
want me, need me, care for me...
You truly are the love of my life...
My Prince Charming, My Knight in Shining Armor,
The One who has captured my heart,
My Prince who will take me off to our castle
where we'll live for always,
just as in the fairy tales, but with us,
Baby, this is real life dreams of mine...
I wait for the day, I can become your wife...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.6k · Jan 2015
Meant To Be~
Hands are meant to be
So hold mine!
Lips are meant to be
So kiss mine!
Arms are meant to be
hugged in...
So hug me!
Words are meant to be
So talk to me!
Dreams are meant to be
So dream with me!
Hearts are meant to be
given away...
So give me yours!
You and I are meant to be
So take me, as yours!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.6k · Jan 2015
How They First Meet~
How They First Meet~

She wants to hear 'her song'
one more time, that Saturday-
She calls up her favorite station
hoping she'll get her way!

She gets the wrong dj man-
or might... he actually be the right?
They laugh and talk alot-
as she called him twice that night!

He asks for her number
by the end of their call.
She quickly gives it to him,
not waiting to stall!

He calls her, as he drives home.
Her phone rings...
She smiles, knowing 'its him'-
by the song that it sings!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.6k · Jan 2015
Dear Daddy "Memo of Love"
dear daddy,
you won't recognize that title for a
few more months still, but yet it is me.
this is "your baby"!
i can recognize your voice, though.
just this morning, i asked mommy, "where's my daddy?" mommy said, "i'm not even sure."
she then explained to me about you helping 'america'
put out a disasterous fire.

"memo of love"

i am writing to tell you that i care...
let's get to know each other better.
this morning, i showered a brilliant sunrise
with all the colors of the rainbow into your eyes,
hoping to get your attention. but you hardly noticed!
that afternoon, as you sat with your friends, i warmed you in sunshine...
flowers still blooming with God's love. yet, you didn't notice me!
i wanted to speak with you so i shook the world
with my heart of wonder and made you a beautiful rainbow.
yet, you never noticed me!
tonight, i tried desperately to move you with a full moon
to lighten your sad face and a cool breeze to delight you.
you wouldn't believe your eyes, unless you heard it from me...
i even put you and mommy's star out,
hoping to see a warming smile upon your face
you never looked up!
in your sleep, i gave you
your dreams so lovely that a smile then appeared on your face.
i was amazed!
i'm here to watch over you, to guide you,
to reassure mommy, and to love you.
when you are ready for me,
please remember i'm waiting for you, in the care of mommy's love
for the both of us!!!
she loves you daddy-
and take care, i'll be watching you!!!

love, your little one,
"your baby"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.5k · Jan 2015
Lonely Angel~
Feeling quite lost, a lonely angel sits
with a confused heart, buried deep in her thoughts;
loving and wanting this man so much,
yet realizing it isn't right...

As the hustle and rush
of the day's end is done,
along comes in another depressing
seemingly endless night...

Will her dreams of ever-lasting love
ever come true?
She knows what she wants with him-
her chest feels so tight...

She's tired of trying to pretend
or deny her longings aren't there;
Not knowing what to feel anymore-
She stands for a moment, then takes flight...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
My Wishes For You~
My wishes for you;
on the day you say "I do"-

to have all your dreams come true...
to see forever through...
to always have your love feel brand new...
a lasting bond stronger than glue...
a morning full of sunshine and a sky so blue...
a loving marriage; complete with happiness and friendship, too...

These are my wishes for you;
for today and each tomorrow,
beginning on the day
you say "I do"-

COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
One More Step~
Your beautiful smile;
I see it upon your face
whether its directed to me
or because of me-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

When we're talking about nothing,
yet; everything is being said-
your thoughtfulness and caring
just pours out with every word-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

Come on, , you know
you're already walking on broken eggshells
and running on blind fate-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tighter on my heart.
You're reeling me in
And I'm falling One Step More!

One Step more to
taking your hand forever,
capturing your heart as mine,
I'm falling deeper in love
just One Step More-
then I get...
that pull and that tug-
tightened on my heart.
You've reeled me in
And I've completely
fallen in love with you
One Step More!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
My Sweetest Dream~
leanin' in to kiss you
feelin' your heart beatin'
squeezin' your thigh
movin' in closer
runnin' my hand along your chest

reachin' for me
pullin' me near
playin' in my hair
caressin' my cheek
nibblin' at my neck

cravin' one another
searchin' to be close
achin' for that moment
joinin' the other in oneness
movin' together
takin' us both higher
achievin' that incredible passion

I awake...
I yawn....
I stretch.....
I moan......

"oh ****! yet another sweet dream of love makin' with you~"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
Never Let You Go~
Even though
it's hurting me so-
I know I'll
Never Let You Go!

To let you go,
to set you free-
would mean you weren't
made for me!

I know what I feel
here inside of me is true-
thinking of you never becoming mine
makes me blue!

Before meeting you I felt so empty
here in my chest-
Now I've got you tucked away
here behind this breast!

I know I don't need to myself
too much longer-
but each day my love for you
just becomes stronger!

I've given you all of my love
that's within my heart-
I want you as mine
so when can you start?

Sometimes I wonder to myself
if this love is just crazy-
but I know it is real because
I hold this lone 'love petal' from a daisy!

Deep within my heart I know I've never
felt so complete this way-
Do you give in to what we're feeling
or do you give up and just Stay?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
Far Away~
I miss you so...
I want you so...
I'm falling,
where I told myself I couldn't go anymore...
Cause when one falls;
it usually ends with heartache, too!
But, I'm falling anyways...
I wanna see you...
You're far away...
Far away...
Out of my reach...
Where are you now, My Love... come to me...
I wanna feel you close to me,
hold you, kiss you, and always love you!
How can I get to you?
Are we meant to be...?
If we are- God will help us, find a way...
When I think of you,
I see you, in my memory's picture book...
Oh, there you are!
Come here to me...
Come into my open waiting arms...
Someday, I'm going to see you!
I'm hoping and wanting to see you...
You're too far away!
Far away...
Too far away...
I've been waiting
to meet you...
I've been waiting for you...
Waiting for you...
Waiting... for you!
You're far away...
Too far away...
Far away...
From me!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
Baby, I Wanna Be Taken~
On the table sits
a lone candle a'glow;
all the lights turned
down low-
In the air
a sweet vanilla scent;
laying against your chest
I'm feeling completely spent-
In the darkness of the night
outside is such a wind;
but while inside with you
my heart is finally on the mend-
I have been hurt
yes, this is true;
but I'm not missing this chance
of us... being me and you-
What is this feeling...
this emotion;
whatever it is it sure is causing
my heart some commotion-
I must have
been hypnotized;
while looking deep into
your glacier blue eyes-
In your loving arms
without a doubt;
this is what real love making
is suppose to be about-
I don't know this yet...
if we are meant to be;
but next to you...
I wanna see me-
This here with you
is what my heart's been achin';
to be, to have, to see...
Baby, I Wanna Be Taken-


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.4k · Jan 2015
I'm lost In Your~
I'm Lost In Your heart...
You and me... what a start-
I'm already wishin' we didn't have to part-
Cause I'm Lost In Your heart!

I'm Lost In Your kiss...
I was hopin' you'd make me feel like this-
Oh yeah, Baby, you didn't miss-
Cause I'm Lost In Your kiss!

I'm Lost In Your stare...
One look, one glare-
And my heart starts to flare-
Cause I'm Lost In Your stare!

I'm Lost In Your charms...
I drove by houses and farms-
Just to be held in your arms-
Cause I'm Lost In Your charms!

I'm Lost In Your love-making...
I'm yours for the taking-
I'm wishin' I was by your side as we were waking-
Cause I'm Lost In Your love-making!

I'm Lost In Your dream...
Walkin' in the night, hand in hand, with light from the moon beam-
Could we make us happen and be a team-
Cause I'm Lost In Your dream!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I didn't think,
after so many times
of having my heart broken,
I'd possibly be
feeling anything close
to this again...
Since meeting you-
my shield has melted away...
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!
I don't fully know
what it is yet
that I'm feeling for you...
but I know
it's gotta be
'something special'...
It's so much more
than what I can control...
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!
I'm not going to
fight it...
This feeling is more than
I remember having before...
It's seems like it
had always been a
losing battle anyhow...
But this time;
I'm in- for a WIN!
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!!


Copyright; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I'm dreamin' of bein' held
in your arms...
pullin' me into your arms
by takin' my hands-
'ahh' now I'm here!
finally... feelin' you-
wrapped in your embrace-
chest to chest,
my head upon your shoulder
'ahh' so warm,
so close-
lookin' into your eyes
movin' towards you-
lips partin'
wantin' and searchin'-
this Man and this Woman...
You and I!

I'm dreamin' of a kiss
with you...
your kiss; beginnin' with only one
touchin' our lips
'ahh' so gentle-
this moment,
yet demandin'-
this kiss...
as passion is takin' over-
so much want, so full of desire
a moan and a sigh...
these sounds; from I-
explorin' with your tongue
along my lips
a flick, a nibble
openin' to allow you in-
'mmm' You know I'm likin' that!
this Man and this Woman...
You and I!

I'm dreamin' of ultimate closeness
with you...
'ohh yes' this is what I'm wantin'!
between us
movin' my hair aside-
kissin' me by my ear,
across my neck-
sendin' shivers down my spine!
caressin' your chest,
along your shirt-
feelin' your heat from within!
reachin' your arms upwards
as I'm pullin' your shirt
up and off-
'mmm' ****!
takin' me out of mine
'mmm' yes!
unhookin', unsnappin',
some pullin' down-
'ahh' now we're bare!
we lie back down;
you on top of I!
reachin' for me,
as I'm openin' my legs-
we're so ready for this!
been waitin' and wantin'
for many weeks!
guidin' you in
enterin' me between my things
'ahh' such intense yearnin'
teasin' and pleasin'-
we get all Tangled Up!
explorin' to get one another
feelin' heavenly complete!
achievin' satisfaction
so incredible-
you keepin' me close
I'm snugglin' in
peaceful silence...
closin' our eyes
driftin' into blissful sleep
this Man and this Woman...
just You and I!

'mmm' I'm openin'
my eyes
"I'm Only Dreamin'; Yet Again~"


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.3k · Jan 2015
My Last Dance~
I'm wanting your heart to be mine
and be a part of you,
I see us having something special and true...
I'm wanting to be your girl-
your only and last one,
I'm ready for my single days
to be over and done...
I'm waning what we have
to only become stronger,
I need this love with you
to finally be the one that lasts longer...
I'm hoping one day to be
your best friend,
and what we share between us
to continue through the end...
I don't want what I'm feeling
for you to ever stop,
my heart has been doing
this double flip-flop...
I know falling in love
isn't a crime,
but it just doesn't happen like this
all the time...
I'm now realizing
without an ounce of doubt,
this may be the feeling
of what falling in love is all about...
I want to climb
on top of the highest hill,
and shout out to everyone
'the day he kissed me- time stood still'...
I await for the moment we're ready to say
those three magical words we're both longing to hear,
so hold me in your arms
and when I'm ready, I'll whisper them in your ear...
I'm giving my heart to you and you alone-
taking that one last chance,
and hoping you'll be
my last dance...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
1.3k · Jan 2015
Take Me With You~
chasin' one another
in the sand...
we're barefoot...
splashin' as we run...
oh no, you've caught me...
(or did I let you?)
once again,
you take me in your arms...
we collapse in the sand,
along the oceanside...
we're listenin' to the waves
and the seagulls cry...
darkness is embracin'
the night...
you and I,
starin' into the star-filled sky;
we're givin' each one a new name...
before too long;
you take me
by the hand,
pullin' me intimately
alongside you...
kissin' me with such
a passion...
"ohh mmm"
savorin' these moments...
as we're longin' to become
as one...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
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