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I crawl unnoticed
into your bed,
having done so many times before.
I know you.

Familiar is always inviting.
The warm sheets, welcoming pillows
bound reflexively around you.
I am that inch of the bed
you never knew.

Darkness and discomfort rapidly infect
the free-spirited bliss that befriends you daily

Toss left.
Toss right.

Your brain in my hands,
a black slab of clay

Open your eyes,
all that seemed so clear, now
clouded like a stone dropped
into still shallow water.

I decide to unchain you,
for you may manage your physical existence, but

I am the puppeteer of your alternate reality.
Her teeth was the colour of our wall.
Our wall is yellow...
I am broken and I never will be whole again. You took most of my pieces with you the day you left.
I keep hoping, senselessly, that if you were to see me just once you'd be reminded of how beautiful we were together.
But I was already broken before you found me and nobody wants a puzzle with missing pieces.
Never again will I be whole, but I keep hoping I broke you too.
A ghost appeared to a child one night.
The artery was unbreakable.
A mystery flew out of her mouth.
As the child had his fifteenth birthday,
he realized that she was not a ghost.
She was his lover.
Her crescent lips defined the day.
The sun was only oblivion.
Never until now did I realize
That she was glad cancer
Who stabilized my fickle mind.

— The End —