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Jan 2019 · 104
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
Ghastly shadows
and nightly prayers
have filled her cup
for a hundred years

Trespassing voices
have caressed her heart
And the brazen feelings
made her art

Comfort- a word so foreign
to her ears...
So, a false smile
for others she wears.
Jan 2019 · 93
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
I drowned myself
that day....
in the "drunkenness"
of a different way...

A cocktail of passion
and something else- love?
It was more of a question,
for the heavens above...

Then, sipped my way through
and burnt the soul
Waiting for it to come true...
Will I ever be whole?
Jan 2019 · 117
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
I stay awake...
to pour my heart out,
into nightly shadows
that seem to shout
of my nonentity
and the forlorn moon's anxiety
of watching relentlessly
the starts shimmering pretentiously
and wanting to be one of 'those'
the part of a wonderful prose...
Only to face the reality
-the face of anxiety
Jan 2019 · 176
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
falling deaf
to the spark within
the folds of the heart.

Can't douse
the eternal fire
of the hatred
that engulfs.

Can't care
to respond
to that awfully
unwelcome sound.
Jan 2019 · 112
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
Labyrinth of suffering,
labyrinth of pain,
labyrinth of dying...
tell me, what is there to gain?

Long that we have lived here
Long that we have been...
Long we've lived in fear,
So much that we have seen.

How do we get out?
The key is straight and fast.
Hide in the shell and shout
Until our life will last.
Inspired from John Green's Looking for Alaska, where Alaska young talks of the General and his Labyrinth.
Jan 2019 · 961
Ananya Dubey Jan 2019
not just outside,
but inside too.

spoke too much,
understood a few.

the walls around,
and open the shell.

Not just for you,
but for others as well.
Dec 2018 · 139
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
Scattered thoughts
Scribbled Pages
torn with feelings.
Numb bodies, fingers
entwined, splattered
with ink
of the bygone 'RED'.
Trepidation, fatigue
of living
for one more day.
Uncaring of all that,
I used to be....
Dec 2018 · 341
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
Poets embezzle,
hidden truths
with metaphors
derived richly
from the depths
of unseen pain
and cover up
the remnants of
the act;
with a smile
that covers with tact
what they've been feeling
for a long while.
Dec 2018 · 133
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
A thousand words
don't mean as much,
as those synchronized
periods of silence.

Intending to persist
and trying to resist.
Giving out more than
the story that just began.

Years ago, a war
in its own right,
trying to stand the ****** sight.
Bathing in the Omnipresent,
Silence's Effervescence.
Dec 2018 · 265
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
What's harder to bear;
the eternal glory
of masked truth
or letting pain burn
your insides, like wildfire
does flora.
The sharp gasp
for a breath of life
or the unfazed content
in letting death
'choke you'
Till you are no more
Dec 2018 · 129
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
The ghosts of our past
don't haunt us anymore.
Before us lie infinities vast.
For years the scar we bore.

Long gone are our days of agony.
Smiles have washed all our sins.
We quietly suffered fate's tyranny,
and at last perseverance wins.

And once again we try to live
forgetting our past
It's happiness we'll take and give
Until our lives last.
Dec 2018 · 147
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
If only we could change,
the fate that was ours.
If only we could turn,
back the days and hours.

If only we could heal,
the scars deep beneath.
How nice it would have been,
if those moments we could relive.

If that pain could be hidden,
under that pretty smile.
If only our heart,
could narrate how it feels.

Then we could laugh,
under the sheet of stars
And then our smiles,
would mingle with our tears.
And long gone will be
our fears and inhibitions.

And then the dead would live,
for old times sake.
Perhaps then we could give,
the love that we could never take.
Dec 2018 · 163
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
All emotions,
bare for you...
Come and see,
they stare at you.

Can you hear,
that song I sing?
Does that 'day',
that 'Memory' ring?

All those averted eyes
and all those coherent signs.
All those words choked inside
when silently you stood beside.

We parted long ago,
can you come?
Or maybe you intend to remain,
that long gone hum...
Dec 2018 · 96
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
I used to roam alone,
now am afraid of my own shadows.
I thought I was gone,
but, the heart still knows...
that it ain't me, dwelling over the past.
But, I can't see
If the hope will last,
for a long time.
I'll stay silent.
I'll try to keep it all in.
Because, I'm Resilient.
Dec 2018 · 131
I'm Hamartia
Ananya Dubey Dec 2018
A scar, a cut and a flaw
that unlucky face that you saw.
those sad words that you read,
masking emotions in my head.

'Pretty Rude' and 'Unruly'
Never actually 'Yours truly'
With an aura of mystery.
That shell, that I carry.

'Who are you?' they ask.
And answering is a pitiful task.
To describe myself in a word I try.
'I'm Hamartia' I cry.
Nov 2018 · 141
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
Trust me...
I'm right there
to hold your collapsing world,
while my own remains eternally destroyed.

Trust me...
I'm right there
to lend a shoulder
while my own tears turn colder.

Trust me...
I'm right there
to wipe blood off your scars,
while my own skin, a razor mars.

Trust me...
I'm right there
as usual, with a smile.
burying my own sorrows for a while.

Trust me...
I'm right there like I used to be.
But, maybe not any longer.
Because, I'm fading away waiting for you to notice me.
Nov 2018 · 213
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
You look me in the eye
but don't even see it
That silent sigh...
Did you notice?

The specks, the colors,
of the orb
blasphemies, troubles,
that they absorb.

The silent word,
hidden under wet lashes.
Things absurd,
just one thought flashes.

Every feeling,
waiting for your glance.
Waiting for help,
What's your stance?
Nov 2018 · 133
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
Those Promises
Those Words
and that day...
                        Those feelings,
                        the hurt,
                        " I was never okay!"
The truth,
hidden beneath,
a blanket of lies,
was unleashed.
                         " It's Okay"
                           wasn't heartfelt
                           going away
                           hard to accept.
The mirror held,
a new face.
And pain was all,
the eye could trace.
Nov 2018 · 159
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
In the darkest hours,
of the night so long
secrets unfold
like an unsung song.

Slowly, gradually,
a syllable- a note
tuned- untuned
the music will float.

Emotions, Feelings,
of the heart that's pure.
reflecting on dealings,
of life, that's sure.

Going forth
till the break of dawn,
the heart's oath,
that will go on....
Nov 2018 · 130
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
clinging along
like old memories
and that unsung song.
       Like pain, agony
       all mixed in one
       and those memories...
       of that special someone.

that don't drift apart
that have been there
right from the start.
        That don't fall away
        when the day shines bright
        that crouch in corners
        for our weary sight

that shape us, form us,
and that may at times,
even **** us.
Nov 2018 · 168
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
In the hallway of glances
she looks for attention
and there's none
not even to mention

Thoughts confused
and emotions bleary
reflections weird
and eyes weary

The mirror shows
the depth of pain
The heart knows
there's nothing to gain

Roughly stands,
for the strength is gone
In crowded spaces,
"She Stands Alone."
Nov 2018 · 129
Ananya Dubey Nov 2018
The doors are open
just walk inside
in my heart that's hollow
come confide

Words- expressions
all that you want
make depressions
just for a start

Trespass slowly
because I am aware
completely, wholly
of the unabashed stare

Undressed lie
emotions bare
and a heavy sigh
for you to hear.
Oct 2018 · 127
Ananya Dubey Oct 2018
When the words we speak
Just don’t tumble out
When the future looks bleak
and the soul shouts out
When dreams and desires
aren’t there any more
And all one wants is a heart that’s pure
When there is grief
as heavy as a stone
And those meetings brief
while you walk alone
When all you want is a good day ahead
just plop down on the pillow and go to bed
Just close your eyes and try to rest
and think of my words, which are for the best….
Just a few thoughts about the challenges of everyday life faced by many....

— The End —