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Everyone knows by now, fairytales are not found.
The beliefs of our ancestors buried with them in the ground.
Now to be walked on, forgotten by most.
Drones in a world where leaders are hosts.
Honored to have the things that we do.
Misjudged when we think that we shouldn’t have to fight too.
For why waste the lives of thousands for a mere thirty men?
Why do we bow down to governments that say they let us win?
We have the freedom we have the power.
We the people stands no longer in the Nation’s darkest hour
We become slaves out of fear to those who claim to protect us as one
But once you as a group, scare a nation, it’s done.
We gave them our rights when we voted them in.
And now all have fear that as a nation, we will not win.
We the People are not safe in our homes. For our faults of fear in our government rules us all.
Too afraid to fight the system, too afraid to fall.
  Feb 2015 AnActualToaster
Dr Strange
The other day someone pointed something out to me.  He asked me a question that made me laugh on the inside.  The question was,"why are you so weird". He said that I am always alone away from the crowd just starring at everything that comes by. All I could really do was smile, because that was the first time anyone ever pointed that out, so I gladly answered. I said,"I am always alone because I care too much, even the people I despise I try my best to protect".  He looked at me and said that's stupid and walked away.  It maybe stupid but it who I am. A caring person who just wishes to help everyone around him.
This is my first attempt ever at a story poem so please be nice and give me so feedback. Thank you and god bless
It was the impact that took my mind
But what happened to them just before I died?
Did they make it out of there alive?
Did they survive?
The disease set in
Their breath still fading
But our leaders spread these lies.
Just remember that we entrust our lives
To the men that tear us apart
And leave us broken like shards.
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