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Alessia Feb 2019
Please do not touch me
Please do not hush me
Please do not move past me
Please do not speak over me
Please do not not to talk to me
If you are not willing to hear my voice
Because I am a woman
And I have a lot to say
Alessia Jan 2019
I get it
You have so much more in common  
With her
Than you do with me
Alessia Jan 2019
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Why so sad
Don’t you know
Your pretty face
Prevents all that
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Put on your mask
Don’t you know
Your pretty face
Must be like that
I should really stop writing about girls but who’s gonna stop me
Alessia Jan 2019
One loop
Two loop
Three loop
So many bodies have hit the floor
Call my mommy
Call my daddy
My blood is rushing out a hole
I’m so sorry  
I’m so done
I couldn’t run faster then the gun
Alessia Jan 2019
I’m living
I’m livin
I’m livi
I’m liv
I’m li
I’m l
I’m ly
I’m lyi
I’m lyin
I’m lying
Alessia Jan 2019
I hope my mother is proud of me
I turned my pain into art
My past into my future
And everything that’s ever hurt me
Made me stronger
In what I do
Alessia Dec 2018
What do I weigh?
I weigh the responsibility of my ancestors for what they did to those of a different color
I weigh down the cons from the pros
I weigh the burden of what society says is ideal for me
I weigh the opinion of you, then I choose to ignore it
I weigh more than you can carry
But I will carry myself
Through the tricky path you’ve never bothered to help me clear
For you have never had to walk it
I will leave it clear for future generations to map out
So they will never weigh what I do
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