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 Feb 20 Green
Sia Harms
It is not for me
To don a white
Powdered wig
And smash a
Wooden gavel.

Who am I to
Wear the robes
Of justice?

It is in God’s

It always

has been.
 Feb 20 Green
Sia Harms
I sat on the edge of a teacup,
Spinning, spinning in a saucer,
My feet dangling in the boiling,
Tea-stained water—wondering
If it were better to fall forward
Or backward.
 Feb 12 Green
Sia Harms
Words do not translate as lyrics—
They become fumbled and awkward.

Why do they crumble when I voice
Them aloud?

Isn’t volume supposed to give words

Blisters sear my fingers, disappointment

And I realize I can only sing the songs
Of others.
 Feb 6 Green
Sia Harms
Sometimes I feel
God’s hand
Around my heart,
He the only reason
It continues
Every pulse that
Shudders through me,
Is the pressure of
His love,
His hand pumping
my blood
With His enduring
plan for me.
 Feb 5 Green
Sia Harms
I do not feel alive.
I feel like a cardboard
Cutout that kids push
Their heads through,
Smiling brightly as
Their parents snap
A photo.
 Feb 2 Green
Sia Harms
The timetable was slanted,
Askew in the dusty light.
No one had checked in,
Nor out, in years.
What was that sound,
That beating of the walls?
I stood in my empty heart.
 Feb 2 Green
Sia Harms
 Feb 2 Green
Sia Harms
His mouth was a perfect ‘O’
Like the opening of a guitar,
But out of tune, dumbstruck.
There was nothing he could
Say, no words that his face
Hadn’t already expressed.
Where had he been all this
Time? To not notice the lies
Furnishing his own mouth?
 Feb 2 Green
Sia Harms
progress only feels like
the past i am giving
up on
 Feb 2 Green
Mrs Timetable
when you left
you took the color with you,
and now the world
is like an old television set,
with muffled sound
that grates the ears,
and a picture
that cuts in and out,
filled with static,
in brilliant black and white,
that's made more of shades of gray.
did your world get more vibrant,
when you de-saturated mine?
or did the color
disappear entirely;
slipping out of your fingers
to be consumed
by the void
where my heart
once lived

Contributed by @the.poetic.gatsby
On Instagram, Threads and TikTok
"I miss the color in my life"

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