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 2d Green
Tears fall down my face  
Heart heavy with sorrow  
Memories linger close  
Aching for tomorrow.

Gone too soon  my dear  
Leaving me alone  
Life will never be the same  
In this empty home.
My uncle died almost 6 years ago, and it was his death date recently so I wrote this for him.
Fly high, Uncle Gus
 2d Green
In certain words you say
I hear the echos of the past
In certain words you say
It takes me way, way back

I don't want to be mad anymore
But your words follow me around
I don't want to be mad anymore
But in your words, I drown
 2d Green
Old man, you don't know me
You only know the shadows I let you see
Old man, you don't know me
Only the parts that I let free
 2d Green
 2d Green
I'm queer
Are the words I held back
As I watched you go

And now I'm left wondering
What happens now that these words
Are ones you'll never know
Written March 2020.

— The End —