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Abigail Madsen Jan 2013
Enough death
Enough lies
Enough hurt
Enough cries
Loosing a battle we should have won
Enough is enough
This should be done
Enough tears
Enough fears
time to make it clear
that being put down through all the years
only makes you stronger
Stand taller
Show the world your life was meant for longer
Fight harder
Become strong
Show them they were wrong
Move along
Life going on
Life going strong
Life moving on
Abigail Madsen Jan 2013
Growing up
Innocence going down
all to show
a **** frown
Act your age they say
what is age
age redefined on a page
on 'age'
twelve years old and suicidal
sixteen years young
Thinking you're ready to be bridal
walking the halls
Hoping not to fall
from your popularity
needing clarity
You expect our charity?
Ha, girls like me are a rarity
check yourself
before you wreck yourself
clichéd isn't it
Name it
it fits
I can't take it anymore
You're fourteen
and you've seen
Things I can't even dream
all you want to do is scream?
Don't kid
you broadcast your personals
to the halls
from wall to other walls
Not even beneficial
get real
learn how to deal
and stop trying to change
the range
of age
-More Rap-ish than anything close to poetry, but I needed a bit of a rant.
Hopefully I'll get back on track of writing decent poetry.
Abigail Madsen Jan 2013
So powerless
Loosing the time in an hourglass
fate slipping away in time-lapse
ambition growing weaker
the truth seeker
Seeking answers
what answers
p o w e r
What would you do with power
power for you to build you up like a tower
towering those around you
unable to be like you
No competition
be like you
you can’t change
when you have no
p o w e r
who needs power
when you have all the hours
hours in the world
world needing change
change of power
not enough hours
unable to phase
their ambition
changing you position
of power
p o w e r
Who says you can’t become powerful
when you’re
-A quick journal write for my English class. Not my best work, but I feel the need to post something
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
A blank screen waving
Can't think
Wont write
I can't do this tonight
My piece to complete
Can't find a rhyme
I don't have the time
Got nothing
Curser blinking
Still thinking
Haven't posted in a while, its quite ******* but, you know. Enjoy(:
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
A smile rests upon her broken face
Nothing but a hair out of place
Laying in that god forsaken case
A beautiful girl's soul gone to waste
A soul of beauty and brains
a soul that became covered in rain
Only dead in life
but not in vain
though everything caused her pain
Soon when her life got insane
insane enough to run away
away from the fears
the tears
from being worn down all these years
She went to a place
where nothing but a
broken smile
her broken face
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
Beauty is only skin deep. And yet
deep enough to define a gender
a gender good for nothing
but what, eye candy
to be appealing
to those who can't have
what they want. Hypocrites
they criticize us for being fake
Telling beauty is only skin deep but
when situations reversed I would be
pretty and they would be hideous because
if we were judged without faces, what would
you possibly hold a candle too compared to us
who never had the benefit of looks to aid their
appeal, solely relying on what hides beneath
their own complexion. Reflexion in the mirror
being no aid to the likely ness of relationship
So tell me, where the hell do you get
off telling me that you know
whats below your
beautiful skin
-Skin Deep Hypocrites
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
Children between the ages of six and ten
boys not even close to being men
And you, you call yourself a man?
A man of what, of cowardice
a man of strange
of deranged
scared faces
reduced to
scarred hearts
unable to heal
being torn apart
All the pain is too real
The eighteen children too young to know
to go to the unknown
A place set for a person no longer here
Eighteen children you robbed of their lives
put their families through all the fear
For what reason
Children no older than fingers on their hands
no younger than the time on their stands
standing graves for eighteen children
who won't know anymore of a summer breeze
or getting down on one knee
to pledge the love
the same love you took
from families
and victims alike
Causing all the strife
So you call yourself a man
when you stood before
eighteen children
That you put on their death bed
along with yourself
who couldn't listen
to his own **** head.
36 parents who have to
identify their child
who no longer roams free and wild
all because you exiled
The innocence and life
out of eighteen
Tell me, what right
did you have
to be given the title
of a *Man
Mean't to be read as a complete slam on this man.
-My heart goes out to any and all families of victims or people involved in the Newtown, CT shooting. <3
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