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Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
Everyday I'm fighting that face in the mirror
with my emotions never getting clearer
Looking at a face
that I cannot see
a face that isn't me
A face I call my
A face I do not condone
I look in to my eyes
I despise what I see
these eyes are not me
I stare at that smile
A smile that can tell
some stories for a while
That smile isn't me
That smile is what people see
They see
That face
That isn't
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
Dear black haired boy
I write to you to say
you used my heart like it was your toy
and I let you
just to call you My black haired boy
To be in your arms
away from the harm
Was all I wanted
but you taunted
my heart
Getting hurt from the start
But in the end just wanted to
be your brown hair girl
who made your world twirl
instead treated me like i meant nothing
made me feel like crumbling
You sent my life tumbling down
only able to show a frown
from your hateful crown
you fell
crushed by someone else
crawling back to your brown haired girl
who welcomed you with an open heart
which was still broken from the start
just waiting to be healed
at the hands of my black hair boy
even though my heart
was nothing but a toy
To said black hair boy
who never really gave me a choice
but to use my own voice.
no longer your brown haired girl
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
You take those pills
to numb the pain
you scare me half to death
while my life seems to be covered by a rain
a rain of tears
tears that will fall
when you don't wake up from
the oxy induced slumber
when your life seems to get duller
Your life should be fuller
Not even a year into high school
and your low on that fuel
fuel to make you stay here
with me near
because I can't be there for you
that makes you
choose those pills
so you can get over the hills
that you face
that pain
one text
"I took more and I love you..."
Don't say that beautiful
life is worth more than that
I promise I'll show you that
please let me show you
the color of the trees
the smell of the leaves
its all worth it I swear
just to feel the wind in your hair
the sand beneath your toes
the frost nipping at your nose
The love of a friend
willing to do anything
to keep your life from the end
Abigail Madsen Dec 2012
A beautiful girl dressed in red
she can seem to get out of her own head
Beautiful eyes
met with the saddest demise
Red ribbon waving in the wind
in all the places she had been
A handsom boy dressed in blue
waiting to start anew
Broken heart
wanting to restart
Misses the girl in red
Holds her ribbon close to his heart
wanting to go back to the start
Abigail Madsen Nov 2012
Left uninspired
getting tired
So tired
Can't think
down I sink
Towards the depths
The depths of hate
Hate that is laced in to my fate
My fate I can't controle
Of that, you cannot console
We all have a role
mine just happens to be
Less than that of
the world
because it still twirls
without my words
tripping on the herds
of hate
forget you
and I'll
Abigail Madsen Nov 2012
Empty room
Empty heart
I just wanna go back to the start
the start of it all
the walk before the fall
Beginning before the end
when will it end
The hurt
before being put in the dirt
before dirt is all i know
I mean c'mon we all know this is a show
for all the foes
and the hoes
who dared
dared to doubt my creativity
To suffer your insensitivity
to my insecurities
because when you're in your thirties
I'll be in my prime
while you wont be able to drop a dime
for the shattered
dreams wasted
seams burned
hate overturned
only crushed dreams
left for you, never me
Abigail Madsen Nov 2012
Hidden in secrets
in lies
No longer having ties
to who I am
I wear a mask
A mask to change
to be judged
reputation smudged
Covered in fake
my mask to make
No truth
Hidden, tucked away in a booth
Back of my head
wishing I was dead
So kind
They don’t mind
Before I can judge
I must be judged, right?
Well I will not be judged without a fight
I will use all my might
Who is society to tell her she’s not worth it
Him he’s not going to make it
and me I’m not a poet
but I will say what I want about my mask
I have to make it
Make me
Fake me
The world can’t shake me
Maybe break me
because I have the key
the key to my destiny
The key
that comes with a fee
to take off my mask
and be me
be you
be he
be she
be we
We together
Stand together
Get together
And remove our mask of
dead like flies
We are unique
No longer weak
Together we seek
The maskless faces
The faces like our own
Now its our turn
To watch our masks burn.
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