People wonder why my life is so boring,
I tell them it's boring because people don't never want
to take me nowhere,
It's like I'm contagious,
No one likes me happy,
People have great times without me,
I sit down in the same spot everyday,
Wondering if someone is coming to take me to have a great time,
I always think that people are thinking of me, but they're not,
They're hoping I get thrown into a ditch,
My life is so boring because I don't have any friends to take me out,
I don't have a boyfriend to talk to when I'm bored, I have no friends who don't have fun,
My friends are exposed to good times and I'm just a wimp about everything,
I didn't ask for a boring life, it asked for me, and it got me,
Everywhere I go, is in my house. . .
My life is so boring and it's like I don't have a life. Why am I living?