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Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
I see you sitting there alone
No place to run, no place to go
Your shadow is your only companion
So many people you left abandoned

Your fingers are intertwined together
Oblivious to people escaping the weather
The rain pours down, then a clap of thunder
Lightning strikes as I begin to wonder

Who did this to this poor girl?
Mixed emotions begin to swirl
Look at her face, she's lost her glow
Only a man can make her feel that low

She lifts her head and fixes her hair
Putting the strand that fell back there
Behind her ear, tucked back as she
Watches the ground as quiet as can be

For many minutes maybe even an hour
I watch her sitting alone in the rain shower
Then my curiosity gets the better of me
I must talk to this once great, now fallen beauty

With great quickness I make my way in the rain
To the other side of the street, am I insane?
No, get it together, just ask her quick
"Excuse me miss, do you want to get sick?"

She makes no attempt to lift her head
It was as if she was already dead
"Please miss, Come with me inside"
"No thank you sir, I'm waiting for my ride"

She lifts her head and looks me deep in the eyes
Her hand grabs my own, as a part of me dies
"You see, you're the first person to stop today
Everyone else just wandered along on their way

But because you were so kind as to see what's wrong
I'll put in a good word, but now you must go, so long!"
With that I turn and walk away as she wished
But there was something that I must have missed

I turn to look back over my shoulder one last time
The beautiful, sad woman who had lost her mind
Was no longer sitting where she had once been
The rain now stopped and never started again

Who was she? To whom would she put in a good word?
These lingering thoughts were the only things I heard
Forget about it before you drive yourself crazy
Strangely enough, I still feel her presence with me

A phone rings; I pick it up, "hello?"
"Are you ready son? It's your time to go"
To who did this ominous voice belong?
'Tis the Devil, not God, you all were wrong.
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
What do you call two no longer one?
The weight of the relationship felt like a ton
A chess match in whom neither side won
A breakup that burnt as hot as the sun

How can you regain your trust in me?
A secret I wish you would share with thee
I try to get close but you always flee
Why can't you be the woman I want you to be?

I see your face inside of my head
So hard in the morning to roll out of bed
Loathing the sunshine, by night time I'm dead
Put a gun in my mouth, stain the carpet red

I'll obey your wishes until you come correct
And admit that sometimes we do connect
I doubt that on you it has any effect
So why on the past must I always reflect?

Even after you left and I moved away
Feelings for you as a friend still stay
And I hang on every word that you say
Now I am tired, down I must lay

I can see my breath, the end draws near
I look at the bottom of an empty beer
I think of you and then drop a tear
My life stands before me with you in the rear
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
Bitte geben Sie nicht ihre Liebe entfernt.
Ich wurde verbannt aus ihrem Herzen heute.
Mein Herz blutet jetzt einen Überlauf
der Liebe für dich, meine süße Isolde.
Learn German
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
Ethereal in nature
Presence lingering
Long after she departs
Soul saving service
With gentle auburn eyes
And coke bottled
Coffee colored curls
Hanging just so
Below her rosy red
Dimples line her face
Pulling her mouth
Into an ever gracious smile
Stay with me for awhile
And regale me with stories
Filled with caustic wit
I soak it all up
To the very last bit
But, if this is the end
You will stay eternally
Ethereal in nature
To the ones
Who are lucky enough
To call you
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
Honey tresses cascading down
Toward most unworthy ground
Eyes shaded away, not seen
A light shade of emerald green
Thoughts held tight
Them diamonds lost
In luster longingly
Shone the way to shore.
All sailors beware
Do not stop to glare
At her hypnotizing stare
You may not make it
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
If I was a part of your world,
we’d live alone on clouds.
And when it starts to sprinkle,
then we’d slowly float back down.

If I was a part of your world,
you would never be taken for granted.
We would cultivate a life together
with the many seeds we've planted.

If I was a part of your world,
then you would be apart of mine.
You'd be the greatest gift of all,
You'd be the most divine.

If I was a part of your world,
then the heavens I could reach.
You would be my calming waves,
and I, your humble beach.
Andrew Rolston Feb 2018
I don’t even really know you, per se
And yet I have this image of you
Slowly exhaling smoke rings into the air
Your raven hair tucked behind your ears.
Some rebel strands break free and I put them back
Your soft features makes it easy to dream
Warm to the touch, but with a slight shiver
You’d feel the tingle as my finger grazes your ear
Curled up on the couch watching a scary movie
Your eyes are so sad and holding so much emotion
Inside them that it cracks my hard shell and I give in
I lift  your chin and your eyes can no longer contain
All the emotion that has been trapped so long inside.
Your makeup is running down your face again
Like so many times before
You’ve left a trail for me to follow.
And follow I will…until we find where you’ve hidden yourself.
So, pout if you want. Sigh, if you must. But smile sincerely
When our journey is over and I get what I want:
Your happiness.
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