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AK93 Jul 2016
Lately I've been learning some very important truths.
I've learned that you don't always need proof,
Just believe in what makes sense to you.
Everybody's entitled to their own point of view,
But make sure you stand by the truth you choose
AK93 Nov 2012
Peace, harmony, and love for your fellow man
Things all much less important than your own plans
You call yourselves humans but I disagree
A bunch of selfish animals are all I see
AK93 Dec 2015
I was out sailing across the great blue green sea
Searching for a friend and the meaning of my dream
I came across another ship that looked like it had been crushed to bits
Slowly I approached and let out a cautious call
I wondered if anyone could even hear me at all
Then from the wreck a little voice unleashed a helpless cry
I saw her holding onto a rope, floating alone just trying not to die
Her hair was dripping wet, clothes a soaking mess
Shed been there for more than a few days if it were up to me to guess
I left my post and walked down to the ledge
I offered my hand and pulled her up onto the edge
Within a moment our eyes had locked, shed forgot the life she lost
All she wanted was to be saved
But I threw her back and she sank beneath the waves
AK93 Mar 2016
We have all died at least once, and if you say you haven't, then you simply are too young to remember
AK93 Jun 2016
There's a reason we're here
Each day means something
We both try to ignore
Cuz we know what's in store
If we leave our stores open
We'll have our floors cleared
Then we'll get out of here
Each of us will be leaving
With what wasn't ours
To take and to keep away
We stole all our good parts
And at the end of each day
We'll decide we should stay
Because we can't fend for ourselves
When we're both such easy targets
AK93 Dec 2015
Every time I fall, I sink like a stone
Dropped into the ocean
Tossed by endless waves
I never get to rest
Someday I'm sure, I will reach the shore
Only to be taken back by the tide
Pulled back under the crushing ways
AK93 Mar 2016
Its time to start preparing lines
The stage is ready for your moment to shine
All the action has lead to this
The starring role was yours to keep
So now its time to sow what you want to reap
AK93 Jan 2016
just for once, maybe I'd be the reason you've been sick awake at night. Keep thinking no one's got you, I'll be here waiting patiently til you give me the right
AK93 Oct 2016
I'm wishing you could be me
So that you can see
Everything I see
When you stand in front of me
So that you may believe
Every word that I will speak
When the topic of the week
Is how much you mean to me
AK93 Nov 2015
I think silence is worse than suicide, because at least in death there's nothing to hide, its a way to get out of your mind, and leave behind all the problems that plague your life.

I think suicide is better than silence, because at least in death there's something violent, it's a way to let out what's inside, and you may find that the lie is worse than living in your life

I think silence and suicide are one in the same, either way you feel nothing or insane, and either way you hate your brain, and either way the pain will never not feel like shame, and either way you lose the game
AK93 Mar 2016
Explosive silence
Bottled violence
A vile combination
A sizable complication
Thoughts unheard from a heart not conferred
Your actions will confine you if you let history define you
AK93 Oct 2012
Held together by strands of passion and excess
I hang onto the strings of abuse and excuses
Torn apart at every cross stitch and double seam
Woven into a nightmare by hands unseen
I cut the thread and slip into my silk dream
AK93 Apr 2016
I spend every penny like all the late lonely hours awake; wasting away wasted every single dollar day
AK93 May 2016
I can not quit
Caving in
Giving in
To familiar sin
AK93 Feb 2013
Sister summer
Its been a while
Since I felt your touch
Or saw your smile
Father winter is losing his grip
But the ice has yet to melt so be careful not to slip
He blows cold wind across the sky
He drops frozen flakes on your delicate eyes
Sister summer
Will you come around
Melt the snow and spring life from the ground
I can feel her on my face, I can feel her on my skin
Once the sun shows itself I'll be able to begin again
Sister summer
Its been too long
Many years have passed me by since I last heard your song
Now as the clouds begin to depart
And as the temperature turns to warm
I feel you touching my frozen heart
Sister summer
Hold my hand
Keep me away from harm
I look to you, my old friend
When the night seems like it won't ever end
I'll be fine, just give me time
The cold at night isn't so bad
But it sure as hell doesn't do a thing to keep me from feeling sad
Sister summer
You'll be home soon
I can't wait for the days that never end
Peace and love will shine once you come back again
Oh sister summer
Set me free
Sister summer
Set me free
AK93 Aug 2016
Do you remember all the things we saw? There were a lot, but not as many as I thought. I guess my memories were just making love again, reproducing with my dreams of all that could have been.
AK93 Mar 2015
Waste your time
Take it in
Soon enough
Life will begin
Make no rush
Ease your pace
Only once
You'll see this place
Have no haste
Gather awe
Worry not
You'll feel it all
AK93 Nov 2012
I am weak
This I know
Like late winter snow
Down is the the way I go
I melt away when the temperature rises
Just to be ****** back into the sky
I'm a creature of habit
This should come as no suprise
AK93 Oct 2016
I miss when rejection was just being told "ew, no way".
At least the message was clear.
Unlike with you,
where every day either feels like a first date,
or like we've been at war for almost a year,
and I don't know which one is true,
but that's just my point of view.
AK93 Sep 2016
Can everyone just shut up about the things they love?
What do you know,
We say that we love, but then tomorrow,
we gotta go.
No it's not you,
You're completely lovable,
This is just
AK93 Aug 2016
I wonder where you're laying your body down tonight, and whether we're ever going to resolve this fight. Perhaps it's best that we both just say goodnight, because things in life can't always end up alright.
AK93 Mar 2016
I'm sorry
If my words
Have not been what you want to hear
But I'm not sorry
If my words
Have reminded you of your own fear
AK93 May 2016
For no one, I'll do anything
For myself, I'll do nothing
For you, I'll do everything
AK93 Aug 2016
Your razor blade is still sitting on the window ledge in the bathroom, and I'd give it back to you, but you told me to get away, so that's where I'm gonna stay. I wonder if I should cut myself with it before I throw it away, set it to my wrists and pull open the veins, let myself pour down the shower drain while I contemplate the consequences of this game we chose to play.
AK93 Mar 2016
Say it with me
Pronounce each word with clarity
Scream the message into my open ears
Let the phrase slip off your velvet  tongue
Say it now while were both still young
Every time we try to speak
Our thoughts get twisted in a verbal trapeze
If only you could say what your heart desires
We'd find ourselves free from regrets raging pyres
Claimed by the madness we've both created
Indulging in fantasies for which we are hated
And its true our worlds are not so distant
So spit out what you're thinking this very instant
AK93 Apr 2016
Lately my atoms have been scrambling to hold the shape of the person you've all come to know so well
AK93 Jun 2016
What I could start with my words would shake the nest of every bird in the world
AK93 Mar 2018
We're all tired, from always sleeping on the floor,
And we've decided, that we dont want this anymore!
It's time to rise, because kneeling isn't opening any doors,
And we're gonna fight, because we're not afraid anymore!
AK93 Mar 2016
Do you believe/ it could be / we are but dust from stars
And is it possible / that our molecules / are not truly far apart

Wonder with me / won't you please

Nobody really knows / exactly where they came from
But some know less / and some others can only guess

Will you please / wonder with me

Perhaps when existence began / all things were as one
But big bang happened / and we all got split up

Do you wonder / of our mystery

Maybe our molecules touched / before time was started
And now we've found each other / as close as before we parted
AK93 Dec 2015
What once was the center of so many worlds, A light for all to see, will never be forgotten as those planets still turn

A star that has gone and spent all its will to burn
AK93 Jan 2016
Oh starlight, oh starbright, oh only dot in my sky, why are you so heavenly high, why are you so frustratingly far? Why don't you come down here, because I just can't reach where you are
AK93 Apr 2018
I don't want to forget you, but I think it's time that I must
I don't want to regret you, but what we built has rusted and fallen to dust, leaving me with no foundation to stand upon, because you were the support that I always relied on
And when you began to fall apart and break, I tried my hardest not to share your fate, but I stumbled down and wound up doing the same
Now I'm trying to find my feet and am trying to rise again, and I think I have to do it without you there to call my friend
AK93 May 2016
What's the point of a finite race when all of time is the same as space?
AK93 May 2016
Nothing will go as planned until you start supplying your demand
AK93 Mar 2013
We are still
Motionless in black
If we turn to the light
There is no turning back
We are broken
Crushed by stone
But if we stand by each other
We won't be so alone
Screaming out
Crazed and wild
Shout towards the sky
Find freedom child
Set yourself free
No longer will you haunt me
I have walked away
Been gone since yesterday
With the last of our strength
We've been holding inside
We told the world
We're not ready to die
AK93 Jul 2016
It's like we've exited slow motion and gone completely frozen. No longer like an ocean, we do not flow. Our crashing waves have fallen silent, along with the atmosphere behind them.
AK93 Mar 2018
Reaching out
To touch the sound
Then suddenly
It seems to break
And I find myself
In a silent place
I take a breath
And feel the doubt
The only sounds
That im allowed
AK93 Dec 2015
What does it say about you that the only love you've truly known, was thrown from your hand like a skipping stone
And what does it say of me that the stone has made its way back to shore, as if it was begging to be thrown once more
Next time you must toss it with such wicked strength, it will have no choice but to lay where you watched as it sank
And though all stones may eventually return to shore, the stones that return are still smaller than before
AK93 Dec 2012
what i once thought
i thought i knew
nothing could change how i felt about you
i never believed what i saw
but now my eyes have been bled raw
and i see you for all you really are
cant forgive, a stupid mistake
you say you loved, but i say it was faked
if those feelings were so true
then i wouldn't be here, angry at you
an act of compassion, i could never get
every time i slipped, you made me regret it
another fault, another straw in the stack
and finally we've broken the young camel's back
AK93 Jun 2016
Maybe if I don't think about it the mess will clean itself up,
And maybe if I didn't doubt about it I wouldn't be feeling so ****** up,
But maybe if I started shouting about it you would all see that I'm breaking up,
Or maybe if i stay quiet about it the pressure that I'd endure might be enough to ensure that I never get up
AK93 Jul 2016
The spider gathers friends all day and never lets them get away
They will sit and stay and with them he will play
Squirm and try as they might the spider's friends will stay the night
Until he remembers what his mother said
*"Don't play with your food, eat it before its dead"
AK93 Sep 2016
Drowning is easy when I'm swimming in you, and I could come up for air but I don't think I want to. Because you see, you are the sea where everything floats along like a dream, and if you never let me be dry again, that'd be fine with me.
AK93 Apr 2016
Climb a tower,
Reach the top,
Be faced with three choices;
Remain at the peak alone,
Go back down the way you came,
Or accept adventure: jump and see where you can land
AK93 May 2017
I haven't showered for seventy two hours, it's been three days since you put me in my place again
And I don't want to believe that just like Jesus Christ, today's the day that I'm supposed to rise again.
AK93 Dec 2015
I've been holding onto this for some long time now, and I believe it might be wrong. Did you know that I've been waiting, and you weren't the first to have me like that. Just like the last you always look right past all the signs I try to throw your way. Now I'm empty with nothing left to give but up, yet still I can't walk out of this place.
It seems your gravity has no hold on me when all I want is to be pulled into you
Please don't think that I wouldn't want to, but if you won't then there's nothing I can do
I have to let go
Drift off slowly
Won't you let me
Find a new star
To crash into
AK93 Jul 2013
Some days all you can do is hope you made the right choice
Did you speak too loudly, could she even hear your voice?
Did you do everything in your power to stop this?
Did you give yourself up when you went in for the kiss?
Maybe you should have held back, or maybe you were right to come out and attack
Maybe you should have ended this long ago, but what that would have done will never be known
Maybe you should have spoke a little kinder, or maybe you could have set her on fire
What if you were her, how would you have wanted it?
You'll never know
If you made the right decision
You tried with precision
But you can never be sure
As long as your intent was pure
Then you did the right thing for sure
AK93 Jun 2016
I always find you when I'm dreaming, and once in the worst dream I ever had you said you were leaving. But in all the rest you stay standing by my side, or find me where I've been hiding and tell me everything will be alright. I've dreamt of you at least a hundred times, and it's always the best sleep of my whole life. The waking world can only compare when I'm with you anywhere, and when we're lying together with our arms wrapped around each other I don't want to fall asleep because no dream I have could be more sweet.
AK93 Oct 2012
Listening to the sound of crashing waves
While cosmic rocks soar past my gaze
I watch the sky with awe and desire
Making a wish on each passing ball of fire
With a thousand chances that one will come true
I'll spend every one wishing for you
AK93 May 2016
The moment called,
It's sorry you missed it.
You were too busy planning out your living.
You can't call it back,
It has already passed.
But do you really believe it was really the last?
AK93 Aug 2016
Run for your life like you're being chased by Godzilla
Fear for your fate at the hands of something familiar
It seems to be growing
It's approach won't be slowing
Call up the castle and beg for a place to hide
Call up the kettle and put yourself safely inside
Boil alive to save yourself from what waits outside of your mind
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