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AK93 Mar 2016
Our lives were crossed at a beautiful intersection
And even now as we prepare to part
I still hold a piece of you in my heart
I'll never forget the lesson I've learned
The sun only dissapears because the world has turned
But soon enough it will rise again
And when it does we'll still be friends
I'll always be there if you come knock on my door
Thank you for showing me what life is for
AK93 Sep 2016
wear your soul over your skin, filter the feelings you let in, edit the feelings you let out, and always remember what life is about; not the things that you have, but the people that you love and would hate to live without
AK93 Dec 2015
He scrambles to find his words outside her front door, they all spill onto her front porch
She looks at him and all he can say is I don't know
She looks at the ground and says she has to go
He wanders back to his car but she doesn't leave the doorway
She proclaims out into the night "I knew you would run away"
He turns his head around and shuffles his feet on the ground
He's still looking for an answer the likes of which he hasn't found
With a little shake, he speaks back to the surrounding black;
"I thought I forgot my mind in a sack, I left it here and I want it back
It's been oddly dark and I cannot feel my heart, but I need all my parts if I'm ever to start
Maybe after I'm reacquainted with my brain, I can let you in without piggybacking all the pain
If the reattached pieces manage to cooperate, then maybe I'll see you at some later date"
AK93 Dec 2016
We wear costumes of self control, with masks made of deception to conceal our intention. As a method of prevention, we slip into our inventions, inverting ourselves to protect the hearts we won't mention. Our sleeves will be washed clean so that no one will see how much we've had to bleed just to believe that we deserve a dream just as much as the soul who doesn't have to hide in a hole covered with dirt. Our only message to the world is written out on wooden boards sticking out of the ground above the patches where our bodies can be found, and they read:

"This is all I can let you see because I don't like what you want me to be, and I'd rather die here alone than tell you to leave, because someone you want is all I ever wanted to be."
AK93 Aug 2016
I hate everything that these words have come to represent, all the things I refuse to do and all that I pretend

Yes I can write all about how badly I want this and that, but once my desires try to leave the page I stab them in the back

Never have I tried to tame the hell that I create, I only wait and watch as nothing changes and I stay the same

Any thought that might distract me from my quiet sulking act, pushed aside by the fears I've been feeding and letting grow fat

Every day I leave marks upon the skin of my note pads, keeping track of all the cracks in my conscience and all the dreams I wish I had

There lie some truths inside my mind that I won't dare to ever spill, because if I were to read what I would write it would make them real
AK93 Mar 2018
I cant stop going back to all the things that i know wont work
I forsake the lessons ive learned in the hopes that things will be different this time
But it's always the same
Drunk or high
It won't help me remember how to fly
Ive forgotten how to use my wings
And how to use my voice to sing
The melodies that used to pick me up and dance in my head have found their way to playing on the brighter stages with new friends
Its all been lost to the passage of time and if this is all that ive got left i see no reason not to die
Empty chrouses and a cacophony of silent applauses
Vacant seats and dead vibrations in the air
There will be no break for intermission
This show goes on hold for no one
With a decaying babckbeat for none to hear
And a drowning melody that will flood your ears
You will soon learn that theres no method to the madness
Its just a pouring out of all the things that make up sadness
AK93 May 2016
You want it
But have no need
You crave it
But you'd rarely feed
Once you're inside
You'll want right out
Then back again
I have no doubt
This game here
Is one I own
No one else
Sits on my throne
I claim calamities
And assume atrocities
All while the quiet
Voice inside hides
AK93 Jul 2016
The feeling rips through me. Crashing waves rush over my entire body sending the current of emotion running through my limbs until it smashes with all its might into the tips of my fingers and toes, causing me to reach out and kick away at the same time. My mind rapidly succumbs to the flooding, as my thoughts boil and drown beneath the toxic mixture that has poured into my head.
AK93 Aug 2017
Your car got taken for a measly sum, and mine went to the flames under the winter sun, so we both lost out before our time was done, but im tryna tell you that it all matters none.
Before we started this war of excommunication and going *** for tat over every nonsensical spat, there was something golden coating what we had, but somehow we ended up throwing it in the trash, and I'd give every arm and leg that i have to get it back.
Now i know its been a while since youve heard my voice, and i apologize if i start to cry, its just that i dont know how to handle how strange it feels to know that at least ive tried.
AK93 Sep 2017
Your car got taken for a measly sum, and mine went to the flames under the winter sun, so we both lost out before our time was done, but I'm tryna tell you that it all matters none.
Because before we started this war of excommunication, and going *** for tat over every nonsensical spat, there was something golden coating what we had, but somehow we ended up throwing it in the trash, and I'd give every arm and leg that i have to get it back.
Now i know its been a while since youve heard my voice, and i apologize for the times ive stalled and all the times I've fallen apart.
You have no idea the damge thats been dealt, and you know not the extent of the heartbreak that ive felt.
I dont think i can continue,  though i swear I've prayed that I could.
And everything that we never did, I've always wished that we would.
AK93 Jun 2016
There's a little voice ringing loudly in my head, screaming stay under your covers or else you'll wind up dead. His silent sound will drown out any doubt that I can ever do without leaving the safety of my house.
AK93 Jan 2016
If you really loved me then
You'd still love me now
You'd do anything to make it work
It wouldn't matter how
You'd give all that you have
Because I'd do the same
But since you cannot
I know who's to blame
AK93 Jun 2016
The world I know does not exist, when you are by my side
It's replaced by a place of wonder, where smiles don't need to hide
A land of entrancing dancing, with the shaking of our souls
When we grab hold of each other, everything surrounding us lets go

*I just want to flow
In the place that I know
The sun always shows

I just need to breathe
In the place that can be
Only you next to me
AK93 May 2018
I take a look at how far we've come
And wonder why it ever took so long
Mountains were traversed
And oceans crossed
But still I feel
Somewhere we got lost
I don't know how
We got this far
But im willing to bet
We aren't done
Where we'll go
No one knows
But together we'll walk any bridge we cross
Because inside I know
Side by side is where we belong
AK93 Jan 2016
The point of these words is growing duller by the letter, and all I need right now is something sharp enough to cut the tension filling my fingers
AK93 Oct 2016
Running around
Trying to get ahead
Life's a competition
Or at least that's what everyone says
but I don't think that it makes much sense
Living a life to have more than the rest
AK93 Sep 2016
All around me I see faces wearing expressions that say they're starving for love, but in a last ditch effort to protect what they have managed to save up, every single one of them has sewn their own lips shut, and they've lived their lives neither finding someone they could trust nor anyone who would ever give enough, because they're not willing to risk giving what little they were born with up.
AK93 Apr 2016
Why do I persist to exist when the nearest exit is just a slit of the wrist away
AK93 Apr 2016
I'm so perfectly inprefect
There's nothing I can't **** up
Give me a fortune and I'll waste it in a day
I'll throw every penny away at the pinball arcade
I'll win just a free game when billions could have been made
Give me an icetray, and I'll show you how to **** up the task
The cubes won't be cubes, no they'll be burning piles of ash
I'm sorry but Billy won't have cold drinks at his birthday bash

Give me a life to live, and I'll live through it all wishing I did
AK93 Apr 2016
Our natural rights have been forgotten
Freedom must be something that nobody understands
Life should be unplanned and pleasant
But instead we work and follow other's demands
What is existence if it comes with a price
We must take our lives back with our own hands
AK93 Jun 2016
What could be so wrong with me that I see a piece of me inside of you when you do all those wicked things you do?
AK93 Dec 2016
You're like swimming in a lake filled with razor blades
A painful dive
So shallow and sharp with all those salty remarks
And I can't drown in you no matter how hard I try
AK93 Dec 2015
How hard it is to like people, because no matter how hard you try they apparently just don't want to be liked
AK93 Nov 2015
It's becoming clear that its not me, but everything that I believe
The little lies that materialize and pile high til they blind my eyes
I want to trust in my own thoughts and find comfort in my heart
But the truth is that I just can't see the reality of everything that is me

I wish I could provide the proof for you and let you read it through and through
Then let you tell me what to do, but you'll never know me the way I do

Its hard to focus on a single idea
Every imagined betrayal
All the made up pain
They seem so real in my brain
The emotions that endlessly erupt
The feelings that I can't feel enough
I always want to have to much
And it's to the point where I want to give up
Because I'll never cease the cause of pain
I'll always find a way to make it rain
Soak myself as i pour on the shame
Always playing to win a losing game
It's all that I know how to do, because in the end I'll never know the truth
AK93 Aug 2017
Without you there
To light the fuse on my bombs
I go on
Through the dark without a light
I lose my way, and remember the sight
Of you and i burning bright and igniting the sky
Do you remember
The sound of explosions that stirred our emotions up
And in the sky, the planes roared above as they dropped explosive ordinances before our eyes
The war we fought
Was a ****** battle of hardened souls
Survival was bought by those who brought knives up their sleeves
and made the other believe that this fight would be fought with pride
We lost the lives that wed never realize, and the price we paid was worth more than we saved
But the memories we made must be strong enough to carry us to the grave
AK93 Sep 2016
Life is uncomfortable.
And I want nothing more
than for it to stop.
Except maybe,
I'd like to get the chance
to smoke some ****
with a cop.
Because I'm sitting here ******,
and paranoid as all hell.
I hear ringing in my ears,
coming from the great invisible bell

**I'm afraid that they're coming to get me,
and I'm so scared that no one will ever get me,
and I'm terrified that before I die,
everyone I've ever known and loved will forget me
AK93 Jan 2016
The solitary sink where my soul can swim
The single state I can survive in
The remote reason for me to roam
The ringing reality I reap from home
The fleeting feeling of forgotten feasts
The frantic results of frivolous feats
AK93 Jul 2016
This is the place where we fall apart, standing over the cliff with hearts in hand, making the leap to the promised land. This is the place where we swallow the dark, never to play broken parts ever again, I'm sorry I brought you here my friend
AK93 May 2017
We still talk sometimes, even though im trying hard to let you go, and I still write, rhyming lines, yeah you know that ill always be a poet.
And I've still got a few good words for you, a couple more metaphors so cool like how it used to be between me and you.
And I've got at least another punchline or two, because when all's been said and done and our precious time is finally up, its important that we can look back on the past, and laugh, and never forget the good times that we had
AK93 Apr 2018
Im sitting in the dark with no one but myself
The clock keeps ticking as i inch closer to hell
Id give anything to anyone to let me out of this cell
I no longer have it in me to scream or yell
The only sound i hear is the calling of the hourly bell
AK93 May 2016
Four rearing to tear you apart
Horses tied to your legs and arms
The steeds take steps to stretch you flat
Scorpions sting suspended back in surprise attack
Fire spiders consume the flesh biting every inch with no rest
Bees swarm intending to harm and bleed from toe tips to end of arms
Ravens reveal and ravage the face tearing eyes and lips from their proper place
Enough is enough the four horses rush on pulling you to pieces and like that you are gone
AK93 Feb 2016
Like an old record, I've played your voice in my head a million times over, so much so that the vinyl is starting to degrade and the sweet sound that I used to hear is distorted and pretty soon it will be worm out completely. And like an old photograph that I can't stop picking up, the edges of your face are wrinkled and torn, and someday you'll be so faded that I can't make you out at all. Your smell has already been forgotten, like trying to remember the smell of a house that you haven't lived in for over a decade. The familiar smell of the wood floors and dinner on the stove are impossible to recall, replaced by the new carpet and the take out left on the counter to rot and stink up this new home of yours.
AK93 Aug 2016
I think I might have broken someones heart, and I don't think I care, but she keeps calling, and it sounds like she's falling apart.

Then when I don't answer I'm left long with winded messages filled with apologies, and the pathetic pattering of her brains attempt to produce and procure the words she thinks will make me see her true worth.

Yes I know you think I hate you, you've said it a thousand times. And im aware you think you're broken, and honestly I agree. You need some help, you've gotta do it for yourself, because I can't ever love you back if you expect me to live in the hole where you fell.
AK93 May 2016
I'm up late
And she's too close
I find that I'm
Becoming a ghost

My soul yearns
With all it's might
To be so free
As to fly tonight

Leave her there
Sleeping alone
I wish I could
But I know I won't
AK93 Jan 2016
You are what you are, you have to accept that. You are your scars and your bruises and the organs under your fat. You are the breath that you pull in, and you are the breath that you push out. You are the warmth of thinking about friends that you can't live without. You are everything you are meant to be, and if you'd just open your heart you'd be able to see, that everything you are is beautiful to me
AK93 Jul 2013
Why must I be the one
To always be in love but to never have the courage to say
To always be on the run but to never get away
To always be lost in thought but to never find my way
Why must you be the one
To always be on my mind but to never to be found
To always be close but to never be around
To always be a princess but to never be crowned
Why must we be the ones
To always want to stay but to never remain
To always try to smile but to never escape the pain
To always be of fire but to never be of rain
Why must we be
Always less than our eyes can see
Always more than the world can believe
Always greater than the rolling seas
Always fewer than the fading memories
Why must I
Why must you
Always be anything but just us two
AK93 Jan 2016
I'm just trying to keep it all in my head
If I let it out, I think I'll wind up dead
But lately I've been bursting from the seams with fear
And I've been wondering just why it is I'm still here
-written March 3, 2014
AK93 Feb 2018
Moist feral womb of fetal tissue and brains
The nightmare prison you dream of but never can remember
Death is the return to all that made you sacred
No mundane soul should deserve such a fate as to wait at heavens gate for something more than great
AK93 Dec 2016
I haven't slept with the voices in some time, but soon they will slip out of their hive to infect the sanctity of my mind, and by the time that they arrive it will be too late for me to find a way to to save my life from the clutches of their bind.
AK93 Jun 2016
When given two choices I always choose wrong, whether I upset you by staying quiet or offend you with a song. No matter what I say or don't say, do or don't do, there's always a reason my decision hurts you.
AK93 Dec 2013
Here I go again
Unable to abstain from sin
I lock myself within a box and never let anyone open it
I'm too tired to make another excuse
I'm too weak to put my skills to good use
All over once more
I forgot to build myself a door
I'm so tired of always being bored
Nobody would even want to i'm sure
I'll sit here and sink into the pit of my core
One more time
I look but cannot find
I've become displaced from my mind
I've left my body lying somewhere far behind
I can't return no matter how hard I try
Here I am again, nobody here but I
AK93 Oct 2017
Here I lie, wide eyed and awake
Waiting to dream up my next big mistake
Your voice calls every time I fall
Asleep with the thought of you tucked into my arms
And the memory of your heart beating against my chest
So I lie, red eyed and intoxicated
Im under your spell, and the sheep have all been counted
Now if you could just join me in my room again
I need you here to silence the monsters under my bed
Should I slip into slumber, dont let me wake up again
I dont want to face the truth
I refuse to believe that this dream is dead
AK93 Mar 2016
Last night I longed to hear your voice
I begged god to let me see you whole
I swore I'd give up my life for just one night
I would do anything for just a moment with your soul
AK93 Dec 2015
I'd rather drown beneath your ocean than live upon dry land
I'd rather starve through your famine than eat from any other hand
I'd rather be lost in your desert than find myself alone
I'd rather sleep beneath your bridges than have the comfort of any other home
Because without you, life makes no sense
And I would rather suffer by your side, than spend my time in ignorance
AK93 Mar 2016
What do you see in the confines of that frame
Do you see a girl broken like the pane
She sees only the pieces molded by the pain
She looks into the glass and sees only the cracks
But what she fails to observe is the man at her back
She cannot sense that he loves despite what she lacks
Because as shattered as she feels he knows she is whole
And all that he wants is to show her he mirrors her soul
Because they are the same, separated only by the lines life has made
AK93 Dec 2015
She says she wants to climb into my bed, but I guess she doesn't want to get into my head, because every night she sleeps alone instead
AK93 Jun 2018
Take your soul babe

                                      And let it shine

If you ain't got one

                                      Thats alright

Just dont ask me

                                      Where I got mine

Yours will find you

                                      In a matter of time

Til' that day comes

                                      Don't you cry

Keep your head up

                                      And do your time
AK93 Dec 2015
My emotions are just toys, scattered across your floor
Stepped on so many times, your feet have gotten sore
AK93 Apr 2018
On my own here we go
Im exhausted and im confused
Im real used to getting used
My heart beats fast
I cant sit still
I forgot to take my pills
Oh my god here we go
Dissociation is my home
Disconnected from my bones
I used to love getting ******
My mind is killed
By my whims and wills
All alone take me home
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