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AK93 Apr 2019
I want to forget right now
I want to let go of everything
I don't want to talk to you and i don't want to hear you sing
Another song about how you can't find love and how the world just *****
I'm so sick of your misery
And the way that you never see
The damage your choices inflict on me
AK93 Dec 2015
There is no more hope, I've run out of faith. I don't want to see you, or remember the lines of your face. I've felt this before, and I know of nothing worse. I don't believe in saviors, I know I'm bound to this curse. My love is all I have, and I have so much to share. It's such a shame my friend, that you won't let me be there. I only want too much, and I know that it's a sin. There's nothing I can do, just cry as my mind endlessly spins.
AK93 Feb 2017
This isn't love,  it hurts too much,
but if this isn't what I thought then how can I ever know what it really was?

You could say,  what you say is truth,
but it isn't a matter for words of mouth when you can never spit out the proof!
AK93 Dec 2016
We bit our tongues
Until they fell off

Now we must find
A new way to talk
AK93 Apr 2017
I should be home sleeping with you by my side
But I'm out here walking all through the night
I should be set on making you my wife
But I'm out here wasting all of my time
To settle for less,  I'm not impressed
You'll see my protection when I get undressed
It's kept close to the chest and it knows me best
And after this I swear I won't try to use it again
AK93 Mar 2016
Sometimes the things I say make no sense
But I find no bliss in my ignorance
I can't find myself or anybody to latch on to
I don't know where I am or why I had to go
(I still miss you so)

I am so lost
I cant get out
I forgot how

Hunger and exhaustion have worn me too long
No one has offered me a love to feed on
I've been hunting forever and my feet are bleeding
Someday soon my heart may finally stop beating
(So sick of breathing)

I am so lost
I cant get out
I forgot how

Everyone around me does their best to lead me along
But every hand I reach for pushes me to do wrong
Why must I act like everyone else except for who I am
How do I know if I'll be saved or if I'm doomed to be ******
(I am not what I say I am)
AK93 Feb 2016
Its all fun and games til someone falls in love,
Its all fun and games til someone asks for more,
And suddenly the fun will stop.
You'll drift apart, the love will rot.
It'll fester in your chest, and when you've had enough you'll beg for death,
Because all the love that you have to give won't be enough to save you from this
AK93 Jul 2017
The one thing that I'll never know,
is if something changed,
or if I couldn't tell until I got too close
AK93 May 2016
Can you tell
I'm not well
I ring loud bells
I climb into wells
I really like to yell
My facades have long since fell
My anger never stops it's swells
My doubts all continue to dwell
My life's trapped inside a shell
I can't make my name sell
I fast for long spells
I love my hell
I'm not well
Can't you tell
AK93 Sep 2016
Me eyes turned towards the top of the tower that seemed to touch the sky, and thought to myself "if only drugs could get me that high" I'd jump from my peak while at peace, knowing that whether I fly or I die, everything would feel just fine
AK93 Feb 2016
Go ****** your eyes over a photograph, it won't be enough to bring her back
Push your fingers through her heart, it won't be enough to make it restart
Tear your teeth into her cold hand, it wont be enough to make her feed you again
AK93 Aug 2016
Once again
You fail to let it in
You're gonna die alone
If you don't let love take its place in your home
AK93 Nov 2013
All day, Every Day
Working hard, I'm a slave
Count my money, I gotta save
Not enough, I'm underpaid
Next week comes, it's the same
Blow it all, can't get laid

All week, every week
Same old ****, you never speak
Never complain, try to preach
What gets in, nothing in reach
Skin is bubbling, temperatures peaked
Brain is empty, something leaked
AK93 Feb 2017
Like a ball of twine, one end held tightly by my two aching fingers while the rest falls out from the scarred valley of her palms, my mind is unraveled at the sight of a thousand dead bodies; all the people that we wanted but never let ourselves become
AK93 Jul 2016
I hate everything that these words have come to represent
All the things I refuse to do and all that I pretend
I can write all about how badly I want this and that, but once my desires try to leave the page I stab them in the back
For myself, I can never tame the hell that I create
I can only wait and watch as nothing changes and I stay the same
Every day I leave marks upon the skin of my note pads, keeping track of all the cracks in my conscience and all the dreams I wish I had
AK93 Apr 2016
You go on with big brown eyes
Seeing the shadow hiding in every ray of day
You always find where every rainbow ends in the sky
And only recognize the frowns you cross in town
AK93 Mar 2016
I just want to feel
Rain on my face
Cold under my clothes
A hand in mine
Will you feel me
Or can it only
Be a dream
AK93 Apr 2019
It's hard to feel whole when the hand that you want to hold until you grow old decides that it would rather be cold than to take on the burden of loving your soul
AK93 Nov 2016
You will never find yourself if you choose to hide from everyone else
AK93 Apr 2016
**** me now
Or do it later
Procrastinate a while
I won't mind
I'll eat dirt
When it is served
AK93 Dec 2015
Everybody is my friend until I say I need them
Then they run so far away
I can't catch them so here I stay
Can you tell me why I'm so lonely
All I want is someone to hold me
My whole life I've had no mother
So if you hate me blame my father
I don't mean to be so off putting
I'm just never sure of what I'm doing
I'm always trying to please the crowd
But I'd love for someone to bring me down
I can't keep dancing for all of you
Even if its all I want to do
AK93 Nov 2015
We should get together and talk for a minute about the weather, then bring up what we feel inside but I know we won't because we fear what we'll find. Our hearts do not confer, she loves him and I love her, and the pain inside each of us burns, and every day the world still turns, and we'll awake each morning with nothing but lessons that went unlearned. I hang on her every word, and she hangs around for him like a bird, ready to fly at a moments notice, and my attempts to approach will always be hopeless, as I get close she'll dissapear like a ghost, and we both know this and tomorrow we still won't let go, life will go on and time will flow, and no matter how slow we'll do what we can to not let it show, but soon enough one of us will have to go
AK93 Jul 2014
You've got only one life to experience everything, so take every chance offered and ignore the call of safety, telling you to do what's been done before;

"Be like all those people who grew old and bored"

Do what you want and never take no for an answer, because tomorrow you could wake up and come down with cancer

Be anything and everything that your heart desires, because your body will likely break before you are ready to expire
AK93 Apr 2016
Fake it till you make it
Make it then you break yours
Fake it til you retake it
Take it all the way to a corpse
AK93 Apr 2016
My heart has beat for you long since yours stopped
AK93 Dec 2015
Angelic in nature but he slips through the fracture
His mind is at ease  
He'll always ask please
He's lost in his mind
His hearts out of rythym and he can't find the words within him
All he wants is to feel again
Love or hate its all the same
We all live the same lives but go by different names
We all tell the same lies but play different games
We lose ourselves in seemingly unstoppable moments
We fritter and fray as we lose control of our components
AK93 Jan 2016
The truth that I refuse to reveal
I'd rather feel pain so at least I know I'm real
I'll take my place at the tips of your feet
Kick me while I'm down, don't let me fall asleep
Should I slip into a slumber, my hopes and dreams will take me under
I'll awake in rage and confusion
Convinced to believe in this delusion
Mad enough to attempt this solution
We both know this is not a resolution
AK93 Sep 2016
There's this man
He lives in the confines of my heart
And he's been trying for years to find a way to make it stop
He just wants to sleep, but the beat never drops
And the beatings never stop, because I won't let him go to bed
I'd rather keep him up and make him fight with the child inside my head
AK93 Mar 2016
Live for the sunrise, let every morning catch your eye
AK93 Feb 2016
I hope that he's all you need
Let him make your dreams come true
But don't let him know what makes you bleed
He might just turn and abandon you
AK93 Mar 2016
When you manage to let go for just five seconds, you become five seconds more whole
AK93 Nov 2017
Could you ever imagine, thinking of a future where you did not exist?
AK93 Jul 2012
As I watch the smoke hang in the moist morning air
I search myself but can't find a reason to care
Everything that has been plaguing me to the point of depression
It has all faded away, gone into a temporary recession
I'm not sure if this feeling will last, hopefully my mind doesn't revert to the past
Enticing bliss filling my veins, flushing out all of the poisonous pains
This is the feeling I seek, I no longer feel weak
The captive voice is beginning to speak, voicing itself with words that aren't so meek
Soon this troubled son will be free, a shining symbol for all who are lost to see
This moment now is my chance to escape, I'm ready to retake my natural shape
The endless days of sadness will be put behind me, I've been set free from the chains that had once bound me
I never thought this day would come
I thought it would only be found at the end of a gun
I open the curtain to let in the light
Finally now I have won the fight
AK93 Jul 2016
You'll beg and you'll plead, because baby you see, I'm the type of disease you so desperately need.
AK93 Mar 2016
I'm a liar
It's what writers do
We make up stories
Because if we don't
We're afraid you'll think
Less of us for
The little lives we
Lead through our misery
Without the lies
We would have to be
The worst thing you see
We hate ourselves indiscriminately
AK93 Apr 2016
Why do we sit?
Why do we lie?
Why don't we stand?
Oh that's right, we'd die
AK93 Mar 2016
Clouds look like islands, dotting the horizon, blanketing the ocean
AK93 Aug 2018
I'm so bored
And life is short
Ive learned from all
My past mistakes
Yet still the same
Mistakes I make
My only wish
Is to escape
To a different world
A far off place
Where no one can find me
And where theres nothing to remind me
Of the memories that haunt me
AK93 Jun 2016
Everyone wants to be wanted the same way they want
AK93 Mar 2016
I've been wasting a whole lot of time lately, as I've been pacing the rate of my heart's escaping. I've been counting the hours as they grow, slowly chasing the minutes to where I don't know
AK93 Apr 2016
Your thoughts are like refugees, longing to find freedom and relief, from the mind they wish to flee
And they are also like martyrs, willing to fling themselves at death, wanting to prove they have meaning
AK93 Mar 2016
Someday you may find yourself in a distant land, and you'll find You've forgotten the fear from which you ran, but now you're scared and alone without a hand to hold, and you're worried that you'll grow too old, and that nobody will want to take you in from the cold.

So you're on your own, you've made a new home, but you're still alone, and you can't remember what you had been told, so you scramble to show just how bold you are but you fold into pieces as the story goes on just the same as it always does

Time to make this mold new, out with the old for attempt number two, but make sure what you say you're going to is true, or you'll find yourself unable to be anything but blue
AK93 Oct 2016
You say sorry doesn't mean anything to you, well I guess that means you should mean nothing to me, because all I see is a sorry excuse for a human being.
AK93 Jul 2016
Last night I fell asleep with my lover next to me
I tossed and turned through all my many manic dreams
And I thought at least when I wake up she'll be there to comfort me
But when I opened my eyes she had become just a memory

Oh my sweetest dream, why did you not stay
Was it something I did or something I forgot to say
I don't think it's right but what can I do
I'll go back to bed I guess and try to dream of you
AK93 Jul 2017
If every poem written in love was a prayer to god for peace, i could make non believers out of the highest priests, and if every little note was a cry for mercy and relief, i could bury all of hell under the weight of my grief
AK93 Aug 2016
It's hard for me to start conversation
I'm usually too busy thinking about things I shouldn't say
Or utterly consumed by this sense of dissociation
Yeah, it's been pretty tough talking to anyone about anything these days
AK93 Dec 2015
I love you, even though you don't
Can you love me, because I won't
I wish it wasn't so, I can't even keep control
Emotions exploding over oceans corroding coastal human habitats
Imploding at the core, I can't take it anymore

I know a way, but it'll have to be alone
Nobody else can know, I'm going to dig a hole
I wish it wasn't true, I know nothing else to do
Rapture raging behind brown eyes experiencing self selected dark demise
Destruction from within, I have given in
AK93 Jan 2016
So I guess that I'm at it again, trying to transcribe my thoughts through a pen, because to push these words out the tiny hole that is my mouth is a task that will only drive my sanity south.
AK93 Apr 2017
There's nothing more important to me,
than all of the rose tinted memories that refuse to expire, and all the bad times that my mind disguised as something more than what transpired.
AK93 Dec 2015
Every time I look up to the sky, the clouds fall and wash away everything but I
Nothing matters to me, except for the fears I hold and the lies that I believe
Life is such a joke, and everybody's laughing as I struggle to hold onto a shred of hope
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