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1.6k · Nov 2012
AK93 Nov 2012
Peace, harmony, and love for your fellow man
Things all much less important than your own plans
You call yourselves humans but I disagree
A bunch of selfish animals are all I see
AK93 Sep 2016
Now I know I've lost my mind
I've gone back to what I left behind
Forgot the progress that I procured
Let myself slip into a state unsure

**I let the universe collapse again
1.1k · Apr 2016
Go away right now
AK93 Apr 2016
We all want to disappear
To tear our insides out of the existence sphere
1.1k · Jul 2012
Maybe I
AK93 Jul 2012
Maybe I need to fall apart
Maybe I deserve this broken heart
If you won't pick me up today
I'll put myself back together in a different way
Rip out the burnt up circuit board
Throw away the fears I love to hoard
If you can't save me from myself
I'll find my own way out of this hell
You're the strings that hold the stars in my sky
You're the gravity that stops planets from colliding
You keep me together
But you won't be forever
Someday soon I'll have to learn
Just to be and not to swoon
Abusive and confusing
I know the joy of losing
Too many times I've played the part
Always trying to fill this bleeding heart
Perfection is the devil's friend
Perfection will lead straight to the end
If you don't want to cry for me
I'll throw this heart into the sea
Let it float away and away
Because you won't be there to fix me today
I'm not sure if I'm still alive
I tried to teach myself how to fly
But I always needed your helping hand
To pull me down and help me land
I always fly a little too high
I let the little things pass me by
If you won't be there when I fall
I tell you now I'm done with it all
I could never just keep to myself
I always cried for someone's help
Maybe I need to fly on my own
Maybe I need to be alone
First time posting. Just looking for some feedback
1.0k · Oct 2012
Silk Dream
AK93 Oct 2012
Held together by strands of passion and excess
I hang onto the strings of abuse and excuses
Torn apart at every cross stitch and double seam
Woven into a nightmare by hands unseen
I cut the thread and slip into my silk dream
966 · Mar 2018
AK93 Mar 2018
I crave clarity, a mind refined
My thoughts are like static
White noise drifting through my attic
Give my head a shake, see my ideas swirl like snow in a globe
884 · Jan 2016
Lost Idols
AK93 Jan 2016
I see them now and then, those ancient idols tower over me
They've been there for quite some time, but mostly they've been covered behind a curtain of clouds
I wanted with all I had just to give praise to them, but my burdened brain said I was not allowed
AK93 Mar 2016
I pledge allegiance, to the brands, that fund the disjoined state of america, and to the republic, too scared to stand, one hypocrisy, under god, all invisible, with indignity and with injustice for all
861 · May 2017
AK93 May 2017
Will you punish me?
Cut these sin filled fingers off,
lest I never write again of how I don't believe in God?
If you can't strike me down, what am I to fear?
If you won't let your wrath return my body to the ground,
You are no god to me.
831 · Feb 2013
Sister Summer
AK93 Feb 2013
Sister summer
Its been a while
Since I felt your touch
Or saw your smile
Father winter is losing his grip
But the ice has yet to melt so be careful not to slip
He blows cold wind across the sky
He drops frozen flakes on your delicate eyes
Sister summer
Will you come around
Melt the snow and spring life from the ground
I can feel her on my face, I can feel her on my skin
Once the sun shows itself I'll be able to begin again
Sister summer
Its been too long
Many years have passed me by since I last heard your song
Now as the clouds begin to depart
And as the temperature turns to warm
I feel you touching my frozen heart
Sister summer
Hold my hand
Keep me away from harm
I look to you, my old friend
When the night seems like it won't ever end
I'll be fine, just give me time
The cold at night isn't so bad
But it sure as hell doesn't do a thing to keep me from feeling sad
Sister summer
You'll be home soon
I can't wait for the days that never end
Peace and love will shine once you come back again
Oh sister summer
Set me free
Sister summer
Set me free
810 · Jun 2013
Where Have You Been?
AK93 Jun 2013
Where have all the good times gone
When luck gave way everything went wrong
My friend, have you been there and back
Did you find yourself tied to the tracks
Barreling down a broken rail
Every attempt to escape only fails
I took my ride on the misery train
And its a trip I hope I never take again
Have you lived through your darkest days
Wandering helplessly through a jaded haze
With a distant light always out of reach
Forgoing all the advice your friends would preach
Dreaming while you can just to forget the world
Sleeping in a place, all alone and cold
A place where you could cry
And mutter to yourself the same tired lie
That you still believe that there is a hope
And tomorrow you won't need the drugs to help you cope
You will no longer give into sin
And you'll be better than you have ever been
But that new dawn just will not rise
You drown yourself under the river pouring from your eyes
Have you felt the weight of a past that you cannot change
Anger and grief that fester, devouring you in rage
Afraid to take a single step towards your desire
Because last time you tried you got burnt by fire
So now you carry water and extinguish every flame
And when you say your world is dark, you only have yourself to blame
I have lived through my trip to hell
And I hope that you haven't been there as well
802 · Nov 2013
AK93 Nov 2013
You can only divide yourself so many times
You spread yourself thin over too many lines
The war you've been waging must be fought on all fronts
You have to look strong when you're the king of the runts
And when the war ends you'll go home to find
The life you left waiting has left you behind
Old friends will have forgotten that you ever left
And you wont find a single woman with who you have slept
All the people you knew wont recognize the man who's come home
At least on the battlefield you were never so cold or alone
785 · Apr 2016
Haikus of Death (3/5)
AK93 Apr 2016
The mind is a cage
Prisoners are overfed
Thoughts make for slow death
755 · Oct 2016
You are the sweetest dream
AK93 Oct 2016
If you are just a dream
Then that's ok with me
Because if you can't be real
Then how blessed am I to see
Something that wasn't
Ever meant to be
754 · Mar 2016
Star Dust
AK93 Mar 2016
Do you believe/ it could be / we are but dust from stars
And is it possible / that our molecules / are not truly far apart

Wonder with me / won't you please

Nobody really knows / exactly where they came from
But some know less / and some others can only guess

Will you please / wonder with me

Perhaps when existence began / all things were as one
But big bang happened / and we all got split up

Do you wonder / of our mystery

Maybe our molecules touched / before time was started
And now we've found each other / as close as before we parted
AK93 May 2016
I'm not sorry anymore
I've made my choices
And now that you're gone all I have are the voices
The ones that told me to get away
The ones that beg for an end to pain
They tell me what to do and where to go
They tell me lies but there's nothing else I know
So I choose to believe that this is what's best
I can't fight it so I'll lay you to rest
I don't want to let you go
But its better for you and that's all you need to know
If I can spare your life then I'm doing what's right
Because I can't let you watch when I turn out the light
If worst comes to worst then I'll live alone with this curse
And when it comes time to accept my defeat
You won't be here so you won't have to see it
738 · Jun 2016
A Few Out Of Many
AK93 Jun 2016
I want to know what it means to be free
To grow up strong and start a family
I'd like a house somewhere deep in the trees
And a big warm bed for you to share with me
I want to play my part
I want to create art
I'd love to publish my words in a children's book, something parents might read to put their kids to sleep
I want to express myself without restraint
And I'd really like to do good without needing thanks
732 · Jul 2013
You deserved it
AK93 Jul 2013
Every morning we stir silently
Awaking to a whole new world
Full of precious life, but marred by worthless strife
Plagued by constant sorrow, but full of hope for tomorrow
Today is just one of many
Possibilities and realities
That wait for us
Looming in dark alleys
or flying on the highest of clouds
We can do anything that our hearts will allow
Like the rest we chase so often
We will have it in our coffins
These days are too bright to hide from the light
Reach out and touch it before you fade away
None of it matters anyway
I know you might be scared, but I am no stranger to fear
Your belly is full of something rotten, your breath stinks of beer
Why are you wasting my time, why did you call me here?
I told you once that you cannot be living this way if you want to be free
Now won't you please go away
I don't need you blocking my sun today
717 · Feb 2016
Dirty Coat
AK93 Feb 2016
This sin refuses to part from my skin
I wear it well
It wears me thin
691 · Jul 2014
Punk Rock Poem
AK93 Jul 2014
I can't stand society
I can't handle sobriety
And I don't know why
But I can't see
What this world has got for me

Too many people are here today
Too many idiots in my way
I don't know why
I choose to stay
There's got to be another way

I hate having to wait in long lines
I hate hearing about changing times
Everywhere I go
I can't find
A single reason not to lose my mind
686 · Dec 2016
Who are you
AK93 Dec 2016
Your eyes are shining like sun rises, and I want to get to know the mind that lies behind them.
I hope you won't lie to me.
I want to know where you come from,
do you believe in heaven?
Do you think it's true, the best thing two people can do is try to find a light in a dark empty room, or has your heart been troubled?
Are you a princess Rapunzel who's waited alone so long that her tower has crumbled and turned into rubble? Do you think prince charming never came because you weren't worth the trouble or that you aren't lovable?
I want to get to know you and your thoughts so that I might be able to see everything that you're hiding underneath, and I want to figure out whether you're really the nightmare that you claim to be, or if you could turn out to be none other than my perfect dream.
683 · Aug 2016
AK93 Aug 2016
Do you remember all the things we saw? There were a lot, but not as many as I thought. I guess my memories were just making love again, reproducing with my dreams of all that could have been.
665 · Dec 2012
lost with the birds
AK93 Dec 2012
I know its too early, it may be too late
but i cant go on knowing that i control my fate
just to sit alone all the time
not doing much, not a bad thing
but theres so much more that my actions could bring
i could teach children to write, help them learn how to sing
as long as they wont end up like i have
i lazilly wandered off the simple path
ease of mind has become a rare finding
the clouds overhead are always reminding
and even when dreaming i cant find a feeling
but on a rare occasion
when i want to give in
i remember you saying that we wont always win
but theres many more hands that are left to be dealt
and there are many more loves out there waiting to be felt
maybe tomorrow ill remember your words
but all of this will just get lost with the birds
its morning already and my heart has been steady
a night of panic averted and my morals deserted
I cant help but think that isnt wrong
its always bad timing when I need to be strong
maybe its late but its never to early
to get back on the path and continue the journey
663 · Jan 2016
My love is bipolar
AK93 Jan 2016
My love is ***** with malicious intent
My love is cheap enough to be free to borrow
My love is a poison your body still seeks

My love is pure in my honest attempt
My love is affluent and can absorb all of your sorrow
My love is the cure to all that makes you weak
656 · Oct 2012
AK93 Oct 2012
Only I know what lies beneath
Under this stone facade of flesh and bone
The thickness of skin covers it so well
This liars grin hides what lies within
642 · Oct 2012
Tears of Orion
AK93 Oct 2012
Listening to the sound of crashing waves
While cosmic rocks soar past my gaze
I watch the sky with awe and desire
Making a wish on each passing ball of fire
With a thousand chances that one will come true
I'll spend every one wishing for you
639 · Jan 2016
AK93 Jan 2016
So I guess that I'm at it again, trying to transcribe my thoughts through a pen, because to push these words out the tiny hole that is my mouth is a task that will only drive my sanity south.
AK93 Sep 2016
I lost the rhythm, dropped the beat, choked the chords.

I think I'm slipping through,

cemented feet, on the corner, of responsibility street,

and romance avenue.

A famine of feats, a loss of belief, what else have you?

never a clue,
what not to do.
632 · Apr 2017
Like A Lighthouse
AK93 Apr 2017
I hurt for all the broken hearts, because I know how it feels to be lost and lonely in the rain, with no one or place to go to give you warmth or ease your pain.
And if there's one thing I could try to do for all those wandering souls who spend their lives out of view, in places that you'd never want to be and that you'll only ever see in your worst late night dreams, it would be to pull them out of their suffering pits and give them reasons and hope to live.
Because as much as it might strain me to reach out and try to save all the other ships lost at sea, I continue sailing on in the hopes that someday I'll meet one who does not need to be freed, but instead will be the one who was sent to rescue me.
In a world full of people who long to be skyscrapers, be like a lighthouse instead.
631 · Mar 2017
What You Need To Know
AK93 Mar 2017
Dramatic with a knack for it
And quite a skillfull addict
The best you will ever see
In the worst sides of me
A paradoxical disease
I feed on lacking what I need
Always high and on the street
But if you need one count on me
Because I know what it means to have nothing to believe and I've seen people do things that make me wanna scream, but you better believe that if I would ever dream of doing someonebody else that way, I'd be so ashamed that when I find myself awake I'd pull down the shades and put a bullet through my brain
631 · Oct 2016
AK93 Oct 2016
Every word on my mind has the power to save my life, but like a sharpened knife I keep them at my side, because this was supposed to be just another fist fight, and I fight fair even when I'm outsized.
628 · Jun 2016
What are you waiting for?
AK93 Jun 2016
Just say the word and all this can change, you can get what you're after with no restraint, but you have to speak if it's ever to start - your silence is the lock to your little heart
623 · Aug 2016
A message you may never see
AK93 Aug 2016
At the place we used to go when we wanted to feel free, I carved her name on the wall of stone coated with mossy green, and marked my initials with a message underneath that reads:

*If you ever see this, I hope you have forgotten me
617 · Nov 2016
Your Favorite Distraction
AK93 Nov 2016
I keep falling down
Because I am a tower of blocks
Constantly being toppled and rebuilt by a child
Never happy with the result
But she only has so many pieces of me to play and build with
So she might desire a better set to waste her time on
One with more vibrant colors and sharper edges
And with a million pieces, to be used to her heart's content
But still she plays with me, with my dulled corners, and fading veneer
615 · Apr 2017
AK93 Apr 2017
So you've come home from being off at war
Won't you come inside where it's nice and warm
Let me take your coat, oh my you feel cold
It seems you've returned but you're no longer whole
Did the price of your return include a piece of your soul
You're still the one I remember from before you left
But the bones you used to hold me up with now need their own place to rest
615 · Apr 2017
AK93 Apr 2017
So tell me babe, why do you stay
Is there something stopping you from making a change
You go on, getting stuck in your ways
Is there somewhere else you wish you could be today
Now don't fall asleep, and don't follow your dreams
Don't wait up for me, and don't you dare to believe
That there's anything more to this than what you're able to see
605 · Dec 2017
Prison of the heart
AK93 Dec 2017
Nothing lasts forever
That's why i won't say never
I keep my heart open
Even though it keeps no hope
And its why i keep my head up
Despite the ugly whether
If you decide you want this
I will be here waiting
If you figure out you love me
I will be here waiting
I want to call you my baby
But im afraid you hate me
Because i dont want to impose
An idea that you dont suppose
Could be truth but we know different
We know its a false existence
You and me can never just be
We need something we know that we won't see
Its because we were raised to believe
In something more than god could deliver to thee
AK93 Oct 2016
He's been grinding his teeth
And you best believe
That he will soon reach
The gums deep underneath
589 · Dec 2016
AK93 Dec 2016
Everything I've seen severely contradicts what I want to believe.

You call yourself human, because you claim you feel pain.
I disagree with your assessment;
surely if you ever experienced anything as truly terrible and awful like you say, you most certainly wouldn't wish once or dare desire to treat someone this way
584 · Dec 2016
I Can't Hear You
AK93 Dec 2016
The voices of peace and love that used to sing so loudly had gone and made themselves silent, so all that we heard were the screams and shouts being violently hurled in both directions, as we tried and soon failed to bring back that most beautiful sounding melody.
573 · Dec 2012
AK93 Dec 2012
Sleep is nothing but a distant dream
Night is always faster than it seems
Light to dark, dark to light
Sleep has forgotten about me tonight
556 · Dec 2015
Give me a reason
AK93 Dec 2015
Oh please tell me, scream it out, can you see me toiling to make sense, can you hear me foiling myself with ignorance. Oh please tell me, is there any other way to escape, is there any reason to have hope, is there any more that I can do to convince myself I should not love you.
549 · Nov 2012
AK93 Nov 2012
I am weak
This I know
Like late winter snow
Down is the the way I go
I melt away when the temperature rises
Just to be ****** back into the sky
I'm a creature of habit
This should come as no suprise
541 · Aug 2016
I am the zika king
AK93 Aug 2016
I want your face, and all the pieces attached that make up your ***** sack. Latched together by bone, tied to all the tendons stitched to your skin, with plenty of holes on the outside for you to let me in. Because I know you know neither of us wants to die alone, so open up your head and pull out your heart, be my warm bed and I'll never let you starve. Oh dear my dear, oh wretched old me, I promise you that I'm just a harmless disease. I may drain you of strength, make you feel beaten and broke, but I'll never take your life or threaten to leave you on your own.
539 · Apr 2016
How to fix anything
AK93 Apr 2016
When you're feeling uninspired or don't know what to do, take a little nap and you'll always dream a clue
534 · Nov 2013
AK93 Nov 2013
All day, Every Day
Working hard, I'm a slave
Count my money, I gotta save
Not enough, I'm underpaid
Next week comes, it's the same
Blow it all, can't get laid

All week, every week
Same old ****, you never speak
Never complain, try to preach
What gets in, nothing in reach
Skin is bubbling, temperatures peaked
Brain is empty, something leaked
534 · Jul 2016
Off The Leash Again
AK93 Jul 2016
If you cannot tame the beast, he will have to be put down.
We cannot let this monster run rampant, he'll destroy our entire town.
We've tried talking him out of it, told him that what he wants will not be found.
We've tried to show him reason, told him truth that he longs to get around.
We've tried to offer him compromise, told him he can sleep safe and sound.
But nothing we've tried has worked, so it's time we put him in the ground.
530 · Apr 2016
AK93 Apr 2016
Out of your mind
Into the atmosphere
Leave it behind
Let them all disappear
Deep in dark space
Lost amongst dying stars
Escape this place
Shine brighter than quasars
522 · Mar 2016
Fighting Words III
AK93 Mar 2016
If you're gonna play this game you need to own a quick wit, because a real man knows his words are stronger than his fists, and you're as strong as any since you've yet to slit your wrists, so take the hope you hold and turn it into bliss
AK93 Jun 2016
I can't make sense of what you see
It feels so good
the days when you're all over me
but by tomorrow
it will feel like you're over me
and set to leave
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