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 Feb 2018 Andrew Fontaine
What color is a wish?
is it the deep purple
at the bottom of a well?
is it the vibrant green
of a new beginning?
the brightest yellow
of an opening flower?
is it the red of the blood
from which it came?
is it the soft pink
of a morning’s sunrise clouds?
is it the quiet orange
of an evening’s death?
is it the darkest blue
of a midnight star?
is it the black of the pen
that wrote it all out?
the color of a wish
is the color of the soul that made it.
It was a lovely frosty morning
especially fine
for November
The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet,

And whither then? I cannot say.

— The End —