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19Sixtythree Feb 2016
Oh. I wanted to taste you
But I've got a bad habit of keeping you in the back of my throat
And I haven't figured out how to keep you from slipping into my chest

I wanted to leave bite marks on your neck and hand prints on your ******* soul

Oh. I shouldn't have ****** you.
Because I knew you could become the Sun
So beautiful and full
Too tempting not too touch and impossible to hold onto
I know the rays sunshine in your eyes that convince me the poison in your words tastes like sweet honey
Could be all I ever wanted.
19Sixtythree Feb 2016
I'm starting to wonder whether love is an emotion or a train of thought
Whether we love to make the day brighter or we love because it's the only thing left to not go out of style
Because My eyes reach for the prettiest girl in the room and my hands find a way to tear every part of the sentiment out of my body when they get a taste of you and I don't think that has anything to do with my emotions but my hellish thoughts might.
Or maybe, it's a bit of both. Because you can love someone with all your being but still break a heart. And you can dim the light inside your emotions so it is too hard for anyone else to see but still cry when nobody wants to take a closer look. Your heart could be in all the right places but if your mind puts the rest of you on top of the wrong place...
Does your heart have any say in the matter?
  Feb 2016 19Sixtythree
steel tulips
I disintegrate
At the thought of growing up
growing old
At the thought of
Of making love
(you actually do make something)
I fall apart,
At the thought of forever
At the thought of
How many times
The sun will rise
In my forever
How many times
Will you forgive me
How many times
Will you fall inlove with me
How many times
Will you fall out of it
How many times
Will i almost give up
How many stars
fit in your always?
I come together
At the thought
Of watching your hands
Age and harden
I come together
At the thought
Of lovers before you,
I look forward to the slow fading
Of life before you
As time passes and I realize
I've  been with you for longer,
Than not
You are the ink
On my polaroid picture
Love is the oxygen
That develops it
You are the image
That appears and
Allows me to forget
The blank space that
Was there before
You were that first sip
Of water I drank
before I knew i was dry
And you are
The last drop of water
That leaves me
Wanting more
You are the moment
I realized that looking up
at flickering lights
is just an ocean of
other planets' suns
You are a sun
to a humble planet
that only I find familiar
you are my
very own sun
  Sep 2015 19Sixtythree
steel tulips
i saw the future you, 10 years from now
holding a baby boy and tickling him in the pool
i kept glancing at this stranger with love glossed over my eyes
because i want to know you in 10 years
i want to go to the pool with you and play with a baby boy
i want to grow old with you
i don't need anyone else ever again
  Apr 2015 19Sixtythree
steel tulips
you whisper lovely things
into my back
as you
kiss down my spine
you tell me you could
write sonnets in my freckles
and keep dreams
in the valley of my backbone
you run your fingers
along my ribs
like a harp
and you thank them
for taking care of my lungs
and of my heart
you mumble,
that my hips
were made for your lips
to perpetually be against them
and somehow
you kiss every
unseen scar
and you see through
my stone walls
as if they were glass
19Sixtythree Mar 2015
I'm not in love, No I don't wish about you all day; but I'm not going to tell her, or her, or her that. They have to believe that I'm there's; and no one else's. So when one of them asks me to write them something, I have to make it sound like I'm in love right? Because that's what they want, they don't want me they want someone to be in love with them. They want the same thing everybody wants, they want the hype. So I give'em what they want.
And No, I don't blame them for wanting it, how could I? They think they love me because I'm so sweet and I listen, because they've been so hurt, they're damaged and they BELIEVE that they want to love me. I'd never hurt any of them. So I'll just lie to them, and let them try to love me until they leave me.
19Sixtythree Mar 2015
I can't get you out of my thoughts
even without you in my presence I still find myself at a loss for words
       because loving you is indescribable
You make me believe that magic is real, that there are things in this world more beautiful than the first light of sunrise //when I think of you...
I think of your soft hazel eyes and the fact that Moments with you are worth more than gold
And I know it doesn't make sense but you make me nervous. You make the hair on the back of my neck stand up you send my heart into a singing frenzy that my mouth can't make the words for
You inspire my soul to come up with thoughts that my mind can't comprehend and..
I don't think you see why

Now, I want you to take a step back, leave your stress behind, vanquish the dim light you always find yourself under and see yourself -through my eyes
See the infectious beauty that bursts from your smile and feel the love that shutters through my body when your near.
I want to introduce you to what I see every time the taste of your name enters my mind
I want you/ to meet you.
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