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92 · May 2021
summer 2020
emmie May 2021
The man lives such a life,
that the sun is his wife

He sits on the stair,
watching as she brushed
love through her hair

The trees whisper of her beauty,
and the wind heads echos of her voice

Chills run through the grass,
for summer has taken its mass.
90 · Jul 2021
emmie Jul 2021
Help me find
an escape

I need
a reason to live
a reason to love

Help me escape from
my anxiety
the pain
the guilt
the sorrow
the judgment
the everything

let me live
without being present

and let me die
without the heartbreak.
90 · Apr 2021
emmie Apr 2021
My music
blares softly
through the speakers

My feet,
against my wood floors

I stand at my window
are you looking
at the moon too?

Or are you asleep
Or maybe you’re just ignoring my text
that I sent to you
hours ago

I wonder,
why did you stop loving me
was it me?

I bet it was me.
88 · Aug 2021
5/30/21 @ 22:05
emmie Aug 2021

When'd you forget about me? When did I become a ghost to you?

I loved you every second of every day, even after we broke up. I still cry over you, and I still miss you. And I can't help but to think that you are perfectly okay and happy without me, but with your new girlfriend. Do you two love each other like we did? Do you love her more than you loved me? Or is she just a rebound? What's gonna happen during the summer? Are you going to go to the places you went with me? Is she going to stay on your left or right side? Because as far as I know, I was the only one to always hold your right hand and stay on your right side.

I still dream of driving to the Red Granite Quarry with you. One hand on the wheel and the other holding my hand. We have all the windows down and are blasting our favorite music. I dream of all the things we used to do, even if it was as simple as laying in the road in the middle of the night to stare at the stars.

I guess that's all I have to say for now. If I ever send you a letter, I'll add in a piece of your favorite gum.

                 <3 Emma
       sent with love, always and forever
Another letter to my ex that I'll never send. I've been seeing him at our marching band rehearsals, and it's been killing me. I don't know what to do. So many people tell to ignore him and just stay away, but that hasn't helped at all. Let me know what you guys think. Sorry for the long post :(
88 · Apr 2021
emmie Apr 2021
A stranger
A crush
A friend
A lover
My lover
My heartbreak
My man not in the mirror
88 · May 2021
emmie May 2021
The places we met in the dark look different in the day,
As if they had never been places at all...
86 · Apr 2021
emmie Apr 2021
hurts the most
when you’re all alone at night,
with nobody
by your side.
84 · Apr 2021
I Thought
emmie Apr 2021
I thought,
getting rid of
everything with you in it
and not having to see it
would make it
easier to forget you

but it didn’t
it made it harder
I need to talk to you,
ask you questions,
but I can’t
because my phone
has no memory of
But I do.

I thought I knew
your phone number by heart
and maybe your social media name,
was engraved below your number

but it isn’t
because my mind
did everything it could
to erase you

I thought I could forget you,
but I can’t.
83 · Apr 2021
Surrender to the Pain
emmie Apr 2021
We lay here for hours,
Limbs tangled

The hunger to be closer eats away at our hearts
Every night is a surrender to the moon,
We take shelter under the stars
From the monsters down the hall

I lay here for days,
Body cold

The pain of the heartbreak rips at the eyes
Tears stream down my face,
I hide under the covers
From the evil in my head.
83 · May 2021
You and Me
emmie May 2021
I know
how much you must hate me
right now
you have plenty of reasons to be,
and honestly,
I would be mad
and annoyed too
if I were you

because I still have
your phone number
written down

yet even after all this time
I could never
bring myself to throw it away

and for some reason,
I still care about you,
yet I know that I shouldn’t.

So go ahead,
be mad at me
walk away from me.

But when you’re beaten down
and heartbroken,
don’t come running back to me
looking for comfort,
because you won’t find it
in me.
81 · May 2021
Fixing a broken heart
emmie May 2021
let me into
your heart
its beating
is unnatural

let me fix it
with my tinkering tools,
and super glue

your heart will be
as good as new,
because i have given my heart
to you

but it looks as though,
you have broken mine too

you return to me
me heart in pieces
i have learned
cannot be fixed
no matter how strong the glue,
of love is.
77 · Apr 2021
Someone I Decided to Love
emmie Apr 2021
Someone I decided to love
He was a mistake
That I would make time and time
He stripped me of my pain,
And dressed me in that warm fuzzy feeling.
He drenched sunlight on me,
As if he believed I was worthy of it.
He showed me so many things,
And then nothing.

Someone I decided to love
Gave me a pretty box with a bow
yet it was empty.
"You want to give me emptiness?"
"Yes, my love, that's what I have left."
He brought tears to my eyes.

Someone I decided to love,
Is now a stranger in the hall.
75 · Apr 2021
emmie Apr 2021
I need you,
more than you could ever know,
or need me back.

Because it’s so much worse
than you think it is.

To be me,
and to live my life,
is like living in hell,
right next to an unreachable

Because if you live like I do,
then you know what it’s like.

A demon,
living inside of you,

Scratching at your veins
to get out,
to escape.

But it’s trapped,
it always has been,
and it always will be;
because it’s NEVER getting out.
74 · Apr 2021
I left you because
emmie Apr 2021
I did not leave you to f*ck him,
I left you because I wasn't happy
I left you because you never made time for me
I left you because you said I was too clingy
I left you because you didn't appreciate me
I left you because you never texted back
I left you because you made me feel worthless

And now that I've left you,
You say that I sent nudes to other guys while we were together
You say that I lied to you
You say that I cheated
You say that I have nothing in common with you
You say that I am a *****
You say that I made a mistake that ****** you off

after we broke up.
72 · Apr 2021
Sand and Stars
emmie Apr 2021
The sand I say,
is hard to hold
just like the stars

They are plentiful,
but picking just one
and keeping it
is hard

Somebody may have already
chosen that one
and lost it,
just as you will

So enjoy laying in the sand,
looking up at the stars,
as they will not last forever.
68 · Aug 2021
emmie Aug 2021
How are you supposed to fill a book when you don't have any words left in your mind or letters on your tongue?

- if you know the answer please tell me :(:
65 · Apr 2021
The Pain Returns
emmie Apr 2021
My chest is burning,
My heart is racing,
My hands are shaking,
My mind is exploding

The pain,
Is back

The familiar choking,
Like a ghost has its hands wrapped around my throat

The non stop sweating,
Like the whole world is on fire, just for me

The throbbing in my head,
And the pounding of my heart,
Like a drum beating inside of my body

Does it ever stop?

The answer,
I’m afraid

Is no.
This poem is about my struggle with anxiety, and constantly having panic attacks. Me and my mom thought that it was just heart burn, but then I was diagnosed with severe anxiety.

— The End —