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 Jun 2010 zana bana
Alyse Lee
I'm like one of those walls.
you know the kind, you carve your name so people know you were there
just look at my arms,
my legs,
my back.
Filled with names
of people who loved
of people who hurt
of people who never cared
I'm scarred,
a scratched,
worthless piece
of what I used to be.
but you,
oh you, you are the one
who carved a hole straight through me
right through my chest,
a Fatal hit.
But don't worry,
everyone knows
you were here
 Jun 2010 zana bana
Barry Hill
The august heat
flows through her veins
his love and deceit
wash away with rain
The passion is lit
the wax gets colder
but not the wick
her weeps get bolder
It is meant to be bye, instead of by.
Sickness beware,
I will be there,
Weakness watch out,
I'll be her crutch,
Sadness, oh you,
Can back away,
'Cause I'll keep her from your rain,
Anger, calm down,
I will stay my ground,
Fear, fear me,
dare not come near me,
Forget about failure,
Lose all the lies,
All you demons beware,
For her,
I'll be there.

— The End —