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Stephanie Amadio Jan 2020
Struggling in silence
Holding my breath
Until I grasp
The broken chain

I've been corrupted
By the poison
Of cruelty

Enlightened by demons
As I crawl
Deeper in hell

Embracing the pain
Of every scratch
that they made

They took humanity
And the life
Of an unknown
Stephanie Amadio Jan 2020
A heartwarming goodness flowing inside me that i cant deny
Stephanie Amadio Jul 2019
Darkness upon you
Might be a poison
That causes isolation
Where you die in collision

Night will pass
But not my class
Poppin clouds
In space blast

Run and stumble
Then you crumble
But yet you gamble
should you be able?

Misty existence with
Soul's absence and
Starless presence of
Your unknown essence
Stephanie Amadio Jul 2019
I'd die empty
In this twenty
There's an entry
To the assembly

You made me a victim
Of your delicate system
I feel the symptoms
Of your existence

Death isn't that bad
When you're inside
Addiction that invades
That insanity of us

Savor the taste
Of this frail soul
Where you can behold
This sweet sole body
Stephanie Amadio Nov 2018
Concealing the inner layer
With this ****** skin
Where I've secretly hid
The lost dead self

Tip of the knife
That kills ones desire
Flowing of crimson dreams
There's no turning back

A deep dark hole
That makes my body whole
You'll hear a howl
Inside this ****** hall

Strangely calm in cage
Life end its page
You'll see hidden rage
War will not age
Stephanie Amadio Nov 2018
Begnning of breath
That awakes souls
Startin to grow
In a blurry world

Learning to know
Behind those doors
A stone heart
That breaks itself

Twisted red strings
Just a grasp
The eyes gone
In a nightmare

Lying on lies
Caress by pain
Honey that sweets
Like the end

Shadow of death
Only be with
Until time comes
That I'm unseen

No one knows
When leaves fall
Poison that lure
In hollow darkness
Stephanie Amadio Nov 2018
Despair that lives
Inside the light
Born by angels
Raised by demons

Seeking in nowhere
But still vague
Lost mere indentity
Nowhere to see

A death wish
In blue space
Where at peace
This crying soul

In this hell
Fallen angels live
Trying to fly
But demons hinder

Drop of blood
Wrapped by pain
Creep of darkness
Gripped by sufferings
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