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Zoish નો ગોલાવાલો

તારો ગોલવાલો, રાહ નિહાળે છે તારી

પૂછે છે, " આવશે ક્યારે Zoish મારી ?

સાવ સુની પડી ગઈ છે, દુકાન અમારી".

"ગોલા અમારા ચાટી ચાટી Zoish ખાય

ચૂસી ચૂસી ગોલાને, મોઢું એનું લાલ લાલ થાય;"

કહે Zoish બધાંને, "ગોલો તો આમજ ખવાય".

લીલો, પીળો, કાળો, ઓરેન્જ, બ્લુ એને નહિ ફાવે.

બસ ગુલાબ ઍસેન્સ વાળો લાલ, એ લઈ આવે

એને આં એકજ લાલ રંગ નો ગોળો ભાવે.

Zoish કહે, "ગોલા સામે આઈસ્ ક્રીમ નો કોઈ ક્લાસ નહીં;"

કેહતી જાય અને ખાતી જાય; દૂધ અણે દહી.

બહુ ભાવે એને પીવા કોલ્ડ કોકો ને લસી અહીં.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
FOUND THIS WRITTEN 9 YEARS BACK... ON 01ST MAR2011, on the eve of Zoish's birth

Welcome my darling,  welcome into our arms ;

Eagerly awaiting we are, your many charms !

Sweetheart hope you are as pretty as Jer  Bapayji;

Or like your beautiful great grandma, Tehmi  Mamayji !

May you be blessed with all that is best in life.

Good health, a long happy life sans strife

Waiting to adorn you we are,  like a doll or a fairy;

Fair, glowing, dimpled rosy cheeks, n lips red like cherries.

May Ahura bless you angel, my fairy, my  princess sweet;

Celebrate tomorrow we will,  your arrival,  with a treat!

Welcome lil sweetheart,  our bundle of joy  n happiness.

A loving caring cute baby Zoish, with picture perfectness.

waiting eagerly is Ma .

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Fuzzy Darling,

Indeed our best friend you are; n Zoish specially loves you

Freyu of Zoish's love for Fuzzy is jealous a wee bit;

So he teases Zoish, saying marry him you will, when you grow up

Amused he is about the kids if it happens; whether they will pups be or human?

Fuzzy, the kids have gone nuts over you and your cute lovable antics

Amuse them, you very much do, with your silly funny tactics

Your sense of smell, "wah wah ustaad", you know we are there from far away

Your wagging so inviting is; but your dangerous bark, a vagabond can shoo away

Without you Fuzzy, life so mundane would be, you are the reason we love to home rush

Cuddle you, tickle you, ****** you, even squeeze you whilst your fur we brush.

Love you we do, but know we, you love us a lot more; very high is the ratio n your score.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On MEHRANGAN,  received we a very special gift from  Ahura

It was a blessing wonderful from  Zarthushtra.

Born was our cute  little Zoish, who is nine today

Brought joy she has into our lives;  our cute doll to play

Gives us she joy immense, that's why Joissh, call her we.

Bubbly, vivacious she is and also naughty, a bit wee.

Ahura bless this angel of ours, with Your blessings best.

Zoi, may you bloom to become a good n great human,

Practising Parsipanu, n all our tenets; shining like the Sun.

We love you, our darling, with all our heart;

Of our life, Freyanush n you are the most important part

Your Ever loving
Dae n Ma
Dedicated to the little Pup Brandy

Brandy, cute Brandy, you little darling are sweeter than sugar- candy

But entire day scream we; n run around you, saying, "Brandy, Brandy"

Little darling, you are more intoxicating, than that alcoholic drink, Brandy

Freyu n Zoish are eagerly awaiting n even searching for you, a dandy

Your Mum, Shez says you eat almost anything n everything except a "kakri"

That's why Brandu, she says, "you are perhaps not a doggie, you are a "bakri"

The moment says Phil, "Brandy I love you", wag you excitedly, your tail;

Ma loves you too little one; it is "Brandy Brandy" all day with love we wail

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Wishing you both happinessssss alwaysssss.

May the Sun, Stars n the Moon bless you with their bright rays ;

And Ahura Mazda's blessings, for ever with both of you, stays.

Dae, Ma, Freyanush n Zoish wish you happy years, months n days.

We four love you both, now and alwaysssss.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Reading a book, relaxing lazily I was on my hammock

A sqeal I heard; on peeping out, I got a real shock

Standing a little away, was an Elly small n a giraffe tall

Luckily they were both outside the compound wall

They looked cute, this Elly plump n Twigaa, majestic n tall

Frehan, who was in the resort, at Twigaa threw a ball;

This, for our four legged cutie pies, was a game; a play-call

The Elly caught it in his trunk, because it was about to fall

Now I kept my book aside, enjoying all this I was, from my hammock

When came the ball straight on to me, which Elly from his trunk, did unlock

Caught it I, n threw it back to Twigaa, who returned the ball;

Between the Twigaa and Elly, they didn't allow the ball to fall

Watching this all, was Zoish the animal lover, our cute little doll;

Besides her was standing Frehan handsome n tall, who wouldn't let the ball fall.

A video if made, would be a life time memory to this episode recall.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Here are my Lil ones Zoi sh n Freyanush

With them I always feel maha "khush".

Twins they are not like Luv n Kush

Freyu loves channa n Zoi "oosh".

Love they to play in Aarta's garden, around a bush.

Little soldiers with water guns in ambush.

Fighting each other; giving the other a push.

Love to watch them play I, my darling Zoish n Freyanush

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Darling Fre, wish you we, all the very best;

With hard work n perseverance, your energy you always did invest;

That's why, may you with a gold medal, pass the test.

Work hard, do your best n to Ahura leave the rest.

Pray for you we will, my fledgling, from our nest.

Know we, your 100 pc you will give, doing your very best.

Loads of love, blessings and all good wishes,
From Ma, Dae, Mum, Dad n Zoish.
My Lil Miss Masseuse.

Thaaaaank you Zoish.

Hot and uncomfortable I was, so my lil masseuse gave me an ice massage.

Hot and humid it was, so she comforted me with an ice pack large.

Lil Ms Masseuse, my feet into cold water, tenderly dipped;

And cool water applied all over my body; also some I sipped.

Suddenly the sweltering heat reduced n things were not too bad.

In all my life, this was undoubtedly the best massage I ever had.

With her love and tenderness, the strokes so caressing were;

For this, with great pride, award I the Nobel prize in Massaging, to her.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Ever dearest Zoish,
Our little princess has turned eight today. Teeny weeny she was the other day.
Hopes she, to become an artist someday.
Loves she to dance, sing n be happy n gay.
Little one,  pride of the community, may you be,  soon one day.
Ahura kind,  bless her n stay with her all the way.
Blessings n love
Dae, Maa, Shez Mum, Phil Dad and Freyanush.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Far far away, for a Safari, on a hot humid day,

Frehan n Zoish to Sunderbans went with their family, to stay.

After a cruise n a drive rough, finally they arrived at the bay.

After a good night's sleep, got up excited and fresh they.

Soon for a stroll around their villa, they  prepared to go, that day;

Suddenly caught their attention, a huge big stack of hay.

Ran there quickly they, and with the hay, began to wildly play.

To their great surprise, found a strange looking cat they.

Began playing with it n the cat soon followed them, with them to play.

An attendant saw, n quickly cuddled them, protecting them, to their villa all the way.

Brought them back to the safety of their cottage, so to say.

Their new-found friend,  also  followed them all the way.

The man, frightened, tried he hard to shoo it away.

But the lil cat, now their friend, in no way could be kept at bay.

Then said the man, " it's a tiger cub";so  excitedly named it "TALDI" they.

Taldi was furry n cute, lapped up it the milk, to the drop last, all the way.

When back came the family, danced the kids, around Taldi, happy n gay.

Shocked were Shez n Phil, to see the kids, with Taldi, so gleeful at play.

A ranger was called in, who eventually came, to take Taldi away.

Cried the kids bitterly, they just wouldn't let Taldi go away.

The ranger said,  "thanks for saving Taldi, but for you, soon dead he would lay."

Forlorn n sad were all of them, to see their darling Taldi, being taken away.

Felicitated the kids were, for saving an endangered species, a tiger; in a big way.

Every Sunday, visited Taldi they, at the zoo, n for his survival, they did pray.

Grew up Taldi, strong n healthy; happy it was, to see them, though it couldn't so say.

Lasted this beautiful, warm friendship, a long way; till Taldi to the forest was taken away.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Kurush  Mama, gifted a cute little baby to Shez, that's you , my bundle of joy.

For me it was a promotion big, when in my arms I received the precious most toy.

Every one came to visit you immediately, long past mid night; this cute baby boy.

Rati Mami, was with me through out,  (you were born at  1.25 am  early morn).

Nurgesh Aunty on a wheelchair; n Nivi Mami came straight from a  party, when you were born.

All the Motashaws visited you at 3 am, in silence,  no music, just the car horn.

Delzu dolly, Burzee  Mama just to have a peek, even said, your siblings they were.  

Mami, Mama were  ever so helpful; n Navaz Mami,  cuddled you n you just loved her.

Wonderful it would be if  bless you could, your revered great grandparents Keki n Jer.

May  Ahura bless you with His blessings choicest n  all our dear departed ones too.

May you,  my lil champ, rise n shine to heights great; but remember to practise Parsipanu.

May you be the pride n joy of our family, the entire community n country too.

Loads of love n blessings from
Dae  Ma, Mummy,  Daddy.  Zoish
On Roj Ram Mah Khordad
Time flies, it's true; passed have, years ten gross
But even today, it hasn't been able to lessen our loss.

Far away from us you are now, but every moment I re-live can.
Dad dearest, besides being a legal luminary, you were a great man.

To Frehan n Zoish, I tell your super exciting tales.
Tell them, grow up they should, like you, acquiring your quales.

Stay happy in Goarathman behesht, with Mom may you.
Remember and bless us all, as you would always do.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

Nothing in the same state ever lies,
Situations many change as time flies.
A bud, blooms into a beautiful flower, withers n dies.

Years forty one, in a jiffy have passed by.
Together we faced situations, with laughter and cry.
Luckily Mum was mostly around to wipe our tears dry.

Thank Ahura we profusely for granting Shez unto us.
Also for a wonderful family, who always support us.
Then of course, Phil, Freyu, Zoish completed it thus.

Ahura kind, bless us all, to good humans be.
Kind, considerate, wise, loving, filled with glee.
My wish: my kids marry a Humdin early, n have children three.

Aedoon baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Ever dearest Zoish,
Written in 2017..  3 years ago

Our little princess has turned six today;

Teeny weeny she was the other day.

Hopes she, to become an artist someday.

Loves she to dance, sing n be happy n gay.

Little one,  pride of the community, may you be,  soon one day.

Ahura kind,  bless her n stay with her all the way.

Blessings n love
Dae, Maa, Shez Mum Phil Dad and Freyanush

— The End —