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Northern, Eastern, Western and South of our land is in great trouble
There's nothing to make, craft or do, jobs falling by double
We've lost all of our skills, mines, industries factories
None of the closed business will ever move back here

We were living the high life with Blair and his magical funding
Unaware the ground was falling beneath us and crumbling
Conditioned in good times and taken for granted
Now the shock is too much to handle  

All prices up! Minimum wage no longer exists
European competition has seen to this
Competing with ex-slave labour
Who are prepared to work for peanuts and good favour

Tories fooling, ‘Ha ha there is no North and South divide’
While hammering the poorest, robbing us of all remaining pride
As he stands in Teesside he thinks it’s the Tyne
What hope does the UK have with such ignoramus Tory crime

With no hope of work futures look grim
Once happy people now stressed to the brink
We watch and listen about the mythical recovery
I think to myself, *‘London must be some far away country!’

— The End —