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CL Frisby Jun 2017
you were a flame,
and i the moth, my love.

i found your darkness beautiful,
and longed to be destroyed by your hands.

though i hoped to become light, i loved your shadow

i wanted to light you up
to be annihilated together
in the sweet surrender of neutral territory.

my dear, imagine the things we could have done

when with mere words you reached so deep inside of me.
Spring, 2017
CL Frisby Jun 2017
my soul was not prepared

for your mind, so world-weary
and your heart, so innocent

your words, so blunt
your voice, so soft

the mild amusement in your tone
the twitching between my legs

the sadistic longing to break you into pieces
the masochistic yearning to be shattered into the same

and the blissful delusion that we could ever melt them together
Spring, 2017

— The End —