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B Dec 2015
I know that one day I'm going to see you at the grocery store or the movie theater or somewhere out shopping with someone who has taken my place next to you. When I see her, all I'm gonna think is, "that used to be me." I used to hold those hands and kiss that stupid face of yours. I used to be the one who could make you smile just by looking at you.  I don't know where things went wrong, or if they ever really did. Maybe things just stopped. My world just (SweetPlacidity_).   stopped.  I wish it could still be me with you, but there's nothing I can do. I just hope she makes you feel weightless. I hope she makes you feel warm. I hope she makes you smile. I hope she does everything I couldn't. I hope she doesn't make you sad. I hope she holds your hand so tight that nothing can get between you. I hope she kisses you softly. I hope her heart aches when you're not around. I hope her lungs collapse when you leave. I hope her bones shatter when you scream. I hope when you see me, your world stops too.  

B Dec 2015
It doesn't hurt. It's more of an emptiness in your chest and you don't remember why it's there. It's easy to forget why you feel like there's a part of you missing because things have slowly been fading away for awhile now.  You just drifted apart for no particular reason. The worst part is remembering how happy you were (SweetPlacidity_)               with them and realizing that things are no longer the same and they're not going to come back. Other times, it's as if they don't exist. It's unnerving how people can be so easily forgotten, how I can be forgotten. But you know,  it was a quiet ending and that's all I could have ever asked for. Thank you for leaving quietly.


— The End —