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Brother Jimmy Jan 2015
I took a trip into my eye and there’s something hiding there

It’s a belief which I’ve held all my life and now it’s laying threadbare

I want to get my broken fixed and I’m throwing wide the door

There’s a deep-down part of me which knows there’s something more

More than what can be seen

More than what I can reach out and feel

More than what can be repeatably measured

More than what you might hear is for real

I am just a lonely boy with a penchant for dark and doubt

And I’ve noticed that I lack the joy that makes the percipient shout

So maybe I’m missing a part of the puzzle that makes the devout complete

Maybe there’s something behind blind belief that can make a man land on his feet

Belief in a clockmaker being…

And doing and speaking and seeing

And not disappearing right after the blast

To a holiday far away skiing

I’m ready-and no longer afraid
to call things as I see ‘em

I’m getting older and more crotchety, ...gonna’ put me in a museum

I can feel I’m slowly dying and I’m only thirty-nine

I remember a long-ago time when my spirit was doing just fine

But right now, my spirit is broken

I’ll cover the sadness with joking

The bus is about to pull-away

And I think that I’m missing my token

Speak!  Where’ve you been?

Is it because of my sin?

Is it because of my bent?

How do I tune in?

Make my blind eyes see

Come, oh come & set me free

Show all the doubters those footprints you left

Oh what are you wanting with me?

Peace now, let there be peace

Don’t you see I need some release?

Surrounded by kind folks, but lonely as hell

I’m needing to do something, and do it well,

I’m wanting you, needing you, come here to dwell

In my heart, in my head, on my knees.
Ahmad Cox Mar 2012
I am weary
I am worn
I don't know where my home is
I feel myself slipping
From where I know I am
I am getting tired
Feeling myself weaken
Feeling my resolve weaken
As I am repeatably battered by the storm
Just wondering when this weariness will pass
When this heaviness in my heart and in my soul
Will actually lift
Removing the fog
Opening up my path
So I don't have to fight all the time
WordsOfLoved Jun 2013
You're standing on a bridge
over looking the never ending water that is the ocean
you watch as the waves viciously pummel over one another
thrashing about as the rain falls like bullets
slapping the water
the lightning and thunder sound in the distance
It's the perfect night
no one is around to stop you
everyone is safe in their home trying to out wait this wicked storm
wind goes racing by, pulling my hair with it, trashing it about to where is slaps your face repeatably  
you walk closer to the bridges railing, closing your eyes and ******* in the cold air slowly
prepping yourself for what you're about to do
you clear your thoughts to where your mind is blank
finally reaching the bridges railing your cold hands meet the cold bridge and you laugh at the irony
that this cold hard metal you are feeling in some way represents you
for a few moments you stand and just absorb the cold metal into your skin
you soon find yourself moving without knowing
your body is so overwhelmed with the want of relief
that it's moving for your own good, avoiding what your mind and heart have to say
it doesn't care any longer
you feel the strength in your arms as you lift your entire body to now sit on the bridges railing
you slide your feet over the edge, dangling them down into what seems to be an eternity of a fall
eyes closed and body slowly but sure sliding forward
you scream
you let it out, what you've been holding in for years
all the pain and heart ache and troubles
the things that no one wanted to listen to
and then the tears come, rapidly streaming down your cheeks
Your raise one of your hands to slap them away and as you do

In the opposite direction that you wanted
you fall back onto the bridge
and into the grasp of person
they draw you into their hold
they cradle you, like no one ever has
you open your eyes and look around, the storm still going steady
you turn your face to the stranger that has saved you
and without realizing it
the tears start again and you you not able to catch your breath for now you are brutally sobbing
through chocked cries
Jack tierney Apr 2017
Finishing is so hard
Why is finishing so hard

I can start
And I can continue
But repeatably I cannot finish

What is within me that makes finishing so hard

Perhaps I'm scared
Perhaps I don't know how to finish

Perhaps I wasn't born to finish
Only to start

To start unnecessary and uncertain Projects
In my life
But never to finish

To never finish a **** thing until the thing of life finishes upon me

Finish something once in your life
Finish so you can know what being done is

Finish something on your own
Finish on your own terms
Finish because you want to
Finish because you need to

For Christ sake
Just finish something
Serenity Oct 2021
As I desperately cling into your arms
My once saddened heart began to rejoice again
My tears fall down my pale, white cheek
as I repeatably cried out I love you
Your gently kiss touch my lips
as you whispered I love you too
I began to be happy again...
to finally touch you again...
to be there again with you...
But as I began to say stay,
my eyes opened,
and you vanished from me and my arms...
leaving me alone once again.

— The End —