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aesthenne Aug 2015
mischief and such wit
  moony, wormtail, padfoot, prongs
  they're the marauders
and when the job's done
  wave your wand and just say this
  'mischief managed!' done
cleverness present
  but wasted on breaking rules
  yet used for the fun
'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
Are proud to present to you
The Marauder's Map.'
JL Nov 2012
In the sea that is green
with a hook in it's mouth
In a jungle that is dark
a thorn in his foot
In the heavy heat of desert
Sun in the eyes
A bird sings from his placement
On a barbed wire fence
Do not fly so high
That your wings will freeze
Barn mouse
Boils water in his kettle
He whistles whistles out a tune
Old padfoot outside sleeping
His dreams of warm blood
And swift hunts
The moon is high now
The river flowing like a silver ribbon
An old farmer rides his wagon
Pulled on by the old mare
He was once ran wild through
Golden plains far away
But one day he ran too far from home
Emily Jones Aug 2015
Reality is like a dream
When you spend all day trying to escape
From its weight
Which like an elephant fills the room
Pull open the door and step away
Like a phone box whose bigger on the inside
The mind always finds a way to hide
Where fae and fairy folk dance their magic dance
Fair maidens say their right words
And young hobbits smoke to victory
Pipping away their pipe songs to the sound of groaning trees
Dwarves become kings having fought themselves free
When padfoot, wormtail and prong create mischief along the moving stair
And a boy who lived once again
No reality can be rather lame
Because adventure awaits..
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit..."
I take all the wolf from my smile,
spin her back into sheep
let flowers grow from the cotton of her body
and revel in the softness of snarl
I have been killing chickens in my sleep,
sneaking out and slashing tyres
there is a breadcrumb trail of bones
leading to my closet, and i won't open it
i'm not brave enough for the mirror my monsters are,
i can still taste the marrow on my tongue
but i promise i've been brushing my teeth
drinking rose water and smiling
trying to sand off all my edges
forget the taste of anger and violence
and its hard when i've got foxgloves for kisses
all poison to taste, but they're pretty,
i tried stepping softly and felt the slip-shape
of prey back to predator, relearnt the padfoot
felt the great black dog inside me stir
had to rummage under the bed for the shotgun
put my cheek to it until she stopped her howling
i cried down the barrel for hours,
tied lace around my wrists and become jailor to my heart
**** her with kindness, but i couldn't, not quite,
all soft touch and lilted tongue i lull her back
to those creaking bars of my ribcage
peg her to my spine and place the ****** carcass
of the last boy we bit at beside her
grow sunflowers in my room and black out the curtains
we can stay here until she learns peace
learns to cry over his body like i did,
forgets blood and hate and their taste
we will learn tenderness in a dark room
howl at an empty sky until the stars take pity on us,
two-step to earth and bring the light back
open the closet, spin skeletons back to cloth,
the slate-grey dust of us has grown flowers,
rage trapped in pink-ribbon dreamcatcher wishes
her lips don't lift from her teeth anymore
and i can sleep with door unlocked
i can sleep with the closet open
The wolves stepped from the wood
Padfoot, quickstep, under ****** moon
Their mouths agape and yawning
Tongues lolling to steam the air
Eyes yellow and gold
The first wolf that had ever walked
Swallowed a portion of the sun
And they have been hoarding fire
Inside them ever since
And these wolves, from the darkening wood
With their misted fur backs
Twitching ears and slow careful steps
They lift their heads in one drawn-out moment
Speak with one voice
A voice that echoes like man
That lilts with arrogance not of wolf
To say that the world was raining blood.
The sun
The moon
They heard the wrongness of that voice
Saw the guns pointed at weeping muzzles
And they heeded
Noise shattered the ever-night
Sunlight averts her eyes
A moon crimson and shameful
The sky exploded in death
The woods grew darker

— The End —