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Sarah Johnson Apr 2015
pointing and laughing,
I'm being told how to live my life
he was running from her
catching the light
chasing it across town
I swallow ***** like water
bruises and felons
we have our feline friends
and I can smell hope
in this apartment
high fives + best friends
drunk bus and acoustic guitar
where are we when you
start to leave us?
lost backpacks give
way to found numbers
I took your favorite piece
of literature and he
laid claim to my thigh
his fingers bruised and
his eyes burned into mine

silver-haired Prince, where
did you go?
You grow with the stars
and yes, I am interested.

let's call her Mindi
wow, drunk.
Ellis Reyes Mar 2020
Alex the Goddess of Sport wields a lacrosse stick menacing all who enter the crease
Ben is the Waffle God, protector of the butter and syrup
Caitlin is the Goddess of whimsy adding mirth to all she touches
Daniel brings the rain and gloom
Emma looms quietly in the stacks guarding the fantasy fiction
Finn the Demigod of Sloth doesn’t do much at all
Gregorius is the Master of Letters, his countenance is exacting
Hannah rules fashion, her judgment is fierce
Isabelle finds friends for the lonely and lost
Jack is an academic Titan, the ruler of grades, ensures A’s at all cost
Katie rules art, all of the drawing and paint
Lana protects the good, the quiet little Saints
Mindi is the Goddess of…. No one really knows what she does
Nora guides the Orchestra with a golden baton
Olivia the Healer, nurtures the sick
Phuong the Geometer knows all of the angles
Q’Andre is the Messenger he rules the halls
Rohan the PE God is in charge of the *****
Sarah the Studious supervises homework
Teresa guides the students on and off buses
Uddai the quiet one wanders the night
Valerie is the morning Goddess who turns on the lights
William conducts the choir with a gravelly voice
Xander the disciplinarian issues consequences
Yara remains outside spying the grounds
Zoë the wise helps students make good decisions
Practicing with poetic forms. Obviously an abecedarian or alphabet poem.

— The End —