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ZT Aug 2015
Kring, Kring
Can you hear the telephone ring?
No you didn't?
Well again,
Kring, Kring,
Now it is ringing.
Still no?
Kring, Kriiiinnnngggg....... Kriiiiinnnngggg!
This will be like a song you'd love to sing,
Stuck in your mind and for a while
you'll hear the sound of
kring, kring, kring
words that brings up memories and plays in your mind over and over. Like how a telephone rings... kringg..krinng...krinnggggg..
Ticktock ticktock
Says the lazy clock.
Hear the morning sing.
Wake up! Wake up!
No more time for dreaming.
Bees? Snore?
You're still sleeping.
It's your boss calling.
Bang! Hurry! It's 8 a.m.
And the world keeps spinning.
Ting! You're late.
Prepare for screaming.
Sharina Saad Oct 2013
Again...I missed the school bus
Easy...I blamed my dad
He ran too slow
Failed to chase the bus for me
Disgusted... I refused to speak
Annoyed...Sitting in the living...
Staring at the window..
Outside a heavy downpour...
Silently blaming the rain
If it wasn’t too cold that morning..
I wouldn’t have pulled my blanket ...
And closed my eyes too tight...
A ROARING rain in my heart...

I heard dad was shouting at mom
He blamed mom for waking up late
An expected storm ... mom bursts in the kitchen...
No blaming me she said... extremely loud
The alarm clock... went silent you know!!
A chocked in her throat...
A tiny tear at the corner of her eyes...
Steamy Air of tension surrounded the house...

It was easy to blame the alarm clock
For a moment I thought...
It wouldn’t shout back to defend itself
It went dead... it wasn’t anybody’s fault...
I missed the bus, dad missed his work...
Mom missed her "morning good bye" kiss...
The cute alarm clock ... a gift from my aunty
Stood by the bed so timidly... so innocently...

My Furious-ed dad... threw the alarm clock out the window
Surprisingly... it was screaming in the rain
Perhaps...Tired of our blaming game..
Funny...As it fell to the ground..
Kring!! Kring!! Kring!! So loud so clear was the sound..
Instead of getting mad...
Dad, Mom and me... giggled...
We were all laughing like mad...
A damaged machine in the heavy rain...
Tickled our hearts...
its rainy season in my country......
Kmo Mar 2017
One summer day
Thick clouds cover
The heart of a one time lover
Aint no lies ice on his eyes
I feel his heart freezing
deep down inside
Though I see the sun
I never felt its warmth
His coldness scatters
Cool breeze lingers
Makes body shivers
Goosebumps all over
Everytime he looks at me
My face is flushing and
Can't help myself but smile
Smiling at him
Tho he responds nothing
I didn't know what
It's causing me
But one thing
I know for sure
Whatever might this bring
I will always smile
And fill his winter feeling heart
By this summer heat
I have inside.

Dis nou die tyd om te babbel
En my mond verby te praat
, want hulle sê mos
A drunk man's words is
A sober man's thoughts...
En wie weet dalk vind ek
Die antwoorde in ń diep gesprek met myself...

Sien ek is nie een van daardie
AA lappies wat skeinheilig
Sit en slukkies suip om
Geluk onder in die bottel
Op te spoor nie.
Ek rook skaamteloos en
Omhels die intense stank
Van 10 jaar se lewe wat ek
Mors en longkanker, want
Dit herrinner my an oupa se
Skoot en *** veilig ek was
In daardie asbak woonstel
Waar ek soos white-trash eers my brood moes inspekteer vir
Indringer kokkerotte wat ook
Maar net teen ons kompeteer het
Vir ń krummeltjie kos.

Ek babbel, want wat anders kan mens doen as vrees jou aangryp as die koue staal jou hande brand -
En nee ek praat nie van lemme en inspuitings nie,
Want lemme maak merke waarvan ek reeds te veel het wat nou oor my polse uitgesprei lê en my herrinner *** swak ek was, maar *** sterk ek was... en inspuitings los ek vir die dokters en susters en die bloeddiens
Wat my leeg wil tap om een of ander sad case se lewe te red met bloed van ń bloedjie wat self nog in die verdoemtenis rond dwaal.

Ek babbel, want dis social anxiety en scary stuff om in ń kring te sit en Russian roulette te speel met al 5 van die mense wat ander van jou verwag om te wees. Want wat gebeur as ek myself in hierdie hoerasie van persoonlikhede raakskiet. *** weet ek watter een is ek as elke een die sneller swaar trek en hoop en bid vir ń blank... *** weet ek.


En nou babbel ek maar weer
Want ek het so pas agtergekom ek weet ook nie juis *** dit voel om dood te wees nie.

Wie is ek...
-*** sal ek weet


Ek weet.
pauldeeeeee Jul 2011
there are times that i would just let my mind wander.. trying to dissipate the negativity from down under.. and sometimes it makes me wonder.. why our days of freedom have gone asunder.. i  am here to state mans divinity.. cant you see? the lies that have been layed out to runneth with oils and minerals being poured into our pockets like honey bees.. this poem will set us free.. waking us up to see all of the earths crease.. their lies will never cease.. thats why i am here to state mans divinity.. there is no more time segregation nor fear.. the time for a new age draws near.. we, the special beings down here, cry for freedom and peace.. to stop people counting 365 days a year.. are we part of the solution? or are we part of the pollution? these things aint supposed to be.. keep singing tunes and reciting rhyme schemes while holding a bag of trees, passing the time from within the seems.. our lives play like movies in dreams.. unaccepting the truths that the lies bring.. gone are the days where our hearts can just sing.. nowadays it's all about the bling.. and all the world wait for their mobile phones to go kring.. where are the times when time was just a fling.. where society actually cared about their men.. not treating them like arses and hens.. we holla at the lies being shown.. not realizing that everything we buy, they own.. our minds are being controlled and our spirits are being blown.. i am here to state mans divinity.. able to create from here to infinity.. all the hatred of the world is hatt brought me here to embrace and understand duality.. to know why we have this affinity.. it is much like a coin, there are heads and tails.. but those heads never see those tales.. thats because we catch what would eventually fail.. so i step inside myself and set sail.. to a journey from within our own grail.. to find the love that will set our goal.. that love vibration will shine so fast and so bright that it will emanate through our soul.. let that beat sing through the possibility of this positivity of this little bowl.. so i say stay away from the system.. and let teachers, teach.. let prophets, preach.. these words will never expire because of the beats of these beaches.. stop taking these leeches given to us by the men in robes to hide their faces.. changing their scenes to ruin our inner places.. our homes are invaded by brands that are faceless.. rappers spit about the incompetence of men and the riches of non-repentance.. i am here to state the divinity of man.. and yet i have spoken truths about this duality.. hope is what keeps the humility.. and love gives the vibration of our frozen cryogenic anenemity.. we must not fear ourselves.. those demons inside of us is part of the lies that they make us buy.. those are guardians.. able to protect and grow inside of us.. i am to state mans divinity.. so are you part of the fear? or are you part of the ones who want to be set free?

Daan Aug 2017
We zaten per twee in een kring
op een wei
in een weerstad
die eens per jaar weer
wakker wordt

Elk van ons bewapend met een fles,
een blik en een stoel.

Het duo met de kortste drinkperiode
kreeg een prijs aangeboden,
allerminst een die tot beter leidt,
Gorba Feb 2020
Man får säga ibland
Att det finns skönhet som inte går att beskriva
När till och med en himmelsk strand
Skulle se gräslig ut om man skulle jämföra
Så länge jag bor här
Kommer det inte finnas något att klaga på
Vi är som ett par
Med två partiklar som möttes och blev oskiljaktiga
Jag har varit med dig i tre år nu
Och kärleken brinner fortfarande
Det är uppenbarligen jag och du
Och det är inget erbjudande
Det är hellre ett vackert oundvikligt löfte
Som skrevs med outplånligt bläck på ett häfte  
Du ser ut som en mångfacetterad hydra
Som står ovanför en blå matta
Det känns så skönt att korsa dina broar
Och att gå vilse i kurvorna du har
Jag måste också prata om din gröna klänning
Som man inte kan undvika att smeka
Den absorberar solsken, släpper syre, får oss att leva
Och gör mig glad när jag kommer kring
Du är ljusare än solen under sommaren
Men mörkare än ett svart hål när vinter spränger dörren
Som regnet som får regnbågen att dyka upp
Uppskattar jag mörkret för då ser man norrsken
Samtidigt, brukar snö bygga upp
En vit rock som försvinner sen
Du var inte mitt första val från början
Men nu står du högst upp på listan
Jag behöver erkänna att jag är kär i dig
Trots att du inte ens är en riktig tjej.

— The End —