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Molantwa Mmele Dec 2015
I Can right de way I want
Bcoz I tok de way I WANT
TeLL me I’m rong
I ekspress my fillings through poetry
I can rite about everything
Without feaR
Poetry daznt allow me to supress!
I no this is not kompellinG
With eras in my spelling
Don’t ASK mi y
Jast REED my eras
I’M taryard of yu piple
Traying to tell me wat to du
End wat’ not 2 du
Kontroling mi lyf
While yours is folling apart
Eye don’t really liv mi lyf
To pruve piple’s perseptions
.Write or rong
Abawt my lyf
Mind yo own business
End liv mi lyf alone
Kip quet and read Mi eras
Is rong
Im eva rong to you
NoTHing beautifull;
Yu eva tell about me_
So suit yourself/
(End reeD mi erAs
people won't appreciate you for who you are
they will always talk when you do good and talk when you do bad
its simply how life is
Erin Lewis Oct 2014
The tears softly clouding my heart and my mind
Slowly burning endlessly, like the agony of time
My face was beaming brightly, then filled with despair
I was so close yet so far away. I tried not to care

But tears will fall to stain my eternal pain
Jast as I fall to restless sleep only to dream of you again
My dreams are the reality I wish my life could be
A tangible love surrounds us as I hold you close to me

I do not want to dream though, it reminds me of the times
I used to hold you, our love making me blind
One day my dearest angel I will come home to you
And al the things I wished and dreamed will come true.
Cloraphoba Jan 2018
Time to blam jast this up in here.
No more sounds
only noise

Noses to mute the voices
The voices that make you feel bad
either because it's a lie
or it's true

I write this as I sit utop this black sky morning wondering,
"Is there a way to make the voices of pain go away."
As I type these words, I remember the incoherent noise that which is the endless buzz of emotionless music

But as I listen to the noise
I hear the emotion I once felt in a rymthic pattern of happy and clank

And now I remember the pain I once felt
But as a past

Not the now
the now is brighter than the yester

That yester which I may miss but I go on
Because we must be strong to move on from the past

listen to the noise of music and forget the pain that once hurt

— The End —