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Emma Jan 2021
Letters - small, barely visible
form Words - various and important
form Sentences - influencial and unable to be taken back

it's so simple
language is so beautiful
language is so powerful
language can hurt
language can empower
it's so hard

are so vaguely
get forgotten
are so fast
it's so complicated

Written words
are enchanting
stay forever
are timeless
it's so easy

are portals into different worlds
worlds of paper and ink
dive into the thoughts of strangers
it's so facsinating

That's language

language is breathtaking
language is a weapon

between two people, there's always language

so small
so insignificant
so meaningful
so powerful

a gift
a weapon
those possibilities
and then...silence

Only if financially rich n influencial I would be,
Grow gardens huge I would, with many a tree.
Lush green lawns with flower beds many;
Roses, carnations, jasmine n yet some uncanny.

Trees filled with fruits many, mango,Chikoo ,
so that people could eat them easily in ample.
Birds, bees could there, easily nest;
Men tired, in their shade could avail rest.

Fresh vegetables in plenty, available would be;
Surely, there would be no constraints of lock or key.
No child world over, hungry would ever go;
For many million seeds I would surely sow.

Our beautiful planet blue; would also have some green.
Most importantly , the oxygen filled air, would be clean.
Ahura so pleased with this, would be;
With His choicest blessings, bless He would me.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

— The End —