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Gazing south as if some wise, well worn fisherman,leaning against the wroughted railed pier in all its victorian, gordy, standing, splendor.

Warmed and held by the summer sun as close as shared spoon-cuddled arms.

On thermal  air, calls and laughter rise from towelled steaked plots
blinding and shading the razor sharp hungry sea-gulls eye from flakey white flesh in all its golden battered salt-shuck sharpness,
competeing on the nose with hand-held melting creamyness, as they waft and weave gently by.

Below the slatted sound , the magic hypnotic spell of lapping waves lift and tilt me on a day dream of youthful lost love.

To a day we made our sun run in all its lazyness, dimming the enviour moon in its wake and kissing still the hands on the pasty-face black towering clock
                                          As time slipped way and was some where else.

With worn drift wood and tingleling toes you defaced the sand with a graphity the council tryed but couldn't erace.
And there it lies still, benieth the smooth pebbled shore,
                                                          ­                                                           kissed each day with salty tears and remembered sighs.

A fearful screaming siren pieces the soft English air, Its doppled blast, chilling,  pushing, demanding its screeching way through the brain, to some others pained, tear filled day,
                                                            ­                                then fades on the breeze.

A sun blushed child frowns through pink Brighton rock lips and eyes as blue as the sea, a secert smile is shared as if in that innocence I knew  that one magic day she will run on skipping painted toes and giggles sweet to etch for him in soft blank sand her love on this dreamy day beach.

So off the sea and off the pier I strole, absorbed and lost among the tripping faced crowd,into the sun dipped west and home alone.

Yet knowing you will remain forever mine, held in crystal dimonded grains, whilst around the bitter -sweet changing tides ebb and flow          
­                                                                 ­  years.
DING   -  ****
                            " this is a  call to passengers traveling to Ithaka, by way of Kensal Green.
             Please have your passports and tickets ready, to be seen".

So did I pack well for this adventure I 'm on,
            do I really need the kichen sink  I thought I 'd take along.

All those clothes to impress, suits, shirts, ties all layed
           Where once all I carried , was a bucket and *****

Then my only foot-print was in soft gritty sand,
            As I licked melting coned creamyness, that dripped  on my hand

When every moment was filled with sun shine on skys powered blue
And even when grey, still the rainbow shone through

So leaving behind that tightly packed luggage, no room left inside,
But filled up with baggage, I'd aquired on the ride

Cluching  my shoulder bag is  all that I need, it seems
For tomorrow I 'll buy a new suit case and fill it, with new journyed dreams
DING --****  
                                   final call

— The End —