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mindovermatter Sep 2013
This is a poem I wrote looking out my window this same evening in autumn I think I was just feeling a little lonely..

Life, it passes by outside the cold chained window
As I stare out into the light, out of my lonely dark corner
My eyes burn a little, I don’t mind though, I’m used to the pain life brings me
It has grown to a dull itch rather then a perching pain

It has been made null and done in by the pain my heart brings me
For the love of my life, the one who lied about his feelings,
He, he has ripped it out of my chest, painfully and slowly
Taking his time and plotting each and every single step he shall take

To make me suffer more then I should
I see a copal, and how cute they look together
But then I look into her hims’ eyes and see, I see what I saw in my hims’ eyes
I shan't worn her for tiz her own petty fault as was my own when my "incident" happened

I’m not mad at him, I’m sure he couldn’t help it, it’s just one of those unfortunate inconveniences
I hope it was anyway, even so I’m not mad, it was my own fault
So as happy life goes on outside my cold chained window
I watch and wait to see all the unsuspecting victims who will end up like me
But they’re different, they think they’ll have someone to blame
“We love what we don’t know, what it’s lost already…”*
Jorge Luis Borges

I hang on to your portrait, in front of me;
among candles, copal, and all those things you worship in a mexican altar to the death.

You are my invisible jaguar,
you appear before me, between dreams, and I fell alive.

Full of wounds,
lacerated by my absence,
I put your portrait in front of the altar that my mind has conceived,
and you seem to hold the paradise's secret in your hands,which are made of ashes.
Then, according to the mexican & catholic tradition,
like a rural priest,
you start to draw a cross, made of the ashes of your magic, sacred hands.

The smell of the whole,
sacred being that exists in this spiritual plane,
lays on your profile, so beautiful embodied in your portrait,
which I prefer above any other reflex.

Finally, when I think on your lips,
is when I stop believing  in anything else,
and just keep on holding the devotion that I worship to your portrait...
Then I chase each single one of the naked,
vulnerable memories of you,
trying to protect me.

I think of you,
so profoundly and vividly right now,
that my skin transpires,
my muscles are tense,
and my mouth recites your name with all and its last name.

I wish that, under a supernatural power,
you're also thinking of me, at this precise moment,
and that some thought can touch me below my skirt,
and make the skin of my white buttocks to bristle.

White –Blanca in Spanish-; the name of one of my childhood’s friend.

And the same color of your so polish, european skin.

The rainforest of your sacred Chiapas.

I need you excruciatingly.
Like a dagger into my body.

I will like to see your portrait being devoured by the flames,
but I do not have the courage to throw it to the fire,
for its image will become strongly painted in my mind,
and the effect that you exerts towards me it will be more powerful.

I had a dream a couple of hours ago,
it was me,
so earthly,
being blessed by your voice,
and the tattoo you have on your left arm, being kissed by my simple mouth.

Our skin,
is the wall where the moon lays on,
Lays in our bodies making love,
in a black hammock,
conjuring with our pneuma to the whispering of the rainforest...
Danny Wolf Jun 2018
The Hanbleceya.
The cry for a vision.
The Vision Quest.
The space between worlds.
In the presence of the Great Mystery.
I went down to the fire,
and she, the self I aim to be,
was not there.
I became her.
And maybe just for that moment on my blanket because I needed to be her.
She is on the eternal quest.
Forever in search,
forever seeking.
That magic I was hoping for did not emerge in the way I believed it would...
I let instead the Earth, and only her,
hear my screams.
Hear some deep agony within me,
maybe not even completely of my own.
Maybe the ancestral pains of the women who carried lives before me.
Red is the road to my heart,
is the color that bled out of me on the way up.
Dripping prayers down my legs,
each step became even more sacred.
Together, we sang our warrior song.
They are my amor, my comfort, my shelter, my warmth.
But on your blanket in your circle of prayers,
there is only you and the Creator.
You and the Great Mystery.
You and your fears, your pains, your demons.
You and your truths, your reasons, your prayers.
It is your choice whether to feed to thirst and hunger in your head,
or the hunger in your soul.
There is no greater pain than a soul not enacting its purpose,
its duty, its agreement with the Divine.
No greater pain.
And those screams that emerged from me,
from depths vast and deep,
was everything I ever let block me.
When we are broken open,
when we cry that deep soul cry,
we are breaking to let love and truth in,
we are watering our gardens.
So what magic am I believing was not present?
A vision may have not been shown to me,
but the courage of a single moment was.
To decide to not shut my eyes,
but to pray.
To offer compassions back to the Earth and take less for myself.
To not **** a single mosquito,
but rather walk off that blanket four days later marked with their persistence.
I watched their points enter my flesh
and saw their bodies fill with my blood.
Maybe they were extracting from me all that I no longer need.
And what itch is worse?
That of a red bump,
or that of the soul's need to incessantly scratch through its flesh suit to get to the core of its truth?
There were hours upon hours I let myself fall silent.
Listened to the sound of the woodpecker,
watched the spider crawl,
saw the turkey run.
They know how to be at home here.
And it is nothing grand that they do,
but they understand their purpose and place and they do not strive to feed and ego.
They do not "Ease God Out."
They are of God,
they are a God of their own.
So how do I remove myself from all the ******* of this world
if I do not place my being into the womb of Creation and sit?
The layers strip down,
the sun rises and sets and does so again.
I began to know before the sky would lighten that the morning was coming soon just by the sounds of the forrest.
The great trees barely swayed and the Earth was uprooting.
What am I doing here?
The days were long and hard and filled with a frustrating buzzing in my ears.
Buzzing like all the nonsensical thoughts we have on a daily basis.
If only our ears would buzz and ring every time we had a thought that backtracked us from our truths
and the inherent love that is within our beings.
If only we had the persistence of the mosquito that does not,
will not stop until it is filled with the one nectar it was meant to live on.
There were moments of bliss and moments I felt anxiety bubble up within.
Such a rare form of myself,
a piece of me I do not know too well.
I wanted to crawl out of my skin and be gone.
Be wind, be ether, be smoke.
Be gone.
And then they came,
bearing compassion.
Just a single sip of water.
Just a little.
They handed me that cup and I just cried.
Cried from the depths of my being.
"Do I even deserve this?"
And I let some moments pass,
held that cup in my hands and prayed in the form of tears.
That water,
that precious gift bearing life,
it touched my lips and made its way into my being.
And all become calm.
I am here for a purpose,
on this blanket, I mean.
I am here and meant to be no where but here.
And gently they spoke of the 6 pointed white star flowers surrounding me.
Not to me,
but a message for me.
A reminder of the beauty all around,
if I would only just look.
There I was,
sitting upon the hands of Creation.
If I had just stopped to listen,
stopped to breathe,
maybe I would have understood that on my own.
But that is why we tie that red prayer hung to our Ancestors.
He said,
"that prayer is your reminder to come back."
So for the next 360 days until I sit upon my blanket again,
the only prayer is to remember what I learned on that Mountain.
To remember what a blessing it is to drink a sip of water,
to be alone,
to look not into the eyes of another,
but only see the beauty of Creation.
I went out there wanting to be silent.
To just listen to what the world had to speak to me,
to shut out the voice in my head,
but there were moments that I could not hold back the words and prayers from my throat,
moments I needed to send my voice up or else I swore I would get up off that blanket and just walk away.
Moments I swore I would have filled the Earth with my screams again.
And when I spoke,
it was with such softness.
Maybe to not disrupt the frequency that Mountain has known long before Creator ever chose that spot for me to pray.
Maybe because when I spoke I barely recognized my own voice.
Because when you speak to Creation,
it is the truest version of yourself whose voice rises up from the very depths of your soul.
This is the voice that Creator knows.
And I just need to say I'm sorry that if for any moment I used my voice not pray
or to talk myself back into my heart and out of my head.
I'm sorry if I wasted a single moment on that Mountain.
The minutes seem so long when you're out there,
but now as I'm back home,
I'm wishing I could have just a few moments back on my blanket.
That I could have just one more opportunity to pray.
I would say to the Creator my name,
I would say please help me because I am struggling.
Please help me because  just want to make the best out of my life.
Please help me because I want to make sure I am on the right path to my purpose.
Please help me because I never want to know a life without you,
without prayer, without this Red Road.
Just one more time I want to speak those truths and let my tears become offerings of myself to the Earth.
But that is why we tie that prayer in Red.
Because I can go back.
I will go back and again be given the holy space to send my voice up and pray,
to cry,
to fall into silence,
to watch the sun set and rise again.
And I can stop now and breath.
I can stop and close my eyes and be on my blanket.
I can smell the freshness of Earth and the copal cloud of smoke.
I can pray and cry with myself on that blanket,
because there is a piece of me that will always be there.
Mark Aug 2018
The snowy lilies gird her pith - in wake;
bejewelled love reposed in truest sleep
as Floras' wreath outdone by sorrow's make,
then thought; what comfort worth are stems - to weep?

Could petals glint upon her sombre plume
and sorb bereaving rain - of mourning kin,
or priestly Latin's timbre out of gloom
and Schuberts' toned refrain - a lighter hymn.

Although, a striking; flowered plush pervades
as fragrance spliced with copal - yields in heart
and over each an ashing pyre cascades,
begotten times and seasons - death not part.

Embraced the blossoms, now upon her lay;
a sweeten lilly - kissed by loves defray.
Sputnik Andrade Oct 2012
Te voy a escribir un poema, dice la voz grave, de padre severo, la que te da miedo, porque eso es lo que hago.

Porque así hiero, así deshumanizo, así  vuelvo invisible lo delineado, lo certero. Escribiendo transformo la carne y la sangre y los huesos en grafito que se borra, en caracteres que vuelan y se pierden.

Así te vuelvo a ti, todo, en nada.

Eras un gato. Eras lluvia ominosa. Fuentes sin agua, mar encerrado. Eras belleza donde nadie quería mirar. Nadie se acerca jamás a lo derruido y a lo gris a lo que huele a abandonado, extranjero.

Me gustaba llorar en tu desolación. En la tierra húmeda que estaba bajo tus pies. En las manos siempre vacías.

Eras extraordinario.

Un caballero exiliado, un detective medieval, un magnate honesto.

Eras, eras, eras.

Déjame convertirte, ahora, en algo más. Ahora que has dejado de ser, que incluso perdiste la piel, el cabello, el brillo.

Eres Siddharta, joven de nuevo camino. Eres el Buda. Renunciaste a todo [polvo, ropa usada, brillo] Te volviste nada. Un mesías. El Uno.

Poesía. ¿Tú?

Tú no eres poesía, tu no eres las copas de los árboles que se mecen [se mecen] junto con el caprichoso baile del viento. ¿Tú?

Comes y amas y vives y haces y dejas de hacer porque ya es de día y ya es de noche. ¿Tú?

Siddharta Eclipsado por la Luz. Siddharta sin voz. Sólo Om. Om. Om.

Eras el soldado sin nombre. Todos ellos, deshechos por la guerra, con lámparas de aceite en la mirada, pasos tenues.


Eso es lo que eres. La exaltación [mía] del pasado, el vivir en los recuerdos, la nostalgia, la niñez difuminada, antes de anochecer, una sonrisa inocente. No es un vacío o un espacio sin polvo entre los libros, la marca de que un cuerpo que estuvo entre las sábanas.

Eres el pasado que murió y ya no existe. No eres, dios reencarnado.

Te volviste santo, te sentaste y te transformaste en piedra tallada, te cubriste de musgo y de olvido, solamente. Todo lo demás es demasiado humano.

Siddharta, inútil cualquier intento. Porque no puedes ganarme. Yo soy la pluma que escribe. Yo te invento, yo te insuflo vida y yo ya no quiero dártela, porque estás intentando escribir y eso no te lo puedo permitir. Eso no lo puede hacer.

Yo soy Jesús de Judea, vivo, muerto, con luz propia, crucificado, envuelto en rosas, en todas partes, los puentes, las manchas, los cuellos, las malas palabras, el ****, el día y la noche, tinta, papel de arroz, copal y oro. Todo, todos.


Entre dos montañas y un río,
el Buda más grande de la Tierra se sienta.
En su oreja izquierda, sin embargo,
vive una familia de golondrinas.


Esta es mi venganza, piedra verde, chiquillo de la nada.
topaz oreilly Jul 2012
My Copal Square bladed shutter
Calibrated, adjusted, lubricated,with tlc
re-captures fields of Shirley poppies
tight roping Nevada's mountainous ranges.
Poetry and music 
are the flowers of our Father
Mother’s eyes are serpents
and she binds them to her daughters
keepers of the dawn
dream their longing into song
only freedom and vision
can balance the Giver's mission
while wise women give birth to warriors
sages offer seeds and silence to the Sun
burning candles and incense
water bowls are filled with floating petals
and copious copal censors 
recklessly shape-shift
into sparkling moonstone necklaces
Es media noche; la luna
Irradia en el firmamento;
Y riza al pasar el viento
Las ondas de la laguna.

En el bosque secular,
Y entre el tupido ramaje,
Turba el pájaro salvaje
La quietud con su cantar.

Y entre los contornos vagos
Del horizonte, a lo lejos
Brillan cual claros espejos,
Al pie del monte, los lagos.

Yace en paz, sola y rendida
De Tenoch la ciudad bella,
Parece que impera en ella
La muerte más que la vida.

Y no es ficción, es verdad;
Que fue tan triste su suerte
Que la orillan a la muerte
El luto y la soledad.
Su esplendor está apagado
De la guerra al terremoto;
El gran huebuetl está roto
Y el teponaxtle callado.

No alumbra el teocal, la luz
Del copal de suave aroma,
Porque el teocal se desploma
Bajo el peso de la cruz.

No cubren mantos de pluma
Los cuerpos de altivos reyes;
Tiene otro Dios y otras leyes
La tierra de Moctezuma.

Y ante este Dios y esta ley
Que transforman su recinto
Sólo al César Carlos Quinto
Reconoce como rey.

¡Cuántos heroicos afanes!
¡Cuántos horribles estragos
Han visto bosques y lagos,
Ventisqueros y volcanes!

Está el palacio vacío
Sin pompas ni ricas galas;
Desiertas se ven sus salas
Su exterior mudo y sombrío.

Y zumba en su derredor
Sel viento la aguda queja,
Como un suspiro que deja
Honda impresión de dolor.

Es el profundo lamento
De una raza sin fortuna:
¡La sangre que en la laguna
Flota y se queja en el viento!

Por eso duerme rendida
De Tenoch la ciudad bella,
Como si imperase en ella
La muerte más que la vida.
Frente a la anchurosa plaza,
Cerca del teocal sagrado
Y del palacio olvidado
Que pronta ruina amenaza,

Donde con riqueza suma
Viviera, en tiempo mejor,
Axayacatl el señor
Y padre de Moctezuma,

En corta y estrecha calle
Desde la cual, el que pasa
Mira fabricar la casa
Del alto marqués del Valle.

Así en la noche sombría
Como en la tarde callada
Y al fulgor de la alborada
Con que nace el nuevo día,

En toscas piedras sentado
Y con harapos vestido,
Entre las manos hundido
El semblante demacrado;

Un hombre de aspecto rudo,
Imagen de desventura,
Siempre en la misma postura,
Y como una estatua muda,

Inclinada la cabeza,
Allí lo encuentra la gente,
como la expresión viviente
De la más honda tristeza.

¿En qué piensa? ¿Qué medita?
¿Qué dolor su alma destroza
Que ni llora, ni solloza,
Ni se queja, ni se agita?

En su conjunto reviste
Tanta tristeza ignorada,
Que la gente acostumbrada
clama al verlo: «¡el indio triste!»

Le conocen por tal nombre
En el pueblo y la nobleza,
Y dicen: es la tristeza
Que tiene formas de hombre.

A nadie llegó a contar
Su tenaz dolor profundo;
Siempre triste lo vio el mundo
En aquel mismo lugar;

Tal vez fue algún descendiente
De los nobles mejicanos,
Que al ver en extrañas manos
Y en poder de extraña gente

La nación que libre un día
Vivió con riqueza y calma
Sintió en el fondo del alma
Horrible melancolía.

Y sin ninguna amenaza,
Viendo a su nación cautiva,
Fue la expresión muda y viva
De la aflicción de su raza.

Muchos años se le vio
En igual sitio sentado,
Y allí pobre y resignado
De su tristeza murió.

Su desconocida historia
Al vulgo pasma y arredra,
Y en tosca estatua de piedra
Honrar quiso su memoria.

La estatua al cabo cayó,
Que al tiempo nada resiste,
Y «Calle del Indio Triste»
Esa calle se llamó,

Sin poder averiguar
Con ciencia ni sutileza
La causa de la tristeza
Del indio de aquel lugar;

Pero en nuestro hermoso valle,
Y en nuestra mejor ciudad,
Pasan de edad en edad
Ese nombre y esa calle.
in salvia divinorum
in sage
in palo santo and in prayers
in copal and frankincense
in sweeps of the air
in magical passes
in hours of concentration
in mindless arithmetic
in mental gymnastics
in solitary confinement
in long stretches of time
in short walks and long talks
in cafes and picnics in the park
i hear your voice and see your face
i speak traces of your eloquence
and revisit all your names
deaf as a hummingbird in spaces of the heart
i am a colibri and will surely find my art
Taru M May 2023
A field of four leaf clovers
at the end of a rainbow
a trail of gold coins scattered about
   this is my path
a yellow brick road carved throughout
with lurking black cats and white butterflies
what of luck when you are constantly saddled
with rosemary and lavender
when hummingbirds and crows
seem to follow your every step
I go to sleep in birdsong and wake up to harmony
my luckiest moment?
my luckiest moment??
when I take this breath
  or the next
and the sun continues to shine
I drop a few gold coins
seeding another blessing for another day for another person

Once, neck-deep in a valley
I found a few hundred dollars
on a sidewalk
awaiting my presence
Once, I left my job
to freefall and never land
and I am still floating
Once, I met a witch
who blessed me with
copal and quartz and oil
and the anointing still stands
my luckiest moment???

when serendipity meets mundane
and the die roll 7, 7 times
as if I live in complete abundance
I do not know of failure, only progress
and so perhaps, just maybe
my next step will be my best
if only to bare my sole to the world
and be received

My luckiest moment is a thread
of gold constantly woven into a legacy quilt
and is it just me
or did it just get warm ~ cozy
this is my life
and to live it
is the dream I used to sleep on
but I can hear steady chirps
and so I know I'm awake
   and well
at the end of some rainbow
crunking with leprechauns
and shooting loaded dice
luck? luck?!?!

I cannot lose.
Writing Prompt: My Luckiest Moment
James Floss Nov 2019
The line between here and there
Grows thin once a year and death
Smells of copal and marigolds
Those who remember sit twixt
This world and the next to commune
With madres y padres y abuelos y tias
Bathed in candle light; this afterlife
Remembering is festive, not somber
As October moves into November
With those living and past together

— The End —