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Vladimir s Krebs Jun 2017
My mind is broke my heart screams with tears in can't cry out. My regrets follow me pouring nothing but a dreary rain cloud  pouring Frigid rain soaking me down to the bone till I go insain.  I wish I could of told you inside I'm slowly wasting away just like a graveyard filled with rotting rusty  machines.
I wish I could of told my mom is really needed her when I had the darkest days where I felt like I was suffocating.

Every ******* ******* thing I nevery told or should of said enstead  of  holding and hiding my life mistakes.

My every wound seems to fall deeper and my heart feels so heavey with all my battles I problem killed to breath.

My regrets just keeps me from stopping I rather run.
My 25 regret it wish I was able to keep strong but I feel like I rather not necessarily there for  my famly.

Butmy biggest regret is my fear of losing my mom or dad in the night if they pass away threw there sleep I'll let be broken sending me to pack a back and leave my fear is I'm bipolar and I'm scared or losing them. My every word doesn't seem to matter only my creative thoughts do.

I am filled with wounds scares all from my every single regret that is like the darkness or the smoke from cigarettes.

I am broken to the point I'm unfixable.
So I just drag myself and long taking blow by blow making me weaker ad time goes on .
I  know you have to tell your life stories bit shut the **** up if you see or I tell you my life story  you'll problem drown your self in your own tears if you look at me you'll not bear able to but stair so don't tell Meveryone our ******* story  look at my broken mind body tell me if you can fix the years of the he'll that consumed me killing me hashing my voice where I couldn't scream or breath I was traded into ****** silent only that funny side I was torched till my lungs burned with hate

So don't tell my your Bulls **** life stories just look at me and try not to drown your self in your tears just listen and know I'm note strong enough to to be fixed

My biggest regret is I'm scared to lose my mom and dad I don't know if my last Batley ids strong enough to  hold I might just shut down and fall apart

I am broken and unfortunately unfixable
Edward Mar 2020
I used to be an gambler , but Yesua delivered me from it.
I use to go on the river boats wining some losing mostly.
I used to be an drug addict blowing some on **** and coke.
Even did cracked but the hurt never went away just more pain.
Butmy Lord and God has delivered me from drugs as well.
I used to be an drunk an every single night  drunk  always.
Drinking as soon as I left work till the taverns close at 2 am.
I used to smoke ciggeretts as well for thirty years I smoke.
But in December 2010 God has finally delivered me from them.

— The End —