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 May 2017 wm jones
K Balachandran
sound of horn heralds-
bedecked bull ambles along,
a world gone, returns!
On a Bangalore street,the silicon valley of India,a bedecked bull
and the lady, his keeper, still has a place....he isn't just any ordinary bull..
a venerable presence...contemporary face of long tradition of treating animal sand birds with veneration..the lady is handsomely compensated for keeping the tradition alive and showing up at auspicious occasions..
you rattle my cage
and your heart has slipped
out of my grasp.

it's just a phase,
we kissed, but
it wouldn't last.

my existence is futile
with scars and
rotting stomach lining.

i wear the finest threads
made of skin and bones
they came from the stars.
i don't remember what they told me
that night my heart stopped beating

watch the sun rise,
let us live again.
relentlessly loving you,
get out of my mind.
love is dead to me

i had a thousand words to say
but they have melted away
i held the blade
tighter than your hand
throw me to the waves,
bury me in the sand.
 Jan 2012 wm jones
 Jan 2012 wm jones
the emptiness in my belly
is brought on by the knowledge
that you have your funny-tragic
trying-failing life
without me in it.
and the fullness in my heart
is brought on by the thought
of your voice and your face,
your shining-eyed and dimple-pocked mischief,
and by the hope
that someday
i'll have you.
the tears in my throat
are brought on by the fear
and by the realization
that i am not
the only person
you could love;
by the revelation, of our sameness
and of our happy differences.

and the words at my lips
are brought on by the thoughts in my head
which are brought on by the beating of my heart -
*i love you, i love you, i love you.
The boy they're always for.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
K Balachandran
           if explicit,
                       no poetry,
                                  no ghost.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
remember, i'm recieving loneliness like
tears bought, nothing for frightened
and still loving.
leaving like dying, under skin
twirling under rain for death, dancing.
open my falling for words and a boy
dropping life.
strung some of my favorite ''words used'' into a poem.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
can't you see it?
  my pretty smile, my petty laugh?
i will scorn you for scorning me  -
               your half-hearted aggression!
i will still see magic
i will still see love
you will see nothing of that
   nothing of me.
my secrets
             so beautiful
                            and not for you.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
K Balachandran
is mightier
than the sword;
if one knows how to
creatively use.
Try hard,
lunging forward
make your deep marks,
though short lived.
(the similarity
to  sword
ends here,
thank god,
no blood shed,
war cries of
a different kind
would be heard
but soon die  down
more over ,
these guttural and nasal sounds
express the depth of subconscious.
all will be quiet soon.
the curtain falls,
  to the accompaniment of rhythmic snores
till cupid recuperates.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
K Balachandran
she gave me
a million dollar hug.
 Dec 2011 wm jones
nothing bothers me more than people who say they have found god.
no one has found god.
life is not about finding god.
"GOD" is intangible and not something we can grasp,
but we pretend to.
people put quotes around his words
and then put those words in his mouth
they string ideas of her into beads and crosses -
what exactly are  you clinging to?
people don't know.
we are too small
and we are not wise enough.
god is the whole universe.
god is nothing.
god is a tree, a bird, a thought.
god is a little boy with a piece of candy stuck in his hair,
an artist in a garret,
a dog on a cushion,
a girl in an alley.
i don't believe that god has abandoned the church.
i believe that the church has abandoned god.
i don't believe in my catholic roots.
i don't believe in christianity.
i don't believe in buddhism.
i don't believe in islam.
i don't believe the bible.
i don't believe the priests, the shamans, the medicine men.
i don't believe the trappings we place around god
(our weak ideas of her,
our sorry attempts to define him).
i believe that god is people
god is rain, god is the sun
god is the night air
god is the words on paper
god is the paint on canvas
god is creating, god is being, god is gone.
god is here, now, and everywhere
and i only call her god because i lack another name for him.
it has no name.
i understand this
or i think i do.
god knows me intrinsically
or not at all.
god loves infinitely and sees to the depths of humanity
or else god is old, decrepit, and alone
curled in a corner of the world
trying to shut out the mayhem of his earth
(what have i done?).
god cringes at our killings
rejoices in our births,
or is vengeful, red, and full of war and death.
god is spring, summer, and fall.
he is the snow in winter, she is the birdsong
at my window.
she is multitudes and she is one
wildly insignificant
and all-knowing being.
she is the creator, the destroyer, the lover.
she is nature, she is earth,
she is people,
she is the industry, the tapestry, the travesty.
she is love, she is me.
she is loss, she is you.
she is life, she is them.
and i love her,
as anyone loves her -
if you can love an energy,
an idea,
the ungraspable concept that a grain of sand
is the same as the greatest mountain in the world.

but i don't presume
to know her.
I dove into him
Broke the surface of your ocean to feel
Ice cold lust
Crashed into your rock hard arms
And slid down your rough terrain
It took me years for my glaciers to reach the lake
To melt into your soft summer waters
To melt beneath your surface.

— The End —