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I love you, with faith that does sustain,
My heart shall love you, resisting the strain.
Forever I'll yearn for love's sweet refrain,
But will you love me, against nature's grain?

Humans are said to be made from forgetting,
Tell me you'll love me, no room for regretting.
Remember you hold water, while I'm thirsting,
Do not dismay, my heart is only bursting.

If you know your way, remember I'm lost,
If my love you're unsure of, listen to love's cost.
Know near or far, my love will emboss,
My life and existence, love's eternal gloss.

Have mercy on me, softer than time's trend,
Remember my love, but time's not a friend.
Look around, my love in every bend,
Clear as the sun, even to the blind, it sends.

My love for you, needs no proof or test,
Stay close, my dear, don't stray from my nest.
Do you want my heart, once bright, now stressed?
My love brightens worlds, brings joy, and zest.

Don't push me away, to the depths of despair,
Distance from you, the harshest affair.
Before you, love's taste was rare,
Don't be surprised, my love's fire flares.

You've taught my heart, forgiveness and grace,
Don't hesitate, in my heart, find your place.
The time is now, don't let it race,
Settle in, beloved, love's embrace.
Long have I yearned for you, beloved of my life,
My darkened sky awaits you, my moon, my strife.
I loved you, and you've seized my heart, fate's decree,
Your lovely eyes engraved in mine, eternally free.

The darkness in my heart ends, you're my dawn, my morrow,
Come close, quench my fire, ease my pain, my sorrow.
Have mercy on my longing, my endless night,
I chose your eyes to be my path, my guiding light.

To reach your beautiful heart, I beseeched the Most High,
Do not stray, my dearest, cause my despair to sigh.
In life's desert, you're my shadows, my trees,
I long to see you always, even when you're at ease.

I cannot bear distance, nor can I endure patience,
You said I was created not for tranquilations.
Created to be amidst the winds, a part,
I've never known happiness, only darkness in my heart.

You said sadness is my constant, as if it's my fate,
As if within my heart, there's a piercing state.
I love you, yet my heart bleeds, a silent plea,
I love you, yet fear the wrath that may be.

I love you, yet I can't hide what's within,
You're my family, my kin, in a world so mean.
I cannot stray from you, my love, nor do I want to,
You're my mind, my essence, my spirit anew.

I told her, I don't want to see your tears anymore,
Life's not just sorrows, it has much more in store.
Your tears are but fire, burning, a deep wound,
I love you, I cannot hide this love so profound.

She said, I won't forget you, my love stands strong,
Stronger than the passing days, it belongs.
I fear for this love amidst all worldly affairs,
My mind denies, but my heart declares.

She said, I can't be angry at you, my love,
I can't, even if it brings darkness from above.
She said, there's no beauty in this life we lead,
Death alone can grant me peace, indeed.

I said, no matter how harsh life's plight may seem,
There's always tender feelings within the stream.
We may feel sadness, at times, it's true,
But we shouldn't dwell in pain, it's not what we're due.

Life's beautiful despite its wounds and sorrow,
Even in the longest night, there's a brighter morrow.
There must be thorns for the roses to bloom,
Daylight follows the darkest night's gloom.

Life's always beautiful with the beloved near,
No wound too deep without love to steer.
She said, without you, I'm a body without a soul,
My heart, without you, is an empty hole.

Will we remain together, destiny's decree?
Will we find more than death's inevitable spree?
Walid Abdallah Apr 2023
You make me smile when I want to cry
You make me alive when I want to die

Make me laugh when I want to frown
You just turn my life upside down

Believe in me when no one else does
You’re my now, my is, my was

When I'm with you, time flies so fast
It's like the present is the past

I need you more than you can believe
Love you more than you can conceive

Think about you every night and day
And hope my life can stay this way

I don't want it to be any other way
You're the only wish for which I pray
Walid Abdallah Feb 2023
Love happens when a soul falls for a soul
It lives longer and never gets old at all

Love happens when two eyes match
Life renews every time hands touch

Love happens when we find a reason to live for
When somebody's existence becomes your cure

Love happens when life stops on being together
Though bodies decay, souls are in love forever

Love happens when somebody's happiness is your goal
And their smile relieves every pain and every fall

Love happens when you see everything bright
Because your beloved is there before your sight

Love becomes your beloved's name
Your feelings become exactly the same

When your beloved feels pain
You feel the ache more plain

When your beloved becomes your second half
You become ready to sacrifice your life on their behalf

Love happens when life becomes eternal spring
Where birds of every color dance and sing

Love happens with a touch of your beloved's hand
Heartbeats grow and will always expand

Love happens when the two lost souls finally meet
They can overcome everything and easily beat
Walid Abdallah Jul 2018
You are lamenting love that left one day
for the world of the impossible.

It was a dream, but is there anything
except illusion and make-believe anyway?

Our life is a summer cloud’s thick shade.

You lament love’s autumn folds,
and the division of all we shared.

Who said anything lasts?  Hopes melt
and a sole question remains: Why enter my life

if dreams only turn to sand,
heat-haze blurring into heat-haze?
Translated from Arabic by Fogle and I, it was published in Reunion: The Dallas Review in USA 2016.
Return to me, oh dearest of my life's delight,
Have mercy on my saddened heart, end my plight.

Do not ignite my sorrow, my endless woe,
Draw close to me, lessen my torment's flow.

How could I forsake you, abandon my existence?
You are all I wish for, my tears and persistence.

Nothing shall part us, not even death's decree,
Distance from you was my first calamity.

Our separation sheds my blood and tears anew,
Where can I flee, when you're my sky and my view?

You are all I desire in this worldly domain,
Do not stray, cause me more longing and pain.

Distance from you was my most bitter choice,
Yet returning to your embrace makes me rejoice.

Why do you distance your beloved eyes from mine?
Approaching you was all my heart did pine.

Gazing into your lovely eyes, my sole care,
Your sweet breath, my life, still fills the air.

You've taken your heart and eyes far from me,
Robbing me of all wealth, can't you see?

How do ships sail in your sea without a guide?
Away from your warmth, my nights grow wide.

I no longer see your cheeks, where have my roses gone?
When will this separation end, when will my moan?

When will your beautiful face illuminate my skies?
Who but you can soothe my heart, hush my cries?

Your love in my heart bore abundant fruit,
Your warm breath comforted, nights acute.

My pen wrote of your eyes, inspiring my words anew,
You were always the faithful beloved in dreams I pursue.

When will I reclaim the beauty of my days and the heroine of my tales?
Your beautiful eyes were my hope, return to me, let time unveil.
Walid Abdallah Oct 2019
My heart oasis

You are the oasis in my desert life
A ray of light in my eternal strife

The sun that always gives me hope and light
The dawn that finally shone after a long night

You grow dewy roses in my heart garden
You always lighten my heart heavy burden

You always give me a cause to live for
I promise I will love you more and more

You are the shade and shadow in my heart garden
You always give life to my feelings after they harden

Your smile cools and relieves my pain
You are my garden water and rain

You are the tree that protects me from life heat
You are the happy fate I always long to meet

Your touch gives me the breath I take
I enjoy the life you always make

You are the dream of my life as a whole
You are the leaves in my life that never fall

The flowers in my heart blossom on being together
Lilies grow on my heart wall and never wither

Water them with your true love that lasts forever
Dive deep in my heart, there is true love to discover
Walid Abdallah Aug 2018
Everyone needs someone to care for
Everybody needs someone to love and adore

Everyone needs someone in joy and torture
To share their beloved in present and future

To live alone, life is so bitter
To live in love, life is much better

Come closer, much closer to me
Let's make one loving entity

Stay with me in my life
To bear pains and strife

Come closer touch my love and feel
Cure my heart wounds and heal

Make me feel alive again
You dwell my heart and brain

I see rosy dreams in your eyes
You have become my land and skies

Life will come back again to earth
And give it a new being, a new birth

Come closer, don't go away
Deep inside my hear reside and stay

You are the joy of my life and cure
The relief of my pains I never tasted before

The sun of my love to you will never set
You have enthralled my heart since we met

We can touch the sky together
Our love created flowers that don't wither

Our love makes trees swing in the wind
Carrying the longing my heart and soul send

My love runs with each drop of the falling rain
Your love runs with each drop of blood in my vein

Because of you my heart can beat again
You gave my life a meaning that no words can explain
Where can I flee when you're my land and sky so vast?
You fill my days and nights, my thoughts everlast.
You brought to my life light, dispelled every dark,
More than myself, I love you, in loyalty, stark.

You draw close, seizing my heart with subtle art,
From you, I know naught but love's purest part.
In sickness, you're my cure, my healing balm,
My heart never tasted bitterness or harm.

You shielded my heart from deceit and woe,
In pride, it proclaims your love high and aglow.
Your love stormed my heart with beauty and grace,
My life's now a garden, in your love's embrace.

Once barren, now verdant, my life blooms anew,
Your love, my oasis, my water so true.
Without despair, my heart calls for thee,
Return to me, O my beloved, my plea.

Without your love, my heart turns to dust,
Life without you, mere agony and distrust.
Only in your eyes, I find solace and rest,
Your love pierced my heart, I am truly blessed.

Your name, the sweetest melody I know,
Deserves from me, love's eternal flow.
Have mercy on my heart, don't tear it apart,
Your love, my everything, my beating heart.

Do not forsake my heart, in anguish, it cries,
Distance from you, my deepest sighs.
If you forget my love, deny not my faith,
Your beauty's my solace in night's lonely wraith.

Your presence, a comfort in shadows so deep,
Have mercy on my heart, let it not weep.
For without you, my sky, my earth is bare,
In your love, I find refuge, beyond compare.
Still beats within my ribs a tender heart's tune,
A heart that loves you and loves the universe's boon.
Did God create in your face a radiant moon?
Yet, each time I see it, it turns into stone, maroon.

In your presence, I see nothing but your grace,
Within me echoes a word, "I love you," in every space.
I never knew the meaning of this feeling, alas,
Now I burn with love, seeking the world's pardon en masse.

Love I found in the deep sea of your eyes so bright,
I cannot escape its depths, O my angelic light.
The deeper I dive, the more love and passion I find,
As if I am burdened with a mountain in my mind.

A sea of love overflows from your captivating gaze,
I pray to God to keep you in His divine embrace.
Be gentle with me, for I can't bear this fervent dream,
Grant me strength to endure the weight of this extreme.

Would you repeat to me what my eyes and ears fail to hear?
And reassure me that it's not a dream, allay my fear.
I love you, I love you, my lips repeat a thousand times,
Don't be surprised, for from the unbelievers, love climbs.

It's your beauty, my beloved, that unveiled love's truth,
In your eyes, the tender feelings find their veracious booth.
In your eyes, the sea of darkness finds its rest,
Be gentle with my heart, be gentle with my quest.

For you, my heart understands the meaning of its beat,
It yields love, loyalty, and tenderness so sweet.
With a word from you, I am forever alive,
With a word from you, the full moon does thrive.

With a word from you, my tears transform into laughter,
And my heart melts, and my ribs part thereafter.
I hear the echo of your heart's beat in my soul's domain,
Don't ask how the world fares without you, in my joy and pain.

Your love's tempestuous winds have swept me away,
So pity me, for I belong to your love, come what may.
I came to you to hide from life's fears so dire,
As if torn apart, I said, "I love you," when your heart did inquire.

From you, I found more than love or mere admiration,
Before your lips utter, wounds and dreams find liberation.
Come closer, and wipe away the pain and sorrow,
Come closer, for in you, I see no tomorrow.

Come closer, I don't want to remember who I used to be,
For I've achieved the dream, I've achieved the fantasy.
Come closer, the closer you get, the nearer I come,
Don't ask how I survive without you, I've already won.

Come closer and hold me tight, come close to me,
So I forget the taste of sadness and misery.
Come closer, don't leave me, come ever near,
Come closer and don't forsake me, my dear.

Come closer, I want to hear the silence of your lips,
Don't ignore my heart, which to you, in longing, flips.
My feelings rush towards you like flowing waters grand,
How can I halt them, stirred by winds so wild and unplanned?

Was I alive before this moment, I wonder aloud,
Or was time harsh, with its heavy, relentless shroud?
Since I saw you, I gained a sense of being,
Together forever, I pray, in the All-Seeing.

How swiftly the times change their tune,
The evening turns lovely from a harsh, cold moon.
You gave my heart its life and song anew,
And it forgets all the pain it once knew.

No matter how many times I say "I love you" it's not enough,
No matter how far I gaze, my eyes reveal love's tough.
Your love shone upon me, a gleam of light so pure,
Like an oasis amidst the deepest, darkest moor.

Your love appeared like the dawn breaking the night,
It illuminated the wilderness with goodness, bright.
Come closer, I want to feel happiness and bliss,
Come closer, you're all life is, all my wish.
Oh fairest woman in this world of grace,
Thy scent resides within my soul's embrace.

To thee my heart finds solace, finds its ease,
In thee, love's essence softly finds its peace.

The specters of thy love, they haunt my mind,
Building for thee a palace, love defined.

Each kiss I send, it flies towards thy cheek,
In unawareness, thy blushes rise, so meek.

A traveler, my love flies swift to thee,
Longing for thy presence, wild and free.

Thy rosy cheeks, they beckon and they call,
With thy sweet fragrance, love enthralls us all.

I offer thee my heart in humble gift,
To thee, my dear, my life I gently shift.

I know thee as my enchantress, my own,
To thee, my youth and verse, they shall be sown.

Oh loveliest woman in this world so bright,
With thee, my worth finds increase in the light.

I love thee truly, from my very core,
I love thee dearly, now and evermore.
Walid Abdallah Aug 2020
Although you aren't in front of my eye
You are all what I see on earth and sky

Let's escape far away to nowhere
You, our love and I are only there

Away from everything and everyone
Where we have our moon and sun

With you our nowhere is everywhere
making it our heaven of love and care

Where the moon illuminates with our love
And birds sing our story so high  above

Rain drops dance while they fall
Responding to our lasting love call

Snow crowns  the mountain tops
Dew decorates roses and never stops

The wind creates gentle breeze
Only pure love we can breathe

It is heaven whenever you are nearby
An angel coming straight from sky

Stars sparkle in the universe at night
Lightening the sky with our love light

Clouds of love slide happily in the air
Everlasting green dresses, trees wear

Bees move from flower to another
Sending us love, seeing us together

When you touch water, it turns into honey
Freezing cold weather becomes sunny

Your touch gives me strength and power
To plant the vast desert to blossom and flower

You are the ray of light when it is dark
In deep silence, you are the only lark

Let's go so far to our nowhere together
Where impossible becomes possible forever

Where your love starts with no end
Only grows bigger to extend

I have nowhere but your embrace
To be my eternal destination and place
Walid Abdallah Feb 2014
Once I had a heart, I had a lover

Promised each other to be in love forever

Once she was my sun and sky

I thought I will never weep or cry

Once she was all I own

Now I am desperately alone

Once she was my soul mate

Never imagined our separation by fate

Once she was the smile of my life

Now it is only suffering and strife

Once she was the candle in my night

Without her, I lost my sight

Once her love filled my veins

Now I only feel severe pains

Once she was my princess

Now I forget joy and happiness

Once I had a dream and aspiration

Now I only feel deep frustration

Once I was alive somewhere

Now I took all my sadness share
Walid Abdallah Dec 2018
On our first date
I race the time, can't wait

I have a new feeling, a bit strange
offering you eternal love that will never change

You are the love I have always been looking for
You are the true love I have never felt before

In front of your eyes, I am speechless
Listen to my heartbeats as words can't express

When reality has become better than fiction
And you are far more beautiful than every prediction

A princess straight from heaven you really are
I am holding a dream I have always thought very far

I am enthralled by your eyes and their magic
A time when I lose all my reason and logic

I drown into the deep sea of your eyes
Believe your heart, it never lies

You have become all the people I'd like to know
You are the secret of my happiness, you are the clue

Let's start our love journey at forever
A journey of love that ends at never

You grow a rosy flower in my heart that never withers
You gave my hearts wings and feathers

I no longer live on earth
You gave me a love knows no death

I give you a promise that will never break
I am yours forever, I will always be there for your sake

My eyes no longer see but you
Only you paint my life and draw

Every new year and I am yours and you are mine
Every new year and we are lovers' model and sign

Every new year and I love you again and again
Every new year and we are in love and will always remain

Every new year and you are all my flowers and trees
Every new year and you are all the air I breathe

Every new year and we are together
Every new year and we belong to each other
Every Valentine's Day, my love for you is renewed,
Every Valentine's Day, your love in my heart accrued.

Every Valentine's Day, you dwell within my soul,
And "I love you" from my heart does unroll.

Every Valentine's Day, you're closer than my breath,
You possess my life, every feeling, until death.

Every Valentine's Day, you're my hopes and dreams,
The passion my heart yearns for, it seems.

Every Valentine's Day, you're my world and life's zest,
You're my solace, in turmoil, my dearest quest.

Every Valentine's Day, beside me you stand,
Every Valentine's Day, you're my dreams, so grand.

Every Valentine's Day, no love but for you,
Every Valentine's Day, my thoughts, my soul ensue.

Every Valentine's Day, you're flowers and trees,
Every Valentine's Day, all memories, thoughts, and pleas.
Walid Abdallah May 2022
To the rose of my life, happy birthday
For you I always supplicate and pray

Your birthday is the beginning of my life as well
I dream about you since in your love I fell

On my heart wall I feel your handprint
You deserve all the heartbeats I have sent

On your day I announce you the queen of my soul
In your love I am always ready to fall

I burn my soul a candle to lighten
your way
I present my heart cake to celebrate your day

On your day you are the wish I always make
I am ready to cross the ocean for your sake

Let the earth celebrate the rose of the day
Let the trees and leaves with the wind play

Let birds start singing to celebrate your birth
Let's welcome the sun that lightens the earth

When you smile you eliminate all the pain
My heart is always thirsty for your rain

When you make a wish and close your eyes
Remember my love is immortal, it never dies

On your day I am sending my soul watching you from above
On your day I am sending you all my heart and all my love
Walid Abdallah Aug 2023
I open all my heart windows to let your love in
Like the perfume, the light and the sun

When I love you, I know the universe is fine
I feel that the earth orbits and on its line

For me, you are all the women of the earth
You are my roots since my birth

You are the warmth of my feeling
Before you, I was senseless being

Some lines are never enough to describe my emotion
They are just like a drop in the ocean
Walid Abdallah Jul 2018
Inside their tombs, our martyrs are whispering,
Oh God, we are coming back.

On land they are lifting their hands,
and their voices grow in the silence of the grave:
Oh God, we are coming back.

Stones fall, ashes rise, and their eyes beam,
Oh God, we are coming back.

Our martyrs stepped out of their coffins,
lined up and raised the shout:
Shame on you cowards.
Our home is sold, our nation
a herd of sheep, and you sleep.

Our martyrs travel to Al Aqsa Mosque,
they pray in the churches of Lebanon,
they wander the streets of Jerusalem,
they break into prisons in every land.

They rise from the ashes of the captive home
and preach on every corner of a beaten nation.

They call in the midst of massacres,
God is greater than this man-made world,
God is greater than this man-made world,
God is greater than this man-made world.

Our martyrs are approaching, their shouts echoing
on the walls of Beirut. They gather in the streets
to fight in darkness despite the pale light.

In homes bound by humiliation and madness, they call,
Oh God we are coming back.
One day our coffins will light all of Jerusalem.

They are coming back to break into the castle.

On every corner, they ask the cowards,
Why did you tolerate the wolf, sleeping
amidst sheep, a home as whole as the universe
auctioned off, overrun with rats?

Cowards who sold out our broken home,
our living ancestors, there you are
on the screen, drunk in the fuss,
walking Death, hypocrisy, and control,
we will rid our holy dead of you,
and of the irony of the age.

Oh God we are coming back.

Don’t believe that people killed
in a battle for God are dead,
they are still alive in God.


Our martyrs, roaring on every corner of the land,
streams of them asking,
Oh living, what are you doing?

Every day you’re double-crossed and slain
like sheep, surrendering your rights,
running like rats to the wolves,
leaving your people weeping

while you are prostrate before America’s
dollars and the images on screen.

Rats in all sorts of compromising ways.

And in the mad laughter of calamity,
a nation is sold into collapse.

Two images collapse into one:

while kneeling,
your heads under their shoes,
and our Arab Jerusalem,
given to wolves by the drunken.

With Lebanon adrift in blood, and tyranny
on the prowl, our martyrs shout
from every corner, Does honor
have a place? Where have the rebels
disappeared? Why have the sellouts fled?

The silent, the forgetful, and the two-tongued
all keep their mouths shut.
If you ask, they give you official nonsense.
If you ask, you get a bullet in the eye.


When you march in the parade of commerce
you wind up sold. History shows traitors
no mercy. The flood washes
over all of you chasing death
with the ad-man chasing you
to sell you tomorrow in the slave market.

Our priests are oblivious in their seats,
drunk on the power of reign and rule.

Our people in prison-darkness. All of them asleep.

When do the sleeping awaken?
When the sleeping wake.
Translated from Arabic by Fogle and I.
Walid Abdallah Dec 2020
I am a palm tree in the vast space
The desert is my home, my place

The Arabs are my folks everywhere
They water me with love and care

I am the symbol of their glory and wealth
I am the source of their dignity and health

In the middle of the desert standing upright
Witnessing every moment of joy and fight

My roots go down to the deepest earth
I protect Arabs from famine and dearth

I feed everyone passing by and every astray
Every animal feeds on my leaves and hay

I am the first food Arabs ever know
I stand still whenever storms blow

I have saved people of desert through the ages
Read history books and tour religious pages

I have been the shelter of the different prophets
I have been the wealth of Arabs and their profits

I am the beauty of desert, I am the palm tree
I am the absolute beauty man's eyes can see
Walid Abdallah Nov 2021
Say you miss me
Come and kiss me

Say you dream of me day and night
Come and hold me so tight

Say you live for me
Say you love me

Say you want to see me all the times
Say you can't live without me some times

Say you need me so much
Say you need to feel my touch

Say you want to see my face
Say your heart is my place

Say you see my face in the moon
Say you need me so soon

Say you need my flower
Say my love gives you power

Say you miss my eyes
Say my love is your earth and skies

Say you like my smile
Say my love is your Nile

Say I am your life
Say beside me you don't feel strife

Say I am your life, your age
Say away from me your life is a cage

Say I am the only one that makes your day
Say I am the word of love you always say

Say I am your night
Say I am your sight

Say I am your moon and sun
Say I am your joy and fun

Say you did not love anyone before
Say you will love me much more

Say your heart will always be mine
Say From my love you will never resign

Say you need my love to protect
Say my love is more than you expect

Say you love me and adore
Say of my love you are sure
Walid Abdallah Jun 2022
I have found my home, my sky
I long to hug you and fly so high

Your touch pushes life into my veins
You remove all my worries and pains

I began to feel alive again
You gave me love that words fail to explain

Looking at you is my absolute pleasure
Your love has become my sole treasure

When we are together, time flies
My love is an ocean that never dries

That ocean is so deep with no shore
Created to love you more and more

When I see you, I see heaven on earth
Finding you is my new being, my new birth

I dream of hugging you so tight
You're the moon that illuminates my night

Your love is deep-rooted in my heart
Designed to last and never depart

I fell for the magic in your eyes
My love is eternal and never dies

Your smile makes my day
I chose your love to be my way

My sky has become so close now
I don't know when this happened or how
Walid Abdallah Jan 2019
Sorry, If I ever make you angry or sad
I feel broken, I feel bad

When you are sad the whole earth cries
Trees wither and the ocean dries

When you are far, when you are away
My soul leaves me and loses its way

You are the only reason I live for
Every day passes, I love you more

Never be angry with me, my everything
Being angry, Birds can no longer sing

Smile again to make the earth happy for all
Being sad, rain will never fall at all

Your smile lightens the whole earth
Give trees, flowers, and breeze new birth

Sorry, for each single moment you feel sad because of me
I say sorry as many as each star, each sand and each tree

Forgive me, let life come back to me again
Forgive me, I tasted each kind of pain
Walid Abdallah Feb 2021
All my life,  looking for my soulmate
Sent straight from my good fate

Carrying eternal happiness in her eyes
Having a tender heart that never lies

Her smile lightens the whole earth
Her eyes are the world's wealth

On seeing her, I forget my name
My breathing stops and can't blame

Because of her, I forget every pain
Her love flows smoothly in every vein

With every beat, my heart calls her
Saying her name, longing for her care

When she shows up, birds swing
My heartbeats dance and sing

Opening my eyes, seeing no one
Her beauty exceeds the warm sun

In a very cold lonely night
Her eyes hold me so tight

She is the the love I always wait for
She is the love I never tasted before
Walid Abdallah Jul 2018
Yearning always led me
to project my vision onto you,
was a chanting fidelity,
was faith’s hymn through long nights.
Yearning made me fall for you.

Days pass, and adoration swells.
I set my bags at your door
and said goodbye to travel and trouble,
set down all my sins,
forgave their world and its people.

Yearning taught me how to survive
and how to heed the inside.
Now my eyes long light.
Even as yearning made me suffer love,
I still burn deep down.

We promised things, and now we’re strangers.
Love, I have nothing left, but I still believe
in promises. If we are to be no more, know,
know, that I am the one
whose love is beyond this vision.
Translated from Arabic by Fogle and I, it was published in Reunion: The Dallas Review in USA 2016
Walid Abdallah Jun 2018
There is a great myth, I once read
About early mankind, it was said
That was called tale of creation
Was narrated after Eve temptation
When man and woman were in the same body
When one dress was enough for both to embody
At that time man was predestined with only one wife
Throughout his whole life
He didn't have for a lover to look
All was in his lot, in his book
They loved each other by nature
And nothing could change this feature
Man and woman were forever together
Nohing could make their love wither
Not only one body, but also one soul
Doom and lot drag them and enthrall
They have their own life and happiness
And never knew solitude or loneliness
The soul was in love with the soul
Even before being created at all
They own everything, even the universe
Always together from birth to death
They had the land, not the sky
They could walk and swim, but not to fly
They heard about Gods' in the skies
Whoever stares up would lose their eyes
The sky means suffer and fear
Where Gods are cruel and unfair
In order to laugh and have fun
They sometimes removed the sun
Gods' hands were of good and evil
Sometimes hands of merciful and others of devil
There was a God of war
And other of love and adore
There was a God of hate
And a God for improving fate
Suddenly there was a fierce war among Gods
And turning people into bugs or even buds
They began to throw ***** of fire
They had their dream and a desire
Separating man away from his wife
Without caring about their life
People began to Gods pray
Despite being victims and prey
For stopping the irony of these conflicts
In turning people into insects
Nobody could hear or care
To stop that nightmare
Till Zeus participated in the game
And became "king of Gods" his name
Zeus easily stopped the war
But couldn't fix the violations happened before
Man and woman from now on are separating
Can't any more weld and became impossible their meeting
From now on man lost his own lover
And has to search for her forever
Rarely some succeed in finding her
Some fail although she is very near
People are cursed to hesitate
Can't make up their mind by fate
Man must walk everywhere and wander
To meet either success or surrender
Even if his lover is very near
He can't make sure and say "that's her" is this fair??
Walid Abdallah Mar 2022
You are the garden of love I have dreamed about
You are the secret of happiness without any doubt

You are my trees, flowers and butterflies
You are the river of life that never dries

You are my birds that fill life with singing
You are my heartbeats that never stop ringing

I need to spend the rest of my life in your shade
I need to enjoy your true love that will never fade

Between your branches I found true love
On your trees tops I saw rare birds above

You are my love garden on earth
Your Flowers give me a new birth

Your lovely scents give me the air I breathe
In your cool shade I enjoy the lovely breeze

Whenever I close my eyes
I feel your love and warm sighs

Away from my garden I feel lost
Your heart is always the best host

My love garden is a beautiful Rose
I will live there forever, I suppose
Walid Abdallah May 2021
My mother, the queen of my heart
Eternal love that will never depart

You gave me life and soul
Your name is on my heart wall

I see the world with your eyes
You are the true love that never lies

You feel my pain before I say
I love you more every day

Whenever I feel lonely and desperate
You're always there, you're never late

Your love is always there for free
Without you, I would never be

Mom was the first word I said
The first thought in my head

You have every beat my heart sends
You're the backbone that never bends

When you smile, I feel secure
When I am sick, you are the cure

Stay with me and never say bye
Without you, my heart will die
Walid Abdallah Nov 2020
I am going to travel chasing my dream
Crossing every ocean, sea and stream

I am determined to achieve every goal
I am going to stand up every time I fall

My heart refuses to settle down on earth
With every travel I make I get a new birth

My wings are born to flutter so high
My feathers promise to visit every sky

I never get tired, I never get old
I pursue every dream I once called

On every land I leave a deep mark
In the vast space I am a singing lark

My sun always sets to rise fully again
Spreading warmth, eliminating every pain

Life is too short to waste in one land
I travel to touch each grain of sand

Travel never stops teaching
Life never stops preaching

Every new land has its own magic
Charming beauty sweeps every logic

I was born a pharaoh to master the whole earth
Everlasting traveler since my ancestors' birth
Walid Abdallah Jul 2018
My youth? Long gone,
and the now-young
have slashed their veins.

Our heady days are ash,
the wilderness of our dreams
has vanished like a mirage,

night smashed our hope, and we
had to swallow all that.
That’s destiny for you.

Why gather in the world
of yearning? Why not keep
us apart? Don’t ask me

how we got lost;
we were mixed up back then,
living love one day,

missing it the next,
so don’t blame me if I turn
our life into song: I live

in the poem’s ever-stream.
Do you see the clump of days
left like flowers in the night?

Don’t be like roses people
toss in the streets the way night
did us, destiny’s playthings.

Despite the map of my wounds,
I got lost. Despite the gag
of the past, I’ll sing on.
A translated poem from Arabic by Fogle and I.
In twilight's sorrow, shadows start to creep,
My heart's lament, a dirge for dreams to keep.

As stars cascade, in the vast expanse above,
I mourn the loss of our once-binding love.

Each night I search the heavens for a sign,
A glimmer of hope in this bleak design.

But silence reigns, a cruel and callous jest,
In solitude, my soul becomes unrest.

The echo of your laughter haunts my days,
A ghostly presence in life's tangled maze.

Memories like shards, they pierce and they rend,
In the shattered remains, my heart does bend.

The void you left, an abyss of despair,
In its depths, I find no solace, no repair.

Was I but a fleeting shadow in your light,
Lost in the darkness of this endless night?

Questions unanswered, linger in the air,
A silent plea, a whispered, desperate prayer.

Do you feel the ache of this separation,
Or am I condemned to this desolation?

The bonds we forged, now fractured and torn,
Left adrift, in the tempest, I am worn.

In solitude's embrace, I bear the weight,
Of love's cruel twist, of our bitter fate.

Yet still, a flicker of hope remains,
A beacon in the darkness, amidst the chains.

For in the depths of despair, I find grace,
A glimmer of light in this desolate place.

Though you may never return, my love,
I'll carry your memory to the stars above.

For in the echoes of our once-shared song,
I find the strength to carry on, though you're gone.
Walid Abdallah Aug 2022
Before every dream, there is a wall
So high, we long to collapse or fall

I believe, one day this wall will be gone
We will unite together and have our own sun

Even if this wall separates us today
I will keep looking for the hope ray

Only to see that smile on your face
Drown into your hug, my warm place

Making up for all the hard days passed before
Showing you my love and care more and more

I dream about your smile day and night
Having you in my hug and before my sight

You are away in place, but in my heart you reside
You live in my mind and eyes can not hide

You are the first and the last thought on my mind
You are the only love my heart was struggling to find

Your love gives me strength and power to survive
A touch of your hand makes me feel alive

You have become the secret of my happiness
You have become the love all words fail to express

When our hearts really want, fate will respond
It is a matter of time before our eternal bond

I believe the patient should be rewarded in the end
That is God's promise and all the wishes my heart send

One day, we will be together forever
And start our journey that ends at never
Walid Abdallah Feb 2022
When we first met
I fell in your net

You were so smart
You caught my heart

You controlled my feeling
You gave me a new being

You changed fall into spring
I fell in the joy you bring

You made life smile
You gave desert a nile

You pushed blood into my vein
You changed clouds into rain

Your love was powerful like a hurricane
It rooted out every suffering and pain

You made my heart beat so fast
You became my present and past

You gave me hope for the future
You erased every cry and torture

You gave my life eternal light
You ended its long night

You made me fall in love more and more
I forgot everything that happened before

You are the beginning and the start
You are the love that will never dapart

You are the secret of my happiness
You are the eraser of my sadness

You are every word of love I once said
You are every thought in my head

You gave me life that will never end
You have all the love my heartbeats send
Walid Abdallah Feb 2014
When you need me, just look up to the sky

You will see me with the stars so high

Watching you from any harm and protect

I am much nearer than you expect

Even if days separate us one day

I will find you, I will find some way

Don't think of tomorrow, It is still away

Any word of separation, never say

The day will come and unite us again

And catch our happiness and forget pain
Walid Abdallah Mar 2021
When you smile to me
I drown into your sea

A smile wipes away the world ugliness
It settles down my heart's mess

It gives my life a meaning
It stops my heart's bleeding

It makes me alive again
It gives the desert rain

It makes me forget anything bad
It makes me happy after being sad

It lightens the darkness of my night
It gives the sun much more light

It stops wars and hurricanes
It eliminates all people's pains

It creates a unique state
It brings the best fate

It makes the sky in joy fly
It makes the rock in joy cry

Your smile is the secret of my happiness
Keep smiling, it is truly priceless
Walid Abdallah Jul 2018
As long as we are ruled by madness, hounds
will devour fetuses still in their wombs,
mines will sprout in wheat fields, and even
the crossed light of morning will be eye-fire.

We’ll see the young hanged, wronged
at the dawn prayer. It’s an age witness
to a snarling pig fouling mosques.

When madness rules, there are white flowers
on the ruined branches, emptiness
in a child’s eyes, no kindness, no faith, no
dignity held sacred. All fates futureless,

everything present worthless. As long as madness
rules, the children of Baghdad can only guess
why they wander hunger’s thorns,

why they share the bread of death, why off
in the distance, American Indians
hover in the cold, why greed shouts them down,
every race crawling ghost-hearted.

Through blood-colored streets, between humiliation
and disbelief, crippled shadows creep,
and the madness-hounds howl in our minds.

We are on our way to death.

The children of Baghdad scream in the streets
as Hulagu’s army pounds the city’s doors
like an epidemic; his grandchildren roar
over the bodies of our young.

The wings of wild birds are blood rivers,
black claws claw eyes—all this cracks the silence.

The Tigris River remembers those days, so look
behind the curtain of history—how many
aggressors have passed through the centuries
of our land, and still we resist?

Hulagu will die, and the Iraqi children
will dance in front of Degla. We are not
to be hanged from all corners of Baghdad.


A river can be a weapon against injustice on the earth.
A palm can be a weapon against injustice.
A garden can be a weapon.

Among the water, in the silence
of tunnels, though we hate death,
for God and right we will set fire forever
to your refusal that Islam is holy.

Baghdad, ***** by tyranny, your children
are raising flags. Where are the Arabs
and the white swords, wild horses, glorious families?

Some of them were condemned, some
fled shameful, some stripped and gave away
their clothes, and some are lined up in the devil’s hall
to get their share of the spoils.

And people ask about a great nation’s ruins,
but nothing remains of that shining empire
that spans from the ocean to the gulf.

Every calamity has its cause.

They sold the horses and traded in
the knights in the market of rhetoric:
Down with history! Long live hot air!

Death comes to the children of Baghdad
in the smallest toys, in the parks, in restaurants,
in the dust. Walls collapse on the procession of history,
shame upon civilization, shame from a thousand borders.

From the unknown, a missile charges,
“Where are the weapons of mass destruction?”

Will daylight come again after the ****** smile
has been erased, after planes block the sunrays,
and our dreams spurt suicidal blood?

By what law do you demolish our homes,
and flood fire upon a thousand minarets?

In Baghdad, days pass, from hunger to hunger,
thirst to thirst, under the gaze of the master
of the mansion, the thousand-masked face.
Will there never be an end to this nonsense?

The curtain rises: we are the beginning.

To starve people—is this honor?
“To prey upon supplicants”—that’s the glorious slogan of victory?
To chase children from one house to another—the joy of tyranny.

These days, people have the right to humiliation, submission,
death in every atom, and the chronic question,
“Where are the weapons of mass destruction?”

The children of Baghdad are playing in schools:
a ball here, a ball there, a child here, a child there,
a pen here, a pen there, a mine here, a death there.
Among the fragments, the cactus.

There were children here yesterday,
fluttering like pigeons in open spaces.
One of these days, dawn might lighten the universe,
but for now the sun of justice is far below the horizon.

Despite sacrifice, there is a dark gluttony:
some are faithful, and some are sellouts.

Oh nation of Mohammad, my heart longs for Al Hussein.
Oh Baghdad, land of Caliph Rasheed,
oh castle of history, and once-glorious age,
the two moments between night and day are death and feast.

Among the martyrs’ fragments,
the throne of the universe, shaken by a young voice.
The dark night leaves when a new day flows.

Oh land of Al Rasheed, don’t lose hope, every tyranny ends:
a child adores Baghdad, holds a white notebook and flowers,
paper and poetry, some piasters from the last feast.


Behind his eyes, a tear that won’t break
but flows like light deep in his heart: the picture
of his father who left one day and never returned.
The child embraces ashes, and stays a long time.

A thread of blood runs through his mouth;
his voice and shed blood are one.
His features washed out; all of this world is separation.

The child whispers, I long for Baghdad’s day.
Who said oil is worth more than blood?

Don’t ache, Baghdad, don’t surrender.
Although there is dissent in this blind time,
there is, in the far horizon, a wave of visions.

Although the dream is distant, it rises. Rise,
and spread my bones in the Tigris River,
so daylight will one day rise over my funeral procession.

God is greater than the madness of death.
Who said oil is worth more than blood?
Translated from Arabic by Fogle and I.
When from you a single message finds its way,
My troubles vanish, even in my darkest day.

As if you hold my hand and calm my fears,
You mend my scattered thoughts and dry my tears.

Your call, though I may not answer on the line,
Brings endless joy, a feeling so divine.

How much more if you were here each day,
Since you entered my life, a guiding ray.

It seems God sent you to comfort and to mend,
To ease my pain and wounds, my faithful friend.

With you, a feeling unique and so rare,
You've filled my days with love beyond compare.

You've given doses of happiness and care,
As if time stood still, as if you were always there.

Your entrance wasn't ordinary, it was fate,
Bringing joy that makes my heart elate.

May God keep you with me for my days to come,
Through storms of feelings, sometimes overcome.

If you can't forgive my faults, then leave if so,
But if you can, then bear with me as I grow.
Walid Abdallah Jul 2021
You are different

When you speak
When you break

You are different

When you talk
When you walk

You are different

When you care
When you bear

You are different

When you cry
When you sigh

You are different

When you shout
When you doubt

You are different

When you sneeze
When you breathe

You are different

When you complain
When you explain

You are different

Make me different as well
I fell for you and forever will
Walid Abdallah Jan 2020
I still have a tender heart
A heart which burns and aches for you
In your skin I see the heavens, in your eyes, the stars
When I am near you, I tremble with reverence
For my queen, I feel your power; I see no body
Only one-word flutters about my soul; love, and this love
I have never felt like this before
Deep in your thicket, you are the woman I cannot resist
I have found true love in the deepest oceans
I long to drown inside your waves, my Siren
The more I dive, the deeper riches of love I find ---
So, I dive as if I am made of stones
A sea of love flows from your eyes --- into mine
In my dreams and on my hands and knees
I pray to God to keep you safe for me
For Him to allow me mercy I cannot bear to miss you so ---
Or give me the power to withstand all these fantasies
Will you return to me, my capacity to see the world?
for what it is - to see your exquisite beauty ---
To tell me this isn’t a dream and comfort me
I love you...I love you before my lips say it
And my heart shouts it a thousand times
O’er the burning desert which grew a thousand fruit
All just to impress you, my dear
From you I am learning what hurts, and fulfills ---
In your eyes a wide ocean dwells
Show mercy to my heart and to my sails
My heart only knows how to stay alive for you
To pump blood and exist, despite the ache of waiting
Just give me one gift - one word from your succulent lips
One word from you, for me to feel alive
One word from you, will turn my sorrows into life
My heart melts and my ribs are opened wide ---
I can hear the echo of your heartbeats in my soul
Don’t ask me how to bear life without you
For you have become my tomorrow and yesterday
The strong wind of your love carries me home
Please be gentle with me, as I belong to your heart
I came to you to escape from this cruel life
I came to you for shelter from my storms
And I found everything deeper than love could mean
With your love me all my wounds close and heal
Come closer… much closer to me
Weep all the pain and sadness away
Come closer… much closer to me
I don’t need anyone but you
My lips only know the language of you
Come closer…I don’t want to remember myself before
When I was alone
Before I knew the taste of your kiss
Come closer…lean into my arms
Come closer…much closer and feel my embrace
To forget the taste of sadness and worries
Come closer...much closer, hold me
Come closer and never leave me
Come closer, I need to hear the whisper of your lips
Please never leave me alone
My feelings flow over your skin like the rain
They cannot be stopped, for water knows no end
Was I alive before you?
Or was life so cruel to me?
Forever together, I pray to God
We will be my love ---
It became so sweet after being so hard
You gave life to my heart
And helped me to forget all its agonies
If I say I love you, it will never be enough
Even if I glance away, my eyes will resonate my feelings
Your love appeared like a ray of light
Like the seafloor lit with the sun’s rays
Appeared like a dawn that cut the night’s pain in two
Rainfall ending the years of drought
Come closer…much closer, I need to feel your happiness
Come closer, please my love, and make me
Feel alive
My first Arabic poem in English thanks to Elisabeth Horan
وإني آتيك
كما يأتي الطفل لوالديه

آتيك من حربي ومن تعبي
ومن ليلي ومن أرقي

آتيك من التشرُّد
أبحث بين يديك عن المأوى

كما يحفظ الناس طريقهم للمنازل
حفِظت طريقي إليك

و مايزال وجهك سيد الاطمئنان
رغم الغياب المر
Walid Abdallah Nov 2021
أين أهرب منك وأنت أرضي و سمائي
أفكر فيك طوال نهاري و مسائي
أشرقت علي حياتي في نور و ضيائي
أحببتك أكثر من نفسي  بإخلاص وولائي
إقتربتي مني وملكتي قلبي بدهائي
لم أجد منك إلا كل الحب و الوفائي
فإذا مرض قلبي يوما كنت أنت كل دوائي
لذلك لم يعرف قلبي قط طعم الدائي
صنت قلبي من كل غدر و بلائي
نطق قلبي بحبك في شموخ و كبريائي
إجتاح حبك قلبي في جمال و بهائي
حياتي أصبحت جنة خضرائي
بعدما كانت أرض صفرائي
فلا تتعجبي فلم يعد قلبي صحرائي
لقد كان حبك دوما كل ذادي و مائي
بلا يأس يناديك قلبي عودي يا سمرائي
بعيدا عن حبك يكن قلبي كالكفرائي
بعيدا عنك حياتي لا تكن سوي ألام و بلائي
لا يرتاح قلبي سوي بالقرب من عيونك التي هي شفائي
إخترق حبك قلبي فكان كل السعادة و الهنائي
فأسمك عندي هو أحلي وأفضل الاسمائي
و لا يستحق مني سوي الحب و الثنائي
فارحمي قلبي و لا تمزقيه إلي أشلائي
لان حبك كل ما لي وأفضل الاشيائي
لا تهجري قلبي و تتركيه في إستيائي
فإن البعد عنك أشر وأقسي بلائي
فإذا لم تتذكري حبي فلا تنكري وفائي
فإن صورتك الجميلة هي أنسي في الليالي الطويلة و الخلائي
و طيفك الجميل هو رفيقي في الساعات الظلمائي
فإرحمي قلبي الولهان فلا توجد أرض بلا سمائي
Walid Abdallah Nov 2021
عودي إلي ياأغلي من حياتي
إرحمي قلبي الحزين و توجعاتي
لا تشعلي حزني و معاناتي
إقتربي مني ولا تزيدي مأساتي
كيف أتخلي عنك كيف أتخلي عن حياتي؟
فأنت كل ما أتمني فأنت دمعي وإبتسماتي
لن يفرق بيننا شئ حتي وإن كان مماتي
إن البعد عنك كان أولي سيئاتي
إن فراقنا أذرف دمي و دمعاتي
أين أهرب منك ؟ فأنت أرضي وكل سمواتي
وأنت كل ما أريد في دنياتي
لا تبعدي عني و تكوني سبب حسراتي
كان البعد عنك أصعب قرارتي
و لكن العوده لأحضانك أسعد لحظاتي
فلماذا تبعدي عني عيونك الحبيباتي ؟
كان التودد إليك كل هواياتي
ولازال النظر لعيونك الجميله كل إهتماماتي
مازلت أحن لأنفاسك العطره و التي هي كل حياتي
أبعدت قلبك وعيونك عني سلبت كل ثرواتي
كيف تسير في بحرك سفيناتي؟
بعيدا عن حضنك الدافئ ما أطولها ليلاتي
لم أعد أري وجنتيك فأين خبأت ورداتي؟
متي ينتهي هذا البعاد ،متي تنتهي أهاتي؟
متي يعود وجهك الجميل لينير سمواتي؟
من سواكي يروي قلبي و يخفف أناتي؟
كان حبك في قلبي كل ثمراتي
كانت أنفاسك الدافئه هي أنسي في الليالي الطويلاتي
كتب عن عيونك قلمي وألهمت كل كتاباتي
كنت دوما الحبيبه المخلصه في أحلامي البريئاتي
متي أسترد جميله عمري و بطله كل رواياتي ؟
كانت عيونك الجميله أملي فإعيدي إلي أيامي و سنواتي
Walid Abdallah Nov 2021
أحبك و يملائني الأيمان
أن قلبي سيظل يحبك و يقاوم النسيان
سأظل دوما أشتاق إلي هذا الحب و الحنان
و لكن هل ستظلي تحبيني و تخالفي طبع الانسان؟
حيث يقال أن الانسان قد خلق من النسيان
قولي لي أنك ستظلي تحبيني، أعطيني الأمان
و تذكري أنك تملكين الماء دوما و أنا العطشان
فلا تجزعي مني وأرحمي قلبي الولهان
فأذا كنت تعرفي طريقك،  فتذكري أنني العاشق الحيران
إذا كنت لا تعرفي مقدار حبي، أنصتي الي دقات قلبي السهران
و أعلمي أن قربك أو بعدك لن يغير حبي فالأمر سيان
فحبك لي كل الحياة و كل الكيان
هلا رحمتي حالي و كنت أقل قسوة من الزمان
و تذكري أن حبي لك باق و لكن العمر فان
أنظري حولك تجدي حبي في كل مكان
فحبي لك كوضوح الشمس يراه حتي العميان
فحبي لك لا يحتاج إلي دليل أو برهان
لا تبعدي عني أيتها الغاليه، لا تعلمي قلبك الظلم و الطغيان
هل تريدي قلبي الناضر بحبك يصير ذبلان؟
فحبك لي يسعد الدنيا و ينير الأكوان
فلا تبعدي عني و تلقي بقلبي في بئر الحرمان
فالبعد عنك أحر نار و أقسي هوان
من قبلك لم أكن أعرف طعم الحب أو الهزيان
فلا تتعجبي من نار حبي فإنك لم تري منها سوي الدخان
لقد علمتي قلبي التسامح و الغفران
فلا تترددى و اسكنى قلبى لقد ان الاوان
Walid Abdallah Dec 2020
أنا نخلةٌ العظماءِ جئتُ وها هنا بيت فسيحٌ ضمّ فيه نخيلا
قد أودعَ الربُ في قلبي محبتَهم والعشقُ للقلب كم أرداهُ، كم قيلا
سقاني العُرب ماءً فيه حبهُمُ فكأنني لِحياتِهم صُبحًا وقِنديلا
أنا مَورد العزِّ - بل إن قلتُ - عزهُمُ أنا صِحة القومِ، ما صاحَبتُ عزريلا
غربت جذوري للأعماقِ عُمقًا ليس قَليلا
كَنَفٌ للأعرابِ من الإجدابِ حتى صار الجوعُ مُستحيلا
وهيبةٌ للقاصِدِ والمحتاجِ وكلِّ من كان دَربه طَويلا
وأوراقي وقشي في خدمة الأنعامِ، فهل رأيتَ بديلا ؟
وكم أخرجتُ رطبًا وتمرًا وكم أنتجتُ في الدنيا فسيلا
أنا صامدٌ صلبٌ متينٌ، أُقاسِي الدهر، لا أغدو قتيلا
كم عِشتُ في الوادي، ومر دهورُنا، وحِصنًا كنتُ لهُمُ دليلا
فلتذكُروا القرآنَ، ها أنا قائمٌ، فلتذكروا التوراةَ والإنجيلا
قد كنت سقيفةَ العلماء ولعوائد الأعراب نيلا
سأبقى للصحراءِ رمز جمالِها فقُطُوفها قد ذُلِّلَت تذليلا
لا رونقًا في الصحراء يمكن أن يصير لي بديلا
An Arabic version of my poem Palm tree 🌴
Walid Abdallah Jan 2020
لازلت احمل بين اضلعي قلبا حنون
قلبا عشق الحب لاجلك وعشق الكون
هل خلق الله في وجهك قمرا؟
كلما ابصرته تحولت حجرا
ففي وجودك لا اري سواكي
وتتردد في جنبات نفسي كلمة اهواكي
ما كنت اعرف معني هذا الاحساس
فصرت احترق حبا..التمس عذر الناس
وجدت الحب في البحر العميق في عيناكي
فلا اقوي علي النجاة منه يا ملاكي
كلما اغوص ازداد عشقا واملا
فاغوص اكثر واكثر كأنما اثقلني جبلا
بحرا من الهوي يفيض من عيونك
فأدعو لي الله ان يصونك
رفقا بي لا اقوي علي هذا الهيام
والا اعطني القدرة كي احتمل هول هذه الاحلام
هلا رددتي لي بصري وسمعي
وافصحتي انه ليس حلما وهدئت من روعي
احبك..احبك قبل ان ينطقها قلبي تنطقها شفتاي الف مرة
فلا تتعجبي كيف اخرجت الكفراء الف ثمرة
فقط من جمال عيناكي ايتها الغالية
عرفت الهوي والمشاعر الحانية
ففي عينيكي يرسو بحر الظلماتي
رفقا بقلبي...رفقا بشراعاتي
عرف قلبي لاجلك معني الخفقان
فأثمر عشقا واخلاصا وحنان
بكلمة منك ..احيا ابدا
وبكلمة منك..اطوق بدرا
بكلمة منك الي الحياة تتبدل ادمعي
ويذوب قلبي وتنشق اضلعي
اصبحث اسمع صدي دقات قلبك يتردد في جنبات نفسي
فلا تسألي كيف الدنيا بعدك واصبحت غدي وامسي
عصفت بي رياح حبك الهوجاء
فأشفقي علي فأنني انتمي لحبك بالولاء
جئت اليك اختبئ هول الحياة...كأنني
اتمزق اربا..فقلت احبك عندما قلبك سألني
فوجدت منك اكثر من العشق والغرام
قبل ان تنطقها شفتاكي تبددت الجراح والاحلام
اقتربي اكثر ...واكثر مني
وامسحي الالم والحزن عني
اقتربي اكثر..لا اريد ان اري سواكي
فلا يعرف لساني غير كلمة اهواكي
اقتربي اكثر..لا اريد ان اذكر من انا
فلقد حققت الحلم...حققت المني
اقتربي اكثر كلما دنوت...ادنو
فلا تسألي كيف بدونك..انجو
اقتربي اكثر واكثر...ضميني هلمي
فلا اذكر طعم الحزن والهمي
اقتربي اكثر...فاكثر ضميني
اقتربي اكثر واكثر ولا تتركيني
اقتربي اريد ان اسمع صمت شفتاكي
فلا تتجاهلي قلبي الذي ناداكي
تندفع نحوك مشاعري كالمياة الجارية
كيف امنعها وقد سيرتها رياح عاتية
هل كنت حيا قبل الان؟
ام كان يقسو علي الزمان؟
منذ رايتك اصبح لي كيان
للابد سنبقي سويا..ادعو الرحمن
كيف تغير الزمان سريعا
امسي جميلا بعدما كان قاسيا مريعا
اعطيتي قلبي الحياة
وبدأ ينسي كل ما عاناه
مهما قلت احبك..احبك..لا تكفي
مهما بعدت عنك نظرات عيوني...لا تخفي
لاح حبك فكان بصيص من نور
كان كاليابسة في اعمق بحور
لاح حبك فكان كالفجر شق قلب الليل
لاح علي البيداء بالخير كامطار السيل
اقتربي اكثر...اريد ان اشعر بالسعادة والهنا
اقتربي اكثر...فانت كل الحياة و كل المني
My first Arabic romantic poem.
Walid Abdallah Mar 2023
يجري النيل هنا منذ ملايين السنين
يحمل كل الخير ويزيل كل الانين

بنيت أول حضارة عظيمة في هذا المكان
و بفضلي لا يوجد جوعان او عطشان

لقد ولدت جنديا اموت مدافعا عن أرضي
اضحي بحياتي من أجل حبة من رمالها فهي عرضي

أنوبيس وحورس جاهزان إلى الأبد
يحميان مصر بعون الواحد الصمد

ولدت فرعون وهذا قدري
اعلم العالم الحب والكره ليس من شيمي

النيل في اوردتي يجري مجري الدماء
وعلي وجهي حفرت ارض مصر والسماء

خريطة مصر منحوتة علي جدار فؤادي
عرف العالم الكتابة الفن والموسيقي بفضل بلادي

أنا العين الساهرة الحامية لمصر ولا تنام
فمصر قابعة في قلبي احميها من الانام

آمرا كل مصري أن يقف ثابتا بلا يأس
مدافعا عن الوطن ليل نهار بكل بأس

الفراعنة دوما اسودا في ساحة النزال
درعنا الحق والعدل واعدائنا دوما الي زوال

النيل هو شريان الحياة وقت الظمأ والبلاء
فهو بئر الماء ومستهل الرخاء

تسعي مصر دائما للعدل والسلام  
فهي عادة راسخة بمرور الاعوام

لم تسعي ابدا مصر للصراع والحرب
مصر هي الملاذ والخلاص ونبع الحب

ولكن اذا فرض عليها يوما حرب
أنوبيس يحمل رمحه ليمحو اي كرب

حورس عاليا يرفرف جناحيه خفاقا
مهللا بالنصر علي كل مختال افاقا

مصر قادرة علي حماية نفسها من ابالسة الانس والجان
اسأل الهكسوس والتتار وغيرهم من سقط في قاع النسيان

هناك دوما احمس و مينا و حتشبسوت
يرسلون رسالة حب للعالم باعلي صوت

رسالتنا الاولي للعالم دوما هي السلام
لذا ستظل مصر ام الدنيا بمرور الاعوام
An Arabic version of my long poem Anibus and both versions are published in Doublespeak magazine and other journals.
Walid Abdallah Aug 2021
تعالي أحبكِ لليلة
أخبركِ فيها
بكل ما كان
يجب أن يقال
تعالي أحييكِ بقبلة
أهديكِ فيها
ألف مقال
تعالى أضمكِ كطفله
وأحمل عنكِ
تلك الاثقال
تعالي أموت فيكِ
ولا حاجة لى بعدها
تعالى أحبكِ لمرة
أكتبكِ فيها
ليس فيها
Walid Abdallah Nov 2021
أشتقت إليك ياحبيبة عمري
سمائي المظلمة تنتظرك يا قمري
أحببتك وأمتلكتي قلبي وهذا قدرك و قدري
عيونك الجميلة منقوشة في قلبي و صدري
إنتهي الظلام في قلبي فأنت غدي وفجري
إقتربي مني لتطفئ ناري و جمري
إرحمي إشتياقي لك و سهري
إخترت عيونك لتكون طريقي و دربي
و للوصول لقلبك الجميل تضرعت لربي
لا تبعدي عني أيتها الغالية لا تتسببي في قهري
فأنت في صحراء الدنيا كل ظلالي و شجري
أشتاق لروئيتك دوما  حتي وأنت قربي
لم أعد أطيق البعد عنك و لا أطيق صبري
قالت لي لقد خلقت كي لاأستريح
خلقت لأكون في مهب الريح
قالت لم أعرف السعادة يوما
لم أعرف من الدنيا سوي ظلما و ألما
قالت أشعر بالحزن دوما
كأن الحزن خلق لي ، كأن في القلب سهما
أحبك ولكن‎ ‎قلبي ينزف دما
أحبك و لكن أخاف عقاب ربي
أحبك و لكني لا أستطيع أن أخفي ما في قلبي
‎ ‎أنت كل أهلي و ناسي
ولكن هذا الزمان ظالم و قاسي
لا أستطيع أبعد عنك يا حبي
فأنت كل عقلي و لبي
قلت لها لا أريد أن أري دموعك بعد الأن
فالحياه ليست يا حبيبتي كلها أحزان
فدموعك ما هي سوي نار و حريق
ما هي سوي جرح في قلبي و لكنه عميق
قلت أحبك و لاأستطيع أن أخفي هذا الغرام
قالت لن أنساك فحبي لك أقوي من الأيام
أخاف علي هذا الحب من كل الناس
عقلي يرفض و لكن قلبي يريد هذا الأحساس
قالت لا أستطيع أن أغضب منك يا غرامي
لا أستطيع و إن كان في ذلك إيلامي
قالت لا شئ جميل في هذه الحياه
قالت لن يريحني سوي الوفاة
قلت مهما كانت الحياة قاسية
سيكون هناك دوما مشاعر حانية
يمكن أن نشعر بالحزن نعم بعض الأوقات
و لكن لا يجب أن نقضي الزمان في أوجاع و أهات
الدنيا جميلة رغم اللأم و الجراح
مهما طال الليل لابد من وجود صباح
يجب أن يكون هناك شوك لنشعر بالورد الجميل
لابد من وجود النهار بعد ظلمة الليل الطويل
الحياه جميلة دوما في وجود الحبيب
مهما كانت الجراح من غيره الطبيب
قالت لن أشعر بالحزن أبدا وأنت بجواري
فأنت قلبي ووطني و داري
قالت لي بدونك أنا جسد بلا روح
و قلبي بدونك تملأه الجروح
هل سنبقي دوما سويا ، هل هذا هو القدر ، هل هذا هو المصير؟
هل سنجد غير الموت  يوما من نصير؟
قصدت باب الرجاء والناس قد رقدوا
وبتُ أشكو إلى مولاي ما أجدُ
وقلتُ يا أملي في كل نائبة
يا من إليه لكشف الضر أعتمدُ
أشكو إليكَ أمورًا أنتَ تعلمها
مالي على حملها صبرٌ ولا جلدُ
وقد مددتُ يدي بالذل مفتقرًا
إليكَ يا خيرَ مَن مَددتُ إليهِ يَدُ
فلا تُردّنها يا ربَّ خائبةً
فبحرُ جودكَ يروي كلَّ من يَردُ
إذا الشدائدُ أقبلتْ بجنودِها
والدهرُ من بَعد المسرّة أوجعَكَ
لا ترجُ شيئًا من أخٍ أو صَاحبٍ
أرأيتَ ظلَّكَ في الظلامِ مَشى معَكَ
وَارْفَعْ يَدَيْكَ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ فَفَوْقَهَا
رَبٌّ إِذَا نَـــادَيْتَهُ مَـــــا ضَيَّعَــــــــكَ
Walid Abdallah Feb 2020
كيف احافظ عليكي واواجه غدر الزمان؟
الزمان الذي استحال الي لهيب ونيران
كان حبك ولازال اخر الاحلام
كيف احميكي اذا ماغدرت بنا الايام؟
اذا كان مقدرا الانعيش احباب
فالافضل ان اتحمل انا العذاب
ارحلي عني واتركيني اواجه قدرى
ولكن خدى قلبي معك كي لا اشعر بالم في صدري
تهون الام الدنيا ما دمت سعيدة
تهون الام الدنيا مادمت بعيدة
لا ترافقيني الي مستقبل كامل الظلام
الي مستقبل خلفته النيران والالام
تطاردني الاف الهموم والاشباح
اسمع جراحي تعوي في انين وصياح
امام عيوني...احلامي ادركها التحلل والتأكل
ليس هناك ما يدعو الي الامل والتفاؤل
حبك لازال اخر طموح...اخر امل
لكن الهموم ذئاب تطاردني مثل الحمل
كل ما تبقي من احلامي بات تراب
الالم هو ما تبقي من العذاب
اري السماء ستار اسود كئيب
والارض تحت اقدامي اشواك ولهيب
لايوجد سواك ..امل ..في هذا الزمان
هلا رحمتي القلب الذي لاجلك نزف الحنان
لاح حبك فجعل قلبي ينبض من جديد
بعد سنوات من الالم والحزن الشديد
ماذا فعل قلبي لك...هل اساء؟
فقد كنتي له الارض والسماء
لماذا جعلتي عالمي غاية في السواد؟
لماذا تصري علي الفراق ..علي البعاد؟
ماذا جعل قلبك بهذه القسوة والكبرياء؟
هل ضاع الحب...هل ان البكاء؟
هل فجاة احترف قلبك الجراح؟
القيتني في جب لايشقه صباح
من اخطأ في حق الاخر...من الجاني؟
من تحول فجأة من محب الي مختال اناني؟
لقد دمرتي قلبي ...فاستحال الي اشلاء
سحبتي الارض من تحتي ومن فوق رأسى السماء
هل هذا حال الدنيا...هل هذا حال الزمان؟
بعد الحب..ان الفراق..ان النسيان؟
هل يستحق قلبي هذا منك وانت الحياه؟
بعد العشق والغرام الم ومعاناه
تحملت منك الكثير ولاجل عيناكي ساتحمل اكثر
الام الدنيا تزداد قسوة ولكن بعدك انت اخطر
منك انت وكنت اعز احبابي
اخاف عليك من نفسك وتأثري عذابي
هل يجب ان اقسو عليك لتعرفي من انا؟
هل تتحملين عذابي ..كما انا هنا؟
كيف كنت تخفين هذا القلب...هذا الحجر؟
نعك كنت تخفيه خلف هذا الوجه..هذا القمر
هل ان الوقت ليسقط القناع؟
هل ان الوقت لتذبحي قلبي من الخداع؟
ما كنت اريد ان ابقي ليوم كهذا
لاسمع منك هذا الرعد ولا اعرف لماذا؟
هل كنتي تنتظرين قتلي باشتياق؟
هل كنتي تريدي ان تري قلبي وسط الاحتراق؟
لماذا هذا الغدر ...هذا الانتقام؟
لماذا هذا الخداع....لماذا هذه الام؟
سوف ياتي اليوم واري عيناك الدامية
واري مشاعري لك ...مشاعر بالية
سيأتي اليوم قريبا فانتظري
لا تنتظري انتقام مني ولكن اكثر هجري
اقسي عقاب ان اتركك وحيدة
تتطلامك امواج الحياة وانت شريدة
لتعرفي قيمة ما كان بين يديكي واضاعتيه
وتندمي علي قلبي البرئ الذي غدرا قتلتيه
لاتقتربي ...لا تقتربي مني
لقد رحلت كل مشاعر الحب عني
مهما يحدث ابدا ...لن اسامح
لن اسامح قلب ظالم جارح
انت اخترتي يوما...اخترتي الطريق
اخترتي سعادتك...واخترتي لي الحريق
لم يعد لي قلبا لاحبك من جديد
لم يعد يدق لاجلك هذا الفقيد
قلبي بين اضلعي ...لازال
ولكن حبك داخله...مضى و زال
لم اعد اذكر عيناكي الغادرة
استراح قلبي وعيوني الساهرة
مثلك الان..ابحث عن راحة لفؤادي
ليس عندك ..وقد صرتي احد الاعادي
اذهبي عني ...لم اعد اراكي
وقلبي الذي كان يشتاق ..بدأ ينساكي
الحب لازال داخلي ...لازال بصدري
ولكن لاخري تستحق...وهذا قدرك وقدري
أحب كل عيوبك الا غيابك
قلبي وروحي أسرى بابك

أغداك في وجداني كل الأعياب
كأن الحياة تنقصني بعد الغياب

كل يوم في غيابك ليس له معنى
يتوقف القلب ولا تبقى الحياة معنا

لا تبتعدي عني طويلاً
فأنت لحن حياتي وليس لك بديل

بعيداً عنك أشعر بالضياع والعدم
فأنت حب الحياة وكل النعم

عينيك بوصلتي في الكون الفسيح
وفي عناقك تفشل كل كلمات المديح

عندما تغادرين تسلبين أنفاسي
تغيب شمسي ويموت كل احساسي

في بعدك فقط أشعر أني وحيد
مثل القمر في الفضاء شريد

لا تتركي قلبي البائس في بعدك طويلاً
أنيري القلب الذي كنت له دوماً قنديلاً

في القرب أو البعد عيناي لا ترى سواك
فسبحان من أعطاك جمال الكون وسواك

فإذا اعتقدتِ أنَّ غيابك لا يهمُّ عندما ترحلين
فما حباتُ المطرِ إلا دموعي وقتَ الحنين
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