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life is so complex
that keeping it simple
takes a lot of work
  Dec 2015 Hopeful Ponderer
enough time
turns lost love
into a cicada shell

a hollow melange of
lust and nostalgia
left abandoned under a tree

the ley lines and star alignments that drew us together
have all lock-tumbler shifted
and the combination is in a notebook
in a cobwebbed and dusty box
that i left on the curb for recycling
on some unspecified thursday in 2012
or 11, or 13
something a little unlucky

i miss you
in the same way that i miss
a dream, upon waking:
a sandcastle, built under the wrong moon, described to a stranger
shapes so thick with water that they can't hold,
but it was good, wasn't it?
it was probably good.
it must have been good.
i think i remember smiling.
Hopeful Ponderer Sep 2015
Late afternoon, seaside
Trying to bottle time
Collecting these moments
Like shells and sunshine

Sun kisses shoulders,
Water, and sand
And nothing's arranged by
The hands of man

The surf presents shells
Some broken and crushed
Sometimes whole treasures are
Taken back in a rush

I try to hold onto the moments
As close as one can
Though I fumble as time slips
Like sand through my hands

Your eyes, child, are so filled
With wonder and awe,
You're my greatest adventures,
The best gifts of all

Time and tides change
And unfold in no rush
While pelicans fly
Across sunset's blush
Always fleeting
copyright VSM 2015 - contemplating how quickly childhood flashes by
i want to grow up next door from you
i want to be seven years old with you
i want to put band-aids on your
skinned knees

i want to meet you in a book store
i want to talk about poetry and art and trotsky
i want to buy you a book like i'm
buying you a drink at the bar

i want to sit next to you on the train
i want to make small talk about the weather
i want to lend you my coat and forget
to ask for it back

i want to be a field nurse
if you're a wounded soldier
i want to change your gauze
and sneak you extra meal rations

i want to be a bystander
talking you off the ledge
i want to lead you gently back into the world

i want to be careful with your heart

i want to love you softly and abiding
agapē love: selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love
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