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 Nov 2020 JL
Bogdan Dragos
Oh, infinitely beautiful girl
you are not alone

she wrote with
scarlet lipstick on her mirror

But words alone
change hearts

and she was infinitely



All the boys and men
said yes
to her

but her brother still
said no
 Nov 2020 JL
The Waiting
 Nov 2020 JL
And then you came
After I have counted
All the stars...
 Nov 2020 JL
Lev Rosario
Love is Coco Jam
And I offer it to you,
My brown faced darling,
The Warm days it pursues
I split the bread in half
Like we split the rest of days
In folders, files of living ails
And laughter for us two

Love is Coco Jam
For I'll spread it side to side
As equal measures did we seek
In Geometries of mind
You dip yours in your coffee
Like we dip our hungry Souls
Toward each day's living basket
That we carry in a stride
 Nov 2020 JL
Richard Graydon
 Nov 2020 JL
Richard Graydon
You are kind without reason,
Picture perfect person.
With you, is like a spring season.
I slowly worsen.
Idk. This was written about my current crush at like 2am. It shows probably the only real reason i like her, my delusion of her and how I can’t see past my frame of mind, and how my rather awkward and probably short lived “obsession” effects me. I rather like it.

— The End —