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Anne denada Feb 2020
Courtyard, corridors, temples and spirals.
Depicting the energies of our higher plane.
Steps for climbing and descending
Buddhas and Devis galore.

Exploring the shapes, curves, faces and limbs
Of human gods.
Pillars of support in hundreds, curved roof tops
Frescoes reach to the sky.
Inner sanctuaries, spaces floored with large cobbled stones  
Down trodden by human feet.

Everywhere the eye glances are changing energy patterns.
Weather worn frescoes of snow flakes,
Circular lotus and turtle backs.
Layers built upon different thicknesses,
Fine medium and thick just like
Mother Earth’s stratosphere and
Human layering of life’s existence.

Devoid of heavenly colours, blacks, greys
Muted whites, squares, circles, triangles, rectangles abound
Zig zag wings, spirals and doves challenge the outer eye
These energy patterns are  so familiar to our inner eye.

Surrounded above and close to heaven
Baby blue sky, billowy white clouds,
Heavy puffs floating above, thin streaks stretching below.

All is a kaleidoscope of space, movement and energy vibrations
Creating a heavenly rhythm for our musical nourishment
Unending all the way to eternity.
Anne denada Apr 2020

He is all he ever wants
He is all he ever can be
He is handsome and caring
Yes he doesn't feel it.

He searches in vain
He seeks aimlessly everywhere
His compass needle spins
He's lost to stillness & silence.

His conditions for looking within
He knows his true gifts
He accepts them reluctantly
He looks to others for mirroring.

He faces his good and bad habits
He suspends all judgment, as
He feels his heart opening
While giving and receiving love.
Anne denada Jan 2020
Discover stillness in Darkness
Painful memories are no longer
Follow the journey of Sadness to Joy
Freedom of choice is our birth right.

Contraction causes pain, choose expansion
Our cure is within
Pray for new beginnings
Permit visualization, imagination, heart to lead.

In the womb and during birth
Our energy patterns are branded for us
No caring is our passage to self-care
We are to rise above the hurts.

Sprinkle light and love in dark, painful places
Jumping off is the only option
When at the end of our rope
Letting go is essential.

Courage, trust, self-love
Is vital for change
Falling into the abyss of the unknown
Is the end of despair.

The new beginning to our eternal self.
Anne denada Jul 2019
Lives in Nature’s unseen world
The earth’s underbelly
Like a mushroom is
Protected and delicate
All is hidden from light

The blacker the hole
The deeper the peace
The blacker the space
The safer the unknown

Mysteries, arising from light
Pale in comparison
To the magic of night
Where the twinkling of stars
Beam across the galaxy

Mother Nature spreads her blackness
Over rocks, under moss, in hollows,
Hidden branches, rotten trunks
Black shadows everywhere
Spread like eagles on her hair
Layers upon layers
Interact along edges, ledges
Wedges, drawing us into
The inner world

For some this is comfort
For other discomfort
Black burrows, tunnels, and funnels
Abound underneath her canopy
Black trunks stretch high
Piercing blue sky
Listen up, as a black & white
Woodpecker, pecks rhythmically

Deep in the blackness of space
Awaiting birth of light
Creation rests; slumbers and dreams
Guarding secrets of the universe.
Anne denada Mar 2020
Long long ago there was a beautiful blue pearl
Fisherman accidentally dropped overboard
Swept up a Fijian inland tributary
Rested by rocks around a waterfall.

In time this initial irritation change into beauty
Only discovered by adventurous and courageous souls.
Armed with ancient mystical maps
Requiring a leap of faith and vulnerability.

Believing it's mythological mystery
Entering the kingdom of wonder and magic
Where thunder blasts electrifies the air
Find blue truths and wisdom, the realm of lovers.
Anne denada Dec 2019
To drill in
No being in
No ringing in
Just dying in.

Like a bore hole
Digging in rock
Force is, it's medium
Tightly, narrowly focused.

Lacking awareness of others
Depleted intuition
Spirit's expansion, non existent
Excitement, enthusiasm, motivation gone.

Lacking in purpose
Connection, truth, neglected
There is no separation
Just a little ditty for fun
Anne denada Sep 2019
One takes a chance
To age gracefully
Seen at a glance
When change raises its head.

Change is every where
Nothing stays for ever
Even heart wishes
They too change with age.

We try to gauge another's age
Only serving to age one
Inner beauty is ageless
Like eternal spirit.

Change and consistency
Spread ageless wings
Wisdom, love, resonate in change
Spontaneity and synchronicity

Take us travelling
Through the ages
Introducing our divine
Anne denada May 2020
Can be a lot of things
Made from fibre with hands
Reveal outer and hidden language
Worn for all to see.

They can make a stance
Often seen from a distance
Frequently expressing nonsense
Like the Emperor's new clothes.

Alternatively reveal grace and beauty
Colours, artistic patterns delighting all
Flowing mulberry silk garments
Or rare luxurious royal velvet.

Personality roles can flitter and flutter
Individual gems, gifts not so much
Unreleased trauma stuck under ground
Releasing or restricting abundance.

Change our constant companion
Throw out the old, ring in the new
Seasons change as does outer wear
Removing them as the sun turns.

Clothes for protection, expression & fashion
Always a reflection of  personality
Born without and die without
Revealing vulnerability and freedom.
Inspired from Dr Peter Lim
Anne denada Jun 2021

We are the cup holder
Not its contents
Drink it's wisdom and clarity
Greater gifts to uncover.

Search within for insights
Release pain and hurts
Find their vibrational resonance
Supported by self love.

Remove what was never you
Clear, cleanse and purify
Your true essence lies within
Discover the eternal you and gifts.

Forsake the interruptions
Permit Nature to nourish all
Accept her ebbs and flows
Swim in clear pure waters of life.
Anne denada Jun 2019
My heart pounds out in rhythm
Sending out waves of energy
Up and down the spine and openings
Sometimes in rings of tightness
Hoping the message can be heard.

Slow down, sleep and rest
While I repair your damage
Let yourself feel
Your gentleness and move with ease
Allowing your heart to come alive
No more rushing, hustle or bustle.

Trust in gravity for support
Enjoy Mother Nature’s abundance
One’s desires connected to heart
Will always bear fruit.

Give yourself all the rest you need
Being you is all there is
Or need be
Being you is all there could be
Or EVER will be.
I love to share. Enjoy
Anne denada Feb 2020




Anne denada Aug 2020
Inner world
Towards IT
Living there
Inner knowing.

Abandoning outer
Trusting within
Wiser being
Forever more

Creation's starting place
Inner organs smiling  
Loveless or Loved
Mobility or restriction.

Reflections, resolutions
All within
When no where else to go
Finally peace and stillness

The domain of Gods
Expansive as the Galaxy
Questions all answered
Wisdom's home.

Desperation, despair and despondent
Navigation's sign posts
All is potential, all is possible
In this inner world of wonder.
Anne denada Mar 2020
Accepting we are not perfect
Allows us to open our cracks
Weaving wider shinning light
Black sacks becoming bright flashes.

As we grow and mature
Stain glass windows beautifully glow
Grounding in forests through sunshine beams
Seeing sunlight change into sunsets pink.

Dawn arises with new possibilities
Rested, revitalised ready to sparkle
Happy to dance and sing with the birds
Spreading love and light for all to receive.
Anne denada Dec 2019
Oh how I love the big blue sky,
The rippling tiny wind swept waves
The tall coconuts way up high
Unavailable, until twisted off.

Viewing my nature paradise
Sun's heat beams from above
Enormous rain trees creating shade
Wind, my fantastic fan.

A sand grain in the scheme of things
Taking my space and place
To shine ever so bright
Buffeted, rolled and raked.

Incredible variety, shapes, and colours
Forest green,  medium and lime
Exhibiting, it is safe to fly
Surrendering finds the

ONENESS of all
Anne denada Feb 2020
What is it? Boundless
How is it? Felt and unseen
Why is it? Truth of creation
When is it? Arises as magnificence.

Love is an inner quality
Manifesting in physical reality
It is constant, pure, unwavering
Love holds fast no matter the pain.

Love is revealed in multitude of ways
Purity of thoughts, feelings and actions
Love is steadfast anchored from within
Love is evil turned inside out.

Love accepts, understands never judges
Love asks nothing, lives for giving
Love is patient and profound
Love is deep, vast, an expansive ocean.

Love is freeing never binding
Love is beauty, nature, music, art
Love is vitality manifesting dreams
Love speaks deep from within hearts.
Anne denada Mar 2020
Opposite attraction is essential
To take the journey from evil to good
To acquire tools along the way
For a safe and fascinating journey.

Love is all around
Everything in life requires love
Nature accepts fallen branches
Produces soil for future growth.

Love anger, rage, weaknesses
Sadness, pain, shame and guilt
These are lost and homeless
Waiting for safe return home.

Accepting all, requires passion
Beauty and the ugly
Exist in eyes of the beholder
All is perfect in God's eyes.
Anne denada Jan 2020
She is vast at times
Boundaries are non existent
Container for lover of all
Yet hidden, from sight at times.

Layers upon layers
Covering her jewelled core
Soft and hard her centre be
Quick to set flight, fight or freeze.

Lover of beauty
Greatest connector EVER
Beats to Mother Earth's drum
Song birds resonate her muse.

Infinite as the ocean depths
Higher than tip of Mt Everest
All encompassing Earth's Globe
Hearts twinkle like stars at night.

Years of trial and error
Stumbling, fumbling towards her door
Giver of abundance
Eons to appreciate her wisdom.

Poets are the lucky ones
Living with simplicity
Clarity and sensitivity of perception
Irresistible urges to share.

Listening to her
So we can glisten
Needing our attention
To hear her inner call.

Acknowledging her vast landscape
Sadness, peace and exhilaration
Hearing hearts guidance
Guarantees a long and happy life.

Easily dives to depths of despair
She is stretching our cords
Patiently calling us home
Hearts communication is always pure.

So connected to our ears
We love to hear
Truth is an art
Living always in our heart.
Anne denada Sep 2019
To call myself back from the dead
To acknowledge the tightness
Shrinking, refusal to face my experiences
Blocking memories for survival.

I am more powerful than my experiences
To reclaim my inner peace and tranquility
To free my reptilian brain’s over- reactions
Heart pounding in fight, fright and freeze.

My sadness for dis-honouring me
I welcome my trauma into my story
I didn’t breath through it as a toddler
Now I must for survival and my passing.

I forgot I could return home
Back from dying
This is my biggest challenge
To expand totally physically.

Ride the wave of life into eternity
Leave chaos, greed, competition
Far behind, as I disappear into nothingness
The realm of unity, oneness and limitlessness.
Anne denada Jun 2019
River, river speak to me
Accepting, babbling brooks as you flow
Rumbling and tumbling as you go
Resisting naught as you fly by.

Main transportation system
For thrill seekers, Megan and Mary
Happy when catching air
Then landing with a thud.

Life support for bears
Black, brown and grizzly
Rafters and canoeists flowing by
Happy as a lark, not falling in.

All in awe of high mountains
Library cliffs, rock scree galore
Steep gorges, incredible canyons
Hikers rising early for physical challenges.

Team work, digging ditches,
Unloading rafts, establishing kitchens
Massive, enjoyable meals by Liam
For hungry, famished adventurers.

****** forests, panoramic views
Pale, medium blue skies
One day cumulous clouds, the next smoke
Man loves comparisons and extremes.

River of life teaching us
Sometimes expand, or slow down
Others, narrow the focus
Flow swiftly, enjoy the ride.

This is my heavenly paradise
Here on Earth.
I took a 12 day rafting and kayaking trip in the Northern Territories the closest I have been to the Artic Circle in 2017
Anne denada Sep 2020
A place of nurture
A home for living
Millions of colures, textures & shapes
Sparkling fireflies, crystal snow flakes.

Mother, accepts all
Constantly reseeds and fertilizes
Sends sun showers, winds and rain drops
Responds, tempers her wildly children.

Storms, blizzards, heat waves
Clear waters, unique rolling waves
Oceans of history
Yet to be unravelled.

Man often slow to learn
Change is inevitable
Choices mandatory
Often abdicating his glory.

Patience is a well worn path
Where struggles stretch to inner strength
Safety born from fear
Our own worst enemy.

Beauty is our true Nature
Trees, vegetation, flowers
Mountains, lakes, rivers
Our reminders

Laugh, sing, dance
Laugh, sing, dance.
Anne denada Jul 2020
Sandy white beaches, crushed sea shells
Sand clinging to toes and feet
Like oxygen to internal organs
Spirit of creation spreading magic.

Nature's total acceptance and wonder
All is recycled from birth to death
Nothing is wasted, all has purpose
On this tiny planet within the galaxy.

Blasting wind power, giving haircuts
Sweeping, swaying, swirling leaves, fronds
Spreading seeds, scents like human breath
Moving from darkness, shadows and sunlight.

Forever exciting, dramatic and free
Being! Grounding on Mother Earth's breast
Learning, transforming, inspiring and challenging
Connected to magic, mystery, magnificence.

A tiny spec within this eternal galaxy.
Anne denada Jun 2019

Oh how I dream
To be marooned on a tropical Island
The other side of the world
Where the clock stands still
The beat of the heart
The heat of the sand
The sound of lapping waves
The smell of salty air
Have more meaning than
The New York Peace Tower.

For guidance, entertainment and light
The bright shinning stars at night
Reward my attention and devotion
By shooting stars across the sky
Like passing star ships homeward bound.

***** and sand bites
Seaweed and sea shells
Coconuts husks and volcanic pumas
All litter the morning beach.

The seagulls and larks
The moon and sun above
Peering out to the horizon
Watching the sea and sky play
All blessing this paradise island.
I am new at this.  The universe has blessed me with a second home on an island in the South Pacific off the grid where I spend the Nth American winter months. .
Anne denada Dec 2019



Anne denada Dec 2020
Wind has a voice
Has a force
Reaches everywhere
High and low and all around.

Sometimes it roars in long sentences
Paragraphs and stories
Nothing is untouched by its presence
Its voice rises to high pitches and short notes
Like small white caps.

Dancing branches, fronds swaying
Feeling cozy, safe behind glass doors
Mother Nature's symphony of dance and music
No escaping its presence
It cleans up all loose ends.

It tests trees, plants and grasses
Akin to human challenges
Wave upon wave travelling to shore
Grey clouds above, forewarning impending storms.

A child's innocence exists
Not fearing the winds greatness
As one listens to her roar, roar and roar.
I am nature's cleaner
Lots to say, I come after the calm
Before the storm and sometimes during.

My power demands respect
Not as powerful as fire
Thou humbles Man
Creating decay upon the ground.
Recycled for soil and new growth.

A friend reminded me of this poem I wrote July 2017 because I have just survived a cyclone 5 Yasa.  While our island was at the edge of the cyclone my three homes did not suffer damage. A lot of vegetation is down and plenty to clean up especially where the sea flooded over my lawn.  With Gods blessing
Anne denada Jul 2019
Find my barriers blocking love
Are they in my mind?
Are they in my body?
Are they in my energy?

Seek in my dark spaces
Search within my fears
Are they between my ears?
Have they been there for years?

As I grow older they appear
My doubts, conflicts and shame
Rise up like an uncoiled snake
To wake me from my slumber.

My well warn, silent companions
Holding me tight gripped in isolation
Separated from heart and creator
I choose, to send them asunder.

Save this vacated space
For peace, insights and wisdom
So I can care and share
With all sentient beings,
Especially MAN
I am a work in progress
Anne denada Mar 2020
Pacific Ocean close by
Stillness at its greatest depth
After rains shallow pools
Reflecting back God's image.

Sun's smiling shinning face
A child's play ground
Laughing, jumping, happy
Living on Mother's breast.

Smiling, Vietnam's National sport
Smiling expanding all souls
Singing heavenly praises
Rising, ringing spirits high.
Anne denada Feb 2020
Songs can be sweet, sad or mad
Carrying sounds of a lark or gongs
While listeners sing along
Resonating low, medium or high notes.

Uniting all humanity in songs
Musical instruments accompany
The musical beat of song makers
Singing is man's highest vibration.

Joining all hearts as one
Uplifting humanity with love
Especially in Estonia's
Song Festival in July.
Anne denada May 2020
Is it warmth, do share it
From above, share it
Descending like fine mist
Warming heart's cockles.

Is it energy expansion?
Travelling into the beyond
Knowing no boundaries
Lightening the way in darkness.

Is it found in stillness?
Surely in spaciousness
Beyond time and space
Divinity exists, for all.

It connects all as one
With each in and out breath
Found in ebb and flow of tides
On crisp cool Himalayan air.

Often lost, needing to be found
Stand still, surrender momentarily
Connect with inner and outer landscapes
Intention is Soul's waiting call.
Anne denada Jul 2021
Brings sunshine and fluffy clouds
Warmth, relaxation at cottages
Fresh berries, blue, black and red.
Taste buds smiling as we swallow.

Evenings bring cool breezes
Starry bright, sparkling sky nights
Crickets chirping, flirting noisily
Yodelling loons, diving for fish.

Paddling, rowing on blue lakes
Dogs, children joyfully skipping, swimming
Barbecue smells, roasted marshmallows
Families & neighbours loving reunions.

Summer lightens our hearts
Bringing out the best in us
As we shed our winter, rain clothes
Freedom, happiness all for the making.
A new creative website with art and poems has just been completed and searching for a web host. Enjoy if time permits.
Anne denada Mar 2020
There are many, sighs, sounds, and senses of love
Movements, motions, and might of love
Strengths, songs and souls of love
Plans, playfulness and pieces of love.

Truths, trusts and threads of love
Flowers, flames and flights of love
Birds, baths and babies of love
Todays, tomorrows and futures of love.

Many faces, spaces and places of love
Dances, dreams and demonstrations of love
Rains, rivers and rain forests of love
Memories, moments and merriments of love.

Exist in the eternal Kingdom of love
Anne denada Jun 2019

Slithering down
Smooth rock inclines

Moon lit Lakes

Ice crystals, hailstones
Falling from above
Ice bergs,
Rising from below
Gentle ripples
Among the reeds
Lapping, slapping
Swaying, cradling
Baby Moses

Onto shore
Water the matrix of life
Sustaining, supporting
Teeming with nourishment
Billions and trillions
Expressions of spirit

While our waterless friends
Rocks, deserts, sand dunes, & mountains
Sustain eons of wisdom
For years I never released my poems. Now I must track the ones I share. Thanks  to all participants as I crawl, then stumble, walk and eventually run along this journey with you all. Miracles and blessings
Anne denada Aug 2020
I stood on the rocky edge of the lake
My eyes flew wide open
Transfixed by arrow like ripples spearheading
Underneath the water’s surface
Perfect ripples followed from the snake’s wake
A beautiful picture in slow motion.

Instantly fascinated I inched closer
Never before had I seen a water snake
It’s thick, long, slender, sleek body gliding
Effortlessly, just below the water’s surface
I knew the rest of the world stood still
While I entered the water snake’s world
A moment of movement, filled with pure joy.

Life became so clear to me
It is not the beginning or the end that matters
It is how we travel while finding our way
It’s what we leave behind in our wake
Can we create effortlessly?
Can we glide with grace and spirit?
Can we release life’s pure magic?

The universe’s wisdom is for all to see
Thank you water snake,
Your presence exploded my heart wide open.
Anne denada Aug 2020

Gathering all scattered pieces
Sitting in a pile
Disassembled, disarrayed and disjointed
Wanting home, wanting home.

Is remembering, the answer?
Searching for the glue, the clue!
Peeling back, layers upon layers
Cleaning, clearing sharp edges.

Relating piece by piece
One's life's puzzle
Essential to find smooth edges
Connecting, one by one.

Attending to all loose ends
No thing or person to be ignored
Every moment, person is vital
Gathering all items, nothing is separate.

Connecting: how do it?
Appreciating part's uniqueness
Connecting: why do it?
For belonging, closeness, truth.

Warmth, intimacy, harmony
Climbing the mountain
Risking the challenge
Linking, togetherness, bonding.

Joining, belonging, finding
Lost intimacy's way home
No longer isolated, unreachable
Amalgamated within the greater


— The End —