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Anne denada Jul 2020
Sandy white beaches, crushed sea shells
Sand clinging to toes and feet
Like oxygen to internal organs
Spirit of creation spreading magic.

Nature's total acceptance and wonder
All is recycled from birth to death
Nothing is wasted, all has purpose
On this tiny planet within the galaxy.

Blasting wind power, giving haircuts
Sweeping, swaying, swirling leaves, fronds
Spreading seeds, scents like human breath
Moving from darkness, shadows and sunlight.

Forever exciting, dramatic and free
Being! Grounding on Mother Earth's breast
Learning, transforming, inspiring and challenging
Connected to magic, mystery, magnificence.

A tiny spec within this eternal galaxy.
Anne denada May 2020
Can be a lot of things
Made from fibre with hands
Reveal outer and hidden language
Worn for all to see.

They can make a stance
Often seen from a distance
Frequently expressing nonsense
Like the Emperor's new clothes.

Alternatively reveal grace and beauty
Colours, artistic patterns delighting all
Flowing mulberry silk garments
Or rare luxurious royal velvet.

Personality roles can flitter and flutter
Individual gems, gifts not so much
Unreleased trauma stuck under ground
Releasing or restricting abundance.

Change our constant companion
Throw out the old, ring in the new
Seasons change as does outer wear
Removing them as the sun turns.

Clothes for protection, expression & fashion
Always a reflection of  personality
Born without and die without
Revealing vulnerability and freedom.
Inspired from Dr Peter Lim
Anne denada May 2020
Is it warmth, do share it
From above, share it
Descending like fine mist
Warming heart's cockles.

Is it energy expansion?
Travelling into the beyond
Knowing no boundaries
Lightening the way in darkness.

Is it found in stillness?
Surely in spaciousness
Beyond time and space
Divinity exists, for all.

It connects all as one
With each in and out breath
Found in ebb and flow of tides
On crisp cool Himalayan air.

Often lost, needing to be found
Stand still, surrender momentarily
Connect with inner and outer landscapes
Intention is Soul's waiting call.
Anne denada Apr 2020

He is all he ever wants
He is all he ever can be
He is handsome and caring
Yes he doesn't feel it.

He searches in vain
He seeks aimlessly everywhere
His compass needle spins
He's lost to stillness & silence.

His conditions for looking within
He knows his true gifts
He accepts them reluctantly
He looks to others for mirroring.

He faces his good and bad habits
He suspends all judgment, as
He feels his heart opening
While giving and receiving love.
Anne denada Mar 2020
Opposite attraction is essential
To take the journey from evil to good
To acquire tools along the way
For a safe and fascinating journey.

Love is all around
Everything in life requires love
Nature accepts fallen branches
Produces soil for future growth.

Love anger, rage, weaknesses
Sadness, pain, shame and guilt
These are lost and homeless
Waiting for safe return home.

Accepting all, requires passion
Beauty and the ugly
Exist in eyes of the beholder
All is perfect in God's eyes.
Anne denada Mar 2020
There are many, sighs, sounds, and senses of love
Movements, motions, and might of love
Strengths, songs and souls of love
Plans, playfulness and pieces of love.

Truths, trusts and threads of love
Flowers, flames and flights of love
Birds, baths and babies of love
Todays, tomorrows and futures of love.

Many faces, spaces and places of love
Dances, dreams and demonstrations of love
Rains, rivers and rain forests of love
Memories, moments and merriments of love.

Exist in the eternal Kingdom of love
Anne denada Mar 2020
Long long ago there was a beautiful blue pearl
Fisherman accidentally dropped overboard
Swept up a Fijian inland tributary
Rested by rocks around a waterfall.

In time this initial irritation change into beauty
Only discovered by adventurous and courageous souls.
Armed with ancient mystical maps
Requiring a leap of faith and vulnerability.

Believing it's mythological mystery
Entering the kingdom of wonder and magic
Where thunder blasts electrifies the air
Find blue truths and wisdom, the realm of lovers.
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