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Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2021
They label you a lunatic
You answer back with stinging words!
All human ears cannot hear you!
Only actions are loud and clear!
Actions are louder than words
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
But still living and breathing
a distance of 15 years
since i last cast my pair of eyes
on your undisputed beauty

only time moved
your attractive looks
remained static and firmly fixed

my soul is blind to
developing wrinkles
fading attraction
excess weight on you

my desire fire for you
is burning intensively
is the heart in you
ready to quench
my desire fire
over and over?

i beg you
relieve me
of the burden and pain
of waiting for a response!
Love can stay in the heart for long!
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
I can't hear you!
your voice is faint!
where are you?
i can neither see nor touch you!

It is only technology!
carrying many types and faces
whose work sounds hitting all corners
the big world ear is open!

Fast setting in
a new world order
the inventor overthrown
falls in the valley of silence
in submission to his inventions!
man controlled by technology
Muluuta Mugagga Sep 2019
two bodies tight in an embrace
minds fly in opposite directions
love on deathbed!
love in decline
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
i hate all men
i cherish producing a child with a loving husband
where is the road to my happiness?
confused mind
Muluuta Mugagga Oct 2021
the ink is dressed in its best attire
doors to understanding it are invisible!
what is the destination in its eyes?
difficult to understand
Muluuta Mugagga May 2019
flashes his/her pen
on an idea hidden
far away in the dark
and all see it clearly
in black n white!
Writing is important in society.
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2019
Being a bachelor
or spinster
and not dating
is a self-imposed prison
less physical walls
you are your own prison warden!

Why detain yourself?
remember the release warrant
is strictly under your lock and key!

Somebody out there
is being persecuted
by cold and lonely nights
because of your decision!

Free yourself
from your *******
and release others!
bachelors, spinsters,
Muluuta Mugagga May 2019
a journey
of beings
long and complicated
am afraid not
to narrate it.
open gates of your ears
wide open.

two rational animals
a positive and a negative
of sound minds
bumped into each other
both were attracted
developed passions
discovered hidden place
reason went on suspension
shields thrown away
drew to each other
glued together
carriage of ecstacy
technically walked them
parked at boiling point!
shared two juices
in the negative body
and fusion was
exhaustion set in
the duo separated
lay motionless

a small being
invisible at first
started to be
vertically and horizontally

i know not
whether making
another being
was planned or never
fact remained
beings did
a being!
There is joy in bringing another person in this world!
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
I can't see where i am going!
i am in strong chains
eyes tightly blindfolded
in faint whispers love is smelling!
any hope of getting spectacles?
love is blind
Muluuta Mugagga Nov 2019
All i desired one it was
walking down the aisle
i masked perfectly
convinced the stubborn mind in you
you fell deeply in love with me!
but my portion of love for you
dilute and tasteless it remained
my heart is flowing with satisfaction
i am leaving your big house
don't follow me our souls far apart!
fake love, mask, part company
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
she is not in love with me
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
deadly enemy ready to destroy the world!
uniting to crush it is a must not an option!
wishing the sick a quick recovery!
may the souls of those who perished rest in eternal peace!
coronavirus is deadly
Muluuta Mugagga May 2020
places where justice is dispensed
all detest being within the guilty boundary!
an air of silence blows!
only law speaks!
places where justice is dispensed
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2020
Two evils can't give birth to a positive
Fight and defeat evil with the good!
fight evil with the good.l
Muluuta Mugagga Sep 2019
Many murders
high levels of prostitution
theft and burglary
and more rot
are images emerging in a mirror!

Peace can be itself once you
arrest, prosecute and sentence
the one and only culprit
society and social evils
Muluuta Mugagga May 2019
my mobile phone
latest made model
does all i need
we are inseparable

as i am penning
iam totally engulfed
in many worries
for my phone usage

my lovely wife
opened it stealthily
never believed
what she saw
two non dressed
good looking female souls
before the camera
how God gave them
the best bodies!

one self taken
i was embrassing
one of the duo
the dressing was...
she fainted!
with proven infidelity
my marriage
hangs in balance!

my troubles
are far from over
three days ago
maybe due to worries
forgot my phone
at home
and drove to office
on the way
i noticed
absence of my mobile
i turned the car
reaching home
i found
my sweet children
not only watching
but also cheering
characters in
a **** video
on my phone!

with too much shock
i almost collapsed
my favourite phone
poisoning minds
of my small angels!

your companion phone
from it put away
some secrets
and have tight grip
on the elusive
peace of mind.
As you enjoy your mobile be careful not to spoil the fun!
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
My beloved humans
take care of the environment
as you eateth the sweet earth!

forget not
stubbornness you possess
in the destruction of nature
will sour and  poison dis earth
annihilate you, men!

stern caution!
world environment day.
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Far sweeter than honey
A net dipped in the strongest adhesive
No victim survives the trap
Passion letter written in lies ink
Time blows and erases it slowly
******* the hidden truth
Stares in your face in embarrassment!
lies deceit uncovered over time
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2019
All development blind
to nature conservation
must not see this world!
development, nature, world
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
inside my inner eyes
images run continuously
a couple of infants
created and delivered by planet and cosmos

one child is seen eating
a mountain of development
on a big plate!
the stomach is full with a bulge
can hardly go a tenth of it!

another kid staring
at an almost empty
a small plate of a similar diet
almost starving

can the parents share the food equitably?
should the children be well-fed
happy and smiling infants will be seen playing
creating a satisfied generation
must be your goal and mine
development must spread across the world
Muluuta Mugagga May 2019
When man leaves nature untouched
development turns an illusion
yet harvests long life span!

On the contrary,
should man annihilate nature
development climbs Everest
but carries unbearable consequences
including being wiped out early!

Which way to run?
To develop or not to develop?
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
Dreams are no strangers in the head
i call mine or God-given

am sometimes shown heavenly material
in this, i uncover my eyes  in  the sea of  smiles

on a day i hate the vision forces self
to witness or be inside a nightmare

both the enjoyable and nasty nontangible experiences
never see the light of the day! i miss to share  the good
and survive the effect of the unwanted

the temptation to discontinue my self appointed
dream manager
shoots to the topmost point in me for missing harvesting
the heavenly experiences but how do i avoid meeting
the bad in actuality?

maybe the mind i call mine runs far from
the dreamworld
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
Dreams occur
when me
and or  others
exists in the non-tangible state

hide in deep and far
my truth away
leave me wanting!
Muluuta Mugagga Oct 2019
An invisible and silent dynamite
inbuilt with a capacity of shattering
highly reinforced concrete barriers
made in cultural, religious and cultural  materials

is true love!
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
my soul sitting in your house
dismiss meetings
with your laptop, tv
all other gadgets
you adore and command work

i **** a lion's share
of precious time you own
because my love for you
is larger than indian ocean

i want you to fill me
and me to fill you!

our hearts must blind selves
to undesired emptiness
glue in one!
Emptiness is bad
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
Years come and pass
the same person remains
must change positively
in mind and the bodies
some uglies attack and disturb!

Wishing you a happy and prosperous
new year!
new year
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2019
The secret is known by you and me
hidden from the world population
safely detained in the chambers of my brain!
poor walls in hotel witnessed the evil
but their mouths are sealed forever!

Midyear celebrations called for some drinking
many bottles of liqour went down my throat
my brain was too excited and disturbed
the tight grip let loose unfortunately
the detained secret stealthily escaped
out of my then loose mouth!

A phobia about beer invaded me!
all types of strong water from today
are banned from my life!
but our secret is all exposed in the open
can we survive drowning  in the deep waters
of much shame and embarrassment?
drink responsibly
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
The longer
the duration
wine delays
body entry
the sweeter it tastes!

in company
with experience
must be applied
not only
to better the good
but also
to metamophosis
better to best!
experience is needed
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
Any human being on the trek of life
falls are part and parcel of it
some cry and blame themselves
many shift the blame on others for their failures

In agony nursing bruises physical/non-tangible
giving up is out of the question
uncover the cause of the fall
establish your contribution in the fall
identify lessons learnt from the fall
forge an appropriate way forward

A fall confirms not the end of the road
neither proves weakness nor helplessness
what counts at this challenging time
is picking up your pieces in time
stand up, walk and run!

Remember a fall is an opportunity
you must learn from and aim for your target!
fall learning point go forward
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
You exit your mum's womb free
nobody should grab freedom in you
by force or persuasion

where your freedom ends
mine starts to emerge

jumping over the fence
breeds unwanted conflicts

the freedom of yours should not abandon
the company of respect for others
Freedom is good
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
a friend
unfriendly in a problem
is less a friend
unfriend him/her!

genuine friends!
real friends
Muluuta Mugagga Oct 2019
Special and unique feelings for you
in glass material were patiently and carefully woven
delicate in demand of attention there is

Once thrown in tatters am worried
rebirth of the same emotion unthinkable it is!
my gold deserves protection with preservation
to survive shocks and waves inside ugly hearts.
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
My sweet husband
the mind of mine was revealed to,
you are convinced
the gorgeous and well curved Annie
you secretly flirt with
far excels me!

should you and her
trek the intimate world
your soul shall discover
the silver in her!

it is only me
with pure gold!

why rush to reverse?
choose wisely my love.
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
You never feel it
nor cast your naked eyes on it!

in humans
in animals
in plants

growing is mysterious
it just happens
one expands
horizontally and vertically

growing is growing
maybe it understands itself!
growth mystery
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2020
As we read and digest poetry
our bodies and souls
process and extract medicine from it!
one line or two
it soothes the pain in you
it awakens my spirit of resilience
it ignites donation of her precious heart
it extinguishes anger burning down his head!
it resets the pace of my heartbeat to normal!
it reawakens development ideas hidden in you!
it treats thousands of ailments...

A dose of poetry is good for you!
when did you last administer some to your soul?
poetry is medicine! try it!
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Born and wore human flesh
Injected word of God in humans
In cold blood bad hearts murdered him!
Good news is blowing in all directions
He has risen from the dead!
Happy Easter to you all!
passion, death and rising of Christ
Muluuta Mugagga Jan 2020
He pushed his pleasure in me!
my mind vehemently opposed him
feelings i own detest his passion
police on alert report dropped
the freedom in my blood he detained!
drowned it in the sea of force and threats
justice only detergent dirt dissolves
**** and defilement criminal
justice needed
Muluuta Mugagga Dec 2019
Adoring history is from within me
history gave birth to yesterday

The blood of yesterday
is running in the veins of today
today is a segment of yesterday

Tomorrow will breathe
using one lung of today
assisted by another of tomorrow

Today is firmly stuck on the ground
standing on giant pillars
and foundation of yesterday
tomorrow is to lean on today

Preservation of yesterday
is the journey today must walk
until the last breath
further search of scattered pieces
demand to be executed
a full picture sewn together

Analysing our yesterday
with a microscopic eye
decides a dent or a good
flashes a torch where to turn

Neglecting our sweet
or poisonous yesterday
is denying our tomorrow
a bite on this delicious
and tasteless planet!
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2019
Several years passed since you abandoned
the secret you and me stashed away!

Your absence extended a desert in my heart
high temperatures of loneliness are unbearable
they withered any hope of enjoying your love again
rivers to irrigate our relationship dried up as soon as you left!

Return to my heart is my humble request to you
resuming our bond is to resurrect the almost dead passion
its nostrils pushing air into our relationship lungs!
missing the one in your heart
Muluuta Mugagga Sep 2019
Me and you
in deep celebration daily
mixed in nice and tasteless

The more i feast on
the passion between us
appetite in me explodes
greediness inside hits sky!

more now and forever sweetie!
love, appetite
Muluuta Mugagga Sep 2019





pen powerful
Muluuta Mugagga Nov 2019
A human being
who is an independent island
hundreds or thousands of years must pass
before a special and unique man sees this world!

The ideas carrying so huge a force
capable of shaking and ripping  the globe with cracks
must wait for someone to conceive and let them see this world!

Another person ready to be labeled lunatic
must show up digest and put them to action!
Need each other
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
Opening my innermost
before the doctor
is an order
to save a life!

Unshielding my deepest
before another
sweet being
results from a desire
emanating from the us!

Thank you darling
for opening your heart
to let the flow of me in
i love you!
love influencing
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
No gift is compared to me in couples
i cement a bond in lovers
my company is enjoyed by dad, mum ( and siblings)
nobody is loved like me
i guarantee the success of marriages in some societies
i exit the womb after intense pain of a mother
my arrival washes away the pain

being special i demand to be pampered
am breastfed as long as i need
mother suspends sleep when am sick and crying
my birth is done many times
gratitude to sweet and responsible mothers.

not all female souls do positive
why hate the innocents?
why carry me for 9 months, exit me
and dump me in a dustbin?
why allow evil command you strangle an angel?
why deny us milk filled in the sweet breast?

i am powerless to stop you and the other
from sharing intimate secrets
through which we come to this world
why open passages for fertilisers to seep through
when we are not needed?

let us live we are the new generation.
babies also need to live happily
Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2021
Invisible to the urban authority
Drowning in stinking service delivery!
Promises must see where action hides!
urban authority must act
Muluuta Mugagga Jun 2019
The Almighty is waiting
for you in church.
Please go and say hello
to Him!
Have a blessed Sunday!
Sunday is a day of prayer.
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
love intoxicates
are you worth
the risk?
Muluuta Mugagga Feb 2020
A dose of kindness drowns in you
squeezes poison out of hatred you carry!
swallowing overdose is positive
casts light in the feared dark side
you, neighbour and entire world partying
kindness, hatred
Muluuta Mugagga Jul 2019
That first kiss
very deep it sunk
in own heart
nobody has capacity
to remove it!

mine it is forever
lighting my flames
of passion!
love expression
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