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Amber May 2021
I always find it ironic
I'm here, but I couldn't feel more alone
I'm home, but I don't feel at home
I'm here, but only physically
I'm here, but I don't know where
I'm here, but until when
I'm here, but when is it home
Amber Jun 2020
I found a new place to call home
now that it's here, i want it to stay
how will i ever recover
from another lost home

I guess the difference being
this house moves with me
shows me unconditional love
Something i thought way beyond me

For once i can say i'm home
but am i giving you too much
or not enough
Did i find home?
Amber Jun 2019
Everything ends eventually
Nothing really lasts forever
Don't let it confine you

Or you'll be one of them
Fallen into the same trap

Amber May 2019
Tell me why you're fixated on the broken
The untouchables
The ******
For I am one
I would like to know
What makes me whole
Why you're so curious
Why aren't you running
The broken scare people
So tell me why you're fixated on the broken
Amber May 2019
All around me is light
The sun that shines bright every day
The moon that illuminates the night
My friends who bring endless laughs
Yet it all fades as the night comes
My smile grows dimmer
My laugh cut short
I've become one with the darkness
Amber Mar 2019
Where did you go
'Waiting for ... to add you back'
Is this your way of goodbye
Where did you go
I never said I wanted you to leave
I couldnt tell you about me
Where did you go
If I did you would have ran
Sorry for the secret
Where did you go
I worry about you
How will I know you're safe
Where did you go
Amber Feb 2019
The thing they don't tell you
About suicide
Is who is affected after

You left me without a goodbye
How am I supposed to live
Knowing you wanted to go

How am I supposed to love
When it was never enough
To save you

How am I to accept
When you didn't say goodbye
After all the time we shared

The thing they don't tell you
About suicide
Is how much it hurts
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