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Apr 14 · 37
Harriet Shea Apr 14
We know what we are capable of doing, we
only lack the ability and confidence to know, we
can complete the thought, that does not want
to be completed as yet, that we are all
god's, created by Our One True God.

We may be human, but we have no idea what
we are here for, nor do we care who created
us, where we go, after we continue to exist
without our knowledge, that we were ever

Logically, we play our part in perfect order
caring about nothing but what happens from
moment to moment, all we have in mind are
thoughts of being young, what we have done from
day to day, believe in what we were taught, and
live the best we can with love and compassion.

Literally! We have no proof of being created
no evidence of moving on, living, loving,
learning, using our abilities to acknowledge
we are of sound mind, with or without
questions we shall go on till man exist
no more, and everything keeps revolving
over and over again with no evidence
that this world was ever created, only the
marvelous wonderment of a curious

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Mar 26 · 42
All will open Wide
Harriet Shea Mar 26
Completeness surrender among the meek, you will be the maker of peace, and people will follow the laws of love consisting of words from within themselves.
You shall proclaim the rules of contentment among the brave and weary.
You shall have a glow opening the sky of light, way above the Universe.
What was promised in the Book of Knowledge, will come about in a completely different way, that shall change mankind into beings of light!
A new world of consciousness will be born and we shall not remember life like once upon a time it was, in the world of dismay!
Imagination will be the key to knowledge, understanding
and wisdom will be the blueprint of our foundation
of believers.
There will never be a question in our minds once
we have found all the answers within.
Having patience, we shall move mountains
like the sparkling of the stars in the
velvet heavens.
©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Feb 17 · 57
Harriet Shea Feb 17
Why cross the bridge without thinking
that living is forever, and nothing will
ever change? We change continuously
not always for the best, without knowing
true essence of love, in its purest form.

Confiding in self among ageless
sprees, dust flows freely without each
the speck of understanding, forcing
subconscious mind control, majestic
manifestations, appearing among the truth
intimacy, and pleasurable passions of
foreseen images before direct contact

Admission not accepted, releasing truths
only known to the heartless, would cause a
backward flow of understandable knowledge
to unreasonable reactions limited to a short
time in dimensional space.

Taken across our space of wonder, do we
pronounce the reality of inspirational

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Feb 17 · 45
Nothing last Forever
Harriet Shea Feb 17
Nothing ever lasts forever, the best
of life's treasures, have a way in
disappearing in some way or another
maybe just a blink of the eye, or a
daydream controlling your logic.

The things you don't care about,
last forever, they have a way to
fervently stay around irritating
and never leaving.

Thinking positive is the best of
medicine, not confuse, no
thoughts of anger, no dangerous
images, focusing on the mind that
is negative.

Everything we have, lost, or won
are many of our dreams of reality
or broken ambitions, that just seemed
to have disappeared in our thoughts
and imaginations.

Everything we ever had, and loved, appears
to float away, with so much sacrifice to
achieved the goals of that impossible
dream held it, watched it fly away without
a second glance, how we thought we
could accomplish this task we wanted
so sweet, turning bitter-sweet in the end
of too much clutter and disconnection.

We take much bad with the good
but sometimes it only hurts so much
having that something you loved and
lost like a snap of your finger, leaving
those dead leaves of autumn blowing
in memories of once upon a time.

The rose is always beautiful
when it first opens, but after
the pedals start to fall, it is
throw away, this is the way
life is, you live it when it is
beautiful, taking everything
for granted till one day, all that
you loved, just turn away from
your torn thoughts, and you left
all familiar surroundings, dreams
behind without a tear.

Breathe in the sweetness,
live to the fullest, you'll find
that the most important things
never disappear, only hide
away till they're ready to be

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Copyright © Derena Bree | Year Posted 2024
Feb 16 · 49
Beauitul Dream
Harriet Shea Feb 16
One kiss became a sigh, you touched
me so tenderly, I knew your kiss would
send me, as far as the stars that shine
I held one for a second when falling back
to reality.

I know heaven is near, it is coming closer
as I fall into you, lost in a dream, I awake
alone, you left in the morning light, now
I wait patiently for your return.

Soon the stars will set the heavens
a blaze with beauty, while you walk
toward me in your loving way, you'll
hold me again, like that last embrace
you gave me before dawn's early
light, the morning last.

Time never lingers when we kiss
under heaven's light, your tenderness
sends me once again, swinging higher
with each taste of grapes so fresh
on the vine.

Dreaming has brought you nearer
each night, when I think of you
always, a freshness fills my life
with coolness, a misty veil of wonder
covering over me.
A dream they say, is a wish coming
true, in time, it will be no longer a
dream, but a dream already fulfilled.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Feb 14 · 44
Maiden Bright
Harriet Shea Feb 14
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright with such
expression she ran down the path of loveliness memorizing
her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit.

She was her love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above Gathering her flowers so sweet and filled with
A fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down her
path of beauty, Freshness of the Breeze following her every
step, light as a feather she ran with her never-ending
fantasizing reality that could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped Shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was floating above
the dirt-covered path.

Her glory shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she Sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
Tops, over the ocean and valleys she Flew high not
knowing she wasn't touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took a song she Sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers with Luck and Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Feb 14 · 53
Maiden Bright
Harriet Shea Feb 14
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright with such
expression she ran down the path of loveliness memorizing
her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit.

She was her love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above Gathering her flowers so sweet and filled with
A fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down her
path of beauty, Freshness of the Breeze following her every
step, light as a feather she ran with her never-ending
fantasizing reality that could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped Shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was floating above
the dirt-covered path.

Her glory shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she Sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
Tops, over the ocean and valleys she Flew high not
knowing she wasn't touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took a song she Sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers filled with Luck and Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Feb 14 · 55
Reality of Awareness
Harriet Shea Feb 14
Sweet life we yearn for you, you are the essence of our heart's afflictions. Your worth a million cuts through life we must live, only to become glorious and tranquil we must walk through the fire of redemption.

Our light hides darkness away through thoughts, but deep within we find an attraction to this aching to be comforted in this pain that we manifest in ourselves, we adore solitude, our gift, our words that pour deep from the depths of our light that shines bright!

Blemished with untruths we capture what flows through our higher consciousness, knowing that what must exist in our reality must be created by us in our imagination.

Life is not life, it is a fractured foundation of existence that only
the mind can touch and change through thought and desire.

Knowing is the answer to knowing, it completes the puzzle without reason, and it confirms all arrangements are perfect and imperfect.

We know life is a fantasy of our thoughts capturing images installing each hurt to heal in its own time when a million
hearts will anoint the truth of knowing all answers before questions have appeared in thoughts to be asked!

Alluring, conquered, warriors of reason come forth before emptiness showers down a solemn comforting, anointed
with love that never can be undone, the deepest form of light we must create through our innocence where
the tranquility of self was found from the beginning of creation.

A rebirth of knowing shall keep creating, becoming more aware of the depth within ourselves!

The time of awakening has arrived in our time of finding the truth through remembrance.

(Awareness observes all whom we have been)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Jan 22 · 58
Harriet Shea Jan 22
Everything is perfect, in which
we cannot feel, we feel nothing
that connects to our inner soul.

We do not flow through each
storm with ease was never meant
to flow without love, deep enough
to feel the softness of a breeze blow pass
without feeling the pounding of our hearts.

We were only dreaming of truths
that seemed only rays, lighting up our
deepest thoughts.

In the darkest hours of life, we stare
pass what made us blind from misunderstanding
our knowledge, growing with grace, wisdom
and song, ex-spelling from the depths of
our misunderstandings, strengthening our
existence for survival, just another second
moving silently past each thought, recognizing
our life floating gracefully past each imaginary
scene, erasing what was our reality.

We cannot change streams that flow harmoniously
pass, without noticing peace growing, surrounding
each fragrant bloom, blossoming without a sound
in front of our blind embraceable forms, refusing
to glow when light becomes brighter
than our awkward awareness.

Demanding ourselves permission to perform the
impossible dream, without a thought about how to begin
we start, unaware of imagination to begin
with a positive thought to believe in our own perfect
self, when God created us in his image loving
us deeply enough to recognize we were always
perfect in his eyes, not mankind's.

Everything is perfect in the light of truth
imperfect in the eyes of fear and doubt.
Believe the impossible can always become the
possible dream of forever love, peace and
harmony among all men.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Nov 2023 · 80
Awaken Knowledge
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Before this dream of ignorance and self-discipline
is over from illusions made and kept sacred with
fragments of dust-related scriptures filled with
mysterious fearful disillusionment.

All continue with love and dismissal of understanding
lost in realities of another faltered gesture, we cannot
travel among the monuments of yesterday's knowledge, we
must awaken before the great Universe and Master of love
inter-dimensional structures of lawful intelligent entities
performance, awakened after eternal resurrection, traveling
through black holes of new creation, new worlds completing
perfect performance installed, blueprints of love and peace
among all universes.

(Alive, enlightened, united in the love of all bodies and Universes)

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Nov 2023 · 62
Waves of Blue
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Waves drifting toward rocky peaks, unchained, fresh with salty breeze kissing my cheek.

Wish you were here to feel the wonder of it all, to linger softly along shores of love and starlight nights.

With the air I breathe, you'll always be there in mind, you have touched my heart deeply with promise.

Waters blue, I sit upon a cliff, gazing as far as eyes can see, an ocean filled with mystery.

I lay my soul to rest, where I'm inspired by God and nature, he has given me much to enjoy, I've found, captured, I've locked it all within.

(Now I Drift To You)

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Nov 2023 · 98
With No Revenge
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
With no revenge among est the evergreens
softly dancing through the breeze that
often carries a thickness, mangling through
the calmness which would have loved to penetrate
the beauty of daffodils with affection instead
of distorted thrills of undergrowth lying untouched
below the depth of salvation.

Forsake those elements that force through
silence without a moment that could have shaken
denseness away with breeze kissing all a
sweet night of peace, and love flowing down
a brook of fresh clear liquid of  unbelievable

Live through the misty nights of unforgotten
thrills of youth, attracting falling branches
soft and new upon the moss, of another star
filled night.

Beware of risky rocks that fall without a
touch to mask away the freedom of untold truths
of lands lost, forsaken, dismissed from minds
that knew love carried unbelievable truths
of knowledge and wisdom.

Only now, realities lost and forsaken, we find truths
that life flourishes beyond our intellect before
today's unfamiliar existence.

Suspended in time we swam deep to grasp the truth
of life and miracles of life cherished.

With each breath we linger forward, becoming who
we create within the depths of our understanding of calm
beliefs exchanged expansions of knowledge we
believe came within the day we were created
to be who we make ourselves to be.

Come forward flocks of independent ability
be the individual you will achieve throughout your
life, indifferent, true to self, cherished, unclaimed,
only free beyond any explanation to comprehend
the truth we cannot accept freely!

With no revenge among est the evergreens, we continue
to explore from one dimension to another!

Copyright © Derena Bree | Year Posted 2023
(All rights Reserved)
Nov 2023 · 72
Love is my Addiction
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Love entering me like a spirit processed
letting it take me, I watch in silence
excited, feeling owned, wanting him to
devour me with love, I ask for nothing
only his love, that gives me food to live,
without his love, no existence I'd

His love is my life force, his energy my
clothing, his kiss my heartbeat, his caress
my passion flower opening wide, his
words, my soul that pours wisdom, love
is a drug, only his, only with him, I shall
unite with my Venus star.

He is my drug, my diamond, his kisses
sweet has vintage wine, he controls me
putting me under his spell, with one glance
my man that lights my flame of life, no
words need to be spoken, just one look
tells it all.

(Give Love A Chance)

A poem taken from my 'Heart's Expression' Collection

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Nov 2023 · 229
Dying Planet
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Changing times, clock ticks
silently almost too quietly,
with a hush, a whisper softly
kissing each second goodbye.

Missing time, what has happened?
I feel no warmth on my back,
darkness covers planet Earth
without explanation.

Stars that once sparkled above,
have long disappeared, birds
have flown away in the darkness
that should be the day.

Oceans smell of death, nothing
lives, all have died, no freshness
of the salty breeze that used to
bring a man to pray.

Forests of green have turned to
brown, nothing stirs, nothing
lives, changing times have
shifted Mother Earth.

Men have stopped fighting,
among each other, they search,
the food they ****, for now, not weapons
of mass destruction.

Stillness, not a breeze to blow
away the radiation that's killing
the human race, one by one
they drop, just like flies in a jar.

The Lord has put out his arms
to collect his children from the
millions, man has destroyed
the ground he walks upon.

No more beauty, it has gone,
all that's left are dying people
and broken dreams, and deep

Tears fall like rain, only in vain,
for the world we knew would soon
be dead. Oceans are rotten,
poison to the brain.

It's not too late to save our
world, first we must unite
together, feed the hungry,
and Love a hell of a lot
more than we do now.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Oct 2023 · 68
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
The substance we come from is alive among the strongest
of men standing close to the entrance of deep

We have no direction from the days before dawn
appeared, when thoughts soared high above

Still, we know the truth is the truth and we must follow what
exists in the distance for our survival, it will never
be lost if one believes, that life continues on without
a need for answers.

We have no tomorrow till tomorrow appears new
bright, cool, and filled with wishes, and dreams we
manifest through our thoughts and desires.

Light your space brightly, never closing the door on
what you yourself believe.

We are what we believe and days pass the way
we desire them to, life is living on our very own
Paradise, making it as perfect as we can if we
open our consciousness deep enough, finding
the depth of awareness that transforms
more energy to the surface, a new star forming
in each thought that is born collectively.

Collective thoughts widen within each breath
we take, illuminating material awareness upon
arrival in an instant of knowledge that we
contribute for our own benefit of existing
in our world, we have made for us to live
right from the beginning of darkness and
silence drifting inward creating over and
over again, organizing what fantasies we
illustrate to materialize.

Each sparkle creates something, like a drop
of rain that falls on a lake clear like glass
till it is disturbed by one drop of water that
circles on forever.
In life, we all see something different with our
eyes, we see what we have created within.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 65
Self Loving
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
If ever I could shed my tears, they may spread throughout the world
and save the people of lost souls, not yet know how to radiate their light..

Come into your dimensions, cross your heart with love, and think of how you got here in a second of your dream light last night.

Remember your path does not cross you, you make it happen where you seem to appear without your own knowledge.

Being you can be amazing if you only release your pain, loving
self will always love as long as you recognize who you really are.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 162
Silent Treasure
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
In constant silence of progressiveness
we collectively pass down the calmness
of peace within.

Sounds flowing through our divine
bodies with the absolute ability to portray
stability upon the chalice of our tranquility
we have earned through life, hard with constant
indifference fighting to know only the truth!

No substitution for doubts or shame to be carried
forward through the entrance of understanding.

Selected we follow who messages us from afar
finally noticing love does exist deep enough with
collective knowledge, recognizing sounds glide
gently within us and our minds that used to be
confused and dormant!

Beneficially aligned we become stable enough
capturing our essence of spirit divine.

No substance to conquer abilities unknown to
our endeavors, confronting all known progressions
we've collected through life with the hurt that gives
our strength to keep going forward in pursuit
of true happiness, Love, understanding, who we
have always been without our knowledge
and belief.

We are all one Love in search of this power we
keep acknowledging deeper and deeper.

In soul, heart, and mind, we are all silent treasures of
indifference, but one in love.

Our soul fire never dies as we capture the glow after
the storm.

We can shine as we move forward!

Light beings we will always be)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 76
Writing with Love
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
How writing can be so exotic
exciting from the core of heart and
souls dimension.

It captures inner thoughts waiting
for an entrance to be released
and discovered by another.

Words are not words they are
thoughts expelling ideas and
dreams that others wish they
had thought themselves.

Writing comforts and brings
freshness to words written
from the inner part of a
thought that motivates
the thought

Write from the heart
the soul, and the inner
mind will follow with
the thought of a new
write never wrote

Allow silence to capture the source
and let it freely enter the deeper
part of imagination.

Writing with love shall control your inner
desires, multiplying them triple with force
from the inner dimensional source.

(Write, learn, capture, and find yourself from

©Derena Bree(All rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 70
Reality of Awareness
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
Sweet life we yearn for you, you are the essence of our heart's afflictions. Your worth a million cuts through life we must live, only to become glorious and tranquil we must walk through the fire of redemption.

Our light hides darkness away through thoughts, but deep within we find an attraction to this aching to be comforted in this pain that we manifest in ourselves, we adore solitude, our gift, our words that pour deep from the depths of our light that shines bright!

Blemished with untruths we capture what flows through our higher consciousness, knowing that what must exist in our reality must be created by us in our imagination.

Life is not life, it is a fractured foundation of existence that only
the mind can touch and change through thought and desire.

Knowing is the answer to knowing, it completes the puzzle without reason, and it confirms all arrangements are perfect and imperfect.

We know life is a fantasy of our thoughts capturing images installing each hurt to heal in its own time when a million
hearts will anoint the truth of knowing all answers before questions have appeared in thoughts to be asked!

Alluring, conquered, warriors of reason come forth before emptiness showers down a solemn comforting, anointed
with love that never can be undone, the deepest form of light we must create through our innocence where
the tranquility of self was found from the beginning of creation.

A rebirth of knowing shall keep creating, becoming more aware of the depth within ourselves!

The time of awakening has arrived in our time of finding the truth through remembrance.

(Awareness observes all whom we have been)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 181
Heaven Run
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
By my side you walk, and you see the fire, it flies past
your head, you now in harm's way, you there to
fight, for the freedom you love, you'll die to keep another
strong, so true your heart, it's no longer yours.

Your arms are drawn, and you ready to take another
life to save yours, O Lord, why must one have to die before
his time, to see the clouds of glory part before his eyes
what has to be proven to make the fire stop, you wonder
till then you are on the fighting field to heaven.

You walk beside me, your angel so proud, I'll help
guide you along your way to freedoms Road, the
reason angels walk, help, and cry, you're the reason
all men must die before their time, cause your on the
field to freedom, you'll fight till your heart
beats no more, dear men of heavens run...

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Oct 2023 · 71
If you knew your Power
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be paralyzing doubts that hold you back from speaking your truth.

For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be ANYTHING that anybody else could say or do, that kept you from being YOU.
For if you only knew your power.
The world would know nothing of you, but the beat of your heart, and the song in your Soul.

Remembering your power is to remember who you are.
Remember who you are and you'll also remember what it is you came here to do.

Nothing can get in your way, only the illusion of any limitation that you may perceive can make it seem so.

Shine the light of awareness on any part of you that thinks you aren't enough, capable, and/or deserving of everything your Soul desires.

Your heart-centered and felt desires are of the reality that is unfolding for you. Will you let it?

This is your power.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Oct 2023 · 175
Dancing into the Light
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
Dance, light beams follow you
with bliss, dance into the light, bringing
forth your freshness in the

Special, those who radiate rays
through years of darkness, they know
where light comes from...

Dance into the light, follow your
song, no song greater than
songs that come from

Dance with grace, you'll bring sparkle
starting flames, the fire of loves
sweet embrace...

Be true, only in truth can you see
what lies within, fire burns,
while love grows and

Never stars shine in vain,
each time you search, sparkle
is what you'll see.

Life never-ending mystery,
holding dear, it's overpowering
adventure, capturing loves
sweet song..

Dance into light, and hold on to each
dream, they are dreams' that make
you! You.

Taken from "Hearts Expression Collection"

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Oct 2023 · 95
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
Listening to silence in its purest form, cannot
stop the glory that surrounds the heart with grace
and love.

Haven't yet found a reason, to turn away a
heart-felt person, expressing themselves in
true incredible loving respect.

Sitting peacefully in silence we should always
bow our heads down in grace, remembering how
we were able to conquer so many difficulties with
help from our Spiritual guides.

Feeling the warmth that appears inside us, when we
see a little child running and laughing, the way
all innocence has no flaws, just brilliance flowing
from the depth of man.

Can you imagine at one time, when all was new and
perfection was all around, no thoughts were against
corners of hidden walls, no binders to keep away beasts
of wicked dealings.

Breathing in the glory of God's sweet freshness bringing
peace, love, and light flowing from within, cannot be born a
thought so magnificent, has mother Universe in her
birth before anything was created.

Nothing made from something will always create
everything, the mystery of life surrounds, never
let the wonder leave, never let the dreams stop
always imagine flowers around you and soft music
playing in your special space.

Create your sweet love story, and keep writing it every
day of your life, never will it, be put down for those
who read, it is your wisdom you are writing in
words, your story, so special you could not of
penned it differently.

Be your survivor, you make all happen, no one
will live your life but you, smile! Live for the now,
life will treat you well if you treat life well.

When you go deep down! think about life, and
all that goes with living.  It is logic! that makes it
work, not foolish desires that soon disappear in a
make-believe world.

Go ahead play your songs, make your wish, admire
the Universe, all was created for all of us, and we don't
even know why! We do know, that what comes our way
is meant to come our way, our remarkable awareness
finding answers, to strange outcomes.

Be good to you! Love yourself, hug Mother Nature
daily, as each day is born new, and we are new
every minute of life.

Peace, Love, Light, and Harmony

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Sep 2023 · 61
Another Journey
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows!

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to emerge completing
the circle of life.

Softly, like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires in life's sweet
repour, flooding all the thoughts she ever
had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, the sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey gets easier, more lovelier
than the one before, shining brighter each
time, souls exchange in our Multidimensional
bodies with love and grace.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Today is the first day of my life and am
truly in love with me, everything I see and do
so perfect in every way.

Confidence flows among dreams that have
always been dreams in the night of my life
soaring higher every day as I become wiser
in spirit.

Earth is my church, nature is my spirituality
and God is my master of the universe, filled
with a magnitude of knowledge and understanding.

For without Our Master, it would be a void of no
meaningful purpose, nothing of subconscious
collective consciousness, with superstitious transformations
unknown in the world of reason.

I am thankful for the simple reality of knowing love is
deep within all our hearts, recognized by us all, we
may not be aware of what we have, but in time
we all will bow down to ourselves in respect, we
loved everything from the first day we were born
unto Mother Earth, Divine Beings we are!

Today I shall gather all that I have experienced
and Thank God for everything he gave me.

Shining down my light and understanding has
always been the way to the true happiness of being
Infinite, light of love powering down in
the soul of us.

(Be Happy for what we have, time is too short
not to be thankful)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Sep 2023 · 118
New Breed
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
We are a new breed, creatures waiting
for truth, knowing in time, it will come
back to us, in ways we have read in
books, in generations of our past.

No flames can destroy the truth of wisdom
filled with dimensional authority, no loss
nor destruction can be folded into strength
when it took so long, to find an equal balance
making it impossible to change.

Minds! are powerful forces, of imagination
combined with energy filled with promise
of our own making, lighting life in ways
that will never be understood.

New breeds unfolding theories that never
existed in the older world of hard knocks, much
misunderstanding, now! thoughts sink deep
within a more complete world of chance
and perfection of self-belief.

Many collected solutions are numbered
blueprints, without any feedback of failure
nor existence, would not continue without
trust in self and deed, when progression
starts, it never ends, it grows on for eternity
or until the mystery of the Universe has been

All that was; will come around again.
New Breeds of wisdom in every way
but living life will bring back the
wisdom meant making life worth
living for, from generation to generation
it will be devoured in its imagination
to find the real truth of existence.

We conquer ourselves beyond imagination
operating without control, while the soul is
our guides to functional rewards.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Sep 2023 · 115
With no Revenge
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
With no revenge among est the evergreens
softly dancing through the breeze that
often carries a thickness, mangling through
the calmness which would have loved to penetrate
the beauty of daffodils with affection instead
of distorted thrills of undergrowth lying untouched
below the depth of salvation.

Forsake those elements that force through
silence without a moment that could have shaken
denseness away with breeze kissing all a
sweet night of peace, and love flowing down
a brook of fresh clear liquid of  unbelievable

Live through the misty nights of unforgotten
thrills of youth, attracting falling branches
soft and new upon the moss, of another star
filled night.

Beware of risky rocks that fall without a
touch to mask away the freedom of untold truths
of lands lost, forsaken, dismissed from minds
that knew love carried unbelievable truths
of knowledge and wisdom.

Only now, realities lost and forsaken, we find truths
that life flourishes beyond our intellect before
today's unfamiliar existence.

Suspended in time we swam deep to grasp the truth
of life and miracles of life cherished.

With each breath we linger forward, becoming who
we create within the depths of our understanding of calm
beliefs exchanged expansions of knowledge we
believe came within the day we were created
to be who we make ourselves to be.

Come forward flocks of independent ability
be the individual you will achieve throughout your
life, indifferent, true to self, cherished, unclaimed,
only free beyond any explanation to comprehend
the truth we cannot accept freely!

With no revenge among est the evergreens, we continue
to explore from one dimension to another!

Copyright © Derena Bree | Year Posted 2023
Sep 2023 · 85
Inspired Knowledge
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Inspired thoughts climb to heights that have no explanation for who we have been once upon a time.

We cling to the imagination and what was a matter of interfering love caught in a time of space.

We assumed that love was just a word without meaning, only one thing they forgot to mention, love didn't come from us it came from a higher power filled with enlightenment and peace.

Inspired but once only in ways can we understand the knowledge and wisdom we have in our thoughts without notice.

Flowing through channels unknown to man, thoughts gather together to make meaning clearer, what a civilized thought used to mean in long-lost centuries.

We cannot gather snow among the wilderness once it is installed with the rainbow's brightness and truth.

Enlightenment casts her shadow upon people of light and peace, people are known for their strength and courage to resist evil and the darkness that comes with it.

No more shall the largest star anoint us and bring us untruth to our fellowman known now as the white angels of understanding and knowledge.

Come collect your favors of love which is true to your spirit that brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding, to your questions without answers.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Sep 2023 · 82
Ground Search
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Bring forth your laughter among
winds of yesterday, let the
the dance begins, it will flourish among
the depths of darkness, without a
question asked.

Ground search, a place where only
understanding is revealed, in shadow
of tomorrow's inspirations, which will
answer questions that never had an
answer till now.

Ponder on it, it may take away doubts
that linger, mingled with sincerity, laced
with misunderstanding, invalid, placed
on a shelf of discontentment, achieved
in a lawless manner.

Live not to live, live to give, answers
come easy, let it flow with gratification within
the depths of what is to come.

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Sep 2023 · 69
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Decorations of all the world's finest arts
poetry of centuries, that make the world
stop in appreciation, words spoken from
the depth of mind's treasured thoughts.

Scriptures so delicate from the ages of
indescribable wisdom saved and shared
among generations, valued memories to
be appreciated in their time.

Miracle creatures, sweetly spoken words
touching tree tops of color, softness
surrounded by wildflowers of surrendered
bliss, flowing across the darkness, waiting for one
second for a kiss from above.

A dreamland of happiness and sharing love is
not a shallow fact of lost vibrations, once
chosen from the gods to be carried on, strong
fearless, warriors of truth.

(Live, share, love)

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
A world magnificent and filled with wisdom
dripping in golden thoughts, magical mist
flowing through gates carved in marble
crystals adorn, the ground green, brown
orange sensational emotions, capturing
intuitive clarification amongst empires
boldly floating above universal sensational
adventures, administrating vows in terms
of understandable communication.

Remembrance; coated with satisfaction, among
each glance, given in a moment of was, now
and will be.

Cannot comprehend differences, when
Beauty was pronounced in many ways
that no longer exist.

Unimpressed, confused emotional acceptance
unbearable to conditions, having no excuse
for ways unexpected to humans now
living upon planet Earth.

How this world of warmth and beauty
could radiate love, if we understood
what unconditional love consists of
without resentment.

So easy to follow heart warmth
souls guidance, still we walk
in shadows of lost re-ensured truth
of our own making, caring less
camouflaged under restraint

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Sep 2023 · 90
Carry Us
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Carry us through with knowledge to understand
what we do not understand.
Bring forth the light that shines every day without
excuses not to shine!
Let knowing of self never dim being forgotten
who made us and resemble!
Carry us forever with love, and grace in our
hearts, knowing we are loved in
all we do.
Carry us in the brightness of knowing, we know
who we are, and want to become!
Carry us above the clouds with wisdom and
fortitude to always believe.
There will never be a day without a thought that
flashes before us, 'who we are, must respect
and love to the fullest.
Laughter brings forth a sense of wonder we must
never lose, it is the flame of our souls to bring
forth that wonderment.
In the glow of knowing, we amaze ourselves each
and every day to the full extent, of our knowing
that was installed in us to find in ourselves.
In living, we travel each day making each story more
exciting with the mystery of that wonderment of
soul, heart, and mind.
Be the keeper of your heart and soul and extend
knowledge only forward as you carry on in love
and grace.
We are all masters of ourselves and must keep that love
growing before we forgot we ever had a soul.
Keep carrying us forever!

Copyright © DerenaBree | Year Posted 2023
(All rights reserved)
Sep 2023 · 106
Not in all Directions
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Directions pointing ahead lead us to where we were meant to
be, in the glory of our being, exhausted in the human form
filled with emotions untouched, only created by ourselves.

Not in all directions do we inhale life perfections
Time holds the key to each point that begins and ends
We are in control, we are the creator of everything we do through life.

There will never be a day that passes we will regret, not deep within our souls, only in consciousness flowing within our eternal self.

Not in all directions can we agree life was made to be happy
There was never a time we didn't hold the key to our destiny.

As we continue down the road of unconditional love we will have made the path in all directions we desired at one time or another being who we always will be right from the beginning.

Now we are awaking from the deep sleep that we never thought existed in life till it became our reality without dreams in sight only footprints we will and have made.

Life in all its glory shall always be glorious if we know it or not we are love in one.

Copyright © DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Touch my soul, feel thoughts flowing soft across my heart, this poet of a million thoughts.

I come to you in many ways, through simple expression, understanding, notes written in dreams, awaken I write, till again I sleep in the silence essence of love sweetness, to awake and write again.

Poet of a million thoughts to bring you inspiration when days sometimes are blue, and skies are darkened, I am here with you in written word.

Read me, feel me near, fear me not, I am here to comfort you, the poet of a million thoughts.

Within a binder, words are written, of a million thoughts, an endorphin releaser, like sitting on a cliff feeling the salty mist of the ocean across my brow.

Sweet music to mind, are a million thoughts that go on forever filling the emptiness that would not exist without this poet of a million thoughts.

Copyright © DerenaBree | Year Posted 2023(All rights reserved)
Sep 2023 · 55
Honorable Discharge
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Throw away the thoughts that make
You sad, they will not exist if you leave
them behind, don't think of things
That will stop the light from shining

Imagine how long it takes to hollow out a
log to make a vase out of bamboo shoots
in a corner of a dark cold room, surely
not worth the effort of making something
looking beautiful from the heart, but
The beauty of the effort is worth the beauty
that appears within.

Food for thought is food for the imagination
creator of majestic impossibilities possible
little bits of light to shine up a lonely spot
hiding away in your heart.

In case you stumble down the cliff of
memories you should have dismissed
many years back, now leave those
memories, the cliff is being worn down
by the waters of time.

It will now be perfect to give everything
and every one an honorable discharge
on command.

(Move on!)
Let's always be a winner!

Copyright © DerenaBree | Year Posted 2023
Sep 2023 · 61
Sharp and Spiritual
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Sharp, spiritual, and deep, describe my
the character of another dimension, I
can only be called a character
Or maybe the other half of me.

Shaping each mold, with enough
power from within, the result
comes out superb, nothing to be
repair, all has been accomplished
born in an imperfect world.

A sharp, spiritual-like golden thread
tied in safety knots, her creation has
just begun, into the world of uncertainty
where creation had been developed
In a multilevel establishment according
to one's ability to gather information
to continue a nation of robotic humans
without emotions.

Sharp, and spiritual she appeared super
human, with power of her own, to
bring hope back to civilization that
never was taught the power of love
compassion, understanding, strength.
Bestowing a new foundation of stability
to mankind.

Worlds perfection, is not a perfect song
only a melted thought, of an emotional
compassionate unconditional love, thrown
low enough to catch and store within
our souls.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Sep 2023 · 48
Broken Dreams
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
The light of my broken soul
shines brightly among the fortress
of yesterday's dreams.

Love flowing endlessly into the
depths of never-ending thoughts
bewildering, demanding, untouched
torments, unresolved, without
compassion and understanding.

Broken verses of knowledge mixed
with wisdom combats tolerant
discipline, known to the broken soul
of yesterday's dreams.

Collect on demand the truth of all dreams
Either they wither away slowly, lost forever
in the greenery of a make-believe

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 101
Awaken your Emotions
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Awaken your emotions to your desired
self, you'll shiver with regret if you
do not surrender!

Your desires are only a heartbeat
away from all possibilities created by
you alone!


Do not dismiss your happiness
following the storm, when the heart
has been waiting for so long to intertwine.


Awaken without delay, grasp unto those
dreams hanging among the flowers
growing more impatient as your
wishes begin to fade and the truth
is announced with the love of the higher self.


Awaken, gaze within, nothing more
is needed to find your love fire of
soul connected as one of the
way, it has always been.
You can wake up and be your
own being of divinity.

You're the essence of love's sweetness.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 55
Think Can
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Never walk the trail so brightly
filled with promises, they never
seem as bright as they look...

Never lay down watching dreams
passing by, they are only wishes
that may never come true.

Never let the days pass without
notice, that you may have lost a moment
of love and devotion.

Never forget the brightness that
lives within, it may not always
shine the brightest, but it never
stops shining.

Never be saddened by a flower you
see dying, it still lives, it shows all
it's discouragement and comes back
lovelier, next time it buds, lacking
nothing but a flower of loveliness.

Walking will never make one lose faith
it will make one gain the power, to handle
what must be handled, giving us faith
we always wanted.

In calmness, shall you see the rainbow
after the storm, no storm lasts forever
for behind that dark cloud, a sky is
bright with the achievement accomplished.

Never stop living, cause you had a
set back, that made you stare pass
reality, it only makes you stronger
in the pattern of life.

Life is truly as bright as that distant
the star that forever sparkles in the
heavens, like the diamond that
gives one true determination.

(Never is a no, can is a yes)

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Adorned, I stray hearing music from afar,
haunting with each beat of my heart I sigh,
thoughts of a mystery entering without haste,
only moments ago  shadows crowded through,
now a touch of softness appears, melting
away fears that surround each heartbeat,
now a forest of lingering light.

Gathering thoughts, eyes touch your soul
your tenderness, your sincerity, you're so beautiful
a diamond could  never sparkle as you do,
You like that star that shines through life,
your so very beautiful to me, a beauty
only you can shine like gold.

Through the spectrum of imagination, you radiate,
like a dream, only one could never touch,
only a pleasant sight to behold in love fantasy,
your fire shoots high, way over the heart fire,
your fire white with spark flows through deeply.

Now at this moment thoughts silently ponder,
gazing through soul, I hold your beauty deep,
you'll always be my rainbow of light through
all storms, hail was never large enough to
dent the steel that binds.

"From My Love's Collections Journal"
(Dedicated to love)
By DerenaBree
© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Aug 2023 · 61
Message of life
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Soar ahead holding tight, dreams that wander on, silently waiting for a message, a sound, a voice softly speaking beyond redemption.

Capture the song, and let it echo high so high, listen! it calls out, dreams lie forgotten, waiting to be released at the right moment.

Rip away not the seal, the message may not be ready in time for the day of deliverance, yet caution plays each role carefully.

Don't be foolish dashing in darkness change the way it has to be, it is made clear the day of deliverance is near.

Gather your treasures of giving, and collect your debts of love, you still have time to shine the light, you've hidden all these years.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Connect the circle, and give it to one that
needs to find out its true meaning, to
continue as long as possible, with faith
in the spirits of all who love
mother earth with compassion.
And love.

Living like a creature of nature shall make
you strong enduring the sorrows
having courage and strength. To
complete your journey.

Say hello to Mother Sun and Father
moon, and collect all the stardust
that falls upon your life with joy.

Drink of the water fresh from the heavens
and collect a feather from an angel
that dropped it to the ground.

Thank your spirit guides who shall
lead you home someday with love
and grace.

©Derena Bree(All rights reserved)
Aug 2023 · 118
Flower Child
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Flower child of wisdom and love, collecting
my spirit of admiration and light, accepting
what I must do to find peace within the depths
of my heart mind and understanding, to
go beyond the boundaries of power existing far
above my knowledge to accept.

I cannot find the torch of fire that will light
my way to truth, in the distance I see a
clearance circling my way toward the
lighted tower, of life and promise.

Flower child of promise and love, let me know how
to share my life of knowing and sincerity, touching
a torn heart and bring them back to God's paradise
with anticipation, he is waiting to bring his children
home in grace, if they would only open up
the spirit they humbly ignore, for they do not know what
they do, saith the Lord.

Flower child of depth, grasp the hope that waits
in patience, with faith that never lets  you give
up your desire to live in a light so unknown to
you, soon you will escape the evil that surrounds
your thoughts, there will be no craving as
strong as the flight you must partake, before your
freedom arrives with that peace mankind has
never know before.

Flower child of peace and love, you have accomplished
your mission to prove your faith, hope, and love to
God, for praying for evil to be abolished from the earth
entering into Our New World of love, Peace, and
harmony All flower Children of God's green earth
finally finding the true meaning of love, faith and
hope to begin another life in a new paradise of
understanding, wisdom, and love to sing our own
songs of freedom, loving our higher self with
deep awareness.

(God loves his flower children of this world)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 244
Emotions Subtracted
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Emotions went out one day and
forgot where they lived, they roamed
all around the world and still couldn't
find their way home.

Something did not seem right, since
emotions forgot anything to do with
emotions and life started new with
out a single emotion in thought.

All emotions thought was subtraction
how the thought appeared within the
mind why subtraction? when all the
answers are wrong emotions wondered
gathering strength to find something
to do with emotions that somehow use
to be part of life.

The warmth of the sun seemed no longer
warm to emotions, since the sun use
to be so glorious once upon the time
in emotions lost world.

So emotions subtracted her way
to the countless few, hung her head
down without an emotion in thought.

Gone, terminated, lost in the time of yesterday
tender moments when once the breeze
flew fresh and free like clouds so white
and fluffy, pronouncing peaceful commitments
upon the arrival of interventions lacking instruments
to complete emotions subtractions.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 72
Emotions Subtracted
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Emotions went out one day and
forgot where they lived, they roamed
all around the world and still couldn't
find their way home.

Something did not seem right, since
emotions forgot anything to do with
emotions and life started new with
out a single emotion in thought.

All emotions thought was subtraction
how the thought appeared within the
mind why subtraction? when all the
answers are wrong emotions wondered
gathering strength to find something
to do with emotions that somehow use
to be part of life.

The warmth of the sun seemed no longer
warm to emotions, since the sun use
to be so glorious once upon the time
in emotions lost world.
So emotions subtracted her way
to the countless few, hung her head
down without an emotion in thought.

Gone, terminated, lost in the time of yesterday
tender moments when once the breeze
flew fresh and free like clouds so white
white and fluffy, pronouncing peaceful
commitments upon the arrival of interventions
lacking instruments to complete emotions

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 60
Dishonest beliefs Attract
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Realizing life in moments captures our essence
Playing music within the depths of reality.

No more questions beyond our understanding
we cannot pronounce freedom as escaping from
each part of memory realization, we can only adore
the glory feelings that arrive in times of sorrow and
beliefs that surround our existence to continue on
with higher love.

Executing authority to our truly loved domains
we do not prosecute thoughts escaping clearly
from powers without explanations why in a
instant truth stands out bravely among the
lies of insecure promotions that appear
spiteful in this world of hidden beauty
and misunderstanding exaggerated
illusions of untouched promises.

Live only in the second thoughts were
formed and dismissed without notice
the recolonization of the truth of honest
realities became inflamed information
guarded secretly in the soul of mankind's
dishonest ways.

Safe within the boundaries of trust we
continue with no regard for the power
we all do not remember that power
our master gave us full respect
if only we could, the light would never

Gather your thoughts before they
escape, they could be a promise
that shall never bring doubts or fears
rolling in making trust only a vacant
space in the soul.

Keep your intuitive thoughts well-guarded
they are formed within the soul.

We cannot understand anything till we open
up and travel the depths of the unknown.

We must attract what we feel is honest enough
to hold unto.

Escaping reality is not the true way!

Searching and finding shall make you free!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 67
Beneath and above Silence
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Crystals glowing across lands of redemption
sands of time disclosed with an attitude of deceit
no room for a constant thought of a promise once
kept and forsaken.

Indescribable beauty soars high above the imagination
gathering waves digested by lingering aromas lazily
drifting above treasures shimmering with one little tear
of memory never forgotten.

Mesmerized, dazed, pictures combine, dance, and unite
in an orderly manner, rearranging the situation perfectly
in a formation featuring dimensional structures on earth
behind the scenes of yesterday.

Close to thee thou are, upon a single branch with
leaves of gold, sparkling brightly beyond infinity
placing your heart next to the desire you yearned
for, in silence, and patience.

One ornament placed high, bright! a light that
brightens with every smile that flows from
the heart filled with love.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 52
Aware in Silence
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Performance adorn in stillness arriving with
power, deep within the cliffs of knowledge
freedom connects with light, beaming down
on those who have not felt the breeze
blowing past.

Awareness clings close to those who observe
without knowing, they see beyond those
who doesn't notice a flowering ****?

Who knows the feeling that creeps inside
of a person, who feels every drop of
falling rain sees every ray of sunlight
in the shadows of doubt.

Every emotion dancing above existence
in rhythm, empathizing with how Pines
trees have whipper wills singing through
the night, allowing to be heard
for a while to make everything
perfect with nature's sweet song.

How awareness is in love with
the silent observant soul!

Aware in silence

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Aug 2023 · 56
Our special Time
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
They’ll never be another you or another
me, only we shall be as one like all of us were
meant to be.

Though we have no idea why this should happen
to us all, we have no way of changing lives in the
way, it will soon become.

We must try to smile and help others and take
care of the world we still live in, it will not
be a memory in the future to come.

Don't waste your time confused, time does not
stop for answers, just moving on, second by
second without one thought in mind.

(Now is the time)

Walk your walk, talk your talk, love your love
with all your heart, it will not be lived in vain
only in the minutes left to close your eyes
saying good-bye.

This is our time to live, love, and pray, there is
no time left than the time you have, this very
special moment of moments. Our special

Capture those special times that made a difference
in your life, it made you happy and you manifested
happiness to the fullest.

If you do just one special act that shines through the
darkest clouds, you know you have almost finished
your mission before you go!

Our special time is now, so live it with an open heart
with enough love to flourish.

(Now is your special time)

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Jul 2023 · 84
Her and her Shadow
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
She walked with her shadow, along the grassy lanes
peace-filled mind picking sugar plums among
wildflowers and berries, never had she felt
so at home among nature's beauty.

Now with pen in hand, she writes down her feelings
how she came about to find this transforming peace
that seemed to grow stronger each day.

Each drop that fell upon her face in the fresh
Summer rain was like a breeze kissing her cheek.

She spends her summers among God's beauty, and winters
among the rushed crowds working to save enough for
her summers by a lake shimmering with diamonds, when
the moon was full.

“Her paradise she called it”.

She roamed free for three months, swam in the streams by
the great Niagara wrote her feelings down in her journal
of life, (her diary of thoughts), she named it.

She never felt so worthy of God's love when she roamed
among nature, she caressed nature tenderly, her love
of loves, giving her a song only she heard from within.

Her little bit of heaven on earth.

Taken from my
"Heart's Expressions" Collection

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
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