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1d · 15
we are happy..
we are happy..
we are sad..
lily laughs..

mental health-
what a conumdrum!
but not funny-

if you re lost,
in confusion,
and pain..

but the answer!-
is between our eyes
gentle as the rain..


like the grass,
(whitman knew..)
like the truth-

shoot,i can be
identity..(x-ray specs)
2d · 119
why do i write?

why do i write?
to remember
not to forget
that is a fear

as one ages..
one thing leads to
music helps..

and not-
to be fixed
or crucified
to the moment..

somewhere between
young and old
now and then

is fun..
but kind of painful

sometimes not
sometimes there is hope
and ambition
love and hate..


i like to write
drink tea
and sing..

as old as man
in my cave..
3d · 18

i was ****** lily laughs
but why bother i ask you
if not for lot´s of money
and applause..

the green room of god
the creative urge and you
know so effing bored
and look at this-

pip pip another rejection
not suitable..!?

(a suitable epitaph..)
they called me
a star..
is a star is a star..


dancing under the stars
i say lord above
out and out
savage loved

once but that
is enough
3d · 21
why do i write?
why do i write?
breathing will not
3d · 23
why do i write?
why do i write?
because i can´t..
3d · 16
why do i write?
why do i write?
because i can´t stop..
why do i breath
why not plop!
5d · 17

you are going to get us
i can see that one coming
they say-they say-

you can see the future?
(i was about to say
kudos to hello poetry
for their tolerance..)

i think it is intuition
she sniffs..
and what may that be?
wait a tic

i will consult the dictionary..
that is spooky erm stuff!?
what about subconscious


suggestion or coincidence
or just wishful thinking

guessing or a superstition
knowing-ancient power
man nature together..


o lily they will burn thee
for a witch
your heart of straw

we itch..
go further-go further
the sparks will fly

the night will howl-
pretty and clever
we see the past..
6d · 21

i like that one lily
but it has to blend
with your geraniums
and how to bake the perfect

apple pie -your stars
where to stay in crete
(and it does n´t..)
i stayed in crete-

it was so cheap!
we rented a house-
how many could sleep
in so small a place..?

sleeping on the roof
under the stars
pretty enough?
communal meals..

and to the dance
under the stars
lovely but no


they don´t want to hear
about your sordid excesses

i have to write what i
have to write
there would be no point

in writing about flowers
and lonely hours
and why you left

(that is obvious)
leaving me bereft
i went

because you imbibed
howled and cried
-i am not perfect

but i came back
what is worst-living
with you or with-out..

i don´t know, skin up and
we will consider
bless her..
7d · 22
i was kept in isolation
to the language of god
i am nothing-nothing
but nothing is hot..

and it is easy to be
happy when i don´t exist
that would explain why
i´m ****** and half-******..

there was a line or point
not easy to say in my mind
when crossed dash reached
i felt no pain..

it was silent
it did not exist
i thought well this is alright!?-
when ****** and half ******..
May 3 · 31
Michael John May 3

and finally-what is the
primary objective of the poet?-
to say what they have
to say
and to be read

to change the world for
the better
to earn their daily bread..
to colour..

with their cosmic pencil
not neccessarily true-life
but what might be..
or emptiness´s fill..

despair to love
to hope from nil
and even for the love
of the alien-
to make money..


here we have left space for
some of you poems, lily
something unknown
love you soon..
Michael John May 2
-and yet i am like a clock
that loses a second every millenium
(put that under worst

do you consider your life
a success?
yes..i like to feed the ducks
simple things..

best memory
too many..
worst-being cursed
by the sparrows..

although we hold a
fretful truce
and they have been
my rescue..

do you think they will
print this ******* lily-
may-be..they will pay..
May 1 · 20
what was that?
Michael John May 1

what was that?
o some questions need
answering-only real terms
need apply-

at glastonbury?
o dryads and that..questions?
why do i like poetry
why is there so much trouble

in the world-effed if i know..
we think we are in a dream..
in the doors of perception

relates his experience of
for the first time
a coffee table..

(or some furniture
i don´t remember..)
quite remarkable
what is real..


but some think it dull
some automatic repetition
you should see the great
red devils-?!

if you sit in your room
and consider your navel,,
some questions-
who do i admire?

too many to mention-
***** and the maytals
aldous huxley

my uncle ron
allowed only to play
his guitar in the bathroom

he left the door open
frankie and johnnie
gently drifted
while i dressed for school..

your first poem?
o the owl and the pussycat!
the last poem?
this one..


it is raining and marley
sings of love for god
it is hard to be unhappy

so i am not..
the cats listen patiently
sweet smell of earth..


worst habit?
i don´t know..
i loathe to repeat
Apr 30 · 24
Michael John Apr 30

the telephone rings-
four minutes left!
what is your thinking
there is only death!?

-i will look into your eyes
forget the dread
and cry-
let us go to our bed..?!

let us hold hands
let us not mourn
let us rejoice
we are re-born..!


the telephone rings..
lily looks bereft-
it´s bad news!
i know it!

i will not..i can´t..!
it is a thing!!
i will-what?!
a premonition..?

four minutes to live!
soon be dead!
(o it was brief..
o boil an egg..)

it is the lsd
i been there
believe me..


at glastonbury-
the telephone rings-

evening news-
is that lily the muse
we want to interview you
i am immortal..

good,we´ll send you some questions
and you reply if youre agreeable
with some of your work
should be in the magazine this

week-end-i am god..
ok..then..normal terms apply..
Apr 29 · 7
Michael John Apr 29

   you touch on the duality
of laughter and tears-even
when you laugh the sadness
does not leave your eyes..

she says, she does not write
pointless-in you there is
hurt that will never be ex-

like a child they were one
but for you nothing..
you will fish
the last thought of dying..


sorry i spoke
sorry i breathed
sorry for sorry..

funny word
repeat it
what you got..
Apr 28 · 111
i would like therapy
Michael John Apr 28
i would like therapy
i would like to be a tree
(i am lily..)

i would like international
i would like to be paid..

i would like a comfortable bed
love and understanding

i would like to be young
no,i would n´t
yes, i would..


i am lily
i am free
as a breeze..

it´s just not funny
the tears run dry
what will be..
Apr 28 · 27
a time of learning
Michael John Apr 28

a time of learning..
and incredulity..
a time of non stop

how it could be?
how a stone goes plop!

in the cool pool of time
and washes your life up
on some distant shore..

where you stagger about
sea **** in your ear
salted with doubt!

(like a bunny-hop..)
and you think well i never
saw that coming..


and you sit minding
your own
(maybe a little ******!)

and come it done-
(everyone knew but you)
and that was the end..
Apr 27 · 32
Michael John Apr 27

i meant to stay a week
23 years ago
i was heading east
sleeping on a strecher so-

such is life..
i kind of found belief
enough just to know
a time of plenty..
Apr 23 · 26
Michael John Apr 23
indeed,we would all be
insane if it were not for

the destruction of kali?!
-the imagination of harbour´s
safe haven..
Apr 23 · 21
Michael John Apr 23
one of your angry ones´
i like to let rip occasionally

creation can be release..
like what to
could be hit by a bus..
Apr 23 · 19
Michael John Apr 23
why do you expect something
from me
do i owe you something

you would n´t give me
the pickings from your nose
if i was starving..
Apr 22 · 11
Michael John Apr 22
poetry is not like
a bus and yet-
lily taps her foot

when i alight
upon the light
and the lights

go ping-
the driver asks
if i want a ticket

and where i would go?
i think of goa
and all the other

pretty places-
i consider space
within and without..

i consider him
his shining dome
general design

after all my life
his hands..
change-(that word

again..)and up a
while accelerating!

and breaking
up and back and

above the trees
the brown plowed

to sit at my seat
like boiled owl
lick my ice cream cone..
Apr 20 · 24
every man
Michael John Apr 20
every man must have at least
a place he can go-
(crime and punishment)

fearful sentiment..
may i never know
and you also..
Apr 20 · 22
poetry is not like
Michael John Apr 20
poetry is not like
a bus or anything like
it lily spits-

unless,crayoned purple
yellow and red

with love and pride
sun tree and seagull..
on the fridge..
Apr 19 · 17
he was..
Michael John Apr 19
he was the epitomy of
the tortured poet-
too dumb to spell
but innocent and beautiful..

(the harder he cried
the more we laughed..)
until it was all too much
for his genius..

resorting to monologue
reasoned to us:
his philantropic motives
his life´s work

(but he just wanted ***
of course)
as he championed every fashionable

hated by all his friends
and loved by absolutely none
he never capitulated
never gave an inch

(unless there was ***)
and there was his mother
everyone liked..
only child

just a little boy
read us a poem, rick..
take no notice-
be yourself..!
Apr 17 · 35
what to do
Michael John Apr 17
what to do
when the plug undo

three pieces quickly
become tears..
a space ship

a spinning top
the centre of the

with centrifugal connotation..
and there is me-
Michael John Apr 16

i can´t eat your smiles
or your silences
(we have been down

this road..)
for how many years..
lily, here is reality-


reality is boring-
in a tea-shirt-
you don´t work-

you don´t eat..
(and if there is no


we signed on-
about 19 pounds a

a giro came once
a fortnight
usually on a friday..


(we were lucky?!)
it was kind of boring
it was hard to know

what to do-
there was the punk

(about the only thing
that made me feel

a girlfriend slapped
me with a book-
crime and punishment

so i read it-guilt and
sickness but no internet-
the future looked grim..


war raged (unofficially
of course)
things got rather *****

i said eff this lily
and went to greece
where i knew nothing..
Apr 15 · 21
i can´t
Michael John Apr 15
i can´t..
(no,you can´t)
does n´t matter

how clever..
well i might roam india
with loving bowl

shave my head
and save my soul
meet beautiful people..!


like a blue bird
-life is magical
(that´s an option)

choice is imperative
open winged
through the midnight..
Apr 15 · 17
Michael John Apr 15

i get bored with the clever
(not trevor)
but they whom look down

from no particular height
(i have an opinion
just like them)

i say light
they say dark
reactionary, lily..


not you-

say money..
now live without..
Apr 13 · 34
if i am bored
Michael John Apr 13
if i am bored
i think of colour
nothing in paticular..
Apr 13 · 25
on a stone
Michael John Apr 13
on a stone:
i was bored..
t´was time!
(of two-four..)

but i waltzed around*-
head a cloud and
now i´ve gone..
-too a bone..
*triple time
Michael John Apr 11
is boredom a modern malaise
asks lily painting her toes
or the privilege of kings and queens

from days of yore..
expectation thwarted-
am i bored and don´t know it..

bored again-is it a
tunnel to be traversed
for some a curse

and others unknown
what bores you
quite interests me..

your passion
my yawn
blow on these..


an animal

can be..
some indeed
choose rather to die..
Michael John Apr 10
tommy our cat has nothing
to do-has he read the small print?
what you put in
you get out..

my father said the same to me
the flowers in my window
are my soul freed
what to do..
Michael John Apr 9

a song
seventies kitsch
how long..

one of them
made us wonder

not when-
thousands of years
of civilization

three minutes to
the same name

as the clown-
god or the devil
up and down..
Michael John Apr 9

you´re not very tolerant
the devil got in..

through a panel..
i thought i was going up
but was stationary!?

(well it happens..)
a child with teddy
in hand..

something went
wrong-lights went out
and hysterics ensued

there stood a strange
reciting strange words

a man called stu
it was called
so i hid..
Michael John Apr 9
stuck in a lift
with stu
what to say!

a title..
lily ***** her pencil
he recites his poem-

a poem within
a poem within
a poem..

love within love
within a lift..

you think-think
can it get any worse
and the lights go out..
Michael John Apr 8

two characters in fiction
compare the modern day
to the medieval:

bells, says lily-chimes
any event of import
was announced by a peal

or a single knell..
and today?

ok..what else?
-bling and excess
jewellery on eels!

an addiction to mythologies
-in computer games
star trek and such

love(the legend of arther)
designed to free but
enslaved by babble..!

for the renaissance!
advanced by english..

there was no detail
no grey area

it was either
good or evil..
punishment absolute..

god or the devil
cruelty unbounded
and now..?
Apr 4 · 84
silence is of course
Michael John Apr 4
silence is of course
only silence
and does not bother me
one way or another

but perhaps you might
comment on my poem
or am i all alone
an opel stone..

a thumb up or
a heart or tears
(do they have that one)
or don´t bother..
Apr 4 · 27
silence is of course
Michael John Apr 4
silence is of course
a lost horse-
what with the noise

and cars and power-
tools and telephones
and all the rest..
more is truly less..
Apr 4 · 21
silence is of course
Michael John Apr 4
silence is of course
the best-
(here,we say it always

it does not really have
a sound
though it is said sometimes
to deafen

is there really such a
in the desert or
in space

in my heart
there is always  some
or perhaps an echo..
Apr 3 · 22
no need for artists
Michael John Apr 3
no need for artists
any more
(they were a pain
any how..)

1234-i want a
something to rely

to the inevitable
love is dull
here´s to how..
Michael John Apr 2
-there is enough space
enough rope
many ways
love and hope

there are enough days
nice word
now, legalized dope

in germany!
there will be teething problems-

how to say that?!
i remember down the reeper bahn
you could walk into a bar
and buy a spliff-

so what´s the difference
i don´t know
have a dance man..
forget about it..
Michael John Apr 1

when the performance dies,
and there is no aplause,
what then?

perhaps, we point to ourselves,
(just once)
and say,****,

it´s us!
stop the train
i want to get off..


who wants to pay, lily,
(not me)
we all want free-

the difference between
avoiding and evasion
and stealing..

is a hair on your ***
nice eastertime?


yes,it rained
so i played mandolin
(or tried)

watched old movies
and argued
so on..
Mar 28 · 99
soup iii
Michael John Mar 28

i have been making
pots of soup for forty years
now (and still not bored)

they are like writing
(each differs)
poetry-every word..

time is ticking
salt like tears
and the pepper o lord..


all the signs in-
and questioned ear
a bubbling sword

o the wine!
vegetables to fear
green and red..



the sun whirls..
in my soup..


it did become a trifle
(to tell the truth)

but with a spliff
and a song to sing
time renews..


order can not be ignored
(you just can not begin
at the end..)

acceptance and love
(and try not to cut
your finger off..)


and then they will ask-
what it is
and you won´t know and

they will say
what is in it
and you can´t recall..

(they may seem ungratful)
but it is substantial
bellies full..


more the merrier
(some one gets your plaster..)
soup is never dull..

o under the stars
gets better
long ago then..
Mar 27 · 27
soup (ii)
Michael John Mar 27

nothing beats kindness
one for gravy stones
all alone

lily smiles,
i thought i might go
through the vowels

but hunger and without
got me..

i imagine a world without
(and what food has become)


once only the rich were fat
a hobby or passion
we eat gold

and try to thin..
the price of an onion
tears are sold

the price a cocked
nothing remains

instead of roundabouts
we might eat
but not

(they might go round

and the numbers climb
i heard talk of

they said nothing
what price

a bowl of soup?
i can make one
for one euro..
Mar 25 · 17
Michael John Mar 25
(hey well a
a poem of soup
a soup of poem
if only
only if
salt and p
pepper and s
bread so crunchy
crunchy bread
hot and spicy
thick and red
thick or thin
in my belly
on me chin
down  and down...
soup for you!
soup for me!
(enough said..)
Mar 22 · 38
i put an e..
Michael John Mar 22
i put an e string on an old
guitar yesterday
we used words like stretch
and fray..

and then the ****** sky
turned orange
and that is one of the words
that nothing rhymes

with..and thats alright
for tomorrow
there is free paella!
Mar 21 · 25
Michael John Mar 21

many thought e was the answer
lily examines her hair
well,that was yesterday

and today..
the generation of mdma
how do they fair..?


hard to say what might
have been-
easy to dream

cornered in the dance tent
lifes spent
o middle aged..
Mar 20 · 11
Michael John Mar 20
someone lost a feather
how many beans make five

the beginning of eternity
the end of time or space
the beginning of every end
and the end of every place..

the answer lily
is e-
now we have the string

we would say:
how long is a piece of
(which is probably

nearer the truth)
if your an eagle
(or a sparrow)
then be..
Mar 18 · 23
Michael John Mar 18
he does appear an amiable
kind of chap-
not a genius!

but looks are often deceiving..
though anyone who sees angels
is aces..


perhaps, he said that
to sell paintings-
angels are passe

now of course
how do we promote
ourselves today?


their is a saying
that says
if you want the world

(and everything in it)
to know (a secret)
go whisper it up a mountain..


get an agent
or have a big ***
*** says lily..
Mar 17 · 25
Michael John Mar 17
what is so great about blake
i can just look at his pictures
lost in the non existents-
faces from night-mares

and genius..evil and
innocence-it is said,
he is a supreme draftsman
(by those who know..)but

(he was largely unrecognised)
see how dodgey the art world is!
failure only a matter of life and
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