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 Dec 2019 lavendersky
My heart feels like
it's about to shut down
from all the truths
that only I know

People view me
as kind
with empathy

Yet once they witness
my darker side
this inner demon
that is always
a few steps behind me

Once they see
the ashes and smeared blood
tainted within my mind andĀ heart

I am once again alone
alone to pick up the piecesĀ 
of a love that never was
I never claimed to be a beautiful soul.
I never asserted that I love everyone.
I am not the idea you invented in your mind,
a projection of an ideal.
I am merely a puzzle of flaws and synchronized sins.
Missing a few pieces and searching under couches for myself.
I try to write the most beautiful of things in hopes that I will find myself in them one of these days.
Last night I dreamt of you,
you tied strings to the corners of my mouth and
showed me that love isn't always synonymous with loss.
Your soul danced the way we did when we were kids playing in the backyard,
decorated with iridescent imagination.
You always had a knack for delaying the sunset and coloring the rain.

Did you feel that,
the earth quaking to its knees?
You had this way of dropping your atomic eyes to convince me we were unstoppable and we are all that I would ever need.

I will always be that old weathervane left in the backyard.
Oh how I wish you were here so I could dissect your winds and
wait for you to blow back my way.
Dedicated to Hannah Michelle Williams.
My childhood best friend that passed away in October 2005, only 5 months after we graduated high school.
I taste words on everything.
Read stories in every silence
and make art
out of every glance.
The broken will always feel the drift of art more.
Because once you've been numb to unreal pain,
you learn to appreciate anything that nudges you to breathe again.
His eyes cloudy grey
Storms clouds once, tired now
Breathes like sand bags
Heavy and damp
Slowly holding in a flood
Ragdoll in the wind
He falls, limp and lost
I hold- til sleep
Inspiration- 'Asleep' by the Smiths (
Charlie- this ones for you
Baby blue blur
The dolls eyes are wet
Darling, please
Trying, begging again
Gripping tight, letting go
But it haunts
Cries are like smoke
Nightmares never fade
Abstract again. Just wanted to take this time to thank everyone so much for their kind comments on youth. I never thought I'd receive a daily poem. I feel completely honoured. It's my favourite poem as well! :) Thanks again , Skye
Do you always speak in poetry?
Steamy breath swirls in the
Stagnant air, my hair hangs
Dusty smudges itching
Under paper skin
No, I breathed
Eyes shut, eyes open
The words dance, I hear their
Ethereal whispers, muffled
By masks and heavy cloaks
I miss you.
I miss you poetry, it's been a long time since I've actively been writing and something a friend said to me really sparked a flame in me again.
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